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Basketball Court


Level 99


18th August, 2020

WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I would like to suggest a basketball court outside of school. I'm not sure if anyone has requested this yet. Making it easier on us on the Basketball Team to practice Basketball during non-school hours. Instead of having to go through the sewers, or even so /carry someone into the school. With the new tunnel idea added in. I was thinking if there was space to either put the court there by any chance, or wherever on the map. It would help us on the Basketball Team to practice, especially with tournaments coming up.

Lastly, since i'm bringing up Basketball Courts now. I also want to suggest a bit of a fix onto the court. Some people are having issues when they leave the court, their inventory gets cleared. Another thing that I've seen that has happened is, players are able to glitch the ball out, where it'll make the court lose their ball, where the courts wouldn't be playable, and we'll have to constantly get staff to report it. Lastly, before we have tournaments. Some of us on the Basketball Team sees that the teams aren't really fair. When you're on a blue team, and either side scored a ball into the hoop, and you get re-spawned. On blue teams you're faced the other way where you aren't facing the ball compared to red teams you're faced towards the ball, which gives that team an advantage on being able to score.

[IMAGES IF ANY] Instead of an image here is a video of what I mean about how the team is unfair.

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