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BberryThePirate's Humanities (Law) Professor Application!


Level 0

What is your Minecraft username?:

What is your time zone?:
I live under the time zone of Easter Central Time or EST

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)


Link all previous applications you made on the server:

[No-Response] BberryThePirate's Reporter Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
[Denied] Denied - Themeandad2 Professor Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
[Accepted] Bberrythepirate's Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server Themeandad2's Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server Themeandad2's Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:

During the week I average about 6-10 hours but start later in the day. Where on weekends I average a bit more time but start way earlier!

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

I started Roleplaying about 8ish years ago and started RE-playing SRP as of December, I've stayed consitant with roleplaying and focusing on more charecter devolopement the more I play and when I came back to I started applying to family's and got accepted into a few, and been wanting to further immerse myself into SchoolRP with a Faction and I thought this could be my way into that more immersive Faction Roleplay!

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

Main ACC: Leonardo"Leo" Watcher [Grade-12][Baseball] Tobais "Tobi"Winters [Grade-12]
Alt ACC: Natasha Takada-Stark [Grade-12] Bernadette Laboure [Grade-12] (applying-slot)

What is the subject you want to teach?

I would like to teach Law, which falls under the Humanities department!


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

Like i said a bit higher up I would like to emerse myself into a faction and the faction im most interested in is Faculty, Mostly Proffesor if i had to pick a branch. I think teaching ICLY could be a fun little thing I also want to be able to contribute to the Faculty team and Teach College students that actually like to learn and attend lectures well also giving those that want to know knowledge ICLY and maybe oocly who knows!!

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

Make Believe Court-Case, I would hope to host this class in two parts, The first part selecting the situation and preparring the second being The actual TRIAL. In the first class I would present three topics, THIRD DEGREE MURDER, BREAKING AND ENTERING and finally CORRUPTION, They would then take a vote as to which they want to do, Next they would select TWO people for each side a defendant the defendant's lawyer, Then they would also pick two for the Plantiff and the plantiff's lawyer. I would then hopefully in a perfect world give them the Lunch period to prep for the coming case allowing period 4 to be the TRIAL, I would act as if I was the judge having selected TWO students to run the duties of goveners, At the end of class I will give the winning sides LAWYER and Defendant Or Plantiff a REWARD STICKER.

This lesson would withold but would NOT be limited to these steps of trial

Opening Statement: The opening statement is the first part of the court case allowing them to inform the Judge and OR Jury of what they are pitching guilty Or Not, meaning they open informing on the case and THEIR perspective.

Presentation Of Evedence: This is where the Judge will ask if either side has any evidence to present, IF so she they would ask them to present said evidence and what it means circumstantiol for the case.

Cross Examination: Both sides here will get a turn to argue against the others case and evidence, Allowing them to Soften their case, Leading to HOPEFULY a win for their side on the case, Cross examination is ONE of the MOST important steps.

Closing Arguements: This step will allow BOTH sides to give a FINAL argument against each other, Hopefully Slamming the case shut for THEIR side, Hopefully winning leading into the RELEASE or extended CAPTURE of their Client or the OTHER side's client.

2. SCENARIO CLASS, I would have a student of MY choice roll a 20-sided die having a spreadsheet as to which number is to which Scenario Examples being: A unwarrented Search, Lawful Or Not? Or another being a LAWYERS SPEECH, I would give a small banter unlike one of a lawyer for a lawsuit or trial with at LEAST three flaws and ask the students to POINT these FAULTS Out for me and the rest of the class the FIRST three to be able to CORRECTLY point out a fault earning REWARD STICKERS for their participation. Then I would hopefully give them homework based off of the certain scenario that was showed in class. \

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
LAWSUIT OBSERVATIONS: This field trip might be a troublesome one to plan but worth it for those who truly want to learn via OBSERVATION, This would be hopefully timed during a Lawsuit or TRIAL where i can bring a select few college students to the Town House to observe a Ongoing TRIAL where we will upon re-arrival to the school discuss what we thought of the case and how we expected it to turn out and WHY?!?!


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

*She would be taking a leusarially stroll down the cold halls of karakura high school and college when she comes upon Spartan JOCKS?!?!? bullying a Bobcat jock* Hello Kind jocks i'd love if you depart *IF THEY DON'T* Now Now, Failure to follow my request and I will call fellow faculty members to assist in sepparating you three, and i bet SLT would be EAGER to take care of this themselves *she smiled as she watched them HOPEFULLY depart*

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

*she would share a sincere smile and gaze at them before muttering a simple response* The only person your troubling or delaying is yourself you know that? The more time you spend asking questions the less you spend on your task which means the longer your in here, Which dosen't trouble me at all im a teacher little one what do you think i have better to do then supervise a troublesome young student do or rather NOT do their simple task. *she shot yet another smile darting her eyes at theirs awaiting their response*

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

Now Now, You poor empathetical children must think the world Revolves around you... *she shot a glance simply smiling at them* Now if you do i'd like to know WHY you think this, If not i'd like to ask you to IMMEDIATLY stop or detention will be given- *she sat by one who claimed the world was revolved around themselve* Now, Share why don't you why do you think such a simple Hallucnation!?!

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

*she would put a hand to the conveienent megaphone to her waist not grabbing or lifting it* Please Disperese before I have to call for back up and SLT because im sure they wont enjoy wasting their break on THIS, *her grip on the megaphone tightened not yet unholstering it* Please step back before I am FORCED to call staff and SLT and We start breaking out detentions, Perhaps it will result in Suspension, and if you're in college perhaps a Step down in education (PHD->M) (M->B) (B->Grade-12) *she felt as if an empty threat was neccessary and perhaps JUST what they needed to be encourage to split this fight*


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Chinatsu K. Watcher, Your gaze entrapped on this woman shorter than most but her hair long and lustrous, A good look of a Lighter brown hair with strips of Blonde and a small Hour Glass figure as she passed she seemed to have a great grasp on movement as if she was a ballerina dancing throughout the halls her happy and kind nature gleaming out at you. She's quite outgoing but can be shy and somewhat oblivius when it comes to love.

She she's her fellow co-workers not as a tool but a helpful resource to guide her on the path to success as she does the same for them, her co-workers are her 2nd family a home away from the solidarity of her own Homestead, her nature revealed to them she enjoys her time with her co-workers often suggesting time to hang out OUTSIDE of the workplace not wanting their relationship to dull over time of just being work friends hoping to make them more then co-workers that term so dull she prefers Friends Of many talents.

She see's students as the KEY to the next generation the next step twoards humanity only wanting the best for her students reaching out to those who seem to be struggling hoping that she can assist them in a better understanding of what is being taught even if it isn't HER classes she dosen't like struggling students she will do all she can to assist them to achieve a higher understanding wanting to AID them in becoming the best they can for the next generation needs it's mentors all the same we did when we were their age.

Next Steps, as she has already worked her best to get her law degree she wants only to help others striving twoards that goal an easier path twoards that degree. She hopes to when older and has the wonderful experience of being a proffesor under her belt that she can become a lawyer to help the innocent away from unjust punishment. But she gets entrapped in the workplace only wanting to succeed which is what could make her such a great educator if only she knew what she was capable of instead of only inflicting judgement to herself.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

When she was younger she was adopted by the wonderful watcher family who only wanted her to succeed allowing her to strive in the workplace and in her classes quickly taking her PHD in Law Practices But then her mental state took a small crash she thought back to when she had started this venture realising maybe it isnt prosucteing law that she wants to do perhaps its the teaching of law so others can practice it in the just way she has wanted to and practice law in what way THEY see fit rather it be in the classroom or in the courtroom or maybe as an adivsor in a firm for those who share the same intrest or have legal questions or concerns.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

Chinatsu Kagami (K.) Watcher is the name don't over use it though!

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

I'd prefer to be called Doctor For I am the owner of a PHD but truly Miss Would suffice just as well!

Given Name(s):

i've been given many nicknames in my years CHI CHI or Summer, someone once called me Thousand Island Sauce once that was the least appreciated

Preferred Name:

Preferred, I would like to be called Doctor Watcher by non-friends or family but for co-workers friends family They can call me Summer or Chinatsu


i was born 32 years ago making me about Thirty-Two I would say

Gender & pronouns:

I am a woman, I prefer the pronouns She/Her

Religious Denomination:

I am of the christain denomination!

Marital Status:

I am not of marriage, I am sadly single but ready to uh... Mingle. Maybe i honestly don't know-


I am Aisan, Born and raised in the lovely Japan.

Current Location:

I am living one town over from karakura, I have a place I can move into if accepted into this career

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

I taught pre-law in a highschool for three years prior to coming here!

Working Experience (# of years):

I have been working since i was 18, So about fourteen years working, even if at first it was only side jobs/
Academic Degree:

I have a Doctorate or a PHD in Law, with a master's in psychology

Year of Graduation:

2017, is when a graduated from college for my PHD


I majored in two subjects, Law and Psychology


I minored in three subjects, Art and Astrophysics

Native Languages:

I speak Japanese, Due to being raised here in japan, I also know JSL due to studying so I could communicate with the Deaf of japan!

Other Languages:

None Currently but willing to learn them!

Preferred Teaching Subject:

I enjoy teaching law mostly of all subjects


Additional notes about your application (if any):
I had a great time filling out this application I hope its better than the last one, I do hope to join the ranks of this faction, But if I dont make it in I hope to Re-Apply.
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