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Better chances on standoffs to kpd and BMD Events


Level 5
What's your Minecraft Username?: RushTX
What's the title of your suggestion?: Better chances on standoffs to kpd

What's your suggestion?:
Verified gang leads and BMD being able to roll 200. I feel like this would add more fear icly and oocly, it would also add more intensity into gang events and even things with kpd. BMD being experienced in combat and weapons and them HAVING to defend themselves if someone attacks, they also have to defend there crates if someone tries and steals it. Making it HARDER for the person to get away that is stealing the crates. Onto the VGM leads being able to roll 200. I know it seems unfair but I think it should be a thing. The fact that they are the talk of the town, being the strongest gang of them all. All the effort and work put in by that lead would show the experience of knowledge and combat skills.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
better gangrp and more events


Level 20
You have a point - Verified Gang leads are supposed to be feared and strong, and so are BMD’s. honestly, as long as it’s only the gang leads and BMDS, and they are trusted, it could work.


Level 88
Community Team
Event Team
KPD is not meant to be fought, and even so you can easily win a fight against someone that has a higher roll chance (speaking from experience)


Level 76
I get your points but as someone who has been on both sides, criminal and KPD, KPD aren't meant to be fought, they are meant to be feared and avoided. KPD is meant to be geared up with things that are to help us not get attacked and stop criminals. Plus how are we supposed to know ICly someone is of that position without someone telling us or something for your fearRP of them? The point is that KPD isn't supposed to know you are a criminal let alone a high position ranking one or a BMD and the point of KPD is to stop the criminals from doing illegal activites.


Level 36

Hi! BMD here!! Allowing BMDs & Verified Gang Leads to roll out of 200 seems a bit unneeded :(

I (and many others) actively avoid KPD when doing openings/etc. so I really do not see a need for this. Further, as many people have stated before this, KPD are meant to be feared and avoided! They’re not there to be fought, they’re there to act as a deterrent.

In regard to your point about crates and being “stronger” — no. My BMD is probably one of the weakest ones, has very little combat experience, and rolling out of 200 isn’t realistic for him at all. You have to remember KPD go through extensive training and whatnot, and they’re a deterrent!! Hence why 200!!! Hence!!!!!!!


Level 61
Teacher Lead
3D Modelling Team
i think if u need rolls to make ppl scared then maybe your character isn’t all that scary
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Level 5
Thread starter

Hi! BMD here!! Allowing BMDs & Verified Gang Leads to roll out of 200 seems a bit unneeded :(

I (and many others) actively avoid KPD when doing openings/etc. so I really do not see a need for this. Further, as many people have stated before this, KPD are meant to be feared and avoided! They’re not there to be fought, they’re there to act as a deterrent.

In regard to your point about crates and being “stronger” — no. My BMD is probably one of the weakest ones, has very little combat experience, and rolling out of 200 isn’t realistic for him at all. You have to remember KPD go through extensive training and whatnot, and they’re a deterrent!! Hence why 200!!! Hence!!!!!!!
then thats odd, im stating like i said they need to be more feared so people can stop attempting to mug bmd or even if they wanna do it it would strike more fear. . And kpd doesn't really get any action so that would kickstart that more maybe


Level 185
News Lead

The whole thing about being a BMD is yes, you're scary, but because you work in the shadows. You have people work for you to do the dirty work. But in the end, they're still normal people. Don't have to go through training and rigorous exams to make sure they can prove their worth. Working like that rarely even requires a normal 150 roll.

For Gang Leads, it's the same thing. Sometimes they're scary and buff, as are most characters on SRP. But, often enough, those at the head of it are more focused on intel retrieval and gathering. Smart gangs know, to keep their lead in the back, so avoid the structure from dying.

KPD is supposed to have that slight advantage, why it should be the goal to avoid confrontation with them!


Level 29

ill put it in a really simple why as to why i dont like this

if BMDs were able to roll 200, Cap would be hunting them down like its rabbit season


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.

- KPD should be feared and avoided. They have an advantage as 9 times out of 10 there's more of you then there are them, they're highly trained, and they're a deterrent not another gang. Why commit a Crime in roleplay if you're just going to get caught? There's plenty more opportunities coming that don't involve constantly 'rivaling' KPD.​

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