Level 83

"Listen, smartass, you want to kill a corrupt financer, be my guest. You kill a cop, it's a job safety issue."

Rudimentary Information
Forename: Vince
Surname: Murray
Monikers: Several aliases are retained by Vince, the most common being "Detective" or "Sir" when around his colleagues. "Jackass" when around his ex-wives.
Endorsed Names: "Detective" or "Murray" settle best.
Date of Birth (D.O.B): June 19th, 1986.
Place of Birth (P.O.B): Times Square, Manhattan, New York.

Additional Rudimentary Information
Key Childhood Experiences: Due to being abused as a kid, Vince's memory and emotional control suffer.
Key Teenage Experiences: After years of hard work, graduating from school was and will always remain an accomplishment to Vince.
Work History: Service in the United States Military for eight-years, commencing in 2000 as a private and ending in 2008 as a Sergeant First Class.
Skills: An expert detective, marksman, and a skilled hand-to-hand combatant.
Phobias/Fears: Suffering atelophobia, Vince fears imperfection.
Bad Habits/Vices: Too much of the wrong food. May or may not be the only person who roleplays the consequences of bad eating.
Quirks: Easily annoyed, paces back and forth when thinking.
Motivation: A police officer's job is never routine. Vince is a joy junkie, enjoys the thrill of being in the field.
Style of Speech: Speaks like Harvey Bullock from Gotham.

General Appearance
Height: 5 ft. 10 in.
Weight: 78 KG.
Hair Color: Light brown.
Hair Length: Shorthair.
Eye Color: Brown.
Handedness: Right-handedness.
Tattoos/Marks: An unknown tattoo located on his shoulder.
Jewelry: One silver ring on his ring finger.
Tattoos/Marks: An intriguing tattoo located under his forearm. An additional tattoo on his back reading, "God Bless America"

Vince manages to maintain a good relationship with both of his sons, Robin Blackshear and Eryk Laski.
Vince has an iffy relationship with his colleagues at work, often in trouble for harassment and altercations, he has found himself in.

He's precise, impulsive and impatient. But there's more than this to somebody with his unsettling past.

Vince Murray was born in Manhattan, New York to a middle-class family in a developed community. He lived comfortably until he was about fifteen years old, but at that point, life changed.
To be continued...
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