This format was created by @23r3 & @fobi and I’m very grateful to have been given permission to use it by one of them. Thank you to @han as well for the banners.
I’ll be updating this pretty frequently (if I remember to) as Elora herself develops with IC events. Anything that Elora doesn’t know herself will be redacted. Then, of course, nothing on this is to be used ICly; For the famous phrase was once said as ‘Find out ICly’

Narumi Umeda
Elora, Elora-lora, Lora
College Sophmore
Height - 165.1cm (5’5”)
Weight - 125lbs
Karakura, Japan
October 3rd, 2000
Ren Umeda (Mother)
Kenzou Umeda (Father)
Aoyama Umeda (Sister)
Momose Umeda-H (Sister)
Murasaki Umeda (Sister)
Misaki Umeda (Niece)
Zise Hamilton (Niece)
Yeosun C. Hamilton (Niece)
Elena Hamilton (Niece)
Ryuichi K. A. Umeda (Nephew)
'MOMOTAROU' - A girl her age that she met over the internet, they had similar interests which led them to soon become friends. She never told anybody about her online friendship, but she adored her. In recent days, they've grown apart.
Yamato Ozaki - He was exactly like the brother Elora never had- When she's with him, it's always something. . Odd, not in a bad way. She's only recently started speaking with him but has connected almost instantly. Coming home sometimes to some of his wacky shena****ns-- Like him flipping her couch. Nonetheless; Since the day he saw him jump not only into a pile of chairs but into a bush. Elora loved him like family, a bond that wouldn't be broken.
Kurashiro Kurosuyokui - The love of her life, to never meet again. A relationship that could have possibly been ruined by Narumi's breakdown- But, it is a book left open.
??? - A new friendship she's made, her old life has been left behind- to blossom a new beginning with new people! She met her at her new school, she's taken Narumi around the entire town. Shown the goods and evils of her new life. A reason for Narumi to keep ongoing.
Ex-Cheer Captain
Ex-Sorority President
Ex-Club Leader
Chaotic Neutral
‘It's usually associated with everyone acting like a Large Ham, but it's actually about the specific emphasis on any dramatic situation. This is done by amping up the perceived scale and emotional response to everything. Basically, every little hurdle becomes a mountain, every setback a tragedy of Greek proportions, and the official couple will be Star-Crossed Lovers over the tiniest things, usually thanks to outside interference and Poor Communication Kills.’
1. Her favorite artist is BLACKPINK
2. She dreams of being a popstar
3. Her favorite fruits are strawberries and mangos
Correlating with her TV Trope, Elora is a very melodramatic person- The smallest of occurrences is like the great depression in her eyes. She'll usually do something like has some-sort of dramatic breakdown, lay in her bed with a playlist, and ponder on life. Besides her over-dramatic side of her personality, she was a generally sweet and caring person at times, even with her sometimes not being able to show it. Always wanting the best for the people she loves, sometimes putting that before her own needs; This will abruptly end though if something may stress her out, at this point, she'll turn into her melodramatic self and have a small 'Mid-life Crisis' in the middle of whatever she may be going through with somebody else. That wasn't the last thing in the amazing package that was Elora, she was an extreme hopeless romantic- What she's seen in most American movies, along with some American music is what she idolizes to be the true idea of love. If she is to attach to somebody, she will most likely get upset if the person she loves won't do something cliche seen in a movie she's watched before. Along with this all, she would be surprisingly intelligent; In her childhood, she excelled in subjects revolving around science, her main interests being Biology & Human Anatomy. Since she got onto her team though, she tries not to act as some would say 'nerdy' to prevent any gossip that she's made up in her own mind.
Insects - Different from her fear of spiders, she simply just does not like the idea of bugs. Obviously, she knows that they're all here due to the big 'Circle of Life' as she was taught, but she wishes that they all did not exist. When she spots any bug besides a spider, she won't hesitate to send her shoe flying towards it - This doesn't include bees.
Anxiety disorder - Once Elora has the idea of anything that may send her into a spiraling downfall, it will do exactly that. She's not gone to many appointments with her the****** to further treat this, but it's clearly been diagnosed. Often times she forgets she has it herself, because she usually has her mind on something positive, or is off doing something completely insane; But negative things, usually being crimes will send her off to a panic attack.
Depression - ██████████████████
Arachnophobia - Elora is absolutely terrified of these tiny creatures - For what reason? It's truly unknown. Ever since she was a little child she couldn't stand the sight of spiders, seeing the big-eyed little 'freaks' as she called them just made her skin crawl.
Besides cheerleading, of course, Elora was a surprisingly good writer- With a poetry book hidden somewhere in her room that she’ll take out to write a poem, usually doing so to cheer herself up; She used it as sort of a coping mechanism to pour out her feelings into something positive. She hasn’t shared this with anyone, not even her sister.
Then obviously, she’s talented with cheerleading. It was a skill she didn’t pick up until far later in her life- She never thought this would be something she’d be interested in after going to college from swimming. But with quickly making many friends that were on the team at the time, she picked the skill up- which eventually got her to the position she’s in now as the team’s captain.
Her personality very well complemented her appearance as some would say- She measured to be around 5'5" with the average build of nearly every girl in town. When she took the time to prepare herself for the day, her peachy hair flowed down to usually either side of her body along with down her back. In the sunlight, Elora's eyes shined a beautiful olive-like color, that relative of her sister's eyes. The structure of her face is what would say makes her adored by many, having a clearly defined jawline. Her outfits were very often found from online thrift stores or given to her by friends or family, with occasionally spoiling herself with high-end brands; Her fashion choice was mostly inspired by what she sees on Instagram or other social media platforms, matching what she had in her own closet to best re-create any fit she sees.
But, of course, imagine her with Elora's hair/eye color
Click here for the first clip
Click here for the second clip
To be added to as time goes on / Anything with '...' will be written shortly.
'The Masked Kiss & The Boiler Room Bash' (5/09/20)
This whole night began for Elora on the day of the Masquerade Ball, the entire dance was clearly a 'flop' for her, she jumped from group to group at the dance. She eventually left the main area for the party, with Kurashiro and Nanami Shiina. The first thing one of the three girls noticed, was one of the past College Jocks sitting with one of the past College Cheerleaders . . To get to the point- As Elora may say; She was paid 100,000 yen by Nanami Shiina to kiss the said jock, directly on the lips. She immediately ran after the kiss, apologizing to them both, as she did it purely for money.
'Dive Into The Future!' (9/16/20)
The day before, Narumi had already had her final weeks planned. She planned do leave 12 days from the beginning day. Her plans? She was preparing to move into her mothers house a few towns away from Karakura, for reasons that nobody may know.
Narumi wanted to do something special, nice- For each and every single one of her friends. She was so, so excited. Excited in a good way, she was going crazy scrolling through 'dream-boards' she's seen online for a party, going away party. But, of course, she had something special in mind for her friends first. She automatically knew what to do for her new-found friend. Yamato. She had an entire trip around town planned, an adventure- Which would end with them star-gazing, telling scary stories, and cooking meals over a nice fire before they turned into one of the several tents laid around the forest.
Then, she had something simple in mind for another friend. Kurashiro, she only wanted to have a simple bento-box prepared for her, and that's exactly what she did. Narumi wanted to tell Kurashiro the news first, as she's possibly one of the only people she's really- ever, had a love for that's gone this far. She had the entire thing planned in her mind, but- It went nothing as she had hoped for. She exposed herself on as her Touko username to Kurashiro, as she thought as if she already knew. But, Kurashiro grew angry and fast. This caused Narumi to quickly storm out of the house and to the nearby mountains- Not to do what most would think, which would be to jump right off. . . She would never. She went to Touko, being her melodramatic self. She exposed not only herself, but her love to Kurashiro not just to Kurashiro, but to the entirety of the site. After doing so, she called a taxi- and got herself directly out of the town.
Yamato, was seen possibly by few sorority members rummaging her room, not creepily, but packing things away- Like he was packing her stuff to . . do something. Possibly just to send it to her, but- That's only known by him.
'Off the grid.' (10/29/20)
If you try to call her, you cannot. She is probably dead. Rip. Lol!
Narumi Umeda
Elora, Elora-lora, Lora
College Sophmore
Height - 165.1cm (5’5”)
Weight - 125lbs
Karakura, Japan
October 3rd, 2000
Ren Umeda (Mother)
Kenzou Umeda (Father)
Aoyama Umeda (Sister)
Momose Umeda-H (Sister)
Murasaki Umeda (Sister)
Misaki Umeda (Niece)
Zise Hamilton (Niece)
Yeosun C. Hamilton (Niece)
Elena Hamilton (Niece)
Ryuichi K. A. Umeda (Nephew)
'MOMOTAROU' - A girl her age that she met over the internet, they had similar interests which led them to soon become friends. She never told anybody about her online friendship, but she adored her. In recent days, they've grown apart.
Yamato Ozaki - He was exactly like the brother Elora never had- When she's with him, it's always something. . Odd, not in a bad way. She's only recently started speaking with him but has connected almost instantly. Coming home sometimes to some of his wacky shena****ns-- Like him flipping her couch. Nonetheless; Since the day he saw him jump not only into a pile of chairs but into a bush. Elora loved him like family, a bond that wouldn't be broken.
Kurashiro Kurosuyokui - The love of her life, to never meet again. A relationship that could have possibly been ruined by Narumi's breakdown- But, it is a book left open.
??? - A new friendship she's made, her old life has been left behind- to blossom a new beginning with new people! She met her at her new school, she's taken Narumi around the entire town. Shown the goods and evils of her new life. A reason for Narumi to keep ongoing.
Otis Graves - Elora, is quite literally- In love with this man. Following his recent return to the city, her entire mood (or look on her current life) switched completely. It was like the relationship in her eyes, never paused. The love that she had for him returned instantaneously- And, the future can only tell what will come to be of these two.
Dwight Dagger - He was almost like a brother to Elora- Her very own felony-charged brother that she has strangely kissed before, it meant nothing to her. The way she sometimes acted around him was that of an insane person, but it was always in a good way.
Mae Fujiwara - While she may not be in town as much as she used to be, Mae was the one that inspired her into her path onto the cheer team. Every time she comes back into town it’s like the two of them had never spent anytime apart; They’ll always be messing around town and having the time of their lives. Often insulting her; In a loving, mutual way of course.
Momotani Terusuno - This was a relationship from her later years in high school; Personally, for the majority of their relationship she wasn't too fond of him whatsoever- It really was something that should have been monitored by some sort of authority member. But when she entered college, and especially when she moved into the house next to his own, he grew to have a liking towards him. Where he is now? She'll probably never figure out.
Christine N. Alder - Elora will always have a level of great respect for her- This was her previous captain and the person who gave her the position she has today. Besides the respect, she's earned. She thinks of her as what some would call the 'mom' friend, going to her for any advice, and simply to talk about her day to her.
Shonoko T. Hamilton - Although they never really spoke to each other much, the friendship was as clear as day. Nothing can really be said other than that she would have always been there for some of Elora's crazy moments; Then they never had a dull moment while in the fraternity playing DDR.
Yoshimasa H. Saiky - Elora met Yoshimasa only fairly recently, he was there for her on a very hard day - For some reason? They sat up atop the school roof while he listened to her vent about her day and she seemed to pick up a real liking for him after that. After time went on, a friendship never grew- And she doesn't keep in contact with him nor have any sort of liking towards him.
'The Ex-Cheer Team' - Although Elora is not in contact with many of them anymore, she still keeps the memory of them all close to her heart. They lead her into her amazing path as captain along with the wacky times she had with them all when she was on the same team as them. Whenever she'll see one of them around town she'll be sure to come up and start a conversation, to relive the good times.
‘Lena’ Baez - Of course these two would be basically attached to their sides; Elora and Lena have nearly done everything in their school careers together, being on the same teams in both high school and college. She tells her almost everything from her daily life as she trusts her with her deepest secrets.
'Gotou' Mondai - Elora only met her boss fairly recent, but they have grown to have a great relationship- Even if they throw constant insults at each other and Gotou beats Elora with a shoe . . She still thinks of her as a second mother.
Daido Hisakawa - Boyfriend to the past of her life- She spends a bit of time with him, having that he is her best friend's boyfriend. She's grown to really like him as he is usually is right beside Kurashiro and Elora on some of their crazy adventures.
Dwight Dagger - He was almost like a brother to Elora- Her very own felony-charged brother that she has strangely kissed before, it meant nothing to her. The way she sometimes acted around him was that of an insane person, but it was always in a good way.
Mae Fujiwara - While she may not be in town as much as she used to be, Mae was the one that inspired her into her path onto the cheer team. Every time she comes back into town it’s like the two of them had never spent anytime apart; They’ll always be messing around town and having the time of their lives. Often insulting her; In a loving, mutual way of course.
Momotani Terusuno - This was a relationship from her later years in high school; Personally, for the majority of their relationship she wasn't too fond of him whatsoever- It really was something that should have been monitored by some sort of authority member. But when she entered college, and especially when she moved into the house next to his own, he grew to have a liking towards him. Where he is now? She'll probably never figure out.
Christine N. Alder - Elora will always have a level of great respect for her- This was her previous captain and the person who gave her the position she has today. Besides the respect, she's earned. She thinks of her as what some would call the 'mom' friend, going to her for any advice, and simply to talk about her day to her.
Shonoko T. Hamilton - Although they never really spoke to each other much, the friendship was as clear as day. Nothing can really be said other than that she would have always been there for some of Elora's crazy moments; Then they never had a dull moment while in the fraternity playing DDR.
Yoshimasa H. Saiky - Elora met Yoshimasa only fairly recently, he was there for her on a very hard day - For some reason? They sat up atop the school roof while he listened to her vent about her day and she seemed to pick up a real liking for him after that. After time went on, a friendship never grew- And she doesn't keep in contact with him nor have any sort of liking towards him.
'The Ex-Cheer Team' - Although Elora is not in contact with many of them anymore, she still keeps the memory of them all close to her heart. They lead her into her amazing path as captain along with the wacky times she had with them all when she was on the same team as them. Whenever she'll see one of them around town she'll be sure to come up and start a conversation, to relive the good times.
‘Lena’ Baez - Of course these two would be basically attached to their sides; Elora and Lena have nearly done everything in their school careers together, being on the same teams in both high school and college. She tells her almost everything from her daily life as she trusts her with her deepest secrets.
'Gotou' Mondai - Elora only met her boss fairly recent, but they have grown to have a great relationship- Even if they throw constant insults at each other and Gotou beats Elora with a shoe . . She still thinks of her as a second mother.
Daido Hisakawa - Boyfriend to the past of her life- She spends a bit of time with him, having that he is her best friend's boyfriend. She's grown to really like him as he is usually is right beside Kurashiro and Elora on some of their crazy adventures.
Ex-Cheer Captain
Ex-Sorority President
Ex-Club Leader
Chaotic Neutral
‘It's usually associated with everyone acting like a Large Ham, but it's actually about the specific emphasis on any dramatic situation. This is done by amping up the perceived scale and emotional response to everything. Basically, every little hurdle becomes a mountain, every setback a tragedy of Greek proportions, and the official couple will be Star-Crossed Lovers over the tiniest things, usually thanks to outside interference and Poor Communication Kills.’
1. Her favorite artist is BLACKPINK
2. She dreams of being a popstar
3. Her favorite fruits are strawberries and mangos

Correlating with her TV Trope, Elora is a very melodramatic person- The smallest of occurrences is like the great depression in her eyes. She'll usually do something like has some-sort of dramatic breakdown, lay in her bed with a playlist, and ponder on life. Besides her over-dramatic side of her personality, she was a generally sweet and caring person at times, even with her sometimes not being able to show it. Always wanting the best for the people she loves, sometimes putting that before her own needs; This will abruptly end though if something may stress her out, at this point, she'll turn into her melodramatic self and have a small 'Mid-life Crisis' in the middle of whatever she may be going through with somebody else. That wasn't the last thing in the amazing package that was Elora, she was an extreme hopeless romantic- What she's seen in most American movies, along with some American music is what she idolizes to be the true idea of love. If she is to attach to somebody, she will most likely get upset if the person she loves won't do something cliche seen in a movie she's watched before. Along with this all, she would be surprisingly intelligent; In her childhood, she excelled in subjects revolving around science, her main interests being Biology & Human Anatomy. Since she got onto her team though, she tries not to act as some would say 'nerdy' to prevent any gossip that she's made up in her own mind.
Insects - Different from her fear of spiders, she simply just does not like the idea of bugs. Obviously, she knows that they're all here due to the big 'Circle of Life' as she was taught, but she wishes that they all did not exist. When she spots any bug besides a spider, she won't hesitate to send her shoe flying towards it - This doesn't include bees.
Anxiety disorder - Once Elora has the idea of anything that may send her into a spiraling downfall, it will do exactly that. She's not gone to many appointments with her the****** to further treat this, but it's clearly been diagnosed. Often times she forgets she has it herself, because she usually has her mind on something positive, or is off doing something completely insane; But negative things, usually being crimes will send her off to a panic attack.
Depression - ██████████████████
Arachnophobia - Elora is absolutely terrified of these tiny creatures - For what reason? It's truly unknown. Ever since she was a little child she couldn't stand the sight of spiders, seeing the big-eyed little 'freaks' as she called them just made her skin crawl.
Besides cheerleading, of course, Elora was a surprisingly good writer- With a poetry book hidden somewhere in her room that she’ll take out to write a poem, usually doing so to cheer herself up; She used it as sort of a coping mechanism to pour out her feelings into something positive. She hasn’t shared this with anyone, not even her sister.
Then obviously, she’s talented with cheerleading. It was a skill she didn’t pick up until far later in her life- She never thought this would be something she’d be interested in after going to college from swimming. But with quickly making many friends that were on the team at the time, she picked the skill up- which eventually got her to the position she’s in now as the team’s captain.

Her personality very well complemented her appearance as some would say- She measured to be around 5'5" with the average build of nearly every girl in town. When she took the time to prepare herself for the day, her peachy hair flowed down to usually either side of her body along with down her back. In the sunlight, Elora's eyes shined a beautiful olive-like color, that relative of her sister's eyes. The structure of her face is what would say makes her adored by many, having a clearly defined jawline. Her outfits were very often found from online thrift stores or given to her by friends or family, with occasionally spoiling herself with high-end brands; Her fashion choice was mostly inspired by what she sees on Instagram or other social media platforms, matching what she had in her own closet to best re-create any fit she sees.

But, of course, imagine her with Elora's hair/eye color
Click here for the first clip
Click here for the second clip

To be added to as time goes on / Anything with '...' will be written shortly.
'The Masked Kiss & The Boiler Room Bash' (5/09/20)
This whole night began for Elora on the day of the Masquerade Ball, the entire dance was clearly a 'flop' for her, she jumped from group to group at the dance. She eventually left the main area for the party, with Kurashiro and Nanami Shiina. The first thing one of the three girls noticed, was one of the past College Jocks sitting with one of the past College Cheerleaders . . To get to the point- As Elora may say; She was paid 100,000 yen by Nanami Shiina to kiss the said jock, directly on the lips. She immediately ran after the kiss, apologizing to them both, as she did it purely for money.
'Dive Into The Future!' (9/16/20)
The day before, Narumi had already had her final weeks planned. She planned do leave 12 days from the beginning day. Her plans? She was preparing to move into her mothers house a few towns away from Karakura, for reasons that nobody may know.
Narumi wanted to do something special, nice- For each and every single one of her friends. She was so, so excited. Excited in a good way, she was going crazy scrolling through 'dream-boards' she's seen online for a party, going away party. But, of course, she had something special in mind for her friends first. She automatically knew what to do for her new-found friend. Yamato. She had an entire trip around town planned, an adventure- Which would end with them star-gazing, telling scary stories, and cooking meals over a nice fire before they turned into one of the several tents laid around the forest.
Then, she had something simple in mind for another friend. Kurashiro, she only wanted to have a simple bento-box prepared for her, and that's exactly what she did. Narumi wanted to tell Kurashiro the news first, as she's possibly one of the only people she's really- ever, had a love for that's gone this far. She had the entire thing planned in her mind, but- It went nothing as she had hoped for. She exposed herself on as her Touko username to Kurashiro, as she thought as if she already knew. But, Kurashiro grew angry and fast. This caused Narumi to quickly storm out of the house and to the nearby mountains- Not to do what most would think, which would be to jump right off. . . She would never. She went to Touko, being her melodramatic self. She exposed not only herself, but her love to Kurashiro not just to Kurashiro, but to the entirety of the site. After doing so, she called a taxi- and got herself directly out of the town.
Yamato, was seen possibly by few sorority members rummaging her room, not creepily, but packing things away- Like he was packing her stuff to . . do something. Possibly just to send it to her, but- That's only known by him.
'Off the grid.' (10/29/20)
If you try to call her, you cannot. She is probably dead. Rip. Lol!
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