Level 14

Once again - this format was created by @23r3 & @fobi and I have been granted permission from one of them to be able to use it, in which I am very thankful for.
Also thank you to @han for letting me steal her banners from her biography for the second time running.
Additionally, I feel it is important to add this character is still in very early stages - a lot of the things in this biography can and will be updated over time as character progression develops. Any information in this biography marked as '???' means this information has not been discovered by Lucille herself.

Hyuna Ripper
Lucille, 'Luci'
Grade 11 (Junior year).
Height - 164cm (5'4" ft)
Weight - 122lbs
BMI - 18.8
Karakura, Japan.
March 12th, 2003.
Areum Ripper (Mother)
??? (Father)
Kerberos Thanatomachos (Great-Grandfather)
Akira Thanatomachou (Grandmother)
Renard Ripper (Grandfather)
Rokuro Ripper (Uncle)
Vilhjálmur Ripper (Uncle)
Ally Ripper (Auntie)
Yoshi Ripper (Uncle)
Graziani Fonseca Ripper (Uncle)
Charlotte Ripper (Auntie)
Arlo Ripper (Cousin)
Sienna Ripper (Cousin)
Megami Ripper (Cousin)
Carmella Ripper (Cousin)
[!] - Probably one of the most prone to change categories of this biography.
→ Zhora Kusangi - The unlikely friendship between Zhora and Lucille is certainly a little difficult to explain fully, mostly due to the fact they don't seem to know themselves! It isn't a particular secret that the two are unruly opposites - with Zhora being a little playful and rough around the edges, while Lucille much preferred to stay professional and poised at all times while in the public eye; and yet somehow.. it just works.
→ Nojiko Hattori - While Areum was 'away', Lucille had actually stayed with the Hattori family. Granted, nobody knew what kind of wild ride that was going to be but nonetheless it was an experience they look back on with glee. This pair has been beside one another for basically each of their entire lives, stretching all the way from childhood to their newly found highschool experiences - Thus they've proved time and time again their friendship is one for the ages and it looks like things will be staying that way.
→ Megami Ripper - ???
Bobcat Cheerleading Squad
True Neutral.
Girl Next Door - "A character who is open, approachable, and unassuming: the girl people think of as their best friend, their childhood pal, even just one of the boys. She'll usually embody a "wholesome" sort of femininity, so she's rarely the promiscuous sort."
1. Her favourite food is practically anything that is traditional Korean food.
2. Lucille's zodiac sign is Pisces.
3. Lucille is acrophobic, meaning she is extremely scared of heights.

Lucille's personality is a little bit of a mix-and-match, altogether. When somebody finds themselves around her, it is commonly said that she brings a 'perky' aura into the room- a certain confidence that practically radiates off of her. With all things considered it is fair to say she can be decently 'bitchy' around what she considers her group of friends and it's clear her personality can sometimes be altered by the people surrounding her - often causing her to be described as uptight or impressionable. Nevertheless, it is very apparent her #1 priority is keeping her poise and shining smile in which she actively encourages others to do the same. She is an all-around good girl to be around, bringing a smile to all of her peers when possible.
DELINQUENCY - Despite her ongoing relationship with Zhora, Lucille very strongly disagrees with the thought of being unruly and the people involved with that type of ideology. She tends to be quite a composed girl, in which she prides herself on, so naturally when she sees her peers acting rough around the edges she can't help but look down on them in quite a harsh manner.
ANXIETY DISORDER - Although this is a secret of hers in which she probably would refuse to share it, that unfortunately doesn't take away it's existence within her- though Lucille would probably refuse to believe that. Her anxiety is mostly brought on by what other people think of her- or what they could find out about her.
ACROPHOBIA - The fear of heights. There's no specific reason Lucille feels like this- no life changing moment. She simply is just absolutely terrified of even the thought of being up so high.
??? - ???
With her perky and encouraging exterior, it was no big surprise when she had been offered a place on the Bobcat Cheerleading Team. Notably, she isn't extremely skilled with learning or executing routines within the team, however her ability to hype up a crowd is unmatched and is the driving force of her relationship with cheer.
Ever since early on in her childhood, Lucille had a connection with the art of song-writing. It helped her get through a lot of undesired trauma within her childhood and for that she'll always credit it. She has a decent voice to match, too - though she dislikes the thought of singing in front of people, therefore tending to keep this to herself.

Without a doubt, the preppy female was admittedly very beautiful- only further complimented by her sharp facial structure in which her lightened brown hair framed perfectly. She stood at a basic five-something foot, her build resembling a recurring theme set within the Karakura highschool - hourglass. Lucille's eyes would be a stunning shade of grey, with hints of hazel speckled in between. Additionally, she had monolids, which were often seen adorning a signature cat-style eyeliner just a-top the lid. Her clothing style is very fashion-forward, though keeping the same poised and conservative feel that she carried even by her being. She also is a big fan of school-spirit clothing, often showing love for the Bobcats while wearing a variety of black and red outfits.

South Korean.

To put it simply, Lucille was unplanned- a mistake, if you will. Her mother was a wealthy woman named Areum who although always carried herself with the utmost poise possible, it was no secret she 'got around' the town of Karakura quite a bit in her prime. One thing led to another and nine months later Hyuna 'Lucille' Ripper was born in the local hospital of Karakura.
Obviously Lucille was subjected to an awful variety of trauma throughout the very limited childhood spent with Areum, often having to be subjected to Areums unruly behavioural issues. They had a fairly nice apartment and Areum had enough money to keep the two of them stable however; that wasn't enough for Lucille. Her mother was constantly messing around with a variety of different men, none of which seemed to last, and her lack of a father in her life really made her feel lonely. In addition to all of this, Areum's dissociative identity disorder was going downhill- fast.
Days after Lucille's 6th birthday, Areum was admitted to a mental asylum - leaving Lucille to grow up with the Hattori family. Things were nice enough for the time being as their family was inviting, though it wasn't quite the same. Regardless of her rather large family connections and the kindness that the Hattori family showed Lucille, this didn't stop her from feeling alone - as if she never quite fit in with anyone else but herself.
Thankfully though, half way through 11th grade, Areum came back. This gave Lucille strength and hope, in which she continues to carry to the present day; she made it her point to constantly appear as a 'perfect' individual in order to mask the pain she had previously witnessed and confide herself to what her mother wants her to be.

Lucille modelling for Myriad at the Summer Solstice Festival 2020.

Lucille & Kirby Ambrosio.
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read all of this, Lucille is a new character of mine who I'm extremely excited to play with fully and therefore hopefully you'll like her too!
This biography will be frequently updated.
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