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Biography | Moriel Maeng


Level 21

A biography
Basic Information

First Name:



Common Nicknames:
"Bush Man"

More Personal Nicknames:
"Mori Dori"
"Memorial Mango"
"Old Maeng"
"Pizza guy!"
"Red jacket man"




Eye Color:

Hair Style:
Wavy, slightly tousled

Hair Color:

Loose, casual clothing

Date of Birth:
March 21

Place of Birth:
Busan, South Korea


Korean, Mixed

Korean, Japanese, French, Russian

Sexual Orientation:
Straight despite popular belief


General Appearance

Thank you to the artists below for the artwork! <3

Illustrated by mmelv!


Illustrated by Enneadecagons!

IC Description:
Moriel Maeng is a male of mixed heritage, though his Korean descent was apparent in his features. He stood at 5’8” with tousled, wavy black hair accompanied by grey eyes. His demeanor had a playful brotherly vibe to it. Despite the absurdity of his ridiculous public stunts, he always wore a confident smile through them. A long faded scar ran down his left leg due to a previous encounter.

He is outgoing, typically fearless of public opinions of himself, and an overall eccentric goofball. His demeanor sports a playful, competitive, and mischievous nature. Moreso, he is a brother and a caretaker. He sympathizes easily and worries quickly. He took a vow to himself to keep his family safe, and he holds himself true to that. The stern critical older brother in him comes out when he feels that those he cares about are putting themselves at risk.

Moriel is insecure about his ability as a provider. Its a role he had to adopt for his family yet he had no guidance available. He consistently worries about whether he's doing things "right".
Moriel usually consistently convinces himself that any tragedies, especially involving those he cares about, that he fails to resolve is "his fault".
He's a guy that tries to fix more than he can.
Moriel bottles up his emotions often. He convinces himself that admitting emotional defeat means he failed.

- Adventuring and exploring!
- Cooking and baking
- Public stunts
- Participating in athletic games



Golf Cart "Maeng Mobile"
Moriel's primary mode of transportation. He drives around in a golf cart modified with an engine of a racecar.
Fun Fact: 1 police officer has been injured by the Maeng Mobile!

Flower "Moriel"
A "Friendship Flower". Moriel always offers one to his friends to symbolize their friendship and acquaintance!


Bush Costume
A bush costume! Moriel wears it purely because he can.
Fun Fact: Several people have been traumatized by the Bush Costume.


Glasses "Eye Poppers"
A glasses prop that Moriel wears for fun.

Moriel loves to hand out free pizzas to the public! He has a brand and uniforms for the cause. His Town Hall certified charity business is called MORZARELLA.



"A free pizza delivery service started by Moriel Maeng's spontaneous urge to deliver pizzas!"
Current Members: Moriel Maeng, Kei Suzuki, Ahri Maeng, Jeong-Won Maeng, Bong (the Cat), Aloisia 'Alo' Wagner, San Ashbourne, Khoa-Tang Maeng. Cynthia "Scarlet" Hunter


A soda brand started by Moriel named after his family's surname!

image (1).png

Moriel is an employee at Dear Karakura!



Won-Shik Maeng (Father)
Lucy Rosemary Maeng (Mother)

Malori Maeng
Shira Maeng
Mylo Maeng
Ahri Maeng
Fae Rouzet Maeng

Ryuji Maeng
Khoa Tang-Maeng
Ioane Y. Sasaki-Maeng
Khalise Haneul Maeng
Kanika Hana Maeng
Hayami Maeng
Khio Tang-Maeng
Khánh Tang-Maeng

Jeong-won Maeng (Uncle)
So-yi Maeng (Aunt)

Backstory of the Maengs:
- Malori, Moriel, Shira, Mylo, Ahri, and Fae are siblings, with Fae being adopted.
- Ryuji is a cousin of the listed above, who's mother (So-yi Maeng) is the sister of their father.
- These characters were born in Busan, South Korea.
- Their father, Won-Shik Maeng, is a full Korean man originating from Busan.
- Their mother, Lucy Rosemary Maeng, is an immigrated Korean-mixed woman.

- Lucy was the primary influencer of naming these children, explaining why said names aren't traditionally Korean.
Busan to Karakura Transition
Won-Shik and Lucy pursue economic opportunity in Karakura. Additionally, they hear about the prestigious school known as Karakura High School/CC. The two parents are unsure about migrating the entire family, as there is uncertainty in their future with Karakura, so they appoint two to "test the waters": Moriel Maeng and Malori Maeng arrive in Karakura first amongst the siblings. Meanwhile, Shira, Mylo, Ahri, and Fae begin to live beside their cousin, Ryuji, under their aunt, So-yi.

Meanwhile, Shira is infuriated. She feels left behind and abandoned, having had her parents and two siblings move away. She demands to join them in Karakura. Ryuji and Shira are very close, and Ryuji refuses to let her go by herself. Henceforth, Shira and Ryuji move to Karakura.
Fast-forward, Won-Shik and Lucy decide that they do not appreciate work in Karakura. However, they have developed a fondness for Karakura High School. They decide that it is best that Malori, Moriel, Ryuji, and Shira stay in Karakura: Malori and Moriel have become acquainted with the LeClair by then, and they volunteer to take the two under their wing. LeClair is a French family, and Moriel and Malori pick up French as a language because of it. Shira and Ryuji are meanwhile housed in an apartment receiving financial support from Won-Shik, Lucy, and So-yi. The Maeng parents return home to resume taking care of Mylo, Ahri and Fae in Busan.

When Moriel graduates, Moriel and Malori decide to part ways with the LeClair family in pursuit of a more independent life. Moriel becomes the primary caretaker of his siblings: Moriel, Malori, Shira, and Ryuji all now reside together in an apartment.
Moriel, Malori, Shira, and Ryuji have been doing well in Karakura so far. The parents deem that they have proved to be self-sufficient enough. So when Mylo, Ahri, and Fae, wish to join their siblings in Karakura, Won-Shik and Lucy accept. After bouncing around residences, they finally settle at the current house where they are now. Jeong-won, uncle of the siblings and brother of Won-Shik, eventually moves to Karakura too, feeling that the Maengs could use some support.


Character Name

"Internal dialogue representing a summarization of Moriel's thoughts on the character."
A brief synopsis of Moriel and the character's dynamic.
Fun little "tags" or inside jokes that Moriel shares with the character
Character played by

Sid Hwang Ōmori
"Thank you for helping me through the chaos."
Moriel met Sid randomly on a cruise ship through a spontaneous water gun battle. Since then, they've grown extremely closer, and they don't let anything get between them. In recent times, Moriel experiences constant worrying and his interactions with Sid are usually always a friendly and fun relief. They share a lot of inside jokes and poke fun at each other, a good indicator of their friendship! Sid has been there for Moriel throughout almost all of his depressions and sad moments.
Casket Wars, MORZARELLA Member, Pool Boys,
Character played by
Kei Suzuki
"I will always have your back, even when we disagree."
Moriel met Kei in gym class, eventually talking to him regularly. Moriel and Kei often eat and talk together. They will together often run full force into any joke or public stunt, such as shamelessly wearing ghillie suits in public. Moriel is often concerned for Kei regarding his relationship with Abby McCarthy. Moriel often looks after Kei's younger sister, Vinny Lebedev.
Bush Boys, MORZARELLA Member, Pool Boys, Whipped Cream Victims
Character played by
Eri Potente Luck
"You broke the deafening quiet of my nights."
After Moriel applied and got into college, it was only natural that he would make college friends. Moriel met a timid Eri outside the old auction house, eventually talking to her and becoming friends. Eri is an old friend of Moriel who he would spend time with on late nights in conversation. He supported her hobbies of poetry and would often leave insight on them!
Character played by Fancyri
"My chaotic little friend."
Let's just say an alcoholic beverage may have slipped out of Moriel's hands and into the possession of a raccoon. That's how Moriel and Rocket met. Their mischievous personalities often combine into chaotic sights in the Karakura plaza.

Dueling Partners
Character played by LordSashimi
Amara Yatogami and Kimiko Yatogami
"A pleasant reminder of my past. It's always good to see you again."
Amara and Kimiko are Moriel's childhood best friends from Busan in South Korea. They are always enthusiastic to see each other. At any event they end up meeting eachother at, you can count on them catching up with each other and taking photos.

Childhood Best Friend
Amara Yatogami played by saesori
Kimiko Yatogami played by khmii
Canna Kimura
"She's a good reminder to appreciate our simple joys."
Moriel Maeng volunteered to look after Canna, as she resides with the Maeng family. He finds her clumsy and easily distracted nature humorous. Moriel is always accepting of more "silly" in the house!

Character played by yozb (me)

More of Moriel's friends:
Izzy K. Enzori, Nobi Hattori, I. 'Iris' Kishiko, Hex Orcus, Etaki Yuto, Mars Eun-ji, Kayla Yukari, Eun-Hae Yomi, Syren van der Helsingh, James Pretzel,
Yuno L. Kamayawa, Taiga Noelle DeArmond, Yeou Uemera, Serena Santarossa, Aloisia 'Alo' Wagner, San Ashbourne, Lenore Arden Deveaux, Thomas Wilde​

Ava Reed (formerly Ava Hanasaki):
"I'm happy for you, and I'm sorry our history is rough."
Moriel met Ava while she was hosting the Yeobo Love Machine. Moriel flirtatiously asked Ava to enter the machine together. They enter a talking phase and Moriel introduces Ava to his family. Fast-forward, Ava at a point ends up catching feelings for Sam Reed, while she had simultaneous feelings for Moriel. Moriel was not able to emotionally handle this news, and fled their situationship.
Shira's Caretakers
Character played by
Haruka T. Sakura-ki
Former Crush
"She's very supportive. A great friend, despite it all."
Moriel developed a crush on Haruka after witnessing her portray a motherly role to presumably a younger freind. Moriel, being the primary caretaker of his siblings, admired this alongside her humorous nature. Ironically, Haruka was a lesbian married woman. Sid knew this but thought it was funny to hide this.

Character played by kettlesip
Molly Helvete

"My heart hurts a little when I think about it."
Moriel and Molly met a long time before they started dating. After expressing feelings for each other, and being caught exiting a bathroom together by Machiko Munakata and Cha Hye-Jin Minaki, they eventually announced their relationship. They eventually mutually agreed to go their separate ways: So Molly could resolve the situation with a killer after her family, and so that Moriel could keep his family safe.
War for Sid's Bed
Character played by
Tori Thorne
"I thought it'd be different this time."
Moriel was fearful of giving love another shot, considering his past relationships. When he finally realized the spark, the two enjoyed a pleasant relationship for a while. When another guy entered the picture, alongside Moriel and friends being convinced she's changed, the two ended their relationship. Moriel ended up heartbroken, convinced he has been left for another.
Bake-Off, 3 AM Dancing
Character played by

Abby McCarthy
"Why can't we see eye-to-eye?"
Moriel views Abby as a negative influence on his friend, Kei. Abby does not like Moriel since he reminds her of her brother. The two share many disagreements and a silent almost-resentment of one another.
Character played by
Michael H. Sada
"Hello, Michael."
When Michael was still in college, Moriel would creepily stare at Michael in class for the fun of it. He continues to mess with Michael, terrifying him by eerily staring at him even when he's in KPD uniform.
Staring Contest
Character played by
Sponge is the name of Sid's frog plushie. Moriel is convinced it's evil.

Character played by
A Custom Item AKA Retextured Iron Horse Armor
The Immortal Snail
"I don't understand how it got here, or what it wants..."
The Immortal Snail is an ominous snail that approaches people. Scary.
A Romantic Scene with Yō-Yō
Character played by yozb (me)
James Pretzel
"Please get off my head..."

Character played by S4mB34ni310
Milo C. Amias
"Is it Him?"

Character played by ilovemyplanex6

Character Name

"Moriel's internal reflection on that family member."
Fun little "tags" or inside jokes that Moriel shares with the character
Character played by

Malori Maeng
"Malori moved to Karakura first with me. She's a bit of a shop-aholic to say the least and can get emotional at times. We've been through almost everything together. For a good chunk of our time here in Karakura, we shared almost everything: The same friends, the same living space, the same everything. I remember that girl she was head over heels for. Practically face-planted at that point. Oh man, that brings back memories."
Siblings, Yeehawians, Ghost Hunters
Character played by
Shira Maeng
"She’s all bark no bite. Just… A lot of emphasis on the bark. She doesn’t mean what she says most of the time. We’re still working on that temper. I'm proud of her for opening up a bit, but that stoic facade is impossible to tear down. Part of her is trying to get better, I can see it. She has some good influences in her life: Ava, Nahla, Machiko. I'm thankful that they can be there for her when she stubbornly blocks her siblings out."
Siblings, "Shi Shi", Plushie Hoarder
Character played by
sunsetchills (me)
Ryuji Maeng
"Oh man, Jiji flirts with dudes left and right. He's got that same thing as Shira where they are both nitpicky about their hair. I wonder if it's genetic. We have to work on that cigarette addiction. I don't know if I'll get through to him, but something tells me Shira can. He seems to stick with Shira the most out of the family."
Character played by nookmxles
Mylo Maeng
"My brother is always bouncing off the walls. He’s emotionally attached to that Spider-Man costume of his. It’s always a struggle to get it in the wash. He gets along with the other kids his age, but I always have to keep an eye on him on the off-chance he gets himself into trouble. I made myself a promise to do my best in making sure he doesn't lose that smile. Get too close and he'll lunge at you!"
Siblings, Spider-Man?, Council of Brothers
Character played by
Ahri Maeng
"Ahri tends to hide parts of her life from me, as siblings do. I try to reason with her regarding her aggressive and alcoholic habits, but lately my attempts haven't been working. She makes an effort to stay connected with our family, and that makes me happy. Sometimes she expresses that she's embarrassed to be related to me, but let it be known that I'm super proud to be related to her!"
Siblings, Grounded BeReals, MORZARELLA Member
Character played by
Fae Rouzet Maeng
"He’s very quiet and timid. It takes him a bit to get comfortable. He likes plushies and you can imagine the dynamic with Shira who has a whole stash of them. Of course, she eventually lets him borrow them. I've learned that it's best to try to keep Fae comfortable by avoiding putting the spotlight on him. It makes him anxious, and as his brother, it's my job to avoid that. Fun Fact, that kid packs muscle!"
Siblings, Council of Brothers, Plushie Hoarder
Character played by
Khoa Tang-Maeng
"We were good friends before we realized we were related. He's an innocent soul at heart, and that's quite the rare find in a town like this. He's got quite the appetite and is miraculously unphased by literally any portion size. I want to test that stomach to its limit. For science, of course."
Strangers, MORZARELLA Member, Cousins, "BROTHERS"
Character played by
Ioane Y. Sasaki-Maeng
"He's always knocking on trouble's door and it worries me to death. He lost his memory recently after suffering a terrible injury. I really hope it's not permanent. It hurts a little to know that all of our shared memories are just... Gone. Like when we went around the school doing those TikTok challenges for the fun of it. Good times..."
Double It Challenge, Cousins, "BROTHERS"
Character played by
Jeong-Won Maeng
"He flew from Busan recently to come join us. He's quite... Unfamiliar... With today's youth and trends. It's kind of funny, but he's trying his best. Kudos for that! Stay hydrated, as he'd say."

Uncle, MORZARELLA Member
Character played by
distrcssed (strcssed)
Hayami Maeng
"Rebellious at times but good spirited! She gets along with my good friend Sid due to their common interest of swimming. Birds of feather- Or, fish of a scale swim together...? Sure, something like that. Sometimes she dresses me up with fashion choices that are rather debatable. But a good brother wears it proudly! I think."
MORZARELLA Member, Cousins
Character played by
Khio Tang-Maeng

Brobro, Cousins
Character played by
Khanh Tang-Maeng

Character played by
Chyou Ma-Ri Maeng

Character played by
Svyatoslav Sasaki-Maeng

Character played by
Khalil Maeng

Character played by



Moriel's near-death experience in front of Malori awoke some terrible fear in him of "leaving family abandoned" or being a failed provider.
Back in 2020 SRP, there was a ghost event in Itsbyoshi forest and it was OOC knowledge that it was a "Danger Zone" (as in entering the area allowed your characters to die). To imitate ghost possession, the server had a plug-in at the time that would "hi-jack" your character that allowed the staff/event team to make them move and speak.
Moriel Maeng & Malori Maeng enter the forest. Moriel and Malori are walking around when suddenly, Moriel can't move. Moriel suddenly starts walking away from his sister, and tries to hastily explain what is happening to him. There is a conflict in the words coming out of his mouth, as both he and the ghost are speaking. As far as I can remember, it was back and forth somewhat along the lines of:
Moriel: I can't move.
Ghost: It hurts.
Moriel: Help.
Ghost: It hurts so much.
Moriel: Run. (His desperate attempt to get her to flee to safety as he walked away.)
Malori watches as Moriel scales an abandoned run-down cabin. He stands at the edge of the roof. The ghost speaks through Moriel again, expressing its pain once more as Moriel takes the leap. Malori watches as Moriel plummets to the floor. Moriel loses consciousness.
OOCly, I was given the choice by SRP staff to allow me to either kill or keep the character. I chose to keep him alive but gave him a giant scar on his leg.
Moriel remembers the actions of this event in vivid memory, as he recalls meeting the eyes of his sister as he involuntarily jumped to his death. He never conceived the idea of losing it all just like that. He was fearful, and even more, he was terrified as he felt that agreeing to venture into the forest would cost the life of his sister too. All this plagued his mind as he silently accepted that it was the end.

Sid had a crush on Moriel, but has gotten over it by now. It was revealed around the time when Moriel started dating Molly. Moriel was talking to Sid, doing a re-enacting his conversation with Molly, with a private acting-it-out stage performance. Sid eventually sighs, stating something along the lines of, "If only things were different." (Different being: If Moriel were into guys.) Moriel pries what he meant out of him. Sid and Moriel are really close, so it was ended with both of them feeling incredibly sad about it. Moriel and Molly officially start dating shortly after, and Sid is in the room when it happens. Moriel's excitement about officially dating slowly turns into a frown as he quietly reads the sadness on Sid's face that he's trying to hide. Sid leaves the apartment to cry on his bed at home as Moriel stares solemnly at the door.

Moriel has welcomed a few non-family people to reside beside the Maeng Family at their house!
- Canna Kimura (Sleeps anywhere and everywhere)
- Sid Hwong Ōmori (Sleeps in a tent inside)
- Sa'ad Pretzel Gosling (Sleeps in a tent outside)
- Masaru Murasaki (Formerly requested to sleep specifically by the dumpster outside for a while.)
- Vinny Lebedev (Kei's sister, occasionally temporarily watched over by Moriel)

Wax Sculptures of Moriel have been spotted across Karakura, causing terror. Some rumor them to be demonic, or possessed. The truth? Who knows.

A tower of wax replicas of Moriel Maeng once sat outside Maeng Residence. The public often expressed their concerns.

Written and composed by yozb
Please take all information OOCly!​
Last edited:


Level 41
Community Team
Event Team
> Moriel on his way to traumatize greenies as a talking vending machine


Level 206
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