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Biography | Nikandr Kyoshiro


Level 3

Nikandr Kyoshiro

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Name(s): Nikandr Okami-Kyoshiro, Masaru Okami
Aliases: Nik, Yami, Saru
Birthdate: 01/16
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Height: 5’10 / 177cm
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: White
Ethnicities: French & Japanese
Place of birth: ???, Japan
Affiliates: Kyogoku-Shiryo, Kyorin-Kai, Black Dragons.

Current status: [JAILED]

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Nikandr could have probably been a relatively attractive man a few years ago or so, but the current appearance he possesses is none like any other.. In a negative connotation. Before, he had a well built stature and sharp features, left relatively unblemished. Dyed black hair fell down messily over his gleaming blue eyes, framing both his visage and irises strikingly. Overall, a man with fine attractiveness, followed by a charismatic charm.

Now, there was an almost unsettling vibe emitted after looking a bit too closely at Nikandr’s face. It seemed wrong in a way? The structure was just different in general, accompanied with a large gash healed along his nose bridge. Along with that, the formerly unblemished skin was now marked with multiple scars, way too many to count. Still, black hair d****d down, although seeming to be more of a reddish hue in comparison. Brushed behind the dark locks were dull blue eyes, unnerving compared to the previous jovial light within them

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Definitely an interesting thing to describe. Nikandr’s personality has fluctuated throughout his growth. Once a relatively timid, immature, and impulsive man, now to one with a personality conforming to experiences and people. Frankly, kind of unsure to say how he really is, as he is truly unpredictable and a liar. Although, one thing that is safe to say is that Nikandr overall lacks the moral values an average person would.

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Born in a rural town alongside his two sisters, Masaru's life didnt start out particularly great, and he wouldn't be able to remember any of it if asked. Masaru's father was relatively abusive in a way, and ever since he could walk the two consistently butted heads. His mother on the other hand was somewhat neglective, but considering the relationship with his father it was better than nothing. But, unfortunately, she passed away when he was young and things in the home seemed to get worse. Constant fights that to escalated into physical ones made Hana, Masaru's elder sister, decide that they needed to pack their bags and go. So, they did, making their way to Karakura (unfortunately).

Things in new city were good at first. Masaru easily made friends, his social circle growing more than it ever was able to before. It was in these first weeks that he met his first friend group, consisting of Valentina (who was Skylar at the time), Malorie (who was Mila at the time), Emary, and Jyn. The group spent their time messing around and joking, but this era was short lived. Due to the abominably high crime rates in Karakura, it was only a matter of time before Masaru was introduced to crime. It was also around this time that Hana had left the city, leaving him practically alone and thoughtless.

It didnt take long for him to discover the large amount of gangs scattered amongst the streets of Karakura, but one in particular caught his eye; Kyogoku-Shiryo. Sooner than later, he had joined the notorious gang, and brought Skylar and Mila alongside with him. The community within the gang was tightknit and fun considering its yakuza roots. At least, thats how Masaru would've remembered it. Slowly but surely, even with his sisters sudden truancy and the new crime infested life he was living, things seemed to be gradually improving. Well, that was until books leaking almost every gang members identities were released to the public.

The shock by this sudden betrayal took everyone by storm, Especially Masaru, Skylar, and Mila. And quickly, it was ordered by higher ups that everyone in the book was required to change their identities for safety and the gangs security. And so, Masaru did change his name.

Thus, Nikandr Kyoshiro was born.

General stats
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Strength - ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ 〇
With the life he keeps up with, it's impossible not to be strong.

Agility - ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ 〇 〇
Not the most nimble, that's certain.

Speed - ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ 〇
Fast enough to evade!

Endurance - ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ 〇
He can keep put up a good chase or fight for a long time.

Durability - ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤
It's the only reason he’s still alive, truly.

Intelligence - ⬤ ⬤ 〇 〇 〇
Yikes. It seems all those concussions caught up to him.

Perception - ⬤ ⬤ 〇 〇 〇
Never one to catch onto things quickly.

Battle IQ - ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ 〇
Knowing what to do in the moment is great.

Memory - ⬤ ⬤ 〇 〇 〇
Huuh. Brain damage, or early dementia?

─── ───
“I wonder how everyone is doing.”
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[JAILED] - Valentina K. Kyoshiro ; Adoptive Sister
“We grew up together, and even now we’re both rotting in jail for a murder we both took part in. If I could pinpoint it, you’re probably the reason I turned out the way I did. Is it weird that sometimes I wish I never met you?”

Valentina and Nikandr met whilst both were fishing at the pier. A running joke between them and their friends ended up with Nikandr being nicknamed “fishing guy”, and the two ultimately became extremely close. After a twist of fate, they eventually adopted the same surname and became siblings.

[ALIVE] - Aki Kyoshiro ; Adoptive Brother
“I always wanted to fully trust you. Your erratic behavior drove me to a wall and I ended up doing some horrible things. But after everything when you came back, I forgave you. I pray that you don't hurt anyone else, especially since I can't stop it.”

Adopted into the same family, Aki and Nikandr had a troublesome start. Aki was known as a “problem child”, and it wasn't uncommon for him to cause issues. He never seemed to grow out of this phase, going on to do many things to harm the Kyoshiro family. Unfortunately, Nikandr was usually one of the few to receive the short end of the stick.

[ALIVE] - Akira T. Kyoshiro ; Adoptive Brother
“You’re respectable, both as a partner and brother."

Despite meeting through the gang Kyogoku and then being a part of the same family, Akira and Nikandr were never too close. Interactions between the two would’ve been unlikely if it wasn't for working together.

[ALIVE] - Felix Jin-Ryuk Stark ; Adoptive Brother
“Even after all the things I did to you, at the end you always forgave me. I guess that's just the type of person you are. I'm sorry. ”

Like all his other adoptive siblings, Felix and Nikandr met due to the Kyoshiro family, alongside Kyogoku, although they never interacted up until becoming family. Overtime, and probably because of the traumatic incidents they went through together, the two became close and gained a deep understanding for one another. Even after Felix changed his identity, they still considered eachother brothers.

[ALIVE] Baihe K. Xiyang-Thorn ; Adoptive Sister
"Turned your life around and you seem to be doing better. I'm proud."

Baihe was one of the people adopted into the Kyoshiro family awhile after the fall of Kyogoku. Her and Nikandr's relationship was strained in a way, but she had a way of always being there for her family. Even though he doesnt particularly remember much about Baihe, he'll never forget how strong she was. Nikandr will forever be thankful for her.

[UNKNOWN] - Hana Okami ; Sister
“After years, I can't help but wonder why you left. Things would be so different if you didnt. Wherever you went, and why, I hope it was worth leaving your little brother alone.”

They had a difficult upbringing, and that resulted in leaving their hometown to go to Karakura. The first month or so being in the new city seemed to be going great; Hana had gotten an apartment for herself and Nikandr, and the two had separate friendship circles while keeping up with school. Then Hana vanished without a trace.

[UNKNOWN] - Daphne Okami ; Sister
“You always had an attitude that would either light up a room, or burn it down. Wherever you are, I hope you’re okay.”

Nikandrs little sister, related by blood. He never had a particularly close bond with her, which was obvious when both he and Hana left for Karakura without her. Despite that, after a few years she eventually found her way to her brother. But like Hana, she seemed to vanish.

[ALIVE] - Yori Kyoshiro ; Son
“Crazy to think theres a mini me running around.”

Nikandr wasnt quite sure of Yori’s existence, and still doesnt really know of him.




[ALIVE] - San Thorne ; Best friend
“I'm proud to see how far you’ve come, but sometimes I can't help but wish things would go back to how they were when snow covered the ground and the power plant was our spot. I'm sorry I wont be there to be caught up on the latest drama this time.”

After trying to set San up with his friend but failing, they ended up exchanging contact information and becoming good friends. Multiple incidents only brought the pair closer (ex; Ayumu, fights, almost dying), and it was like they clicked. Although soon a realization came over Nikandr; Crime wasn't meant for San. With that, he gave him the boost out of the criminal scene, and they grew apart. Despite the distance, Nikandr would always consider San his best friend.

[UNKNOWN/JAILED] - Kazuhiro Sugiyama ; Best friend
“I would’ve called you my brother. Knowing you, and since you were involved in that one situation, I think it's safe to assume you’re also rotting in prison. I wanna go back to when we ran the streets together.”

The two men met during a confrontation at powerplant, which they backed eachother up. Afterwards they seemed sort of inseparable in a way, always getting into trouble, and even going as far as getting arrested together. A slice of distance separated the two, whether it was Kazuhiro's behavior or Nikandrs short absence. They fell out, and even though Nikandr doesnt really know what happened to him, Kazuhiro will always be considered one of his best friends.

[ALIVE] Zaire Takada ; Friend
"This guy."

At first, Nikandr wasnt particularly fond of Zaire for MULTIPLE reasons. But overtime, and probably since they worked together during the Black Dragons reign, they became somewhat of friends.

[ALIVE] V. 'Karl' Aiuchi-Stark ; Acquaintance
"Fucccck you."

Karl, AKA Felix's husband. Nikandr hated him for the longest time, although he never quite knew exactly why. Well, he probably just cant remember why. He somewhat put up with the man purely for Felix's sake. And admittedly, Nikandr did some horrible things to Karl, most of which he regrets. In a way, Nikandr is somewhat thankful. Karl is the reason he got out of the crime scene. . Even if it was at the cost of his freedom.




[ALIVE] - Jyn Sato-Kyoshiro ; Husband
“You always deserved more than I could give you, yet you stayed for the longest time. One of my biggest regrets is not doing better for you.”

Jyn was one of the first people Nikandr met after moving to Karakura. After talking for a while at the pier, they hit it off and began dating. Through thick and thin, the pair stuck together and ultimately ended up getting engaged. Towards the end of Nikandr’s freedom, the relationship seemed to wither out. Jyn was never in town, and Nikandr didn't put in the effort to see him.

[DECEASED] - Tori Thorne ; Complicated
“Strangely enough, I always somehow longed for you despite knowing we could never work out. One of the last times I ever saw you alive, we almost kissed. I wonder how different things could’ve turned out if we did?”

It was weird meeting her. One of the first interactions they had was Tori telling Nikandr about her bad relationship, and Nikandr giving her advice (?). The two seemed to click instantly after that; a common trend with the Thorne’s. After constantly hanging out, the friendship spiraled into something more personal, but ended with Nikandr cutting it off. After reuniting after what could’ve been months to a year, they shared a few intimate moments together. And then Tori died.


Second Degree Murder
Possession of Illegal Weaponry 4x
Gang Affiliation 4x
Evasion 3x
Assault 3x
Kidnapping 2x
Obstruction of Justice 2x
Assault on a Government Official
Assault with a deadly weapon
Assault with a weapon

i wanna thank everyone that interacted and helped develop my character over the past year of having him
my sincerest apologies if there was someone i didnt include in the relations part (lmk and you can probably be added)
ill probably edit this more in time
on st0!
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Level 116
This man right here makes me want to sob my eyes out (Karl still feels guilty as HELL ic for what happened)


Level 116
[ALIVE] V. 'Karl' Aiuchi-Stark ; Acquaintance
"Fucccck you."

Karl, AKA Felix's husband. Nikandr hated him for the longest time, although he never quite knew exactly why. Well, he probably just cant remember why. He somewhat put up with the man purely for Felix's sake. And admittedly, Nikandr did some horrible things to Karl, most of which he regrets. In a way, Nikandr is somewhat thankful. Karl is the reason he got out of the crime scene. . Even if it was at the cost of his freedom.
Ho did you just stab me

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