Level 19
生肖 Wohi 'Kuh' Pun 生肖
''A man of his word''
Reference Pictures
生肖Body Shape And Information生肖
Body Shape : A regular lanky build yet pretty muscular.
Length : 5,9 Feet Tall.
Weight : 201 Lbs
Eye Color : Grey
Face Flaws/Scars : Wohi 'Kuh' Pun has one scar across his eye from a group attacked in that same attack his eye got stabbed.
Hair Color : Grey/Black
Tattoo's / Body Scarifications : A full body tattoo revealing ''Yakuza Originals''.
生肖Fighting Stlye / Fighting Skills 生肖
Weapon of choice : Wohi 'Kuh' Pun his weapon of choice would be a Katana but in public places he would never risk a big weapon like that so for in open/public places he would use a pocket knife as his weapon of choice.
Fighting Styles : Wohi 'Kuh' Pun would since he was 3 years old be put on Karate so he would basically train it to the age of 19 using it nearly flawless,since he was 14 he started using Katana training and knife's he basically trained alot to dodge knife's and Katana's be he also knows well how to use them.
''A man of his word''
Reference Pictures

生肖Body Shape And Information生肖
Body Shape : A regular lanky build yet pretty muscular.
Length : 5,9 Feet Tall.
Weight : 201 Lbs
Eye Color : Grey
Face Flaws/Scars : Wohi 'Kuh' Pun has one scar across his eye from a group attacked in that same attack his eye got stabbed.
Hair Color : Grey/Black
Tattoo's / Body Scarifications : A full body tattoo revealing ''Yakuza Originals''.
生肖Fighting Stlye / Fighting Skills 生肖
Weapon of choice : Wohi 'Kuh' Pun his weapon of choice would be a Katana but in public places he would never risk a big weapon like that so for in open/public places he would use a pocket knife as his weapon of choice.
Fighting Styles : Wohi 'Kuh' Pun would since he was 3 years old be put on Karate so he would basically train it to the age of 19 using it nearly flawless,since he was 14 he started using Katana training and knife's he basically trained alot to dodge knife's and Katana's be he also knows well how to use them.
生肖Clothing And Appearence生肖
Wohi 'Kuh' Pun's Clothing : Wohi 'kuh' Pun would most likely appear in a casual formal suit much looking like the picture below.
Wohi 'Kuh' Pun's Face Expression : It would mostly be neutral to annoyed.
Wohi 'kuh' Pun's regular voice (Beneath):
Skin Color : Wohi 'Kuh' Pun would appear with a pale skin color
Wohi 'kuh' Pun's Personality : Wohi 'Kuh' Pun would mainly seem annoyed or serious if you are close to him he would be a nice guy that can have good senses of humor at his good times.
Wohi 'Kuh' Pun's Clothing : Wohi 'kuh' Pun would most likely appear in a casual formal suit much looking like the picture below.

Wohi 'kuh' Pun's Personality : Wohi 'Kuh' Pun would mainly seem annoyed or serious if you are close to him he would be a nice guy that can have good senses of humor at his good times.
{Mother} Ai Maeda (ALIVE)
{Mother} Ai Maeda (ALIVE)
{Father) Bao Pun (DEAD)
{Brother} Dequan 'kuh' Pun (ALIVE)
{Uncle} Oipa 'kuh' Pun (ALIVE)
{Brother} Kichiru Maeda (ALIVE)
Wohi 'Kuh' Pun was born in Beijng, Wohi Kuh Pun was born on the 17th of august 1997 he would have one brother called Kichiru Maeda which was born in 1996 his one year old brother would be Wohi his example his Wohi his father was apart of the Yakuza division called The Sumiyoshi-Kai
his mother her brother, his uncle would have been stated in the Triads in china, he grew up in a good family they had tons of money until the company of his father ''Pun Economics'' went down and got bankrupt on the third of August 2004 at this time Wohi 'Kuh' Pun would be 7 years old and his mother Ai Maeda left the home of China to move back to Japan taking Kichiru Maeda with her Kichiru at that time was 8 years old and he would end up living in his birth town Yokkaichi Japan as Wohi his father would still live with him in China their earnings would go down and they would live in a small house in Beijing
when Wohi was 9 he did earn some money by doing jobs for people in Beijing and he would earn enough together with his dad his fundings to get onto Karate lessons he would mainly focus on training his Karate 3 hours a day atleast when he became 13 (17th of august) he got the news that his mom got shot because of her efforts in the Chinese Triads his dad would not even show a sign of being sad about his mom being killed but Wohi would be very sad and he wanted vengeance or in his eyes justice for the killing of his mom and while he was still training Karate he would hereby start training with swords he would start of training with the Bokken a good weapon in his eyes. On the eighteenth of september 2012 he would have a championship of his Karate Club he would already be able to do serious damage onto his opponent and Sensei on the age of 14 this championship was the Japanese worldwide championship in Karate he became third place after getting beaten by Kuio Suloa a 17 year old black belt. After that he got third place in this championship the Triads would search for contact with him they would know him since his mother died and gave them information about it just before she did die, they asked Wohi to come with them joining the Triads and so did Wohi join but later that year he would leave due to the Triads their style after that he would have been assaulted in attempt to murder by two members of the Triads but Wohi could keep himself safe grabbing a Katana from the wall because he searched for the thing that would get the closest to a Bokken and he was surprised by the beauty of this certain weapon as he needed to hide from the bullets being fired at his he would end up bringing the Katana through his attackers, they had no protection against the Katana of Wohi still Wohi would be sloppy with the Katana so at the 19th of December 2012 he would get started to training with Katana's as he would love the use of these Swords, two days after he started training (31th of December 2012) his father would get killed by the Triads in attempt to lure Wohi into the Triad their hands but at this time Wohi was smart enough not too, yet he wanted vengeance which would never come he would have no home at this time, yet he had friends that felt like brothers too him he chose to get up to Kenta Daisuke to ask if he could live with them now he lives with his new 'brothers' and his new father and mother the date of this happening was the 13th of January 2013 this new home is stated in the country called Japan so he would now get a invite by the Sumiyoshi-Kai from one he knew back in the time in China his name being 'Dage' a friend of Wohi his father Wohi never expected Dage to be the leader of the Sumiyoshi-Kai at the 25th of January Wohi accepts the offer from Dage and joins the Yakuza as he would move to a town called Takashima on the age of 18 he would study there and when he became 19 he moved to Karakura, when first moving there a girl of the age of 15 got attacked by a group of 9 grown 17 year olds he would jump in the fight taking down 7 of the group as the other two would stab his eye out and leave him for what he is to them 'Dead'.
17Th Of August 1997 : Wohi 'Kuh' Pun was Born.
The 3d Of August 2004: The Company Of Wohi's Father ''Pun Economics'' went bankrupt.
17Th Of August 2004 : Kichiru Maeda And Ai Maeda Move To Japan.
17Th Of August 2006 : Wohi takes Karate Lessons.
17Th Of August 2010 : Wohi recieves the news his mother got shot.
18Th Of December 2012 : Wohi becomes third place in a Karate Championship in Japan.
20Th Of December 2012 : Wohi joins the Triads.
22Th Of December 2012 : Wohi leaves the Triads due to the fact they killed his mom.
29Th Of December 2012 : Wohi gets attacked by two men of the Triads, buts stabs them in their chest with a katana.
31Th Of December 2013 : Wohi his father gets killed by the Triads.
13Th Of January 2013 : Wohi lives in the Daisuke's House.
25Th Of January 2013 : Wohi joins the Yakuza.
17Th Of August 2016 : Wohi moves to Karakura.
20Th Of August 2016 : Wohi gets stabbed into his eye in a fight.
We are not held back by the love we didn't receive in the past,
but by the love we're not extending in the present. - Wohi kuh Pun.
{Brother} Dequan 'kuh' Pun (ALIVE)
{Uncle} Oipa 'kuh' Pun (ALIVE)
{Brother} Kichiru Maeda (ALIVE)
Wohi 'Kuh' Pun was born in Beijng, Wohi Kuh Pun was born on the 17th of august 1997 he would have one brother called Kichiru Maeda which was born in 1996 his one year old brother would be Wohi his example his Wohi his father was apart of the Yakuza division called The Sumiyoshi-Kai
17Th Of August 1997 : Wohi 'Kuh' Pun was Born.
The 3d Of August 2004: The Company Of Wohi's Father ''Pun Economics'' went bankrupt.
17Th Of August 2004 : Kichiru Maeda And Ai Maeda Move To Japan.
17Th Of August 2006 : Wohi takes Karate Lessons.
17Th Of August 2010 : Wohi recieves the news his mother got shot.
18Th Of December 2012 : Wohi becomes third place in a Karate Championship in Japan.
20Th Of December 2012 : Wohi joins the Triads.
22Th Of December 2012 : Wohi leaves the Triads due to the fact they killed his mom.
29Th Of December 2012 : Wohi gets attacked by two men of the Triads, buts stabs them in their chest with a katana.
31Th Of December 2013 : Wohi his father gets killed by the Triads.
13Th Of January 2013 : Wohi lives in the Daisuke's House.
25Th Of January 2013 : Wohi joins the Yakuza.
17Th Of August 2016 : Wohi moves to Karakura.
20Th Of August 2016 : Wohi gets stabbed into his eye in a fight.
We are not held back by the love we didn't receive in the past,
but by the love we're not extending in the present. - Wohi kuh Pun.