I also have a College Professor alternate account, robinaye.
Previous bans/warns/kicks:
List any applications you have created on the forums:
Language Application || Osca Kenji [Denied]
Vietnamese Application | Osca Kenji [Accepted]
College Professor Application | robinaye [Accepted]
Describe your activity on the server:
I have been active on the server for about 9 months now, with me joining earlier than that. I have over a week of playtime on the server, around a day on my alternate account, with a few more hours on FantasyRP, though less.
I have applied to many IC jobs as a cashier or an occupation akin to that, but I've not been accepted into any until I was brought into Fight Club as a bartender. There, I worked my way up the ranks and became a head referee. During my time there, I have missed a very small number of openings, and all of my missed openings were noted in advance through inactivity logs. @/Toto can confirm my activity. I think my greatest strength is my consistency - while I do have minor trouble staying online without any reason to, if there is an event scheduled, I will do my best to be there.
Crime-wise, I partook in Toto & Springwood's Fight Club Tournament/Triad Arc as a supporting character. In the final confrontation, I played the role of the hostage.
In September, I joined the Faculty Faction as a Modern History professor on my alternate account, robinaye.
In addition to these, I am active on the forums where I have no issues providing my opinion on suggestions with proper reasoning and the Karakura Crime and IKIGAI Discords where I hold conversations on a near-daily basis.
Specify your Discord name and discriminator (USER#????) and if you have a microphone:
I have a microphone, though I may not always be able to speak due to yours truly periodically experiencing gender dysphoria as a transgender woman with no voice training.
Specify your country of origin and time zone:
I'd rather omit my country of origin as it's information I am not comfortable sharing, but it is a country with Central European Summer Time (CEST, or GMT+2).
What are your motivations for applying for the black market dealer role?:
All jokes aside, the BMD role is something that I've been interested in for a while now, as I believe the role is part of an incredibly interesting setting, that being the Karakura Underground. The way that the faction itself is formed is refreshing, as rather than being one singular entity like the KPD or the KHS&C faculty, it's divided into different little gangs which are, more often than not, on opposing sides of a conflict. I'd really like to delve deeper into the faction by planning and running events, writing lore and bringing the reputation of the crime faction up instead of letting it rot with the unfortunate reputation it has in some circles of SRP.
What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
I believe I have a unique viewpoint on certain topics regarding CriminalRP as a person who has not participated in GangRP (not been in a gang). I am very much coming into SRP as a writer first, and the Karakura Crime Faction is no exception. I have a lot of experience running, helping run or simply participating in literate roleplay, and I think this experience could prove helpful to the team. I also have a very positive attitude in general, and I think that is something that is, unfortunately, often sorely lacking in GangRP.
(I am also in Europe, which would mean that European people will be able to get their fix of black market items without having to be on SRP at unreasonable times or buy them secondhand at egregious prices.)
As a person, I am rather inquisitive, always waiting to hear both sides of an argument before providing my own input.
What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:
In my daily life, I am an independent videogame developer, so I am expected to work under stress with a larger team of people to deliver a product by a deadline. I am also a hotel assistant, which means I've to communicate with all the working parts of a hotel to ensure the hotel runs smoothly.
Furthermore, I am on multiple curator teams of literate roleplay communities, where, in addition to moderating the chats, I am asked to pitch ideas for the overarching story, suggestions to improve the systems in place, write lore entries and peer review posts by other admin. These tasks are, of course, done collaboratively with other members.
What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
The crime faction has the most potential on SRP, and I want to help it tap into that. I don't think there's a lot one can improve upon with the concepts of 'School', for example - although that is another discussion to have.
Giving gangs the option to run their side businesses apart from the single-minded pursuit of turf is my most substantial suggestion at this juncture. I think the four underground businesses that are currently running - those being FIGHT CLUB, Karakura Street Racing and Bounty Hunting (and offshoots such as The Shelter) are very interesting and provide much, much more variation to CrimeRP that is, at least in my opinion, lacking in other factions. I believe expanding on this would be the right way to go, offering gangs to open their own, similar ventures, be it for money laundering (which would also give KPD the ability to review bank statements), as a front for other illegal activities, as a meeting place for associates or simply as another stream of income. I am quite partial to opening a darker gambling business, with people able to bet more than just their money in the backroom. High risk, high reward... or something akin to that.
Another thing I'd like to push for is more overlap between the KPD, EMS and Crime factions, with characters being able to become moles for the opposing faction - dirty cops, underworld doctors - and vice versa, undercover police officers, false nurses who sabotage the treatment of a detective... there are many possibilities to what can be done.
Of course, not only am I willing to pitch ideas, but I am also always open to hearing out new suggestions from other members of the faction and providing ways we could move forward with the idea instead of instantly disagreeing without providing any elaboration or room for a conversation to take place.
Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
I am familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions and player conduct on the server.
Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
I understand that if I were to leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent permission to kill my character. It's only natural.
Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
I am familiar with the fact that if my character is to be arrested twice or killed, I will be removed from the Black Market.
Are you familiar that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
I understand that I cannot reveal any OOC plans or potential additions to the black market to others.

Full Legal Name:
Ridley Akiyama ( 秋山リドリー )
Criminal Alias:
'SIREN' ( サイレン )
Age & Occupation:
Currently, Ridley is twenty. However, if she were to be accepted as a black market dealer, she'd become twenty-five - a rather young age to get involved in such dealings, but the younger they begin, the sooner they succeed, yes?
Gender & Marital Status:
Ridley identifies as female and is single. Any marriage or relationship would be for purely strategic reasons.
Ethnicity & Race:
Japanese American | Asian
Known Languages:
Japanese | English
Former Associations/Occupations:
Ridley has no direct ties to any criminal organisations.
Highest Level of Education:
Juris Doctor (Doctor of Law), Karakura City College
Physical/Mental Ailments:
Ridley was diagnosed with high-functioning PTSD in New York at a very young age following a traumatic event her mind is suppressing to this day. This fact was hidden from her until her second diagnosis at 19, which was done in Karakura.
She also suffers from retrograde amnesia, which means she does not remember anything from before the event.
Ridley does not suffer from any physical ailments and is quite capable.
Known Family Members:
Hana Akiyama - Mother (Alive)
Asa Morrison - Aunt (Alive)
Ridley does not consider herself tied to these people - to her, family is worthless.
Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:
SIREN - as gorgeous as her namesake.
Ridley has a naturally curvy body, but it's not something she flaunts. She keeps her black hair at armpit length, though it isn't too difficult for her to tie it up into a shorter length. Her fringe frames her picture-perfect face, adorned on her left cheek with a scar in the shape of an inverted cross. Her brown eyes are often drawn to things other people may look away from. Her clothing is almost always formal, preferring to wear a suit and tie.
Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:
SIREN - as rotten as her namesake.
Ridley is a charismatic, driven young woman with ambitions to make everyone happy and fulfilled and make the world a better place. Seemingly, she has a strong sense of justice and believes that all people should be free from suffering and torment. She's always willing to help people and will do whatever it takes to ensure that justice is served. Despite this, Ridley is not without her flaws; she can be arrogant at times and does tend to speak before thinking. However, these are only small quirks in Ridley's personality. When push comes to shove, she'll never let others suffer for no reason.
Or so they think.
On the inside, she is a cold, calculating monster who will stop at nothing to achieve her goals. She has a dark outlook on life, considering nihilism "an ultimately hopeful philosophy". Ridley is very manipulative, nudging people into doing what she wants them to do and using their positive emotions against them by poking logical holes in their reasoning. Fortunately for her, unfortunate for the vast majority of those who get in her way, she was blessed with great intellect, capable of impeccable planning. Chess is something she enjoys.
A graduate of law, she believes that the punishment should fit the act, and she takes this notion with her into the criminal world. Homicide is, to her, one of the less severe punishments she can give out. Most issues she can simply move past - albeit after removing a limb or two. She finds murder too simple, too old-fashioned, too quick. If she were truly to punish someone... well, perhaps it's better to keep that to ourselves, no?
Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail:
Has she always been like this...? Ridley doesn't remember.
The first thing she remembers is the feeling of disconnect she felt upon entering this world. A bright light, followed by chants. "It's a girl! Oh, how wonderful!"
That is the only thing she remembers from her childhood firsthand, though she must have had one since her mother was alive and there to tell her of the life she was dragged through. Her own story through the eyes of another, her childhood must be, by all accounts, taken with a grain of salt.
She was born on the 25th of December, a wonderful Christmas present to the Akiyama family. The history of the Akiyamas is irrelevant in Ridley's personal history since she now considers herself distant from them - no ties that bind, she is chainless. She was, allegedly, a very smart child from a young age, a girl with an affinity for logic, affection for chess and speaking, always the centre of attention. The child of a dentist, Ridley grew up around her mother's solo practice, where she gained a basic understanding of the tools of her mother's trade. She became no stranger to probes, anaesthetics, drills, syringes and the like.
Ridley is told she had a regular life until the incident. Following a traumatic event when she was fifteen years old, she lost all memories from before the event and only became armed with her name and her motor skills. She was never told what the incident was, though there are a few things she has deduced have something to do with it. For one, the lack of a father and her mother's unwillingness to discuss him, but Ridley considers this a red herring. Secondly, she appears to receive brief flashbacks while enjoying the beach. And lastly, the scar on her cheek - she doesn't appear to have it in older photos. She was diagnosed with PTSD and retrograde amnesia. Her PTSD diagnosis was not revealed to her.
Ridley sprung into a beautiful young woman, constantly smiling, kindness to others plenty, yet she never seemed to be happy or truly satisfied. Inside, she always felt empty. Upon discussing these feelings of emptiness with her psychiatrist, the psychiatrist and Ridley's mother decided that a change of environment was in order. Ridley was given a list of locales in the US she could choose to go to, but she wasn't able to choose. It all felt the same to her, no risk, no gain, there was no fun in it. New York City, Washington D.C., Salem, San Francisco, they were all the same in her eyes. She stayed there for a few months, then she'd disappear. Nobody would miss her, and she wouldn't miss anyone.
And then, Karakura revealed itself to Ridley, as treasure to a grave digger. A documentary about the South-Japanese town was recommended to her, followed by extensive research... Ridley found her place. A city where the law feared the gangs, many of the town's institutions run by a singular family, rumours of teleportation, ghosts, cults... an unpredictable environment for the girl who loved prediction.
She set out right away.
In Karakura, she enrolled in the local college, primarily studying Criminology to gain an upper hand over the town's many adversaries. During this time, she also began seeing a psychiatrist again - Dr Reina Hamasaki - and became friends with Dr Hamasaki's daughter, the unfortunate Ichika. Hamasaki diagnosed Ridley with high-functioning PTSD, and this time, with all the cards on the table, Ridley felt lost. The emptiness inside her grew ever stronger, her only escape being art. This emptiness manifested itself as the motif of metamorphosis in her art submissions, more often than not in the form of a blue monarch butterfly. She felt as if trapped in a cocoon, wishing for her rebirth. But the only time she felt her shell cracking was when she did something morally wrong.
She gained access to IKIGAI, where she began establishing herself as 'SIREN', a strangely eloquent and soft-spoken character with a penchant for giving advice. As she learned in her business classes, she noticed a demand and chose to meet it by buying items from shops and reselling them at an upmarket. The Siren's Wares were one of a kind for those who didn't know better - flip phones, smartphones, laptops, tablets, even ordinary things such as flowers, sunglasses and foodstuffs, frozen an reheated, brought discreetly to customers' doorsteps... and everyone was happy. Bar Ridley, who had, at this point, graduated College with a doctorate in law, for she had set her eyes on a much, much grander prize...
The Black Market, the riskiest business of them all, sets her heart aflutter.
Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer:
Summer monsoon season. A rainy day.
Ridley sits in the woods east of the city, on a bench. In her left hand, she holds an umbrella, her right hand placed on a brown briefcase.
From the fog, a man's figure emerges. He approaches the Siren, taking off his hat as a sign of respect, then sits down next to her. Following a moment of silence, he speaks up first.
"What's the job?"
Ridley opens her briefcase and hands him a series of photographs, depicting a young man drinking a coffee in the family shop, heading to his home near the gods-forsaken power plant, and meeting up with his buddies from the Bobcats...
"Half a million." She says, not giving the bounty hunter any more attention than he needs. She shoots a look to the side at a fox, running from the rain...
The bounty hunter simply chuckles. He'd heard that this client was a very specific one, that there were some things off about her, but... half a million for a human's life is too little. He gets up and begins to leave, before he's stopped by the female's voice:
"Half a million a limb."
The bounty hunter turns around, raising a brow.
"What did you just say?"
Ridley's formerly neutral expression turns into a smile. She procures a different series of photos from her briefcase, handing it to the man. All feature the same teen, no older than eighteen, handing over different black market wares to various people, some older, some younger, some dressed in modest garb, some in formal attire. All have paid for this, all have bypassed The Siren, but the sinner is the boy selling it to them.
"Half a million a limb," Ridley repeated her simple request. "You may remove a limb per unique customer found in these photographs. Once you are done, you will place these items in a cardboard box and send them to the hospital. An associate there will take care of the rest." She tilts her head to one side, checking the hunter's side profile for any sign of hesitation. "If you aren't feeling up to the job, you may decline. Of course, I will reconsider taking you on for another job should you refuse."
The man sighs, mumbles something under his breath and scratches his nose. After a beat, he shakes his head in dismay. "Oh, what the Hell. This is the last time, I'm doing a damn kid though, 'Siren'."
"I'm sure it is, Mr Gerhardt. Hear from you soon."
Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer:
Ridley will not have any issues with showcasing bias toward a specific gang - she finds the entire idea of gangs archaic, the bonds that are forged ultimately rot and are broken. She admires the Akihito Family for gaining such influence over Karakura, though she can't say the same for the individual members that range from honourable to psychotic. Ridley has also begun making moves in the underworld by providing "disappearer" services - if a person needs to vanish, Ridley will figure out optimal routes, places to stay, fake IDs... all one needs to start a new life.
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