Level 1
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- Don't take this information ICly.

G E N D E R | ♀ Female ♀
A G E | 19 years old
H E I G H T | 5'0"
W E I G H T |
B I R T H D A T E | 12•22•02
Z O D I A C • S I G N | Capricorn
P L A C E • O F • B I R T H | Isle of Skye, Scotland
R A C E | White
M A R I T I A L • S T A T U S | Taken
L A N G U A G E S | Scots, Japanese, and German
S E X U A L I T Y | Bisexual
O C C U P A T I O N S | Baseball
P H Y S I C A L • H E A L T H
M E N T A L • H E A L T H
[ Autophobia ]
- Fear of being Alone
[ Clinical Depression ]
- Diagnosed with Clinical Depression
- Fear of being Alone
[ Clinical Depression ]
- Diagnosed with Clinical Depression
[ Psychosis ]
- Psychosis is where the person hallucinates and is unaware of his/her actions.
[ Separation Anxiety ]
-She would start to panic and get upset when she isn't around her boyfriend as she feels safe around him, when he has to leave, she'll start to feel down and start to cry as she would be panicking.
Personality Traits
[] + Positive Traits + []
[] - Negative Traits - []
[] • Other Traits • []
Physical Description
A female standing at 5'0", she'd be wearing She'd be wearing a white shirt with a blue overall dress. She'd have medium brown hair and blue eyes. She'd be pale with a Scottish accent. She'd have a soft, calming sweet voice and smells of fresh watermelons and would be seen wearing a black pearl bow most of the time.
Depends on what Blaire is feeling, she normally is seen wearing black clothes or deep red clothing.
Character Voice / Mannerisms
Taiga Aisaka - Toradora [Japanese]
- [Taiga] -
Non-Combat Skills
Combat Skills
[Father][45] Varian Hashirama [D E C E A S E D]
[Mother][40] Alice L. Hashirama [A L I V E]
[Older Brother][20] Damien Hashirama [A L I V E]
[Older Brother][20] Genko Hashirama [A L I V E]
[Older Sister][24] Emily A. Hashirama [A L I V E]
[Older Brother][27] Miyazaki Hashirama [D E C E A S E D]
[Twin Brother] [18] Daryl Hashirama [D E C E A S E D]
[Adopted Sister] [20] Emma Hashirama [A L I V E]
[Adopted Sister] [20] Eva Hashirama [A L I V E]
[Son] [6 months] Daejeon Hashirama [D E C E A S E D]
[Daughter] [1] Chanel Hashirama [A L I V E]
Close Friends
Ross G. W. Garcia - Boyfriend
"The love of my life. I love you so much, I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you!"

Personality Traits
[] + Positive Traits + []
[] - Negative Traits - []
[] • Other Traits • []
Physical Description
A female standing at 5'0", she'd be wearing She'd be wearing a white shirt with a blue overall dress. She'd have medium brown hair and blue eyes. She'd be pale with a Scottish accent. She'd have a soft, calming sweet voice and smells of fresh watermelons and would be seen wearing a black pearl bow most of the time.
Depends on what Blaire is feeling, she normally is seen wearing black clothes or deep red clothing.
Character Voice / Mannerisms
Taiga Aisaka - Toradora [Japanese]
- [Taiga] -

Non-Combat Skills
Combat Skills

[Father][45] Varian Hashirama [D E C E A S E D]
[Mother][40] Alice L. Hashirama [A L I V E]
[Older Brother][20] Damien Hashirama [A L I V E]
[Older Brother][20] Genko Hashirama [A L I V E]
[Older Sister][24] Emily A. Hashirama [A L I V E]
[Older Brother][27] Miyazaki Hashirama [D E C E A S E D]
[Twin Brother] [18] Daryl Hashirama [D E C E A S E D]
[Adopted Sister] [20] Emma Hashirama [A L I V E]
[Adopted Sister] [20] Eva Hashirama [A L I V E]
[Son] [6 months] Daejeon Hashirama [D E C E A S E D]
[Daughter] [1] Chanel Hashirama [A L I V E]
Close Friends
Ross G. W. Garcia - Boyfriend
"The love of my life. I love you so much, I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you!"
Arabella Ansley - Ex-Best friend
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
Sasuke Yuu Mikisuka - Random Jock
"Some random jock who became my friend."
Notoshima Fusanosuke - Close friend who saved me
"We became good friends ever since you saved me that day at the front of the school gates! Thank you!"
Kazuto Garcia - Boyfriend's brother
"Why won't you let Ross be with me? He's happy with me.."
Yume Fusanosuke - Notoshima's sister
"She's so sweet. I love her."
Zenkai Senet - Ex-Friend
"I hate you."
Kiyomi Fujiya - Ex-Baseball Captain
"Miss you! But I graduated into college and got on the team!"
Daryl Hashirama - Twin brother
"I miss you... I was so devastated when I was told you passed... I'll never forgive them for what they had done, but it was your dying wish, right?.."
Damien Hashirama - Older brother
"I know I don't say this- but I love you as well big brother, I'm sorry for saying such cruel things to you.."
Genko Hashirama - Older brother
"I love you big brother, I'm sorry for the cruel words I said when I was younger.. "
Emily A. Hashirama - Older sister
"I miss you, big sister.."
Erriko Garcia - Ex-Friend + Boyfriend's sister
"Much like I said to Kazuto, Why won't you let Ross be happy and let him be with me?.."
Maeve 'Wither' Antoinette - friend
"Okay- are you alive?"
Vincent 'Vince' Holland - friend
"Where the hell did you go? why is everyone dying!?"
Brady B. Holland - friend
"I hate you."
Katsuro Hibiki - friend
"We don't talk anymore."
Yamato Hozuki - Ex-Friend
"I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I HATE YOU."
~More will friends will be added soon~
Ross G. W. Garcia
[Fixing soon!]
~Backstory~ (Adding more later!)
Blaire Elspeth Mi-Young Hashirama was born on a snowy day on December 22nd, 2002. She was born in Isle of skye, Scotland and lived with her parents, Varian and Alice Hashirama, alongside her older brothers, Magazaki, Damien, Genko and Daryl. Blaire was the only biological daughter of the Hashirama family, once she was at the age of six years old, she was trained to fight, by her brother's and father. One morning she awoke and heard unpleasant news, her older brother Magazaki had passed away, though she was not close with him, she missed him dearly. three years later, Blaire was nine years old, she was outside playing one day when her father, Varian took a young boy inside with his old friend, Luke Winters. Luke took this young boy under his wing, Blaire was curious of the young boy, so she went up to him and spoke to him, she got in trouble afterwards and was told not to speak to him ever again. A few years has passed, the Hashirama's moved to Karakura, Japan, Blaire was around the age of eleven now, not much had happened then, her mother kept getting promotions in the Karakura Police Department, Her father, well he was doing much worse than what her mother could ever imagine. Blaire was still training with her brothers, fighting. By the time Blaire was thirteen , She went to Germany for a school field trip, there again, she met that young boy from when she was nine. She had seemed to forgotten all about him, then it hit her, she remembered the boy and they started to hang out a lot, she learned he was also residing in Karakura. By the time she was seventeen, she had joined her father's gang, there she had already knew some members, her twin brother, her father, and that boy, she eventually learned his name, "Soba" then on, Soba and Blaire started to go out, they dated a bit, then one night, Blaire fell pregnant, with Twins at the age of seventeen. She was scared at first due to her only being seventeen, but she told Soba and he was happy. One day during school, a fight broke out, her older brother Damien, got spat on, Blaire was furious, upset, she wanted to help him, that lead to much worse events, Soba sat in a tree, watching all the chaos happen, the college football team, a couple members helped, a male called Carson carried Blaire to the hospital after she got jumped by these unknown males who started harassing her older brother Damien, they made sure she was okay, Soba however, did not show up to the hospital with her, Blaire almost lost her babies, Soba and Blaire broke up after that, eventually after a while, got back together. One unfaithful day, Blaire was walking inside the school, when two males approached her, started talking to her, they were hitting on her, eventually they started to sexually harass her, one more male came up behind her, started to kiss her, eventually he gave her a hickey. Two members of the high school football team came up as they heard the racket and saw what was going on, they had saved Blaire, she was crying and scared as to what had happened, she had thanked the two football members who had saved her. She was trying to figure out a good way to tell Soba, she had the courage one day and took him near the college frat house, as there was a little Parkside waiting area, she was about to tell him when a lady, known to her family moved Blaire's hair out of the way and there they saw the hickey, Soba felt betrayed, the thoughts of her cheating came across his mind and there he walked away, Blaire tried explaining what had really happened, but she was hurt that he did not believe her, that day they broke up for good. Blaire was pregnant and alone, crying every-night, she ended up speaking to Soba again, explaining it, they were done, for good. Blaire ended up giving birth to the twins without Soba there, she had one boy and one girl, She had named the boy Daejeon and the girl, Chanel. Blaire met this guy with her best friends Arabella and Ricky, the two males, Kazuto and Zenkai were two good friends, Blaire ended up sleeping with Kazuto, she had no feelings for him whatsoever, Blaire was cruel, ruthless and heartless that she didn't care about hurting him. Blaire ended up meeting Kazuto's brother, Ross. As Blaire first saw Ross, Blaire felt love, she fell in-love with Ross at first glance, Blaire and Ross ended up hanging out a lot, eventually Blaire called him to the zen garden, where she had met him, underneath the confession tree to where she had confessed, luckily, Ross felt the same way. They started to secretly date as Kazuto was still in-love with Blaire, while Blaire was madly in love with Ross, and Ross was madly in love with Blaire. Blaire and Ross told Blaire's older brother first, Damien Hashirama, Damien was cool with it, as Damien liked Ross. Ross, Damien and Daryl became good friends, when Genko came back into town, Genko had met Ross and accepted him. Blaire eventually introduced Ross to her parents, Varian and Alice accepted Ross at first, as soon as Blaire and Ross dated for a year, Blaire ended up having the idea of proposing to Ross, she brought the ring and had it all planned out, Ross had the same idea, he also wanted to propose to Blaire. They both ended up proposing at the same time and now were both engaged, Blaire introduced Ross to her children, Daejeon and Chanel, Ross loved her kids, he treated them like his own. A while after being engaged, Blaire's father was shot, put into hospital there of which, Varian had confessed to his crimes, as was to be executed, Blaire got out of jail after being arrested by her mother, Blaire and her twin brother, Daryl went into the Karakura Police Department as they went into the execution watch room as her father sat down in the execution chair, her mother loaded her Glock, shooting her father in the head, Blaire and Daryl cried, Blaire left traumatized to the sounds of gunshots now. A while after that, Blaire was out of town and had seen her family different, they weren't the same anymore, Blaire went into Eva's room as there she then heard the news, Blaire's mother was murdered. A couple months after that, Blaire and Ross were to be wed on February 14th, 2021, while Ross was nineteen and Blaire eighteen. On the day of the wedding, Blaire was so excited, finally being able to be wed to the love of her life, until one unfaithful moment, someone objected, started calling Blaire a murderer, which of course she was, She had killed around two people, one to protect her friends, and another, to protect her monster of a father, but she had changed because of her being with Ross, she was a kind person now, kind to those who also hurt her, to those who left her alone. Blaire and Ross paused their engagement, as they are now boyfriend and girlfriend again, they are still together and happier than ever, they paused their engagement but are still dating, they plan to wed again when they are a bit older. Blaire and Ross live in an apartment with Chanel, Daejeon was left alone in the tower as Blaire had no time to find a babysitter for her kids, Blaire was in a rush at school, as Blaire came home after school, she found a box on her bed, curious as to what it was, she opened it, there Daejeon was, decapitated, Blaire screamed so loud, tears falling down her cheeks, her old teammate, Yua and Yua's boyfriend came rushing in, asking Blaire what was wrong, Blaire pointed to the box, as more tears fell down her cheeks. Blaire's teammate, had said something to Ross and Blaire, Blaire eventually told Ross that Daejeon passed away. Months after their parents deaths, Blaire's twin brother, Daryl ended up going missing, she's been searching everywhere for him, as she still has no luck on finding him. Blaire and Ross have two dogs called Spike and Merry, Blaire can somewhat stand Soba now, Blaire is still dealing with the loss of her parents, the disappearance of her twin brother, Daryl, the loss of her son, Blaire is dealing with the hatred of her older brother's, Damien and Genko. Blaire, Genko, Archibald and Damian got a surprised visit from their uncle, their uncle had scolded Damien for being such a jerk to Blaire, the uncle also asked Blaire how she was, she told him he's a great uncle, he ended up telling her to give up her child, she said of course but she never did, if he ever visits her, the daughter will be with Ross or a close friend of Blaire's and Ross; Chanel is one years old now and has started to walk now. Blaire is happier than she has ever been while she's been with Ross and Chanel, Blaire hopes that one day soon, her and Ross will wed again. Around two months after her uncle had visited, Blaire was sitting down on the ledge of a window, Blaire ended up falling off and breaking her leg, Blaire's been on crutches but she has around six days left to go, Blaire had grown closer to some of her teammates, more closer with Kiyomi, Kiyomi has always been kind to Blaire ever since Blaire met Kiyomi, Brock is one of Blaire's friends, Blaire's still getting to know the other teammates.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
Sasuke Yuu Mikisuka - Random Jock
"Some random jock who became my friend."
Notoshima Fusanosuke - Close friend who saved me
"We became good friends ever since you saved me that day at the front of the school gates! Thank you!"
Kazuto Garcia - Boyfriend's brother
"Why won't you let Ross be with me? He's happy with me.."
Yume Fusanosuke - Notoshima's sister
"She's so sweet. I love her."
Zenkai Senet - Ex-Friend
"I hate you."
Kiyomi Fujiya - Ex-Baseball Captain
"Miss you! But I graduated into college and got on the team!"
Daryl Hashirama - Twin brother
"I miss you... I was so devastated when I was told you passed... I'll never forgive them for what they had done, but it was your dying wish, right?.."
Damien Hashirama - Older brother
"I know I don't say this- but I love you as well big brother, I'm sorry for saying such cruel things to you.."
Genko Hashirama - Older brother
"I love you big brother, I'm sorry for the cruel words I said when I was younger.. "
Emily A. Hashirama - Older sister
"I miss you, big sister.."
Erriko Garcia - Ex-Friend + Boyfriend's sister
"Much like I said to Kazuto, Why won't you let Ross be happy and let him be with me?.."
Maeve 'Wither' Antoinette - friend
"Okay- are you alive?"
Vincent 'Vince' Holland - friend
"Where the hell did you go? why is everyone dying!?"
Brady B. Holland - friend
"I hate you."
Katsuro Hibiki - friend
"We don't talk anymore."
Yamato Hozuki - Ex-Friend
"I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I HATE YOU."
~More will friends will be added soon~
Ross G. W. Garcia
[Fixing soon!]
~Backstory~ (Adding more later!)
Blaire Elspeth Mi-Young Hashirama was born on a snowy day on December 22nd, 2002. She was born in Isle of skye, Scotland and lived with her parents, Varian and Alice Hashirama, alongside her older brothers, Magazaki, Damien, Genko and Daryl. Blaire was the only biological daughter of the Hashirama family, once she was at the age of six years old, she was trained to fight, by her brother's and father. One morning she awoke and heard unpleasant news, her older brother Magazaki had passed away, though she was not close with him, she missed him dearly. three years later, Blaire was nine years old, she was outside playing one day when her father, Varian took a young boy inside with his old friend, Luke Winters. Luke took this young boy under his wing, Blaire was curious of the young boy, so she went up to him and spoke to him, she got in trouble afterwards and was told not to speak to him ever again. A few years has passed, the Hashirama's moved to Karakura, Japan, Blaire was around the age of eleven now, not much had happened then, her mother kept getting promotions in the Karakura Police Department, Her father, well he was doing much worse than what her mother could ever imagine. Blaire was still training with her brothers, fighting. By the time Blaire was thirteen , She went to Germany for a school field trip, there again, she met that young boy from when she was nine. She had seemed to forgotten all about him, then it hit her, she remembered the boy and they started to hang out a lot, she learned he was also residing in Karakura. By the time she was seventeen, she had joined her father's gang, there she had already knew some members, her twin brother, her father, and that boy, she eventually learned his name, "Soba" then on, Soba and Blaire started to go out, they dated a bit, then one night, Blaire fell pregnant, with Twins at the age of seventeen. She was scared at first due to her only being seventeen, but she told Soba and he was happy. One day during school, a fight broke out, her older brother Damien, got spat on, Blaire was furious, upset, she wanted to help him, that lead to much worse events, Soba sat in a tree, watching all the chaos happen, the college football team, a couple members helped, a male called Carson carried Blaire to the hospital after she got jumped by these unknown males who started harassing her older brother Damien, they made sure she was okay, Soba however, did not show up to the hospital with her, Blaire almost lost her babies, Soba and Blaire broke up after that, eventually after a while, got back together. One unfaithful day, Blaire was walking inside the school, when two males approached her, started talking to her, they were hitting on her, eventually they started to sexually harass her, one more male came up behind her, started to kiss her, eventually he gave her a hickey. Two members of the high school football team came up as they heard the racket and saw what was going on, they had saved Blaire, she was crying and scared as to what had happened, she had thanked the two football members who had saved her. She was trying to figure out a good way to tell Soba, she had the courage one day and took him near the college frat house, as there was a little Parkside waiting area, she was about to tell him when a lady, known to her family moved Blaire's hair out of the way and there they saw the hickey, Soba felt betrayed, the thoughts of her cheating came across his mind and there he walked away, Blaire tried explaining what had really happened, but she was hurt that he did not believe her, that day they broke up for good. Blaire was pregnant and alone, crying every-night, she ended up speaking to Soba again, explaining it, they were done, for good. Blaire ended up giving birth to the twins without Soba there, she had one boy and one girl, She had named the boy Daejeon and the girl, Chanel. Blaire met this guy with her best friends Arabella and Ricky, the two males, Kazuto and Zenkai were two good friends, Blaire ended up sleeping with Kazuto, she had no feelings for him whatsoever, Blaire was cruel, ruthless and heartless that she didn't care about hurting him. Blaire ended up meeting Kazuto's brother, Ross. As Blaire first saw Ross, Blaire felt love, she fell in-love with Ross at first glance, Blaire and Ross ended up hanging out a lot, eventually Blaire called him to the zen garden, where she had met him, underneath the confession tree to where she had confessed, luckily, Ross felt the same way. They started to secretly date as Kazuto was still in-love with Blaire, while Blaire was madly in love with Ross, and Ross was madly in love with Blaire. Blaire and Ross told Blaire's older brother first, Damien Hashirama, Damien was cool with it, as Damien liked Ross. Ross, Damien and Daryl became good friends, when Genko came back into town, Genko had met Ross and accepted him. Blaire eventually introduced Ross to her parents, Varian and Alice accepted Ross at first, as soon as Blaire and Ross dated for a year, Blaire ended up having the idea of proposing to Ross, she brought the ring and had it all planned out, Ross had the same idea, he also wanted to propose to Blaire. They both ended up proposing at the same time and now were both engaged, Blaire introduced Ross to her children, Daejeon and Chanel, Ross loved her kids, he treated them like his own. A while after being engaged, Blaire's father was shot, put into hospital there of which, Varian had confessed to his crimes, as was to be executed, Blaire got out of jail after being arrested by her mother, Blaire and her twin brother, Daryl went into the Karakura Police Department as they went into the execution watch room as her father sat down in the execution chair, her mother loaded her Glock, shooting her father in the head, Blaire and Daryl cried, Blaire left traumatized to the sounds of gunshots now. A while after that, Blaire was out of town and had seen her family different, they weren't the same anymore, Blaire went into Eva's room as there she then heard the news, Blaire's mother was murdered. A couple months after that, Blaire and Ross were to be wed on February 14th, 2021, while Ross was nineteen and Blaire eighteen. On the day of the wedding, Blaire was so excited, finally being able to be wed to the love of her life, until one unfaithful moment, someone objected, started calling Blaire a murderer, which of course she was, She had killed around two people, one to protect her friends, and another, to protect her monster of a father, but she had changed because of her being with Ross, she was a kind person now, kind to those who also hurt her, to those who left her alone. Blaire and Ross paused their engagement, as they are now boyfriend and girlfriend again, they are still together and happier than ever, they paused their engagement but are still dating, they plan to wed again when they are a bit older. Blaire and Ross live in an apartment with Chanel, Daejeon was left alone in the tower as Blaire had no time to find a babysitter for her kids, Blaire was in a rush at school, as Blaire came home after school, she found a box on her bed, curious as to what it was, she opened it, there Daejeon was, decapitated, Blaire screamed so loud, tears falling down her cheeks, her old teammate, Yua and Yua's boyfriend came rushing in, asking Blaire what was wrong, Blaire pointed to the box, as more tears fell down her cheeks. Blaire's teammate, had said something to Ross and Blaire, Blaire eventually told Ross that Daejeon passed away. Months after their parents deaths, Blaire's twin brother, Daryl ended up going missing, she's been searching everywhere for him, as she still has no luck on finding him. Blaire and Ross have two dogs called Spike and Merry, Blaire can somewhat stand Soba now, Blaire is still dealing with the loss of her parents, the disappearance of her twin brother, Daryl, the loss of her son, Blaire is dealing with the hatred of her older brother's, Damien and Genko. Blaire, Genko, Archibald and Damian got a surprised visit from their uncle, their uncle had scolded Damien for being such a jerk to Blaire, the uncle also asked Blaire how she was, she told him he's a great uncle, he ended up telling her to give up her child, she said of course but she never did, if he ever visits her, the daughter will be with Ross or a close friend of Blaire's and Ross; Chanel is one years old now and has started to walk now. Blaire is happier than she has ever been while she's been with Ross and Chanel, Blaire hopes that one day soon, her and Ross will wed again. Around two months after her uncle had visited, Blaire was sitting down on the ledge of a window, Blaire ended up falling off and breaking her leg, Blaire's been on crutches but she has around six days left to go, Blaire had grown closer to some of her teammates, more closer with Kiyomi, Kiyomi has always been kind to Blaire ever since Blaire met Kiyomi, Brock is one of Blaire's friends, Blaire's still getting to know the other teammates.
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