Level 10
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In Game Name): orleaf
Previous bans: None, as far as I can remember- and I also don't think I have had any kicks, or warns- but this is simply just from my memory.
Describe your activity on the server: I go on everyday for around 2-6 hours- even on a school day, but on the weekends I am active more. ( 4-8 hours )
Do you have Discord? blair#6145
Do you have a microphone? Yes, I do infact. I use it quite a lot and not afraid to talk in voice calls unless I got to do something while online.
List your current and past applications:
Staff Application - DENIED
Russian Language - ACCEPTED
Italian Language - ACCEPTED
Spanish Language - ACCEPTED
Korean Language - ACCEPTED
IGN (In Game Name): orleaf
Previous bans: None, as far as I can remember- and I also don't think I have had any kicks, or warns- but this is simply just from my memory.
Describe your activity on the server: I go on everyday for around 2-6 hours- even on a school day, but on the weekends I am active more. ( 4-8 hours )
Do you have Discord? blair#6145
Do you have a microphone? Yes, I do infact. I use it quite a lot and not afraid to talk in voice calls unless I got to do something while online.
List your current and past applications:
Staff Application - DENIED
Russian Language - ACCEPTED
Italian Language - ACCEPTED
Spanish Language - ACCEPTED
Korean Language - ACCEPTED
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying is that PoliceRP is extremely important to SchoolRP, and it helps make the server unique and adds more roleplay to it. Ever since it was first introduced, I knew this was going to be a major impact that would be good for everyone. However, I know that this is an important role to have and many responsibilites come with it, but I think I am up for the challenge. Also, since I only have 2 accounts I will be able to be active for this a lot and will be able to always do everything to being an officer.
My motivation for applying is that PoliceRP is extremely important to SchoolRP, and it helps make the server unique and adds more roleplay to it. Ever since it was first introduced, I knew this was going to be a major impact that would be good for everyone. However, I know that this is an important role to have and many responsibilites come with it, but I think I am up for the challenge. Also, since I only have 2 accounts I will be able to be active for this a lot and will be able to always do everything to being an officer.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I do and have read through a lot of websites to find more about it and have a better understanding of it, and I am still learning as I write this.
What are the Police ranks?
The role of a comissioner is being one of the 'higher-ups' in the police. They are the most important as they have more roles and got more things to do for everyone.
Being a captain is just as important as being a Comissioner, but they take on less jobs than them. They may help out Comissioners, and train other officers.
Having this role means that they control decisions among some others. Nevertheless, roles under them are just as important as Head-Lieutenants but have fewer things to take on then them.
If you are a Vice-Lieutenant, you would work with/or (for) the Head-Lieutenant. Being a Vice-Lieutenant means that you have slightly more jobs than roles below, but still do the same similar things.
To be a Lieutenant is to oversee cops below them that have less tasks to take on and make sure everything is going fine for them. They would work for or with higher roles above them.
Head Investigator
If you are a Head Investigator, you have the same tasks as a normal Investigator, but just slightly more jobs than them that are more important. They help in controlling some things too, or help out Investigators.
An Investigator is to start working on more cases like a murder for example. When they are at the crime scene, they're able to find out more clues just by looking around them for evidence and such.
Trainee Investigator
A Trainee Investigator is a role you work as first while continuing to train. While this is happening you will be taught more about being an Investigator in the future.
Being a Sergeant means having to take on the same jobs as roles below but more.
A Corporal has the same assignments as a casual Officer, but the tasks they are given are just more important than what an Officer would have to and are able to supervise at any time when they are needed to.
After passing being a Cadet, you will be able to do more duties for the force when you are able to prove that you are suitable for the team and have a better understanding of what being apart of the force looks like. Once being an Officer, you will be able to answer calls from citizens when they recieve them.
Being a Cadet means that you would be trained on how to handle situations from their knowledge that they will know as they start taking on higher jobs as time goes on. If they ever are allowed to go on patrol, they will ALWAYS have to be with someone above them. However, they are normally just at the station doing some work.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
Right now, my knowledge of Police Work is pretty understandable as I know the rankings as I demonstrated above, what to do in emergencies, and more. I also know how bailing works, and what to do in other situations but hopefully I will be learning more on Police Work to get a better understanding of what PoliceRP is all about.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
Being apart of the force in SchoolRP is extremely important as ICly you take care of Karakura and citizens by arresting murderers, robbers, and other criminals and just helping out. To be in a city full of people who kill and do other things and have the courage/bravery to be able to risk your character to protect everyone to help out means being an Officer makes you important and helpful. I want to be someone who will be able to help out and control situations, and just be apart of the team.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I clearly understand that if I am demoted I will have to stay calm and such. I won't argue with why I have been demoted.
Yes, I do and have read through a lot of websites to find more about it and have a better understanding of it, and I am still learning as I write this.
What are the Police ranks?
The role of a comissioner is being one of the 'higher-ups' in the police. They are the most important as they have more roles and got more things to do for everyone.
Being a captain is just as important as being a Comissioner, but they take on less jobs than them. They may help out Comissioners, and train other officers.
Having this role means that they control decisions among some others. Nevertheless, roles under them are just as important as Head-Lieutenants but have fewer things to take on then them.
If you are a Vice-Lieutenant, you would work with/or (for) the Head-Lieutenant. Being a Vice-Lieutenant means that you have slightly more jobs than roles below, but still do the same similar things.
To be a Lieutenant is to oversee cops below them that have less tasks to take on and make sure everything is going fine for them. They would work for or with higher roles above them.
Head Investigator
If you are a Head Investigator, you have the same tasks as a normal Investigator, but just slightly more jobs than them that are more important. They help in controlling some things too, or help out Investigators.
An Investigator is to start working on more cases like a murder for example. When they are at the crime scene, they're able to find out more clues just by looking around them for evidence and such.
Trainee Investigator
A Trainee Investigator is a role you work as first while continuing to train. While this is happening you will be taught more about being an Investigator in the future.
Being a Sergeant means having to take on the same jobs as roles below but more.
A Corporal has the same assignments as a casual Officer, but the tasks they are given are just more important than what an Officer would have to and are able to supervise at any time when they are needed to.
After passing being a Cadet, you will be able to do more duties for the force when you are able to prove that you are suitable for the team and have a better understanding of what being apart of the force looks like. Once being an Officer, you will be able to answer calls from citizens when they recieve them.
Being a Cadet means that you would be trained on how to handle situations from their knowledge that they will know as they start taking on higher jobs as time goes on. If they ever are allowed to go on patrol, they will ALWAYS have to be with someone above them. However, they are normally just at the station doing some work.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
Right now, my knowledge of Police Work is pretty understandable as I know the rankings as I demonstrated above, what to do in emergencies, and more. I also know how bailing works, and what to do in other situations but hopefully I will be learning more on Police Work to get a better understanding of what PoliceRP is all about.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
Being apart of the force in SchoolRP is extremely important as ICly you take care of Karakura and citizens by arresting murderers, robbers, and other criminals and just helping out. To be in a city full of people who kill and do other things and have the courage/bravery to be able to risk your character to protect everyone to help out means being an Officer makes you important and helpful. I want to be someone who will be able to help out and control situations, and just be apart of the team.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I clearly understand that if I am demoted I will have to stay calm and such. I won't argue with why I have been demoted.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how she looks, what makes her unique?
Ally Fedorov has dark brown hair that cascades down her feminine, slim body to her waist. She is 5'8 with a pale skintone. Her hazel eyes have a sparkle in the middle of them, making her eyes stand out and complimenting her plump lips that are touched with lip-gloss. She'd have a near-to symmetrical face, with all of her features making her stand out. She'd like to wear clothes from her past, when she was in highschool and in college but she'd also sometimes wear professional, designer outfits to match with her being 26. Her tone of voice is quite in the middle of being high-low, but when she is speaking seriously, her tone goes lower to sound more intimidating.
What she's like on the and off the job?
On the job, she is professional and serious and always encouraging, helps out with work and other things. She would never be seen on the job acting unprofesionally, and instead would always be seen on her best behaviour, being calm and serious no matter the situation. However, to her friends and family she might be 'goofy', or always happy and loves to make a joke or two. She will be seen to close people she knows well as a caring person and always able to be there for people when needed. She can control her anger, (which is almost never seen due to her being able to control her emotions) and is able to get over things easily and focus.
Outlook on her co-workers? Plans for the future?
Her outlook on her co-workers are positive, and enjoys working with others. As I said, she always tries to be serious, but can always be there for them whenever needed. Because of her being able to control her emotions, she never stresses over them and will almost never get angry at them. You wouldn't see her swearing to her co-workers, as she enjoys their company and likes to have conversations with them when she is able to. Her plans for the future are to sucessfully work as a Police-Officer and work for the force, being able to be apart of Karakura by helping out and arresting people who try to prevent everyone from just continuing on in their life normally by doing crimes.
Ally was born in 1994, growing up with several siblings in a busy household in Moscow, Russia. Her parents were economically-stable as Petora was wealthy alongside Landon. Growing up, Ally enjoyed sports and school but always loved when she learned more about criminals, cases, crimes on the news or just studying about things like that. She wasn't a very known person around her school unlike some of her siblings, but she was respected and had a close group of friends she was able to be with and enjoy her teenager-life with. She enjoyed sports like football, volleyball and even sometimes cheerleading- but she would always rather focus her school life on studying to become a cop in the future and learning more about laws. Ally had never went to prison once, and was always seen as a 'good' child and didn't cause trouble for her parents nor siblings. As she started going up in school years, she was reconsidering her choices on if she wanted to be a police officer in the future, and put all her studying into it. After years of studying, learning, she finally decided that she knew this was the right choice and knew she wanted to definitely be apart of the force for when she was older. Thus, she graduated college in 2016 and began to train from that year on. She focused everything on becoming an officer. When she later moved to Japan with her family, she was in hope after seeing crime rates going up but still saddened by the fact that there were people out there in the world who had a dream of killing and doing crimes- but still in hope because of the fact knowing that they would need more cops and officers to join the force to help out the city and stop criminals.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Ally Fedorov
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): Fedorov
Preferred Name: Her first name, Ally.
Age: 25.
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: Atheism
Marital Status: Currently, Ally is not married.
Nationality: Mexican - Russian
Current Location: Karakura in Japan.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 3 years 6 months
Working Experience: 1 year
Academic Degree: Masters
Year of Graduation: 2017
Major(s): Criminal Justice, Physcology
Minor(s): Music, Math
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: Currently still learning Russian, English, Spanish.
NOTE : I am still making the skin for Ally, but by the time you view my application I will probably be done.
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