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Blitaxy's Police Application


Level 20
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In Game Name): My in game name is Blitaxy (The nickname was changed to user_65 if Blitaxy doesn't work) but the nickname with the rank Fundraiser is GlockRP (Edit: It was changed to user_65)

Previous bans:
I was never banned from the server, or discord, even the forums. Since I did not attempt to raid the discord. I did not spam on the forums. And did not break a rule on the server, and I am not going to break one, since I perfectly know them.

Describe your activity on the server:
I log on kind of often on School Roleplay, But I willl explain how much I do.

On the school days, I log on from 1-2 P.M, and I am going to quit playing always at 8-10 P.M, depends on what day it mostly, is if it is Thursday, I will stay at least an hour longer, since I am prepared for the last day on school, and have way more time to play on School Roleplay and Roleplay as an Police Officer. Due to me moving a Grade up, I will be on the server may be a bit shorter, like an hour or two.

On the weekends, I am active from 10 A.M, and I am plannning to make it stay like that, because I always have more time on the weekends then school days, So I can even play to 9 A.M. For the quitting at night. It is Midnight. Since I do not need to do school.

Summer . Well, I can not promise lots of activity on the server, since I will be going on trips, and camps, I need to also be active outside, since it is Summer. But I will be active atleast for two days before going going on an another trip that is happening tomorrow or after tomorrow.

Do you have Discord?
Yes, I do have a discord account, since I knew that I would do applications and have to join discords, that is why I made a discord account and going to stay on it, because the role may be put on this discord account. user_65#1598
My second discord is Blitaxy_Alt#???? (I do not remember the tag.)

Do you have a microphone?
Yes, I do have an microphone, and it works perfectly. My voice can lag a few times, but that is rare, so I am not expecting any voice lags. They will mostly happen when I am at home and will not happen at my grandfather's place. The microphone at my grandfather's place may be a bit loud, because I have the microphone ot my mouth. At my house, if my voice lags, it means that my computer has crashed. If I did, no worries, I will be up again soon, I will just need to restart my computer.

List your current and past applications:

Czech Language (Denied)

Russian Language (Denied)

Russian Language (Accepted)

Esperanto Language (Accepted)

German Language (Denied)

Czech Language (Accepted)

History Teacher (Denied)

Office Secretary (Denied)

Receptionist (Denied due to the rank being full)

Private Tutor (Accepted)

Police (Denied application too short)

Police (Not responded due to my new application so...Denied)

Police (Denied Immaturity)

What is your motivation for applying?:
I would like to try something new out on the Server School Roleplay, I already did a few roleplays, I mostly got bored, and now I am applying for Police, to try something new and have more fun on School Roleplay. I heard it is fun, so I am giving it a try to get in, because I want to really at least try PoliceRP. I have experience, so I am giving it an another try to get accepted as Police, this time I made the application longer, I spent more time thinking about it, thought about what to put into it, and what not to put into it. This time I put more effort, work into it, time. And it is IMPORTANT to know the laws to be an officer, so I know them, and now I am ready to apply on SchoolRP to be an officer, and try to not fail as an Cadet, and try to be an Corporal at least.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I do understand the laws and Conduct, I have readed through them, and I have experience in the laws, so I know the laws, I know two Country Law list. Japanese and Czech, so I do know the laws, and I will not forget them, due to me keeping a book full of Czech and Japanese laws. Which I read through once per week, so I can understand the laws.

What are the Police ranks?

Police Cadet

-The cadet may not go on patrol alone, they are new in the police department and can only go out with Patrol Officers, the Lieutenant says where they patrol with the patrol officer.

-They are in need of training.

-They must pass the cadet test to move on as an Patrol Officer.

-They have an Silver badge instead of a golden one.

-They can only arrest in the station. (Can arrest outside with Patrol Officers.)

Patrol Officer

-An Cadet that sucessfuly passed his Cadet Test and is now ready to go and patrol around the town.

-Takes an cadet on Patroling.

-Still receives commands from the Lieutenant, so they know where they have to go and patrol.

-They have an cadet with them, and go on patrol with them where the Lieutenant told them to Patrol.

-They are allowed to chase criminals, and arrest them.

Cadet Trainer (I am not sure about this one.)

-The Cadet Trainer is an role that is achieved by resigning and coming back to the police force.

-The Trainer trains the Cadets.

Police Corporal

-An Patrol Officer what has put great effort into his work, so they have been promoted to an Corporal.

-The Corporal has same permission as the Patrol, but do not need to take Cadets with them.

-They do not receive commands often about where to patrol, etc.

-They can train Cadets.

Police Investigator

-This award is optional

-You can be an Investigator after reaching the rank Corporal

-You have permission to firearms

-You investigate crime scenes.

-You can be the Vice Head Investigator Or the Head Investigator if the position is open.

-Instead of a badge on your chest, and arms, you have a pocket one instead.

-Can wear regular clothes to look like a regular citizen.

Police Sergeant

-An Corporal what has put a really good effort in his work, and now is a Sergeant.

-An Sergeant can take Cadets with them.

-An Sergeant is the fourth police rank.

-The Sergeant still does NOT have permission to Police firearms.

Police Lieutenant

-The Lieutenant gives orders to the Patrols/Cadets, to tell them where to patrol

-The Lieutenant has permission to a firearm.

-The Lieutenant can be a Vice Lieutenant OR The Head Lieutenant.

Police Captain

-The police captain can be only one, and is the hardest to achieve.

-The Captain is in charge of the police station if the Commissioner isn't there.

Police Commissioner

-The highest award in the police department, there can be only one Commissioner.

-Commands the entire department.

S.A.T Recruit

-First rank

-New to the force, still in need for training.

-Receives commands from the Commander, Captain.

S.A.T Operator

-Second S.A.T rank

-You have achieved this rank after showing of great job as an S.A.T Recruit, means you have been promoted, and now also sent to S.A.T Missions more often.

-Can carry and use an Glock on missions.

S.A.T Captain

-There may be only one captain, only if there is a Vice.

-Commands the S.A.T units if Commander is not in the station. (Off duty, etc.)

S.A.T Commander

-Commands all the S.A.T'

-There may be two commanders, but the second one is an Vice.

-They would be the 2nd highest rank if they would be mixed with the normal police. (Non S.A.T)

What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
I understand what police has to do, so I understand what they need to know, they need to know the laws and conduct, they can not be corrupted. They have to listen to the Lieutenant. They need to basically not do anything that could violate the laws, they have to burn weapons that are found in the incininerator, it is not allowed to keep them as police, that could get people fired & banned and maybe even blacklisted from being a cop.

Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
The police is important because they keep the Criminal population down, the Police must help & protect people. They have to patrol around to town, and make sure that no one is doing something illegal, for example having an weapon, breaking the laws. They also need to stop fights, if the town did not have any civil protection, it would end up really bad.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I know I can be demoted any time, for inactivity, corruption (gets me banned and fired), which means I will not do anything that could get me demoted at any given time, even without a reason, I accept the fact I can be fired any time.

In-Character (IC) Section

Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?

Jason would be an male standing at 6'1 and weight 120 pounds, he would be straight, and have a calm, chill voice. He would smell of Lavender, his breath also. He would be an nice person that likes to help people, he is nice, and it is rare to make him aggresive. He would be an male with an Czech accent, what is calm.

-His polite behavior.
-The time he puts into working.
-The effort he puts into the job.
-The understandance what he has to do as an full time officer.

What he's like on the and off the job?
Jason would be always paying attention if a witness comes in, he will mostly be calm, and respectful, he would be nice toward his co-workers, and the witnesses.

-Jason would mostly be calm and mind his own business, he would mostly be out with his friends, and family, and help people with stuff.

-Jason would mostly do an another job when he is OFF-DUTY, for example, At some bars or something, restaurants, shops, etc. (Which may not happen due to not having a second job.)

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?

He would be nice and polite to his co-workers, he does not want to be hated by the other workers which could get him fired, and he does not want that, so that is why he is a polite and nice to his co workers.

-Be a well known officer.

-At least reach the rank Corporal

-Be known by the town.

-Being trusted by the citizens.

-Not get fired a single time.

-Not die when working.

BACKSTORY Jason was born at 1993, May 7th, 10 A.M,

Jason was a normal kid until he reached the age of 11, when his parents died, and his brothers, sisters, had enough money to move to Czechia (From Russia). After they moved to Czechia, they forgot about Karakura, the city that they always wanted to move in, but forgot about it, so then they had to save up money to actually move to Karakura. But in Czechia, there he was training self defense, so he has some strentgh, he gets into a fight at the age of they 15 he made it, he only was there as self defense, because he did not fight back, he did not hit the person, after that day, he spent more time in the training, because he felt like he could become police after that event, so he trained and trained, until he felt like he could do it, so he stopped training. Eventually spent 9 years there, then Jason got a job in Czechia, He worked there for three months until getting enough money and moving into Karakura, Jason has his birthday, and was accepted as a Private Tutor at the YHS. He works as a Private-Tutor for four years, then he applies for police, and awaits his response for now, and now he is currently awaiting response. He was applying at his 20s, but he kept on failing, he did not spend that much time in it, then he had wrote one again at 31 and is still awaiting some response to it, he always checks his mailbox for the response. At his he was excited when he was writing it down at his 25 years before taking a pause for the 6 years.
He knew what to put into it when he applied at 31. understood what he will do as an Police. He understood laws, due to his manager saying that he should know the laws, if some student wants to get tutored. So he understands every Law of Japan, Czechia and American.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Jason Gray
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.Gray

Given Name(s): Mr.Jason, Mr.Gray
Preferred Name: Mr.Gray
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: None.
Marital Status: Currently taken.
Nationality: Russian
Current Location: South Asia, Japan, Karakura

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: Year and a half.
Working Experience: Seven months.

Academic Degree: Criminal Justice

Year of Graduation: 2009
Major(s): Physical Education, Japanese Laws, Japanese Language. Science, Criminal Laws.
Minor(s): History,, Math, Technology, Chemistry. Czech Laws. American Laws.

Native Languages: Japanese, Russian, Czech
Other Languages: Russian, Czech
Last edited:


Level 185
News Lead
After a vote with all officers, it has been decided that you aren't ready to join the force. You applying and the hard-work you put into your application is appreciated non the less.

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