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bmblxbee's Shop Application | Daini no Ie


Level 9

What is your Minecraft username?:
Bmblxbee (account applying on)
Zoey159 (main)

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
I do! My tag is beeloved.

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
Oh sheesh… TLDR: I’m on all the time!

My activity differs depending on the day; weekdays I’m on for a 5-7 hours, as I have school in the mornings/afternoon, and on weekends or days off I’m on for however long I have free (which is typically all day)! Regardless, me being active is incredibly important, as I hold one of the president roles for the Student Council. I have to remain active!

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Of course! Active shopkeepers are needed, I understand.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:


What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
Primary - [College B][President] Bee Maisel | Secondary - [Grade-11] Eiko Nekoya
Primary - [Grade 9] – Nami Amenomori | Secondary - [Grade-8] Chiha Nekotani

What shop are you applying for?:
My preferred shop/location would be somewhere in the new Business Park – wherever a spot is free! If there are no available spots there, however, any restaurant spot is wonderful. If I'm strictly picking off the available ones, I'd choose Shizukesa. Whichever the case, the shop will be re/named to ‘Daini no Ie,’ which translates to Second Home!

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
Simply put, I quite love the roles of shopkeepers within the server! It’s always been a role I’ve been interested in; the duties and needs and just jobs within this role are entirely unique.

But we don’t want a simple answer, do we?

Outside of the school factions, because those are known and shared between everybody, the shopkeeper faction was the first faction I properly interacted with. Shops were always opening when I first joined – and still are! – and I got the chance to visit tons of different shops, whether they be restaurant type shops, or accessory shops, or something entirely different than both, and just observe. And then not too long after, I applied to a shop, and to my luck, got accepted as one of their waiter/esses! My original intent was just to work for money, like a lot of people within the server. Money is needed for, like, everything, and at the time, I needed it! And while I did meet that goal, I got far more than just money. I got the experience of a lifetime. It sounds cheesy, but I genuinely did; I was lucky enough to be met with a shop team and shopkeeper who were all crazy patient and understanding, and I even managed to work my way up to the manager title. This is where my experience truly flourished: as a manager, at least for the shop I was in, was to help the shopkeeper with whatever was needed. From things like opening, to helping with inventory, to even training new employees! I did a lot, and learned a lot. I’d even go so far as to call the title ‘mini shopkeeper,’ with all of the tasks we worked with.

Now, I have other shop experiences too. I’ve worked in retail shops that sold accessories, gifts, and player decor, and I’ve also worked in other restaurant shops. But I will say that the first shop I described impacted me the most, because I got as close to the actual shopkeeper role as you could. And that shop, along with all of the others, truthfully sparked my interest within the faction.

But that’s not all! There’s more to it, obviously. Aside from my huge interest in the role itself, I’m quite interested in the responsibilities that come along with it, too. From the actual shop aspect, where you cater towards players, and serve, and provide customer service, to the more ‘behind-the-scenes’ parts. Like restocking, working the website, making a discord and hiring employees, and even the taxes. Yes, taxes. I’ve NEVER interacted with the tax commands/plugins first hand, so I’m honestly kind of excited about it.

And then there’s the roleplay aspect. I’ve already ShopRP’d a bunch, and I’m very excited for the opportunity to get back into it. But this time from the actual shopkeeper perspective. There’s so much that goes into it, and I’m just excited.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
Karakura is lacking. As it’s known, Karakura is placed off the coast of Japan, and is a part of Japan itself. And despite all of the restaurants we have – which are all unique and individual in their own way, please don’t take this negatively – we don’t have anything that’s traditional. We have the Shrine, but the Shrine isn’t a restaurant. We have the architecture and hotspots, but those also aren’t restaurants.

So, how do I plan to remedy this, one may ask? Easy: I want to create a traditional Japanese tea shop. Something that helps tie Karakura back into traditional Japanese culture.

As stated in the first question, I plan to name this shop ‘Daini no Ie’, which translates to ‘second home.’ My goal for this shop is to give it a homey, welcoming sort of vibe. Something that encourages customers to stop in and stay a while – something that encourages people to take the time to truly soak in the atmosphere and experience of the shop.

But, what does that look like, exactly?

Like I’ve stated before, I plan for my shop to be a traditional tea shop. So, obviously, I plan for the appearance of it to match. Listed above are a few references I had in mind for how the exterior will look.
I plan for the exterior to have that traditional feel to it -- working with traditional architecture, pallets, etc.. I also plan to add a bit of greenery because, well .. I personally like plants, and feel they help to both fill space, and add some pizzazz.

Just like the interior, I plan for my interior to match my shop theme. Earlier, I’d described my shop vision as follows: homey, welcoming, and cozy. And thus, I’ve attached a handful of references above that I feel fit the vision I have.
When customers walk in, I want to have a cozy entrance room where they will remove their outdoor shoes, and borrow a pair of inside slippers. To keep the outside germs outside. A server will be waiting at the inner entrance to serve those who have arrived. Customers will be split into two categories: those who are solo, and those within a group.
Grouped customers will be taken to personal rooms where they can enjoy their time, bond as a group, and interact with the staff serving them.
Solo customers will be taken to either a bar-like seating area, or individual booths/tables to enjoy their time. I haven’t decided which of the two I will do yet, but I will say I’m leaning towards the bar-like seating … I feel the RP interactions will work best that way!


Outside of both of the previous discussions, I plan to enforce an employee-only uniform. While it’s certainly not unique to just my shop, I still think it’s crucial to add. Above is an image consisting the designs I’ve created; for the feminine version, I’ve created a simple, green-colored kimono, with a tan obi and lighter green obijime. The masculine design is similar, but without the obijime, and instead with a black/brown haori!


You need more than just an appearance and uniform to make a shop unique though, right? Well, I certainly think so! That’s why, with the help of those working within my shop, I plan to do special little events! Nothing crazy, but something to sort of switch things up a bit.

I feel like this idea sort of speaks for itself, but I will happily explain my idea. On this day, customers will be invited to wear some form of traditional attire – whether that be kimono, or something within their own culture. We don’t discriminate! While it won’t be mandatory or forced, those who do show up within some attire will be given a certain percent discount! As of right now, I don’t have a specific number in mind, but I also have time to further develop it!

Outside of just attire, I’d love to be able to do certain things for certain holidays! Whether they be big, grand holidays that are well known around the globe, or just something niche that’s only celebrated here, I plan to do something special. Perhaps a discount or special event for the coming of spring, or a certain discount for whoever brings in and/or shows their love for plants on Greenery Day (midori no hi)!

What will you sell in your shop?:
Ideally, I’d like a menu that reflects the shop idea stated above. That being said, below are all of the items I wish to have within my shop!

To my knowledge, these are public items for shops -- if I am incorrect, I am open to adjusting this, should I be accepted.
Green Tea
Sakura Tea Cup
Pink Boba
Totoro’s Latte
Iced Coffee
Hot Chocolate
Water Bottle
Milk Carton


Mochi Icecream
Checkerboard Cookie
Dango Stick
Bento Box
Sushi box
Nakamura Ramen
Rice Bowl

While I am not currently able to, I would still love to explore the idea of shop customs later on down the line.
Either fresh in a cup, or bottled to-go.
Cha-Sen (Bamboo Whisk)
An item available for purchase.
Hojicha Cup
A cup of fresh, Hojicha!

How many employees do you plan to have?:
I plan for my roster to look as follows:

Owner: Zoey159 [1]
Assuming this application gets accepted, I would be filling this role. Quite frankly, this is the most crucial role of any sort of shop. The owner’s job is to handle all of the shop’s affairs: taxes, shop inventory, application review, monitoring of the shop itself, employee training, and much, much more .. I won’t bore the readers will every single task. All in all, the owner ensures that the shop runs smoothly and efficiently, and is there to smooth out any rough bumps that may occur before, during, and after an opening.

Managers: [2]
A position that is likely less important than the shop owner, but still needed. Managers are the individuals that pick up the slack when needed -- they're there to provide a helping hand to the Owner when needed, and do any task assigned to them. In this shop, Managers will assist in the employee training process, manage customers when needed, and be there to support employees.
At the time of this application, these two slots will remain empty.

Employees: [10]
An essential role of any shop! This is the role that has the most direct interaction with customers, which makes it important that they’re well trained, and work well within customer service … To keep business booming, obviously. These individuals make up the body of the shop. Upon starting, I plan to start with a simple 10 employees, adding if/when necessary.
Within an opening, I’d like to have anywhere from 3-5 employees working. Enough to keep things running efficiently, but as minimal as possible to keep the RP interesting.
Within this role, I would also like to have a ‘sub-role,’ if you will! I’d like to have new employees: people who are undergoing training and are, well, new. Just to make sure it’s clear who the newer people are, so that they can get the assistance they may need.


Okaayyyy. . So I have employees planned out! But how do I plan to choose my employees? What sort of rules will they follow, what expectations?


Every shop needs some form of employee, but how exactly do I plan to get that? With a hiring process, of course!
I've observed countless shops, and every shop does hiring a liitttllleee bit different! So, how will Daini no ie hire its employees? For my shop, I plan to open applications. These will likely be in the shape of a google form, because those are the easiest to create and manage. This application will have both an OOC portion and an IC portion: the OOC portion will hold any OOC information I need, like timezones, discords and IGNs, OOC reasons for applying, that sort of thing! Nothing too personal, obviously. As for the IC portion, it'll hold any IC information I need, like RPnames and IC ages, phone numbers, IC motivations ... Those things! Anything relevant to the character a person is applying as.
Now, aside from that, I'd love to hold something strictly in-character, too! I think the idea of an IC interview portion would be wonderful -- it could take place before somebody applies, as a sort of get-to-know event. They could learn about the shop, or it could be for the shop to learn about the character. Or, it could even take place after the initial application -- those who get selected have to come in for IC interviews. Not totally sure I'd add this second round in, but I absolutely love the idea of it! It adds a completely different RP aspect to the application process.

'kay! Like most shops, I have certain rules and expectations I expect my employees to follow! This isn't going to be a free-for-all, of course... I won't bore you will all of the rules/expectations I plan to have in place -- only the top 5!

All employees are expected to treat guests, and eachother, with respect. Got a bone to pick with somebody? COOL! Keep it outside of my shop!

Respect does, however, go both ways! Service can be refused if disrespected.
Here at Daini no ie, we have a zero tolerance policy for stealing! Should an employee steal from the shop's stocks, or pay, they will be FIRED!

Do you suspect a coworker of stealing from us? Report it! Your report will remain secret.
While our higher-ups will be doing background checks on applicants, you are expected to maintain a good reputation whilst you work for us!

If an employee is arrested, or develops a bad record, they may be fired from the shop.
Upon acceptance, employees are expected to remain active! While the higher-ups understand that life happens, failure to show up to a minimum of TWO shifts per month, without a valid inactivity notice, may get you FIRED!
Unfortunately, we have to cover this! Employees are expected to behave whilst working.

Don't be runnin' around the shop like a fool, and don't bring up sensitive topics! Our shop is a safe space for all.

Full Name + Title:
Nami Amenomori, Miss

Gender + Pronouns:
Female, She/Her



Nami’s early backstory will be kept brief – dilly-dallying over her baby and toddler years simply isn’t needed! She was born in Chōsei, Japan, and raised in a 4 person family, consisting of herself, an older sister, her mother, and her grandmother. Truly a matriarchy! While it certainly wasn’t easy every day, Nami wouldn’t go back and change any aspect of her upbringing, even if she could. It’s made her who she is today.
As soon as she could walk and talk, she was helping out within her grandmother’s tea shop. Whether that was organizing shoe racks and collecting dishes from visitors, or keeping the alley rats out of the shop, she was put to work! And work she certainly did – by her preteen years, she was fully working alongside the few employees her grandmother had. Of all things, these experiences – the ones in her grandmother’s shop – are what drove her to her plans for the present-day.
Throughout her primary and secondary years, Nami’s focus shifted more towards socializing and school, like many others do. She was a part of various clubs, like cooking and her school’s journalism team, and played volleyball up until her final year of school. Upon graduating, she attended a local college with a major in journalism and a goal to work for a magazine right there in Tokyo! She almost succeeded, too, until she switched gears and pulled a 180.
Her grandmother had announced she was retiring and closing up her shop. Which she did; selling the building, and instead living a comfortable life in retirement. But, the shop had been within the family for all that time … It’d have been a shame to let that legacy go to waste!
Which leads to now – Nami’s current goal: reopen the tea shop she’d been raised in.

Additional notes about your application:
To whoever reviews this: have a lovely day!

Do you have any questions?:
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