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BMD Application 2 | QuitUniversity


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead

(Alt/Applicant) QuitUniversity

(Main) RexLobo
(Alt) JayyLobo
(Alt) Lehmua
(Alt) Loboken
(Alt) _7th

Previous bans/warns/kicks:
I have 2 previous bans.
1. For ERP. This was back in 2018. I was on a call with a group of friends and was dared to say something inappropriate in the game. I thought it would be fine since I was with my friends, but then I was banned at that time. I then logged onto an alt account which was banned for bypassing this ban.
2. For bypassing. I logged onto my banned alt account, which led to my main account getting banned for bypassing on February 27, 2022. I appealed the ban and was unbanned on March 16, 2022.

Describe your activity on the server:
I would describe myself as a very active member of the community. I joined the server in early 2022 and have been active on the server ever since. I have met more and more people and made more development between characters, making in-depth lore for my characters, and helping friends with their character backstories if they ever need it. My hours of play increased as school came to an end, and during the summer, I was on for hours at a time, spending my days playing SRP with my friends. However, with school coming back, my activity dropped a bit, but I still log on really often, and with my schedule, I have friday-sunday off, so I will be more active during those days.

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:
My discord is Rexypoo#3334 and I do have a Microphone

Specify your country of origin and time zone:
My country of origin is the United States and my time zone is EST

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:
My motivation for applying for the black market dealer role is to experience more of what SRP has to offer. I have been a part of the city faction as a reporter, and the school faction as a nurse. I am also a gangrper, being a former member of Kaku-Kai and a higher-up in Adobansu. I would say I have experienced many different sides of SRP, and being more involved in the crime faction is something I can truly see for myself. I was involved in a gang war when I first joined gangrp, I experienced many struggles firsthand, including the forced disbandment of the gang and the creation of another to keep the group together. I watched as the gang grew once again and gained verification. I experienced gangrp before and after the rework to permissions.

I know that if I were to join, I would be able to help the faction, assist in coming up with more crime events, help with more ideas to help gangs become unverified, and come up with different ways for them to gain verification status, to make each verified gang different from one another, and not have there be war after war, and instead have lore events, some wars, different ways to overthrow verified gangs, etc. In the Kaku-Kai v. Bonten war, the BMD served as a neutral third party during the war, and they helped both sides of the war before events. Knowing that this group of individuals has influence like them is a driving force for making me want to apply for the position.

I also know I will be available to sell at different times. Despite my timezone, I am on at different hours each day. I will be able to serve people in different time zones that will not be online during the “prime time” of the server, where there are around 200-300 active members, as well as open at other times if needed, when there are around 100 active players.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
What makes me stand out from other applicants would be my drive to work and my ability to think at the moment. Everything I do is calculated, so I only have to do it once, maybe twice if necessary. I work in the smartest way possible and am reliable to my team. I am almost always contactable and am always willing to help in any way I can. I may not be the most experienced candidate, but my willingness and determination to be the best fit for the position outshine that. I can uniquely provide pros and cons to any idea, as well as give my own creative ideas. As a reporter, I have had to come up with my own topics and come up with how to accomplish said topics in a report. Being complimented for my ingenuity by my higher-ups, I know I can make even more innovative ideas for the faction, as well as iron out any flaws in a plan if there are any.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:
IC Experiences

Kaku-Kai - This was my first gang, as well as my first introduction to GangRP as a whole. I was taught how to function in a gang, as well as how to properly P2L. Not too long after joining this gang, we were entered into a gang war. In this war, I was a normal member that participated in the events, where I had to listen to my higher-ups and follow their instructions. Of course, I gave my own thoughts on some things but overall followed their instructions to the letter. After each event, I gave my insight on what we could have done better, as did many of the other members, and what needed to be worked on, such as our members being uncoordinated. To learn our strengths, many members including myself recommended more practice for the future.

Adobansu - Following the disbandment of Kaku-Kai, the remaining members came together and formed a new gang, Adobansu. In this gang, I worked my way up to being a member of the gang's management, where I have more of a say in what goes on in the gang. I have worked together with the higher-ups to create a gang that is a safe environment for its members. As a member of management, I help read applications for the gang and judge whether the applicant is a good match for our gang. I also am able to more freely share my ideas with the rest of management about what the gang needs or what needs to be fixed. I assist in meetings, planning gang events, host gang trainings, as well as manage a specialized division of the gang.

Sonomi - This is a newly formed gang, where myself and a few friends made following our membership in Adobansu. We believed it would be better to have something of our own, and I was given a leading role within the gang. While it is not around ICly yet, I was the one doing majority of the work for the discord server, and do my best to make the environment enjoyable.

Reporter Faction - While this faction is more on the individual side of things, where each reporter works on their own, it still is a faction. We have to remain in contact with the higher-ups to make sure two people are not doing the same report. We also have to get the report accepted by the faction lead, then send the accepted report to the senior reporter so they can put it on the assignment board, which other reporters can look at to see what is taken. There is also the occasional report that is offered to all members of the faction, where the members can claim it. These reports are handed over from the lead and senior reporter, showing that they care about the others. This group is made up of really kind people that are a pleasure talking to and working alongside.

Employee Faction - I was in this faction for only two months, but it was a pleasure. I was accepted as a nurse and working in the school was really enjoyable. This faction was more interactive, and I met a lot of people during it. School nurse is in my opinion one of the most important jobs in the school faculty, due to the fact that there is always a need for one. The number of injuries I had to deal with during my time was astonishing, but it was made easier due to the other people working in the school factions. The faculty all work together, watching over the school and making sure everything is as safe as possible, and breaking up any fights. Any injuries result in the nurses being needed. I was online often to make it easier on the other faculty, and often I was the only nurse, one of two who were online at the time.

OOC Experiences

Tennis - While not the flashiest sport, I was a part of the team for the entirety of my high school career. In my freshman year, I was a part of the varsity team, which was very competitive. I was a part of the doubles team, so I was always with a partner during my games. I learned more communication during the season since I had to be vocal during games. In my sophomore year, I was still on the varsity team, and I recruited more members to fill in the missing team slots from the seniors graduating. I took over teaching the new members who were my friends and got them to be much better at the sport. Sadly, this season was canceled before our first game. During my junior year, I recruited more people and took over teaching them. Being one of the two veteran players on the team, I took on a part similar to being captain of the team, since the coach did not want to name one. I mostly managed the practices and even hosted unofficial team practices for the sport. I taught a majority of the members how to play and got them to be much better than they were at the start of the season. During my senior year, I was the captain of the team, since the other member was injured for the season. There were a lot of new members, as opposed to the previous year where we barely had a team. I continued to help the team and we made it to the season invitational tournament. I was proud of the team and gladly represented them at the spring prep rally.

Bowling - Another sport that is not as popular, but very enjoyable. I joined during my sophomore year, where I was on the JV team as I was still learning how to play competitively. As I spent more time practicing, I got better and was able to play on the varsity team during my junior year. The season was fairly difficult due to the restrictions from the pandemic, but the team still worked hard. We made it a long way but ended up losing many members due to lockdowns. During my senior year, I remained on the varsity team and the team made it to the county tournament, as well as the state tournament. Even though we did not win, our captain was one of the top players and earned an award, which the team celebrated.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
My first suggestion would be a little revamp to weapons, along the lines of mugging them. Being able to mug more weapons is a good addition to gangrp, but mugging them should also include more risk towards the person mugging the weapons. Different weapons have different ranges, and many have hazards on them, causing injury if attempted to grab the weapon. These are some changes to make mugging weapons more difficult by making mugging have to happen one block closer than the weapon range so people be more careful when attempting to take someone’s weapon.

To mug spiked bat - 1 block range instead of 2. The bat should still be muggable, but the majority of the bat is covered in spikes, making grabbing anything higher than the handle result in grabbing the spikes, causing bleeding and possible bone breaking.

Metal bat - 2 blocks to mug. The end of the bat is really wide and difficult to grab if swung. Closer to the handle, the bat gets thinner and moves less, making it easier to grab and pull away.

Crowbar/fire axe - 1 block range to mug. Both of these weapons are used to break open a door. The crowbar has a hooked edge, while the axe has a blade. These would make it dangerous to grab, due to the sharpness of both.

Naginata - 3-block mug range instead of 4 blocks. This long-range weapon has a bladed end, which would cause severe cutting and bleeding if grabbed. to mug it, you would have to walk closer into range, which would then allow you to grab the weapon from its handle.

Baton - 1 block range to mug. This would be due to cops keeping this weapon close and firmly held at all times. This will make it harder for criminals to mug it and run off and protect the cops from getting it taken.

Another suggestion that I believe will be helpful in the long run would be strikes against gangs. These would be handed out depending on the severity of the situation and will allow gangs to fix their mistakes without too harsh of a punishment. A strike would be given out if they are seen to be very toxic, or have a tendency to failrp. These strikes will either get them demoted from their current status or in the wort case, lead to the disbandment of said gang.

The strikes would not be handed out due to individual or a small collection of members, but warnings of an impending strike can be told to the members and their respective higher-ups to fix their behavior before it causes more harm. If those members who were warned continue to act out, then the gang in its entirety should gain a strike, due to the failure to correct their members behavior. A gang’s strikes should kept until they are demoted or disbanded, as they represent their reputation in the community. However, if a gang were to disband and reform under another name with the same leadership, then it should keep its strikes.

My third suggestion is a revamp of permissions. The first part is for minor permissions. Minor assault permissions under this change will be reduced to dislocating a minor limb. The minor bones will include the fingers or wrist, or knocking out a tooth. This change will also stop people from breaking bones while on school grounds, as it will no longer be a part of minors.

1. This permission will be granted mostly the same way as it always has been, with a few ways moved up to other permissions. The ways to gain this permission include Verbal Harassment 3+ times, Minor Assault on your own character/gang member/family member, scamming/theft, and False Accusations. (Original Rules)
2. One of the ways I would change to acquire permission would be through threats. If your character, family member, or gang member is threatened with physical harm, you may minorly assault them.

My second part of the suggestion would be to add assault permission that lies between Minor Assault Perms and Major Assault perms. This permission would be median assault permission (A temporary name to have a title, and it fits the idea of it). This permission will allow the person who possesses the permission to break/fracture a major limb. (Taking this ability away from current minor permissions.) This permission will regulate gang activity, as it will make gaining majors more difficult unless people are willing to risk their character and push the permissions to the next stage.

1. This permission will be granted via being K/O’d. This will make gaining major perms more challenging, as well as lower the risk of getting into a fight.
2. This permission will also be acquired after minor assault perms are used, instead of granting major assault permissions.
3. This permission will be granted once someone trespasses on your property. Upon giving the verbal warnings, the owner will gain this median assault permission. If these permissions are used, the person who got assaulted will gain either minor or median permissions, as being given majors for being harmed after trespassing would give an incentive for gang members to purposely trespass in order to gain this permission.
4. Calling the police, which leads to a person getting fined, will also give median assault permissions. This is to protect the person who is alerting the authorities from losing a major body part after trying to stop something from escalating. Instead, if discovered to be calling the police, the party involved in the situation will be able to break a bone from the member by alerting the authorities.
5. Making a verbal threat to harm your character, family member, or gang member with physical harm, WHILE they are holding a weapon or have been shown to have been holding one. Only if you have proper screenshots of them having the weapon out would it be verified to be median assault permissions.
6. An attempted arrest will be another way to acquire median assault permissions. If an officer is attempting to arrest your character, or a gang/family member, you may KO and break a bone on the officer.

Thirdly, to adjust major assault permissions, I suggest changes to how they are acquired, and what they do. This permission will still allow the user to remove a limb or appendage from the target will be given if Median Assault permissions are used against your character
1. The permission would be passed if your character is being trapped or being kidnapped, or shot with a taser, as well as calling the cops (resulting in the person getting arrested), mugging weapons, if major assault was acted on your character or a gang/family member, and if a hitman is called. (On both the hitman and the people who hired them.) (Original Rules).
2. Another way to gain major assault permissions would be if you leave an unverified gang. These aren't just any gangs, but those who have worked their way to becoming well-known in the community, applied and got accepted into the roster. From an IC standard, they are held at a higher standard, so it would only make sense for a member to sacrifice something if they left. As a gang that has the potential to gain verified status, they should be held to a higher standard as opposed to gangs that are not on the roster. These gangs should be able to major a member who leaves dishonorably. This does not mean any dismissal of members results in majors being passed, but a valid reason. Ex: Snitching on members, selling gang property, stealing from other members, attacking other members, leaving the gang to join another, etc. Invalid reasons would be leaving to join a faction, OOC reasons, the character retiring from all gang activity, etc. However, if that member is caught having snitched after honorably leaving, the gang would then gain major assault permissions from the time they discovered it, for 7 days.

The next adjustment will be to Kill Permissions. Currently, the rules make obtaining them nearly impossible if you do know who you are asking OOC consent to kill their character. Rarely people would allow others to kill characters they worked to create, so more ways to gain this permission without consent will make people think twice before acting recklessly. Kill permissions still will not be able to be passed to others if consented to, but other permissions will still be able to be passed and acted on during the execution of this permission.
1. This permission will still be acquired when being shot by police, if a failed attempt of killing was acted on your character, leaving a verified gang, and if caught reselling BMD items. Gang wars will also permit unconsented KPS, only if the gangs at war agree before the war begins, or if they choose to allow them at any point during the war.
2. The first adjustment made to how kill permissions are made would be for breaking and entering. Breaking and entering permissions are granted with majors and KPS, but upon using force to enter a person’s residence, the owner of the home is able to kill the intruders with no consent required. The action of breaking into the home would be enough of an ICly motive to kill the attackers, and thus will make individuals/gangs think twice before breaking into a home without a plan.

The final suggestion I will make for combat rp is to add disadvantaged rolling. This part may be confusing, but I believe it will add more to CombatRP to make it more skill based, rather than pure luck.
1. Disadvantaged rolling basically lowers the amount a player can roll by when they are in a disadvantaged state. Disadvantaged rolling numbers can be decreased by any number, but my recommendation would be by 25. So 18 or older would have to change from rolling 150 to 125, and 17 and younger would have to go from rolling 100 to 75.
2. New disadvantaged states can include being pinned down or having a broken limb, which is hindering their movements (Broken legs/In crutches. Not if they are missing a limb and have a prosthetic),
3. One existing disadvantaged state that could be changed to account for this would be being surrounded on 4 sides. As stated earlier, it's to make CombatRP more skill-based, rather than pure luck. Instead of having to honor all actions made against their character, they can roll at a disadvantage. This is to prevent easy K/O’s from actions that have to be honored. When surrounded, all 4 people can take action to hit their target in the head, causing them to be instantly knocked out without any way to counter it. This disadvantaged rolling will allow the target to not instantly lose the fight and give them a chance to escape, but also make it so the party who assembled the group will still have an advantage.
4. Another existing disadvantaged state that could be changed to account for this change is when someone actions to go behind their target. This also goes for getting behind your target. Instead of the target having to honor every attack, they can roll at a disadvantage. This is also to prevent an easy KO, as currently, this basically ensures at least one hit to the head, meaning a point to KO an opponent. This still adds strategy to CombatRP, since you force them to roll lower, meaning you have the advantage in the fight, but still allow the disadvantaged party a chance.
5. While in a situation, defensive actions can only be done by the person being attacked. This will make it fairer to the person who is disadvantaged, as having to beat 4 players rolls against your action makes it nearly impossible to win a situation.
6. In a situation where a player is surrounded and makes an attempt to escape, only 2 of the 4 players can attempt to stop an escape. This is still disadvantageous for the single person, but will make it possible to escape from the large group. This would only be done if the party-based combat was broken after the one member of the group was moved out of range.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
Yes, I am familiar with these rules.
Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
Yes, I am familiar with the fact the Black Market Lead will have permanent KPS on my character if I leave the black market.
Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
Yes, I am familiar with the fact that I will be removed from the black market if I am killed or arrested twice.
Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
Yes, I understand I can not reveal any plans or additions to the black market.

Full Legal Name:

Leonardo Venezia
Criminal Alias:
Age & Occupation:
Gender & Marital Status:
Male | Single
Ethnicity & Race:
White | Italian
Known Languages:
Italian, French, Japanese, Korean
Former Associations/Occupations:
Former head of the Mafia by the name of Dominio
Highest Level of Education:
PHD in Criminology and Psychology
Physical/Mental Ailments:
Known Family Members:

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:
Leonardo is a very traditional Italian male. He stood at a towering height of 6’5, weighing just under 200 lbs. His hair was a burnout burgundy color and combed nicely at all times. His electric blue eyes held a sharp, intimidating gaze. He carried himself with much pride and maintained a perfect posture. His voice carried a weight of authority, with a heavy Italian accent. Leonardo had two visible scars, one down the left side of his lip, and the other present on the right side of his neck, from just under his jaw to his shoulder. However, he had numerous scars on his back, chest, and arms, almost always hidden under his clothes. Some were very deep and visible, while others had faded over time. He had both of his ears were pierced, along with a set of earrings. Both of the earrings bore crosses.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:
Leonardo is a confident and strong-willed individual. He constantly keeps his emotions in check. His posture and tone give him a natural authority, and he carries a high sense of self-respect. Leonardo remains neutral to any outside influences, only showing his true self to those he sees as trustworthy. He treats everyone with respect, as he also expects to be given respect. Leonardo is the type of person that believes situations should be solved with words instead of violence. However, he isn't afraid to resort to violence and fight for what he believes in. Due to his upbringing and overall livelihood, he is very desensitized to many acts of violence. This leads to his weapon deals being very emotionless, to the point he sees buyers as merely a means to an end. He appreciates the acts of violence that happen throughout the town. He will still treat these people with respect but will ensure his identity remains hidden and secure.

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail: (200+ words minimum)

On January 1st, 1995 in Florence, Italy, Leonardo Nicolò Venezia was born. The boy was born in one of the rooms of a large Villa, owned by the Venezia family. His mother, Velia Venezia was a beautiful woman, with the most amazing brown hair and piercing sky blue eyes. She had a home birth along with a handful of midwives. Leonardo was a healthy baby and was well taken care of. He lived with his mother and had little interaction with his father for quite a few years, mostly being taken care of by the houseworkers.

One fateful day, when the boy was around 4 years, he snuck into his father’s office. Being curious, he searched every drawer and looked at all the books on the shelves. However, after he knocked over a lamp, his father came rushing inside. The patriarch of the family, Giovanni Venezia, rushed inside believing someone has broken in, but only saw his young son. He lowered his gun before he accidentally set it off and took his son elsewhere. That was when he decided to introduce his son to the family business. Leonardo was educated by his father and his most trusted advisors as the heir to the organization, Dominio. It took years before Leonardo had learned that his father was a Mafia boss, and one with influence over a large part of Italy. Once the boy had turned 8 years old, he was trained to use weapons, starting off with small, blunt ones to prevent him hurting himself. He was being turned into a weapon that could be utilized to gain more influence. Leonardo often was kept up overnight to be taught, whether it was about the business, or fighting. When learning hand to hand combat, Leonardo took a liking to the boxing style, feeling most natural with it. Once Giovani had learned of this, he got the best trainers for him and had him practice it until he was the best fighter all of the coaches had ever seen. He was forced to go through with all of this while being put through school. His mind was molded to do anything he was tasked to, including being at the top of his classes, all the while training his body.

By the age of 15, Leonardo had mastered his technique and went to more dangerous weapons, now being seen as responsible enough to handle them. Knife practices were the most dangerous, as the people training him used real knives so he could learn the pain. He was first taught how to disarm the knives, then how to use them properly. After the knife, he was taught how to use a machete and properly cut up a body. The boy had to use his knife skills to catch deer, then use the machete to properly take it apart. Most would believe it was cruel, but Leonardo had long been desensitized to the sight. At age 18, Leonardo was taught how to shoot, and the constant training had molded his mind to take orders and follow instructions. His first shot was way off target, but after adjusting himself, he hit the center of the target with the rest, all close together. His father believed he was ready, so he sent him out on his first job. It was a simple mission, to retrieve money from a banker who had gone into hiding. Leonardo had to first track the runaway, then force the money out of them, along with sending a message to anyone who didn’t listen. It took a month before he found the banker, but his tactics to get the information out of him led the banker to hand the money over and more. The torture methods were seen as horrible, even among the longtime killers of the mafia, but they didn’t question Leo. He had earned the respect of his father, but was still kept under fear of him so he didn’t turn. He was sent on more missions, completing them efficiently along with the other members. Earning a following of his own, gained from respect instead of fear.

This behavior continued for years, until Leonardo was 20 years old. He had seen his father grow weaker and weaker as he aged, and asked his father to retire. Leonardo believed he was able to continue, but his father’s ego was too strong. He refused and sent his son out of the room. A year passed, Leonardo constantly asking to take over, but was constantly denied. The fear of his father died and turned into hatred, and one day he turned his back on his father. He took the organization from under his father’s feet, eliminating all of the executives who did not pledge their loyalty to him. One day was all it took for the coup to happen, and when his father tried to fight against Leonardo, he was also eliminated. He successfully took over the business and led with authority. Leonardo had expanded the business into more black market dealings, smuggling weapons and other contraband items into the countries and into large cities. After getting a footprint in the underground world, he expanded to more illegal expenditures. Exotic animals, animal skins, ivory items, and more items seen as immoral. The weapon dealing business was by far his favorite, as it held the highest profit margins. He constantly strove for more, and when a rebellion showed within his own organization, he easily quelled it. Once he found out about who was involved, they were exterminated and disposed of.

During this time, Leonardo also went to University. He had to portray himself as a young man of high standing and show off his family. Going to one of the best universities in the country, Leonardo met many children of successful families and set up connections with them, knowing he would be able to use them later in life. He majored in criminology and psychology, believing that if he learned these two, they would further aid him in the future. With the education in Criminology, he was able to find out the way criminal investigators went about uncovering crimes. This knowledge could then be used against them to make his organization even more hidden. Psychology, on the other hand, was his way of understanding the human brain, and learning the best ways to mentally torture someone.

When Leonardo had a son of his own, he did the same for him, teaching him the same way he was taught, but this time, preparing him to take over the business when he was of age and ready. Years passed and when Leonardo turned 40 years old, his son was old enough to respectfully ask to take over the business. Leonardo, not wanting to follow in his father’s footsteps, stepped down from the position and bestowed it to his son. He remained an advisor for his son for a year before he chose to move to elsewhere. Finding interest in the country of Japan, and moving to a small town of Karakura. He lived there for a while and realized how infested the town was with crime, and later learned of a black market existing within the small town. Remembering his youth, he decided take a chance and restart his career, dealing weapons and other illegal items to the citizens of the small city and allow them to cause chaos. One weapon at a time.

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer: (This can be anything — a weapon deal, an event they may be involved in, or maybe an interaction with a gang)
A ray of hope in the midst of a war
Leonardo would be waiting at the Zen Garden. Looking over the railing of the bridge, admiring the beautiful sight. Glancing down at his watch, then at the stairway. Grinning once his guest had arrived. Waving them over, his gaze hidden behind the cold metal of the ballistic mask.
(Fuji: BMD / Karma: Gang Lead)
(Using colors to make it easier to tell who is speaking)

Fuji: “You must be truly desperate.. To ask for a favor.. To personally seek me out to get it in person. So tell me.. What do you need?” He turned to the individual. The leader of a gang in the middle of a war with another.
Karma: “Information. We are currently losing every encounter. I need assistance.. Even if it means I have to owe you something in return. I have shown my sincerity.. I have come in person.. And revealed my face. If I were to turn my back on you, you know who I lead.. As well as my face.”
Fuji: He simply stared at the person, tapping the railing of the bridge “I see.. How much are you willing to sacrifice in order to have a chance to win? Are you willing to die? Are you willing to offer your member’s life in order for your salvation?” Leo’s voice seemed to shift to an even colder and harsher tone, sending a chill down the other’s spine.
Karma: Shivered from the other’s tone, but nodded his head. “Yes. We are already risking our lives by going ahead with this war. We have already lost 3 of our own. I would like to minimize that number as much as I can. I’ll even offer my organization to do whatever you need, whenever you need. I just need information on who they are or what they will do. You should have access, should you not?”
Fuji: Grinned from the desperation in the other’s voice. But it was still hidden behind the mask “If you are offering your life.. You better live to fulfill your side of this deal. They plan on raiding one of your member’s houses and taking anything stored in there. They apparently trailed them there and saw them walk out with nothing on hand. Have some of them stationed outside to get the jump on the ones who are planning on it. I’ll supply you with bats and knuckle dusters.. For the right price of course.”
Karma: Thought about what he could do with the knowledge. Nodding slowly before pulling out his wallet and handing him the cash “5 bats and 4 knuckle dusters..”
Fuji: He took the money and put it away. “I’ll meet you behind the bowling alley in 30 minutes. Don’t be late. And good luck.. It will happen sometime this week. Do not make me regret helping you.”
Karma: “You won’t regret your decision. I’ll meet you again in 30 minutes..”
Fuji: Gave a slight nod before walking off without another word. Going to retrieve the weapons and give them to his loyal customer. Only time will tell how the rest of the story would unfold.

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer:
Leonardo will remain loyal to those he deems worthy of his trust. He will do what is within his power to boost those who are of use to him and make sure they rise to the top. On the other hand, if he is crossed, he will not hesitate to make sure the traitors will not see the light of day again, buried in the hole they’ve dug themselves. Leonardo is able to follow orders, but will still maintain his own opinion and preservation of his own life. No matter what, he would never betrays those who have earned his trust, even through the worst torture or the threat of his life.​
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Level 86

Thank you for taking the time to apply; sadly, the position has just been filled.​

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