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Denied Boabīnzu | Strays | B1rdsh0t_


Level 281
Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):
not a legal adult, but im over 15

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Third language Application - Accepted
JSL Application - Accepted
French language application - Accepted
Spanish Application - Accepted
Natsuo Hideki | Height Application. - Accepted
Norwegian Application | ToobToob - Accepted
Korean Application #2 | Toobyyy - Accepted
7'1 Application 2.0 - Accepted
Russian Application # 4 - Accepted
Height Application! ! ! ! - Accepted
JSL Application - Accepted
Height Application | Toebeann - Accepted
Russian Application - Denied
Russian Application - Denied
7’1 Application!!! - Denied
Korean Application - Denied
Russian Application - Denied
Russian 2nd try - Denied
Professor to Nurse! - Denied
Nurse Applicaton 2.0! - Denied

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
Grade-12, Adult, Grade 8

Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?:

Strays, or any other further open slots. The location of my shop isn’t super important to me!

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I've been looking for a way to get more involved, being a professor was cool, but the students were so overwhelming. I want something that can influence the server, and give people a unique experience. I figured opening a shop was a difficult route since so many people want to open a shop, but I think it'd be a cool experience to have and a good way to actually have people see my ideas and have them enjoy them.
I want to be noticed as odd as that sounds and I think opening a shop would be the way to go. My character used to run a small-ish reptile zoo in his lore when he lived in California, and he has plenty of business experience so when the idea sprung he took to it just like I did!

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:

I plan to make it a sort of Rainforest Cafe but with a more zoo-ish twist. I want to have a cafe section but then a small room separate for people to see and get to touch and hold exotic reptiles and amphibians, maybe even some other exotic pets like exotic birds or less common mammals. I want it to be somewhere people can come to study, relax, and most of all learn about and enjoy my character's passion, Herpetology. The cafe allows dining in or to go to fit your dinner needs!
He worked as a professor before and didn't feel like he was touching enough people with his message. I think that people maybe would be indifferent to another cafe since we already have so many, but I think the zoo part of it would be new and interesting!
The cafe also has occasional animal shows. The exotic animals are shown off to the crowd and the handler on staff educates and answers any questions! Depending on the animal guests may be able to touch or hold them!
Employees at Boabīnzu are held to the utmost standards. They are expected to treat our guests kindly and keep the atmosphere relaxing and quiet.
Animal Keepers are held even more to a standard than waiters, waitresses, and cooks as they are the ones looking after the animals. Some of which are personal pets of Juleins, and mistreatment of an animal will result in immediate termination.

What will you sell in your shop?:
  • Pride Vodka​
  • Whiskey​
  • Bourbon​
  • Sake​
  • Grey Goose Vodka​
  • Boba Tea​
  • Green Tea​
  • Chai Tea​
  • Iced Coffee​
  • Americano​
  • Milk​
  • Chai Milk Tea​
  • Beef Curry​
  • Lamb Donburi​
  • Chicken Plate​
  • Steak Plate​
  • Lobster tail​
  • Crab legs​
Baked Goods:
  • Cake​
  • Chocolate Chip Cookies​
  • Banana Bread​
  • Brownies​
  • Muffins​
  • Cupcakes​
  • Snake Hair Clip​
  • Snake Plushie​
  • Lizard Plushie​
  • Rainforest Backpack​
  • Safari Hat​
  • Bug Net​

How many employees do you plan to have?:
Job Description
# of Positions
Clean up spills and clear and clean tables after guests vacate, ensuring the next guests enjoy a pristine seating experience.​
The typical Boabīnzu uniform.​
Cashiers man the Registers and can, if needed, also help wait tables.​
The typical Boabīnzu Uniform.​
Baristas are required to be 20 years of age or older and work at the bars. They can, if the bar is slow, also cover registers and serve tables.​
The typical Boabīnzu Uniform. A special band, in addition, shows their ability to serve alcohol.​
Waitresses and Waiters serve the people dining in. There are no requirements for this position other than a sociable personality.​
The typical Boabīnzu Uniform.​
Animal Handlers
Animal handlers can be any age but are preferred to be above the age of 16. They help with animal shows as some animals should not be handled alone. They can help with any other position if there is not currently a show going on.
Student Body Elects Four Members of 2023 Student Council Executive Board |  Jesuit High School of New Orleans

How will the Animal shows run?
First, an announcement will be made, a few minutes before the actual show begins to allow crowds to gather! When people have gathered around, the handlers will begin with the animals, first snakes, then lizards, then frogs, then others!

What animals will be kept in the building?
First, Snakes!

This soft-skinned boa has beautiful, iridescent skin. Tiny ridges on the scales act as prisms to refract light and create a rainbow-colored effect. Brazilian rainbow boas are brown or reddish-brown snakes with three parallel black stripes on the top of the head and large black rings down the back that give the appearance of dorsal blotches. The round lateral blotches are black with an orange or reddish crescent across the top. There is a great deal of variation in color and marking among this species.​
Brazilian Rainbow Boa
Ball pythons are native to central and western Africa and thrive in these warm, tropical areas. They are known as the royal python in many parts of the world and are revered in some areas of Africa. Ball pythons make for a quality pet for the first-time keeper and experienced herpetoculturists alike. Each year, breeders create incredible, innovative, never-before-seen patterns and color variations that continually generate new fans of the ball python. With reptile health and wellness in mind, this species thrives in captivity.​
Ball Python
Eastern hognose snakes are thick-bodied snakes that reach about 46 in (115 cm) long. These snakes are easily distinguished by their upturned snouts, but they are variable in color. The scales of this snake are keeled and the underside of the tail is usually lighter than the rest of the venter. When confronted, the hognose snake will suck in the air; spread the skin around its head and neck (like a cobra), hiss, and lunge pretending to strike. Eventually, they will even play dead, rolling on their back and opening their mouth. Often, these displays alone are enough to identify this species. Despite this fairly convincing show, hognose snakes almost never bite.​
Western Hognose (Morph Lavender)
Emerald tree boas, as their name suggests, are a tree-dwelling species, spending most of their time high up in the foliage. They prefer to be solitary. They are found in lowland tropical rainforests in the Amazonian and Guianan regions of South America.​
Emerald Tree Boa
The Sinaloan milk snake is not venomous, but its bright colors act as a false advertisement to potential predators. Many milk snake subspecies, including the Sinaloan milk snake, exhibit aposematic mimicry—their color patterns resemble those of the venomous copperhead or coral snake. When threatened, this snake vibrates its tail creating a sound reminiscent of a rattlesnake. It also discharges a pungent fluid from its cloaca as a warning. These behaviors may deter some predators.​
Milk Snake

Now.. Lizards!

Red tegus are native to parts of South America, including Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia. These tropical big guys love hot, humid weather—so no matter where you live in the world, they need heat. Red tegus can make good pets for the right owners. Because these lizards grow to such a large size, it’s important to fully grasp exactly how much room they need. But don’t let their massive size necessarily deter you—these lizards are pretty docile creatures that require an intermediate amount of care.​
Red Tegu
Blue Tongue Skinks average at 17 inches long. A stocky and robust head and body give way to a short, stout tail, supported a few millimeters off the substrate by small, nub-like arms. A series of small, boney, overlapping scales create a light brownish-grey coloring with patterns of darker browns to reds that tend to emphasize the terrestrial habitat of these animals. Scales are tightly interlocked and smooth, this helps with locomotion as well as keeping out dirt and debris.​
Blue Tongued Skink
Kishinoue's giant skink (Plestiodon kishinouyei ) is a species of skink, a lizard in the family Scincidae, endemic to the southern Ryukyu Islands of Japan. The species' name is a tribute to Japanese fisheries biologist Kamakichi Kishinouye (岸上 鎌吉, 1867–1929).​
Kishinoues Giant Skink

And finally.. Aquatics !!
The lionfish, a longstanding showstopper in home aquariums, is a flourishing invasive species in U.S. Southeast and Caribbean coastal waters. This invasive species has the potential to harm reef ecosystems because it is a top predator that competes for food and space with overfished native stocks such as snapper and grouper. Scientists fear that lionfish will also kill off helpful species such as algae-eating parrotfish, allowing seaweed to overtake the reefs. In the U.S., the lionfish population is continuing to grow and increase its range. This is largely because lionfish have no known predators and reproduce all year long; a mature female releases roughly two million eggs a year.​
Shy and retiring, the zebra moray holes up in crevices and under ledges on the wave-swept outer edges of coral reefs. At night it comes out to hunt, prowling the reefs in search of crabs, clams and other hard-shelled prey. Its teeth tell the tale of its diet. While some morays have sharp, pointed teeth for grabbing and holding on to fishes and other slippery prey, the zebra moray has flat, platelike teeth — perfect for crunching hard shells.​
Zebra Moray Eel
Living among the tentacles of the anemone, the clown anemonefish gains protection from predators—which don't dare get near the stinging protector. The anemonefish also gets to eat leftovers from the anemone's meals. The anemone benefits from having the fish around, too. The useful fish nibbles away parasites that bug the anemone. And sometimes the anemonefish brings food into the tentacles which the anemone can also eat. Generally, several anemonefish make one host anemone their home.​
The Yellow Hawaiian Tang is for many aquarists, the definitive fish of home saltwater aquariums. With its oval-shaped, vibrant yellow body, Zebrasoma flavescens brightens any marine system. The Yellow Hawaiian Tang is an active swimmer that will glide throughout your aquarium in near-constant motion, acting as an aquarium tour guide of sorts to any onlooker who follows its meandering swim path.​
Yellow Tang

These are only some of the staple species in the cafe, many smaller schooling fish will be present to fill the aquariums, as well as geckos or smaller lizards to the reptile room!! Many of the animals' tanks will be self-sufficient, like a small ecosystem, and therefore can be cleaned less often.

What will the overall aesthetic of the cafe be?
The overall aesthetic will be dull tones, dark greens, blues, and browns. Maybe some rainforest ambiance in the background. The tables would be dimly lit enough to see but not so much it’s hard on the eyes.

The reptile room will have a lot of fake naturals, making the animals seem like they’re being observed in their natural habitat. Leaves and stones. The fish tanks in the room glow and stand out from the rest of the room, making the fish glimmer and attract eyes.

The seating area will be clean and easy to navigate while still managing to feel like you’re having a nice stroll through a rainforest.


Legal Name

Julein Harlow Genet

Preferred Name


Work Experience
Julein worked at a school in California for seven years before moving back to Karakura to continue his work as an Environmental Science professor. While he worked as a teacher in California he opened a reptile zoo, which had a small meal section and a gift shop. He and his wife ran it with the help of their employees.

Motivation for Opening Boabīnzu
Juleins motivation for opening Boabīnzu is the same reason he wanted to be a professor. To teach students, and now those older, about Reptiles. Throughout his life, he’s always felt that these creatures were heinously misunderstood, as he’s had snakes at least ever since he was a kid. He sees himself in them in a way, shunned for their physical appearance. He also misses his old reptile zoo, it was one of the things he was most proud of before he moved back to Karakura and got married and had his daughter, who is now his pride and joy.


Working Experience (# of years):
7 years

Academic Degree: Bachelor / Associates
Year of Graduation: 2016
Major(s): Herpetology
Minors: Biology

Native Languages: French
Other Languages: English, Japanese


Julien had a somewhat normal childhood. His mother and father were divorced, which is more common than most people think. He lived with his father primarily but visited his mother every once and a while. When Julein was 13 he moved to Karakura with his father, to live with one of Juleins aunts. When Juleins father passed away in a motor accident, His aunt took full charge. When he was 14, A teacher named Makoto Hayashi adopted him, and he had become brothers with Nozomi Hayashi and Freddy Hayashi, whom he’d looked up to very much.

When Julein started high school he was rowdy and disobedient. Starting fights and pulling harsh pranks. Even though he and his aunt had been so close before, they grew further apart as the years passed. In 11th grade, poor Jules got in a huge fight with another student, thus landing him in deep trouble with his Aunt. Julein spilled all of his emotions to his aunt that night, everything that's been happening with his friends and adopted family. How Nozomi had begun ignoring him because of her girlfriend, and Freddy was never around anymore.

That was when he got burned. Julein was kidnapped and taken to the mainland, where he was burned for something or other that he’d stolen. The burns removed the use of his left eye and made him feel horribly embarrassed about his appearance. Julein often stayed still after that, he’d become much more reserved as the days went on until he met Her. She took him and made him her dog, forcing him to lick his own blood off a knife, as well as carving a large pentagram into his left thigh. She had a hold on him for a very long while, and most likely still would have for long after he’d left Karakura. When his pent-up rage finally snapped, he managed to knock out some stranger who’d insulted him. That’s how his eye was taken. They lured him away and four men pounced on him, knocking him out before stabbing him in the eye, causing the surgeons to remove the eye entirely.

Not long after that He left Karakura, finding a newly opened desire to teach, and steer students in the right direction. He knew what would happen if students went the way he had, and so he wanted to help and correct it perhaps. Eventually, he returned and began working at the high school as a professor. He needed a break, and now he’s ready to return.


Additional notes about your application:

Do you have any questions?: N/A​
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