Level 1
What is your Minecraft username?: Bobahdish
What is your time zone?:
What is your discord username?
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
N/A - I have too many, lost a lot of access to most.
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
As for my activity of SRP, I’ve been involved in many previous experiences such as TeacherRP of both Karakura Highschool and College, I used to teach maths, art, history and graphics design - they were very fun to teach, and I enjoyed it. I’ve been in a School Nurse and was fired instantly. I used to do GangRP - it was an interesting experience as it shown so many backends of different types of roleplays such as getting involved with the Police and etc. I have been in many families including Hemingway, Loughty, Hamilton, Blackburns, Dot, Yakovlev, Luck, Aldridge, Choi, Yoshi and other families, they were extremely confusing as the family branches were getting bigger and bigger.
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
As to my roleplay experience within SchoolRP - I’ve mainly been friends with TwerkingJesusRP and they were the main person to get me into SRP, into everything that I have been in. I have been in the School Faculty & Employee side of it as of being a Nurse, Teacher and Professor. I have been GangRP with her as well, they have helped me out in many experiences which is why I’ve been in these experiences. I have been in families that she was in, such as Yakovlev, Hamilton and Hemingway.
For Roleplay Style and how I roleplay. I tend to do Novella to Semi Literate as it depends on the situation. Basically, I can do “DetailRP” of the simplest action and anything that my character is doing.
As for genuine experience, I’ve been roleplaying since 2014 til this year. I have been into FNAF roleplays and Fantasy roleplays. These two were the biggest things that I loved and did for years and I’ve done so many other roleplays as of being able to experience and improve on my roleplay style and how I look at things in roleplays. At some point, I used to be in FantasyRP, which was shut down in RoleplayHub, it was fun and there were wars a lot. They were really interesting and the lore was extremely well done and it was also quite of a fun time especially that there was a Japanese region in it so it felt like home.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
Grade 12
What is the subject you want to teach?:
Graphics Design
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
Being motivated of being a professor is to help others that are within education and guide them to better futures and get internships. Professors are helpful to those who are in need and I want to get back into it as I have been working on how I do better and have learned that dedication, being a role model and prioritising others first before myself. A professor is to make sure that students understand that they have a bright future if they do well in their education with the guidance of the Professor.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1 — /me Viktor would scan the class as he would raise his hand, waiting for the class to be quiet as the noise of the students were over the sound level that was accepting. The students would look over and start becoming quiet. “Hello students, my name is Mr. Biancherri, I will be your new Graphics Design Professor.” He smiled reluctantly as he seemed nervous but it was exciting.
2 — /me Viktor would walk around the class as he decided to do a quick exam on the students’ knowledge of Graphics Design and he would notice a student using their phone. “Put that phone away, thank you.” He seemed stern as he did a little side eye to make sure the student puts it away. He nodded as they would put it away quickly.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
For a field trip, we would be going to the Shrine. Viktor would line the students up, behind one and another. It would be alphabetical order, and he would make sure all the students would have contacts to the teachers, who volunteered to join and to make it safer, 1 teacher at the front and 1 teacher at the back. The students would be assigned into Group A and Group B to make it easier and to make sure it’s less chaotic. The contacts, such as their phone numbers in case one of the students are lost.
Viktor would call each names of students for Group A, and calls out on the teachers that are supervising that group. "Alright, stay silent please!" He'd wait for that group to be quiet. He would move onto the other group, he'd call each names of the students that he chose to be in that group, after done sorting the two groups out and the assigned teachers, including himself. He would give them all books of how to contact for help, it had his number, the teachers' numbers, the school's number and KPD's number especially if things go wrong. "Everyone, ready to go?" He would wait for approval of the teachers and students. He would then set out to start the field trip - specifically the Shrine.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
Viktor would be polite. “Could you please move?” He seems less strict and stern in his voice as he also respected that they were just students. He would have a lot of patience as the jocks continued to disrespect him as he sighed. “As I’ve asked you, could you please do not crowd them?” He seemed to be more stern and a little warning as he looked at all of them directly in the eye. “Thank you.” He moved away. “If this happens again, it will be a detention as it is harassing.”
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
“If being asked these questions again, you will stay longer until the school day is officially over.” He seemed stern as he was being polite. He didn’t want to be lenient as it is detention, after school. He would know that a student pushing it would lead to a furthermore consequence. He’d know this, himself.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Viktor would walk over to them as he smiled and he would be as polite. “Could you put them away?” He asked respectfully as he would nod, watching them, if they put them away, which they did not. He would wait for them whilst counting from 5 to see if they’ve noticed him waiting. “Again, put them away or it will be confiscated until the end of class.” He seemed more stern and annoyed of how they didn’t listen.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Viktor would grab his radio as he attempts to break the fight up again. “Let’s stop now!” He yelled at them as it would make them stop but they would start throwing insults at each other. Viktor would then talk in his radio. “I need help with two students continuously to argue after being told to stop especially after them fighting physically.” He would end the radio as he would look at the two. “Let’s be civil now, now what happened, why did this start?” He asked as he officially broke off the fight as he waited for the two to respond whilst waiting for help.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Viktor has brunette hair with green and blue. He’s around 6’5. He would usually wear branded clothes as it is usually his style as he lived in Monaco for a while after moving from Japan. He would be extremely respectful and polite from before. He’s positive and always looking out for others even his own colleagues.
He is quite different to others as he has had a massive character impact from the last times, he were to be Nurse, Teacher and Professor within Karakura. He has improved so much as a person and has always been high in confidence with being able to improve and want others to learn from him and how he became who he is now. His way of showing his thinking is from being observant and reserved towards others and making sure he can be able to see what’s going on with others and sympathise with others.
For his students, he wants to be able to be their guide to a better light of their future and make sure his students have a better impact to how they look through their studies. He wants to try to help them be at a better light and show that there is better ways of studying and better ways to understand education itself instead of hating on it and failing it without hope and show that learning from that makes them human.
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Childhood — 80th Century
Viktor was born into a Russian family which, he is originally from Russia, Düsseldorf. He has a twin brother called Henry Hamilton. They were both raised exactly the same and they grew up in the same way as each other. They were basic all the generic twins as well. The only difference is that Viktor was extremely curious with life and how much he wants to do in his own life. He was willing to do his best in his studies to get the best out of the best. He wanted to show his parents that he was better than what they think of him. He wanted to show that he was capable of what they think he couldn’t do. He was a kid with a big future and big plans of being a golden child for the Hamilton Family alongside his twin brother. He and his twin were going to start the ' golden years ' of the Hamilton Family.
Teen hood — 80th Century
As time went passed. He went into a new branch of his life and he wanted to learn Graphics design — Design & Technology as it was his dream to learn and teach it. He was working hard each day to get good grades for every subject, even if he didn’t need it. He was excited about his future as he was doing well in school and he was happy that his own brother was right by his side. They were inseparable from each other and he wanted to make sure that he was getting better and better. He was very talented in art and was delving into the history of art and also into technology so he studied Graphics Design as it is Digital art basically. The years and days of working to getting scholarship was his dream especially getting into the Top Schools of the world and so he studied and overworked himself to be at the top. He didn't mind it as he wanted to prove that he was better than a lot of people who had egos but didn't have the knowledge, he wanted to prove that he didn't just have an ego, he has the knowledge to back it up especially when he would do presentations and extra curricular to support his hard work of trying to get into the top.
Adulthood — 90th Century
As he hit adult age. He was studying in University within the walls of Japan as he was doing well and was able to excel his own course and was able to learn more and more whilst studying, he was also teaching in Karakura at the time as well but he wasn’t enjoying what he wanted to do and he quit his job. As he moved to Monaco, he gained his citizenship of being Monegasque. He studied more and how fascinated he was with arts and wanted to become better and better. As he graduated University in Monaco. He would fly back to Japan, Karakura to get better opportunities. He wanted to present himself in a better light with a better opportunity especially wanting to be able to show what he has excelled at and putting his knowledge onto others and make them be in the right direction.
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)
Full Name: Viktor Yakovlev Hamilton Biancherri
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): Viktor
Preferred Name: Viktor or Mr. Biancherri
Age: 41
Gender & pronouns: Male & He/Him
Religious Denomination: Catholic
Marital Status: Married
Nationality: Monegesque
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (9 of years):
What is your Minecraft username?: Bobahdish
What is your time zone?:
What is your discord username?
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
N/A - I have too many, lost a lot of access to most.
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
As for my activity of SRP, I’ve been involved in many previous experiences such as TeacherRP of both Karakura Highschool and College, I used to teach maths, art, history and graphics design - they were very fun to teach, and I enjoyed it. I’ve been in a School Nurse and was fired instantly. I used to do GangRP - it was an interesting experience as it shown so many backends of different types of roleplays such as getting involved with the Police and etc. I have been in many families including Hemingway, Loughty, Hamilton, Blackburns, Dot, Yakovlev, Luck, Aldridge, Choi, Yoshi and other families, they were extremely confusing as the family branches were getting bigger and bigger.
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
As to my roleplay experience within SchoolRP - I’ve mainly been friends with TwerkingJesusRP and they were the main person to get me into SRP, into everything that I have been in. I have been in the School Faculty & Employee side of it as of being a Nurse, Teacher and Professor. I have been GangRP with her as well, they have helped me out in many experiences which is why I’ve been in these experiences. I have been in families that she was in, such as Yakovlev, Hamilton and Hemingway.
For Roleplay Style and how I roleplay. I tend to do Novella to Semi Literate as it depends on the situation. Basically, I can do “DetailRP” of the simplest action and anything that my character is doing.
As for genuine experience, I’ve been roleplaying since 2014 til this year. I have been into FNAF roleplays and Fantasy roleplays. These two were the biggest things that I loved and did for years and I’ve done so many other roleplays as of being able to experience and improve on my roleplay style and how I look at things in roleplays. At some point, I used to be in FantasyRP, which was shut down in RoleplayHub, it was fun and there were wars a lot. They were really interesting and the lore was extremely well done and it was also quite of a fun time especially that there was a Japanese region in it so it felt like home.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
Grade 12
What is the subject you want to teach?:
Graphics Design
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
Being motivated of being a professor is to help others that are within education and guide them to better futures and get internships. Professors are helpful to those who are in need and I want to get back into it as I have been working on how I do better and have learned that dedication, being a role model and prioritising others first before myself. A professor is to make sure that students understand that they have a bright future if they do well in their education with the guidance of the Professor.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1 — /me Viktor would scan the class as he would raise his hand, waiting for the class to be quiet as the noise of the students were over the sound level that was accepting. The students would look over and start becoming quiet. “Hello students, my name is Mr. Biancherri, I will be your new Graphics Design Professor.” He smiled reluctantly as he seemed nervous but it was exciting.
2 — /me Viktor would walk around the class as he decided to do a quick exam on the students’ knowledge of Graphics Design and he would notice a student using their phone. “Put that phone away, thank you.” He seemed stern as he did a little side eye to make sure the student puts it away. He nodded as they would put it away quickly.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
For a field trip, we would be going to the Shrine. Viktor would line the students up, behind one and another. It would be alphabetical order, and he would make sure all the students would have contacts to the teachers, who volunteered to join and to make it safer, 1 teacher at the front and 1 teacher at the back. The students would be assigned into Group A and Group B to make it easier and to make sure it’s less chaotic. The contacts, such as their phone numbers in case one of the students are lost.
Viktor would call each names of students for Group A, and calls out on the teachers that are supervising that group. "Alright, stay silent please!" He'd wait for that group to be quiet. He would move onto the other group, he'd call each names of the students that he chose to be in that group, after done sorting the two groups out and the assigned teachers, including himself. He would give them all books of how to contact for help, it had his number, the teachers' numbers, the school's number and KPD's number especially if things go wrong. "Everyone, ready to go?" He would wait for approval of the teachers and students. He would then set out to start the field trip - specifically the Shrine.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
Viktor would be polite. “Could you please move?” He seems less strict and stern in his voice as he also respected that they were just students. He would have a lot of patience as the jocks continued to disrespect him as he sighed. “As I’ve asked you, could you please do not crowd them?” He seemed to be more stern and a little warning as he looked at all of them directly in the eye. “Thank you.” He moved away. “If this happens again, it will be a detention as it is harassing.”
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
“If being asked these questions again, you will stay longer until the school day is officially over.” He seemed stern as he was being polite. He didn’t want to be lenient as it is detention, after school. He would know that a student pushing it would lead to a furthermore consequence. He’d know this, himself.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Viktor would walk over to them as he smiled and he would be as polite. “Could you put them away?” He asked respectfully as he would nod, watching them, if they put them away, which they did not. He would wait for them whilst counting from 5 to see if they’ve noticed him waiting. “Again, put them away or it will be confiscated until the end of class.” He seemed more stern and annoyed of how they didn’t listen.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Viktor would grab his radio as he attempts to break the fight up again. “Let’s stop now!” He yelled at them as it would make them stop but they would start throwing insults at each other. Viktor would then talk in his radio. “I need help with two students continuously to argue after being told to stop especially after them fighting physically.” He would end the radio as he would look at the two. “Let’s be civil now, now what happened, why did this start?” He asked as he officially broke off the fight as he waited for the two to respond whilst waiting for help.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Viktor has brunette hair with green and blue. He’s around 6’5. He would usually wear branded clothes as it is usually his style as he lived in Monaco for a while after moving from Japan. He would be extremely respectful and polite from before. He’s positive and always looking out for others even his own colleagues.
He is quite different to others as he has had a massive character impact from the last times, he were to be Nurse, Teacher and Professor within Karakura. He has improved so much as a person and has always been high in confidence with being able to improve and want others to learn from him and how he became who he is now. His way of showing his thinking is from being observant and reserved towards others and making sure he can be able to see what’s going on with others and sympathise with others.
For his students, he wants to be able to be their guide to a better light of their future and make sure his students have a better impact to how they look through their studies. He wants to try to help them be at a better light and show that there is better ways of studying and better ways to understand education itself instead of hating on it and failing it without hope and show that learning from that makes them human.
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Childhood — 80th Century
Viktor was born into a Russian family which, he is originally from Russia, Düsseldorf. He has a twin brother called Henry Hamilton. They were both raised exactly the same and they grew up in the same way as each other. They were basic all the generic twins as well. The only difference is that Viktor was extremely curious with life and how much he wants to do in his own life. He was willing to do his best in his studies to get the best out of the best. He wanted to show his parents that he was better than what they think of him. He wanted to show that he was capable of what they think he couldn’t do. He was a kid with a big future and big plans of being a golden child for the Hamilton Family alongside his twin brother. He and his twin were going to start the ' golden years ' of the Hamilton Family.
Teen hood — 80th Century
As time went passed. He went into a new branch of his life and he wanted to learn Graphics design — Design & Technology as it was his dream to learn and teach it. He was working hard each day to get good grades for every subject, even if he didn’t need it. He was excited about his future as he was doing well in school and he was happy that his own brother was right by his side. They were inseparable from each other and he wanted to make sure that he was getting better and better. He was very talented in art and was delving into the history of art and also into technology so he studied Graphics Design as it is Digital art basically. The years and days of working to getting scholarship was his dream especially getting into the Top Schools of the world and so he studied and overworked himself to be at the top. He didn't mind it as he wanted to prove that he was better than a lot of people who had egos but didn't have the knowledge, he wanted to prove that he didn't just have an ego, he has the knowledge to back it up especially when he would do presentations and extra curricular to support his hard work of trying to get into the top.
Adulthood — 90th Century
As he hit adult age. He was studying in University within the walls of Japan as he was doing well and was able to excel his own course and was able to learn more and more whilst studying, he was also teaching in Karakura at the time as well but he wasn’t enjoying what he wanted to do and he quit his job. As he moved to Monaco, he gained his citizenship of being Monegasque. He studied more and how fascinated he was with arts and wanted to become better and better. As he graduated University in Monaco. He would fly back to Japan, Karakura to get better opportunities. He wanted to present himself in a better light with a better opportunity especially wanting to be able to show what he has excelled at and putting his knowledge onto others and make them be in the right direction.
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)
Full Name: Viktor Yakovlev Hamilton Biancherri
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): Viktor
Preferred Name: Viktor or Mr. Biancherri
Age: 41
Gender & pronouns: Male & He/Him
Religious Denomination: Catholic
Marital Status: Married
Nationality: Monegesque
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (9 of years):
Workplace | Subject | Years |
Imperial Academy of Art | Fine Arts | 4 |
Academy Of Fine Arts and Watercolors, Moscow. | Fine Arts | 2 |
The International University of Monaco | Digital Arts | 3 |
Working Experience (7 of years):
Workplace | Role | Years |
State Academy of Design and Applied Arts, Stroganov, Moscow | Teaching Assistant | 3 |
Imperial Academy of Arts | Highschool Teacher | 2 |
School Saint-Charles, Monaco | Highschool Teacher | 2 |
Academic Degree: Bachelor Of Creative Media
Year of Graduation: 1999
Fine Arts
Digital Arts
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Preferred Teaching Subject:
Graphics Design
Additional notes about your application (if any):
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