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Bqbies' News reporter application


Level 2
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────

[OOC Section]

IGN (In-Game Name):


Previous bans:

I have no bans and hope to keep it this way.

Describe your activity on the server:

I'm on whenever I'm free, so that's mostly all day! I'd say around 5-8 hours MAX.

Do you have Discord?


Do you have a microphone?


List your current and past applications:

( Accepted )

( Denied )

( Accepted )

( Accepted )

( Accepted )

What is your motivation for applying?:

In the amount of time i've spent on SRP, i have enjoyed ever second of it but i'm looking for bigger and better outlets, more unique experiences. So i feel like offering my love of writing and description to the server could be a great way to involve myself more into the community. I have done journalism work in my lifetime and wish to carry that love and passion over into SRP and share that passion with others.

What knowledge do you have of journalist Work?

Journalism is a form of writing that tells people about things that really happened, but that they might not have known about already. It updates people on whats happening around them currently and the events taking place that maybe they haven't known about yet. When being a reporter, you must be descriptive, use formal and proper grammar, and be as informative as possible, also keep the audience entertained and/or engaged on what you're informing them about.

Journalism is the activity of gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting news and information, then sharing it with the public.

Why are Reporters important to SchoolRP?

Reporters bring the latest news and updates about the places and people around you! They report on major events, giving you the latest news of the things around you so you know when certain events and such are happening.They update on nearby events, disasters, or movements in the area. They add/bring the small details and things happening in SRP to light and informs everyone on whats going on. It offers players a new opportunity , which helps bring the community closer to each other and improve the reality aspect of the server, bringing the roleplay point to a more realistic stance. It also allows the players/community to feel more connected to the school and workers, allowing them to participate in events.

[IC Section]


Tell us about your character, how do they look, what makes them unique? What are they like on and off the job? Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?:

Amelie would be a rather shorter female, standing exactly at 5'4. She's fairly quick when it comes to updating Karakura on the latest news. The female usually dresses formally, and speaks in a rather formal matter. Her love of writing has been with her for years and will continue to be for years and years to come. She will please and continue to please the people of Karakura with the newest updates on things happening around them. She views her co-workers as acquaintances and or friends. She plans to continue bringing new information to the people of karakura for years to come.


Amelie “Chanel” Quinzelle was born in Germany in a somewhat big town called Frankfurt but had MANY French roots, which is why that is her last name. She was born into a loving family with a father, mother, and a nosy older brother. In the year of 2010, she moved to Karakura with her older brother after the death of her beloved father and mother in a house fire. Her mother and father were two people she looked up to and will continue to look up to. Her mother was a nurse and her dad was a retired chef at a restaurant that he owned. She loved them with all her heart but then one day, a fire broke out amongst their small town area. It killed many people, including her father and mother. Amelie and her brother were out of town that night, which was lucky for them. After the funerals for their mother and father, they moved to start a fresh slate and not to constantly have to see the ashes of her used to be house. Things seemed to have been a rocky roller coaster since moving to Japan and to a new city. She doesn't tend to talk to her brother much anymore due to lots of drama that her life tends to bring her way. Amelie got the nickname "Chanel" to protect herself and people that she loves and cares about. She's good with younger grades and tends to talk very formally to adults and people younger than her (12th and under), and good with people with disabilities. After a huge argument with her brother, she moved out and into an apartment with many of her friends at the age of 16 going on 17. When getting into college, she studied and focused more and more on the ideal of journalism and many forms of writing. That's when her dream of becoming a news reporter started. So she will continue that passion of writing and journalism as she tries to reach her dreams.

[SECTION 1: Personal Details]

Full Name:

Amelie 'Chanel' Quinzelle

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Given Name(s):


Preferred Name:

Amelie and/or Chanel.





Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:

Single/Not Married.



Current Location:


Phone Number:


[SECTION 2: Academic Details]

Years of training:

3 years of journalism courses, and lots of over the years practice.

Working Experience:

4 years of proper work experience.

Academic Degree:

Bachelor's degree.

Year of Graduation:



English, Broadcast Journalism, and Media Studies.


Math and Biology.

Native Languages:


Other Languages:



Other notes:

Thank you for taking the time to read through my application! <3

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────
Last edited:


Level 165
╰──➢ ;── [ACCEPTED] ──;

╭ ⁞ ❏. You should get door perms to the building soon. ;

┊ ⁞ ❏.You will receive all of your roles eventually. ;

┊ ⁞ ❏.Contact me once you’re online for your rank on the server (And door perms). ;

┊ ⁞ ❏.Read all chats listed under the “REPORTER” category. ;

┊ ⁞ ❏. Post a message in general of the K-News discord in order to receive your role quicker.;

Dm me on discord once you have read this message.

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