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Denied Bracey - Art Teacher Application

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Level 0
IGN (In Game Name): Bracey.
Previous bans:
(1) FailRP Ban.
(1) Exploit Ban.

Describe your activity on the server: On every day for at least 4-5 hrs a day

Do you have TeamSpeak3? Yes.

Do you have a microphone? Yes.
List your current and past applications: None.

What is your motivation for applying?: I feel I would make a great art teacher because I have won 2 art shows in real life and I think that this experience will help me as a teacher.

Summarize your previous experience (both in general and teacher wise): About 7 years of learning about art, and 3 years teaching art to students. He has been living in Tokyo for about 9 years

Your Teachers In Game Name (Make it relevant to your Minecraft Name): Mr. Brayson
Your Teachers In Game Age: 24.
Teachers Subject: Art.

Have you read & understood the megathread? Yes, I have.

From your perspective as of right now, identify one thing you would change about the Teacher Group. Why would you change that?: I would make the teacher group more motivated to teach. Teaching can be fun, and as a teacher, you can still have fun. Only you cannot go to dojo to injure students.


Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in game and out of game, what purpose to they serve, what salary they get. Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in there spare time in general. Teachers help students learn what they need to know for later in life. When being a teacher, you have to be strict, otherwise your students may treat you poorly or slack off. You have to push them to do their best. the salary i about 100$ a day for an art teacher, but its not really the salary that matters, its helping students find what then enjoy and look forward to doing as a career.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server: They keep the server alive and make sure the RP flows nicely. Without teachers, there would be no reason to have a school. Teachers are one of the most important people on the SchoolRP server.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does he look like? What makes him unique and different? What is his outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his personality like? What is his plan for the future? He has decently long blonde hair, and sea-green eyes, and is about 6 feet and 5 inches tall. What makes him unique is the way he teaches, he show students a demonstration and gives students tips and a little help with their projects. His outlook on students is that even though they may not enjoy learning, art could make the school day more fun for them. He respects all other teachers. His personality is friendly, smart, creative, kind, funny, and helpful. But he is serious when he needs to be. His plan for the future is to have a family and kids and be an art teacher as a job.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
Try to reason with them. If they continue to ignore you or not take your advice, you are allowed to give them detention, but you have to try to reason with them first.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?: Say: "Silence, Everyone," And hold up your hand

When in a teacher lounge, how does your character act?: Act as you would as if you were a teacher. You are allowed to swear when talking with teacher friends off duty. You could also take a nap if IC you are tired. Just think like a teacher, and do what a teacher would do.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom.
/me Greets the class and calls attendance
/me Explains current art lesson
/me Plays video of current artist
/me Show some of the artists finest works of art
/me Says goodbye to students after bell rings

BACKSTORY Bracey grew up in a small town in Norway. He was an adopted child and he never met his biological parents. He was a pretty smart and active student, being on the local football team, (Soccer in America) Although he wasnt that popular, he still enjoyed school. One of his favorite classes in school was art. He loved drawing, especially cartoon characters. He was so involved in art, he did it for fun at home. Eventually he grew tiresome of sports and decided to quit his sports to join an art club at his school. He made many friends the first day there, and even though he was know to not talk that much, he was the most favored of the artists in the club. As he grew older, he got more into art, making many painting that got some fame and praise from many people at his high school. In college he took a course on Art Teaching and he stuck with it for 4 years. He was enjoying himself, learning about the culture of art and the history of art itself. After college, he decided to apply for many teaching jobs as an art teacher. He finally found a school that was in need of one. He sent in an application and was accepted into the school. After about 3 years teaching there, he left in search for a larger school in one of his favorite countries, Tokyo, Japan. He thinks SchoolRP will give him a chance to be one of the best art teachers, because he grew up loving art, and he wanted kids to hopefully appreciate and enjoy art as much as he did, and still does. He hopes to give students the most enjoyable and fun class. He also looks after his parents who are older now. He is hoping to hear back from Yandere High about his teacher application.


Level 124
You have received several bans for exploiting, one kick for FailRP, and one kick for using the wrong use of /me.
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