What's your Minecraft Username?: Vexosphere
What's the title of your suggestion?: Bring back option to put furnitures on auction!
What's your suggestion?:
Well, I don't know why, but you can't put furnitures on auction. (Even though, there's special filter to show only furnitures that are currently being auctioned)
How will this benefit the server and community?:
You will be able to buy furnitures from players when shops aren't open! And as furnitures no longer cause FPS lags on servers, it shouldn't be a problem.
What's the title of your suggestion?: Bring back option to put furnitures on auction!
What's your suggestion?:
Well, I don't know why, but you can't put furnitures on auction. (Even though, there's special filter to show only furnitures that are currently being auctioned)
How will this benefit the server and community?:
You will be able to buy furnitures from players when shops aren't open! And as furnitures no longer cause FPS lags on servers, it shouldn't be a problem.