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Buer Misono Tachitsu | ナヒーダ | Biography


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
Souta Fujimoto-Komorebi | Grandfather | Alive
"GRANDPAPAAA!! Best grandpa ever ehe."

Eli Hanazono-Zennix | Cousin/Father Figure | Alive
"Buer is an innocent, sweet, and have I mentioned innocent child dear father figure Eli?"
they get better and better each time you update them, I love Buer with my heart!!!!!!


Level 89
Community Team
3D Modelling Team
Thread starter
i see there is no place for her adoptive step-grandfather (i hate that i'm writing this i hate that i'm writing this i hate th-)
:) Tayyyy.... hehehheheheh.... let me just cutely update this so hes here heheheheh........

I love Buer with my heart!!!!!!
and this is why she loves Eli and Souta with all her heart too :3


Level 118

═════ °•*.·:·.☽✧ Character Overview ✧☾.·:·.*•° ═════

General Information

(Made by me)

Full Name:
Buer Misono Tachitsu | ブエア ミソノ タキヒーウ

Birth Name:
Buer Archon | ブエア アーコン

Old Adopted Surname(s):

Grass Child - Due to smelling like fresh-cut grass, looking like grass,
and being THE grass, she got this nickname from people.
Traffic Enforcer - The simple reason for always carrying around a Traffic Light toy,
she has been called this by people which slightly confuses her.
Demon - Ever since she started studying black magic, and affecting her eye for the most part,
those who see it have called her this.
Arsonist God - Just a silly nickname she titled herself, priding her skills in arson,
despite most not taking it seriously.
Lord of Chaos - Another silly nickname she has given herself! Honestly,
she herself doesn't even know why she calls herself this.
'MAGA' - Sorceress in Latin, this was the alias she dubbed herself the
moment she stepped in Karakura's crime underworld.


Sexual Orientation:



Black Market Associate
Host Club Member
Karakura Highschool Student

Black Market (Current)
Host Club (Current)

Date of Birth:
October 27th

Place of Birth:
Cairo, Egypt



═════ °•*.·:·.☽✧ Character Information ✧☾.·:·.*•° ═════




67 lbs

Scars | Tattoos | Piercings:
Scars - Small scratches on her face, legs, and arms from playing outside, being covered by colorful bandaids. The cuts on her fingers are for different reasons, what would it be? Find out ICly.
- Her left pupil being a deep red color was from a ritual gone wrong, one miscalculated step changed her for the worse permanently.

Tattoos - None.

Piercings - Two ear piercings for earrings.

IC Description:
A tiny 4'5 child that appears as a fair-skinned young girl with white hair styled into a side ponytail. Her eyes are hidden behind sunglasses yet you can feel her observing stare behind them. Colorful bandaids would be stuck all over her face as she would have the scent of.. grass around her?

Diseases | Illness:
- Depression
- Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD)

Character Voice:


- Guitar
- Planting
- Reading
- Black Magic

- None

- Speak out in Arabic knowing people won't understand her
- Stare at people unnervingly
- "The greatest pretender there is."

View attachment 61961
To all, she seemed like a demon angel in disguise, with fake charming smiles, and an innocent aura, her child-like behavior made her seem as if she was like any other child. Having a sassy yet goofy attitude, all seems well with her as others treat her as childish and endearing, causing havoc and chaos but can easily be told off when needed like the obedient child she was.

But her brightness and shine were but a simple mask to hide what was within. Despite her 'simple' personality, she hides her true self from anyone. With vast knowledge she hid in herself, she had a deep fire inside of her that made her mature when needed to be, with wisdom unmatched, and a spark to guide those when needed, she is a force to be wrecked with. Though she never preferred to show this side of her to those whom she cared and love, only revealing it on rare occasions, especially to her uncle or father.

Yet like any other person in Karakura, she yearns for power, maybe that's why she hides what she knows... She isn't the type to trust people easily, with a cruel side to herself, she is nonchalant, cold, and calculating if anyone dares to hurt her family. She doesn't feel any remorse when cursing people, rather, finds it amusing when it works and she sees it in action. Manipulating people with her child-like personality to get them to trust her before she strikes, she prefers strategy over physical power, truly Buer isn't really who people think she is.

Buer despite being a child, is a girl with many masks, it is a gamble who you will face, but only hope you see what she wants you to see.

Character Song(s):
"So trade that typical for something colorful
And if it's crazy, live a little crazy
You can play it sensible, a king of conventional
Or you can risk it all and see..."

"I love the smell of gasoline...
I light the match to taste the heat...
I've always liked to play with fire."

═════ °•*.·:·.☽✧ Character Relationships ✧☾.·:·.*•° ═════
The " " are inner thoughts and feelings

(OOC: If you wish to be added to the relationships, be sure to DM me on skyfantasyworld on Discord and I'll add you as long as I know who you are ICly!)



Tachitsu Family

Shibuya Tachitsu | Adoptive Mother | Alive
"Thank you, genuinely, for taking me under your wing when I had no one."

Ikari Tachitsu | Adoptive Father | Dead
"I do not know you, but I respect you."

Ronin T. Santos
| Uncle/Boss | Alive
"My favorite uncle in the whole world. I... May pretend most of the time, but out of everyone...
I truly love you Uncle, and Buer promises to protect you and the others. She will bring hell to those who hurt any of you."

Kojiro Tachitsu | Uncle | Alive
"Second favorite uncle, I still don't know how you manage to tolerate me despite my
tendencies for a lack of a better word."

Kurai Tachitsu | Uncle | Alive
"Where did you go? I miss you uncle."

Ryusei Tachitsu | Cousin | Alive
"My silly cousin that I love. I know you and Ryou hide a lot of things behind me,
and Buer will forever appreciate it because you still try to keep her innocent."

Ryousetsu Tachitsu | Cousin | Alive
"I wanna be like you, I want to learn more... Thank you for everything, for every knowledge."

Misono Family

Ren Misono Drakos | Adoptive Father | Alive
"The things I've asked permission to do and you just allow it, is still the funniest thing to
me dad-"

Dorian Ikki Misono | Adoptive Mother | Alive
"I love you mama, I miss you a lot."

Souta Fujimoto-Komorebi | Grandfather (Father Side) | Alive
"GRANDPAPAAA!! Best grandpa ever ehe."

Eli Hanazono-Zennix | Cousin/Father Figure | Alive
"Buer is an innocent, sweet, and have I mentioned innocent child dear father figure Eli?"

Irina L. Sturm | Aunt | Alive
"I wish I could hangout with you and Miss Sturm, but you two are always busy..."

Annabell Sturm | Aunt | Alive
"I'm never gonna say this outloud but- Your so cool, like- Super cool, I wish I could talk to you more."

Avery Asōgi | Grandmother (Mother Side) | Alive
"Grandmaaaa Aveeee- We never got to do our planned hangout..."

Goemon Asōgi | Grandfather (Mother Side) | Alive
"Now I'm not completely sure why mama and auntie hates you, but what Buer does
know is that...
Hurt grandmama, and Buer cause the biggest chaos in existence."

Old Adoptive Families

Kiyoko Akai | Old Adoptive Mother | Alive
"I hope you are well, mo- Mrs. Kiyoko."
"Mama Kiyo! I love you!"

Ami Akai | Old Adoptive Mother | Alive

Biological Family

Rukkha Archon | Biological Mother | Dead
"Mama...? I wonder if you're disappointed to who I become."

Morax Archon | Cousin | Alive
"I told you Uncle Ryoichi was bad, but you never listened. Your heart is too pure, too innocent,
easily corruptible."

Barbatos A. Hanazono | Cousin | Alive
"I still don't get why you don't like Mister Sushi."

Alatus Archon | Cousin | MIA
"I promised, but you never did. How funny you're the one who left me."
"Buer promises to never leave you Xiao! I swear on it."

Family Figures

"Jim" Yasushi | Father Figure | Alive
"I wish I could see you more. It's been awhile Mister Sushi..."
Friends | Acquaintances

Yamato M. Hanazono | Friend/'Babysitter 1' | Alive
"Please don't tell grandpapa Souta the things I do pretty please..."

Ezio C. DeLuca-Sterling | Friend/'Babysitter 2' | Alive
"Mister Ez!! I wanna light up firewords again with you."

Alan Jackson | Friend(???)/'MY OP!!! GAHH!!' | Alive

═════ °•*.·:·.☽✧ Character History ✧☾.·:·.*•° ═════
Find out through IC means

Lingering Warmth (CHILDHOOD)
Buer Archon, commonly known as 'Nahida' to others, was born on October 27th in Cairo, Egypt to Rukkha Archon, one of the seven children of Ai Shénlíng-Archon and Mishiranu Guang Archon. During her childhood, Buer inherited her mother's love for knowledge and nature, having a vast collection of plants back in their home in Cairo, she always hung out with her cousins, playing under the sun, reading with them, being taught by them even, life was happy, and peaceful in their little place.

Buer was the star and light of the Archon family, with unmatched gentleness, she was a happy, naïve, and kind child, well, she was until a fatal accident would cause her to lose not just her mother but her memories as well. To this day she still can't remember what exactly happened to her mother despite regaining half of her memories after the accident, lost and clueless about the world now, she was terrified during this time, as she never felt more alone as even though her cousins desperately tried to gain custody over her, namely Morax, due to his still young age during this time she was still placed in an orphanage away from her family.

The once kind and soft-spoken girl in the orphanage changed, changed so much that she became infamous for her mischievous antics, pranks that sometimes caused the heads of the orphanage to run after her with his own white hair falling out, she didn't have the best reputation among the people in the orphanage, as every day, was a living hell for her.

Wisdom of Oromasdis (START OF KARAKURA ARC)
But of course, after years of being stuck in that orphanage, after suffering so long, everything changed when two couples were looking to adopt, Ami and Kiyoko Akai. It was a wonder why they were so far away instead of finding a child in mainland Japan, but despite that, because of them, she managed to make her life better.

Buer's arrival in Karakura marked the beginning of a new chapter in her life, adopted by the Akai couple, she found herself back in a loving family once more, her heart healing because of their love, their care, everything. Managing to even reconnect with her biological family through them, she was happy, happy after all these years, for once, had hope once more, as that mischievous child became who she used to be, kind and soft-spoken. Meeting so many people, and befriending others, her life in Karakura was amazing...

But, nothing lasts forever, doesn't it? As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. Her adoptive family went away with no words, her fragile sense of security shattered, she was confused, scared, and terrified that she was alone again once more. Yearning to have a family again, she discovered the Tachitsu Family, who took her under their wing. But even, though she does have people around her now, she still feels so alone.

It only changed when she met Ren, her future adoptive father. Of course, at first, they only knew each other through Buer's crazy antics, namely dissing the HS Cheer Team, but because of that, that's how they grew closer together. But as time goes by, the more she witnesses the crimes in Karakura, Buer slowly grows back to her loud personality as a defense mechanism. Pretending to be a chaotic child, she became someone with a positive yet odd reputation among people. This is the time when Ren offers to adopt her as well, which she happily takes as she looks up to Ren despite their more sibling-like relationship.

Descent to the Desert (CRIMERP ARC | CURRENT)
She never really expected anything else to happen to her life at this point, living day to day, trying to just focus on her studies, but everything felt boring, mediocre, and repetitive. But that was when she was introduced to witchcraft by her cousin... Discovering such a thing, was the start of her fall. Like a siren's song, she found herself drawn to the dark magic and forbidden knowledge, each incantation, each and every single ritual she has done fueled her hunger for more power.

Buer's interest in the arcane arts turned into an obsession, and that obsession caused her to lose something... Her very being, her soul. Now permanently marked by the deal she made, it pushed her further down the path of darkness. It was this time when 'GUARDIAN' approached her with a deal, offering the power that she so desperately craved, she accepted, becoming an associate to Karakura's crime underworld, the Black Market.

[Find the rest out ICly!]
I should use Chong yun to commit a crime against buer

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