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Level 5

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
My main IGN is c1rcvs, and that is the account I will be applying on.

Discord Name & Tag:
My discord tag is c1rcvs, my display name is Val.

Which Timezone are you in?
EST (Eastern Standard Time)

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server is spread far and wide, I often engage in all kinds of RP, from being a greenie, to an adult, to just a regular grade-12! I frequently log on for hours, and can be found running around or rping with someone! I’m usually on for 6-7 hours per day, which naturally will increase come summertime!

What is your motivation for applying?:
I have been playing SRP for approximately two and a half years now. Throughout this time, I have had multiple experiences with KPD that have piqued my interest in the faction. Although I have been a part of other factions, none of them have caught my attention like KPD has. I am drawn to the idea of being a peacemaker and a reliable person who others can turn to for assistance. I also love expanding my RP experiences and meeting new people. I am a talkative and helpful person, so I think this role would suit me well.

I have always been interested in KPD, but I lacked the confidence to apply. However, getting accepted to other roles, specifically Judge, boosted my confidence enough for me to write this application. While working as a Judge, we collaborated with KPD, particularly for warrants. It was an exciting and enjoyable experience to see how closely KPD works together to assist people. These experiences inspired me to apply to KPD and are the primary reason why I am writing this application.

What knowledge do you have about Police Work?
My knowledge about KPD is slowly expanding day by day as I interact with and watch them, however, it will expand tremendously via being accepted and getting trained properly, from what I know, there are two main divisions. These divisions are the Main Division and Detective Division. I know what kind of equipment they use, the basic rankings, and the baseline of what they do. KPD is basically what Police IRL do, assisting people, making arrests, warrants, etc. Overall their job is to maintain stability and protect the town.


Police Baton
A police baton is used to defend and can knock out someone after two hits. All ranks have access to this. This item can be mugged and has a two block range.
Riot Shield
A riot shield is a shield that aids officers against weapons and sometimes, the baton can be held alongside it, depending on the position. All ranks have access to this and it possesses a one block range.
Stun Blaster
A stun blaster is essentially a gun using electrical currents to stun someone who is a danger or refuses to stop moving, like a suspect/criminal. All ranks have access to this tool and it cannot be mugged.
A tranquilizer is used to calm any threats coming towards officers or civilians. It puts the target to sleep, neutralizing any threats. Only rank SGT and above have access to this.
A radio is used on-duty and off-duty for both KPD and EMS to communicate. All ranks have access to this.
Gas Mask
A mask that is used by all ranks as well as EMS. They are often used in varying circumstances, including but not limited to when there are dangerous fumes, such as smoke, dust, etc.
Pepper Spray
Pepper spray is a tool all ranks including EMS have access to. If the target is in close range and cannot be stopped, then they can use it to defend themselves. This blinds the suspect for 30 seconds, giving the officer time to detain or escape the target.
Handcuffs are used to help detain any suspect/criminal that needs to be detained! All ranks have access to this handy-dandy tool.
This is used to check a civilians intoxication level, if above 50, the officer is allowed to fine for Public Intox, which if they refuse they can be arrested. All ranking have access to this as well as EMS.
Luminol Spray
This is an item used by all ranks to reveal blood on items.

This item is typically used by Corporals and above to pry open doors and containers.
Disposable Gloves
All officers have access to this, and they are non-fingerprint-proof.
Fingerprint Scanner
This item is used to scan suspects and determine if their fingerprints match a sample, all ranks have access to this!
First-Aid Kit
Can extend bleedout timer by 5min, used for when EMS is not available. All officers have access to these kits.
Body Camera
This records video footage and cannot be removed but can be destroyed. All officers carry this item.

There are two divisions, the Main, and the Detective divisions, I am not aware of much about the rankings themselves, I mainly know more about the Main Division, being the more well-known part of the KPD. The rankings included in the Main division are Cadet, Patrol, Officer, Corporal, Sergeant and Lieutenant. (Excluding the Commissioner and Captain ranks, there are 5 ranks!)

Why are the Police important to School RP?
Police help keep the peace in SRP, they are the ‘heroes’ we all turn to when we need them the most. It also adds a touch of realism, since police are often used and deployed in real life. Since Karakura has such a high crime rate, Police are needed to keep things in order and maintain stability. Without them, crime rates and injuries would skyrocket. They are deployed to any situation, if there’s a lost child, someone calls the Police, if there's a fight, someone calls the police. The Police also act as the Fire Department for SchoolRP.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held while you are online, you must attend or be punished?
Yes, I acknowledge that!

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
"My name is Dr. Sylvie Solace!"

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
"I am twenty-six years of age.."

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

"I identify as a female, using she/her pronouns!"

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

"I currently posess a PhD in criminology."

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
"I know German, Spanish, and Korean."

Describe your character; how they look, and what makes them unique.

Brief Description:

Sylvie is a 5’1 female with a bubbly personality. She possesses unblemished porcelain skin and bubblegum pink (dyed) hair! Sylvie’s hair is styled in a long wolf-cut, with shorter pieces around her face. She loves wearing makeup, but nothing too flashy, mainly mascara and eyeliner to accent her bright baby-blue eyes.
What makes her unique?
One unique feature is a heart-shaped birthmark underneath her left eye, along with a tattoo behind her ear of a monarch butterfly.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Professional Setting:
Sylvie is only a bit different on-duty than off-duty. Her friendly disposition remains the same, but she can often be found keeping more to herself, focusing on getting the job done, and trying to limit her energetic attitude. She is a lot more focused and observant on duty rather than off-duty.
Casual Setting:
Sylvie is a lot more relaxed when it comes to a casual setting, and not so goal-oriented. She will ‘let loose’ so to say, expressing her full nature to those around her whether it be co-workers, friends, or family! After a long day at work, she is tired and will somewhat hesitate when work is brought up off duty, but answers questions regardless. Sylvie is always outgoing, but even more so when off-duty, especially when she’s doing things she enjoys.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Sylvie adores her co-workers! She knows that they rely on each other greatly in their line of duty, and she trusts that if she ever gets into a situation where she needs backup they will assist and have her back just like she would have theirs. Sylvie is independent and can do most tasks on her own, but an extra pair (or two) of hands never hurts, right? Sylvie is great at teamwork, often putting their needs before her own.

What's your character's backstory?

0-10| "I was born in the heart of Germany. My family wasn't wealthy, I wasn't born with a silver spoon. For a long time, we struggled to make ends meet. My family consists of me, my two younger siblings (twins), my parents, and my maternal grandma, whom we call Nana. Nana was a pillar of our household, the head of the family. My parents were good, I remember never being aware of how much we struggled because they never let us know. The only people they weren't good to was eachother, they often got into fights, which escalated into physical fights." - "One notable incident was when the fighting got so bad the neighbors called the police because of the screams. Once the police got there, they quickly separated the two and arrested my father for domestic violence. Me and my siblings had been transferred to child protective services for the night. My Nana was weak of heart, she'd been that way all her life, but it got worse when she suffered a stroke when I was only 8." - "I love my Nana, she was always there for me and instilled a feeling of resilience in me, it got me through some tough times when I got older. She still affects me, even when she's gone."

11-16 |"When I was 10 years old, I realized that my family was far from perfect. We were unhappy and lacked purpose. At that point, I made a resolve to make our family a better place not just for myself, but also for my younger siblings and my ailing Nana, who had always been supportive of me. From the ages of 10 to 16, I worked hard and studied diligently to get into a good school, hoping to become something that aligned with my values. Although I was unsure of what I wanted to become, I knew I wanted a career that would allow me to make a positive impact. Being a doctor or a lawyer didn't seem fitting, and although I could have been an officer, it wasn't something that particularly interested me." - "That all changed when one day, I came home to discover something horrific. I discovered my mother's dead body. My dad was the culprit, and seeing what he had done, he'd ran, like the coward he is. I hurriedly called the police, and this one officer came out to the scene, seeing my shaken-up body, with tears streaming down my eyes, he scooped me up into his arms and hugged me. That hug was the most comfort I'd received from someone other than my family. My Nana was notified and quickly rushed to the scene, early enough to prevent my younger siblings from seeing the horrific sight I did. I cried for days until they finally found him. I was so angry, but my Nana and the police were there for me. Once I had come out of my anger, I realized I knew what I wanted to be, a police officer."

20-26 | "From the age of twenty to twenty-four, I was in college, getting my PhD in criminology, it was hard, and sometimes I wanted to give up. I almost did, a few times. But one thing kept me going, my precious Nana and my younger siblings. I knew they would be disappointed if I dropped out, and so, I persisted."

24-26 | "From the age of twenty-four to twenty-six, I was in the police academy. During this time, my Nana died. Naturally, I took it pretty hard, and so did my siblings. We only had eachother now, excluding our piece of shit father. During this time, my determination to graduate police academy increased, and so, I graduated successfully. That leads us to now, what do you think?

General Knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
“No, you cannot. If you're caught, you will be arrested for Possession of Illegal Weaponry.” - “Which, may I add, could carry the weight of up to three months in jail.”

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
“Five items that do not need a prescription are Paracetamol, Eyepatches (L/R), Bandages, Melatonin, and Wooden Canes!”

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“First of all, I would refrain from using the radio to avoid alerting the co-worker, then alert a higher-up. After alerting a higher-up, only then is it safe to approach the cell, taser in hand, and ask the co-worker to stop.” - “I’d tell the inmate to reach their hands through to re-cuff them before heading in, and confronting the co-worker. Should a higher-up arrive, I’d pass the co-worker off to them. Then I would focus on treating the inmate.”

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“I’d first radio for backup, then approach cautiously with my taser drawn.” - “As I approach, I’d shout for them to get down or face the wall. With another co-worker watching my 6, I’d pat them down and arrest them for Assault on a Government Official.” - “Once they have been transferred to the jail and the coast is clear, I’d radio for EMS and check up on my co-workers condition.”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“First of all, I’d refrain from confronting them right away… Since all my co-workers have access to a radio, I’d make sure to have my bodycam on and recording to gather evidence against them. Then I’d contact a higher-up via phone or in person. Once that was done, I’d follow their orders and procedures to ensure the corrupt co-worker was captured without any fuss.”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“First of all, I’d politely decline. I would not accept the bribe, no matter what! Then I’d inform them that bribery is a fineable offense. . .”

Thank you for taking the time to read this lengthy application... I enjoyed making this and good luck to all the other applicants! Fighting!
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Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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