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Cafeteria NPC or players


Level 1
Hey! When I first joined, I realized I needed some food. So I headed over to the cafeteria. Turns out, you can't get food there and can only use vending machines.

So I think it would be great if you add a cafeteria NPC or allow a player to act as one to sell food and stuff. It could be ones that are more fulfilling (like fills up more hunger bars). If this is already a thing, that's great!


Level 8
Fortunately, there are chefs at the school. If one is online, food can be served at breakfast or lunch.


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
There is already an existing player-ran role within the School Employee faction for this [Chef] which has recently been increased from three slots to four to allow more opportunities to roleplay with this role. Bare in mind everyone has a life outside of SchoolRP and cannot be online 24/7. As for the NPC, that won't be added back due to it taking away from roleplay.

You may also purchase food from the 11/7 NPC store located behind the school (beside the Akihito estate), alongside there being plenty of player-ran stores owned by the many [Shopkeeper]s that sell food at their; restaurants, cafes, convenience, etc.

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