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CarnageRP3 #3 VHS Shop Application


Level 30
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I have three accounts for playing on SchoolRP, CarnageRP Which is my main and the main one I use for playing, CarnageRP2 is the account I use for my College Professor account and CarnageRP3 is the account I will be using to be applying for this role as it is my free account at the moment.

Yes I do have discord my account is called CarnageRP#6666, I'm in all of the required discord servers for SchoolRP.

Describe your activity on the server:
Within playing the server I am rather active due to the main role I have (Highschool Football Team) I have been playing for roughly 5 - 6 hours a day, So I would have to be active to make sure I don't get taken off the team or let anything happen too to my chances of being apart of the team or any other team there is.

I have been playing SRP for roughly 4 - 5 years now, I first joined when the 2nd city was put into place (Before the Family store was a thing the 2nd city had happy goods in front of the gas station 11/7 and swoubway) From them on I have just been in love with SRP and getting into all types of Role play situations ranging from GangRP to JockRP and much much more. SRP will always hold a special place in my heart as It has been one of the more opening and most welcoming communities I have been apart of and of course I do enjoy live streaming SRP when I get the chance.

I have been playing SchoolRP (SRP) since roughly 2017 or 2018 like I stated before., I joined the server after searching for a Minecraft school roleplay since I used to watch all those YouTube videos of that sort of thing, I joined it for a day and instantly fell in love with the server and the community, I recommended the server to my closest friends who were also the same thing I was into, We all joined as a group (me as Haloxgamez back then, Cycleya809, Maskedmenace4 and another one (I can't remember his IGN) and from that moment we enjoyed playing it and getting into all sorts of roleplay situations some that were gang related as well as some civil things between everyone we met on the server.

Previous applications:
Below will be the applications I have recently applied for within the server; (Key words, PENDING, DENIED, ACCEPTED)

7'5 Application - (ACCEPTED)
Police Application - (DENIED)
Shop Application - (DENIED)

Previous warns/kicks/bans:
I have had warns and bans in the past however they were over roughly a year ago, I have had a recent warn for when I was arguing with staff about the football tournament that happened not long ago,

Shop Wanted:
I would like to own any shop that is available to be taken so I do not mind which shop I will be getting.

Why do you want to own a shop?:
I wish to apply for this shop because I plan on doing something a little different within the town and instead of having the usual places I thought It would be best If Karakura has there very own VHS store, I will be selling all types of genres ranging out from Anime, Anime Movies, Manga, Books, Comics, Classical Movies, Romantic movies and Horror movies as well, I feel like this would bring more attention to the Shopping District as well seeing as SRP has never had a VHS store within any of there cities.

What do you plan to do with the shop?:
Like I stated the other question I plan on creating this shop into a VHS Store to be able to bring more eyes into the shopping district and bring more and fun RP situations. I also plan on hosting events such as Movie nights within the store or would be played on a screen from a projector to make the atmosphere lively and the old day feeling. I also plan on trying to host a Drive in spot for people who enjoy sitting in there cars while having a movie on as well. Inside the shop there would be a sitting area for people can go upstairs and chill out while reading a book chatting with friends and of course doing homework if needed. There would always be some random movie playing on the TV in the Sitting Area.

How the Drive in will work is; There would be a broadcast saying the movie name and the location the drive in is happening (If you do not have a car you can still attend to watch said movie.) Entry for the drive in would be 5,000 and given a place to park their car as it would be sectioned out (Hopefully I will be able to do this at the bowling alley as it has a carpark there too. Once they have there cars set and ready for the movie there would be a stall there from us which will hand out popcorn hotdogs and refreshment drinks too, Once everyone has there drinks ready I would send out the W2G (Watch2Gether) link for the people to join or there we would all be inside the Chroma VHS Discord with the movie being shared by me through screenshare for all to see and I'd then proceed to start said movie. (This will only happen once every blue moon so not that often as we will have to stick to mostly staying in the store for now till we get some reputation.)

Stock and prices.
We have a vast range of items within our store, I will be giving some names of movies and some items we will be selling within our store and the price range for said movie genre as well; The way how Movies would be sold they'd get a "Book n' quill" saying the movie type and the movie name with how long the movie will be. This with all the movies we have in our store/

BBQ Ribs - 6000
Bunny Cake - 5000
OniGiri - 500
Curry - 2000

Boba - 2500
Sundae - 3000
Ice Coffee - 500
Beast - 750
Red Cow - 750

Alcoholic Drinks
Beer - 4000
Corona Can - 2500
Whiskey glass - 6500
Hennessey bottle - 7500

Movie Genres:

Romance Movies
- 2500
Dear John
Romeo & Juliet
More added soon.

Action Movies - 3500
All Avengers Movies
Fast & Furious
Star Wars
More added soon.

Comedies - 3500
Shaun of The Dead
Kissing Booth
The Babysitter
More added soon.

Horror - 5000 (18+)
Paranormal Activity
More added soon.

Anime: - 4500
Your Name
Jojo Bizarre Adventure
Naruto + Naruto Shippuden (And Movies.)
More added soon.

Toy Sword: Shalamaine - 27,000
Dog Hat - 10,000
G39C Nerf Gun - 45,000
Club Master Raynans - 25,000
Smart Phones -35,000
More added soon.

There will be a few more things added this was just a preview of some of the genres and movies we will be selling within our beloved store!

The name:
I plan on naming the VHS shop to Chroma VHS, With the name I thought of it having some sort of like "LED lights" inside around the roof of the shop so the name Chroma popped into my head and VHS well just cause it's a VHS shop.

The uniforms will be taken upon suits as well as skirts, Below will be photos of how the skins/uniforms will look like (Some may change in the future this is just a rough idea, The female uniform will only be the reference for now till I can get it created for the shop)

This would be the usual Cashier uniform however, If you do not wish to wear this outfit and you have a female char I will be getting another skin made for the female employee's.


The female skins haven't been made yet however I personally will do my best to get them done as fast as possible, I will leave the reference below of what the Female skin will look like, I'm sure as well that the females can wear these suits however I will give them an option
(Female Ref Below)

This ref will be for the female Employees If they do not wish to wear the main outfit.


This Outfit is for the security guards as they would just need to wear a suit as they would just be walking around the shop checking if everything is alright and going swimmingly.

The VHS Store will have it's own discord where people can go in and check when we are hiring even opening and of course hosting all type of events such as Movie nights, Sales on different types of Movies, The layout will be rather below you will see how the Discord layout would work:

Owner: Me

Employee of the month (King Emoji)





Karakura Civilian's

Each person who applies to be apart of the VHS Store would be given there needed role and placed on the scale wherever they need be, The Cashiers are the ones who stay behind the till and awaits till someone wishes to buy either food, drinks or even the movies.

The Employee of the month role is rather straight forward, I personally would be given them the role plus they would get a 10% raise of there original pay (30,000 each shift to Security, Cashiers keep 40% of all earnings paying the owner (Me) 60% Employee's will be given the same amount as the Security 30,000 at the end of each shift.) The way you would get given this role is by showing up to work on time, Prove that you are the best of the best employee and of course a team player / have rather good teamwork skills as well.

How will your shop be unique?:
Our store will be unique in several ways, some of which was stated in the section above, all of these points are really good, and involves the community more than others - in addition to this, we will attempt to have consistent opening time which the customers are able to depend on, however, granted that we have the stock to open, and the workers present to open. I believe our shop will be able to do this effectively, and consistently; giving us an edge over the competition of ours, being the other stores. Our store will be attempting to get the best image within the community as possible, encouraging events for people to be entertained by, giving back to the community and providing the best possible service.

Display area
I will be placing a few "Items" inside display cases as they would seem to hold some dear truths to the store itself. The way this will work is It would be placed outside of the store seeming to be showing our most sold set of item in the store, There will also be signs showing off if we are hiring or not. There will also be two places where this will be located one outside the shop as explained and one will be inside the store with a small stage displaying a few other items such as Movies that are coming out or some of the more popular movies that we have sold here in our store.
This image is the Display case inside the shop.


This image would be the display case outside the shop as it would reveal a few of the movies in a like slide show.

There will be different events happening around the shop such as Movie days/nights within the discord, Cosplaying your favourite movie character and a lot more. There would be ones where I could hold pop quiz's about different types of movie genres and who ever the winner may be could get something for free from the store of there own choosing.

Sitting Area's
There would be places where people can sit down and relax while on a TV in the room would be playing a random movie, They would be able to indulge in eating food and of course drinking that would be sold at the store as well, There in the seating area they would be able to sit and continue doing there homework for students.


How many employees are you planning to have?:
Below will be how many employees I plan to have plus with the amount of employees for the certain spot. I won't be paying people instantly as I would need to have some money first for the openings, I personally that we could wait after our 4th or 5th opening to start paying people there rightful amount.

Thus going forward I have created a small roaster to show how many people I would need and how many people can fit in the spot;

CarnageRP3 | Nakama Hideaki

Security 0/5

Cashier 0/4

Some of these slots will change, and the roster may grow, and perhaps shorten as we may be unable to pay the people we hire for the first few openings. (4 or 5th opening I will then be able to pay people as stated before all payments must be handed to me for the first 4 - 5 openings.)

Does your character have any college degrees? If so, list it:
Nakama has one College Degree which he studied Business and pass all needed exams and he has now taken all his experience and knowledge to open his very own VHS store.

Thank you for reading this application I look forward to hearing your response. - Carnage.
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Level 110

Thank you for taking the time to apply for a shop! Unfortunately, we have chosen to deny this application.

- While the idea is original, it is not beneficial to the server. There was little elaboration on how your sales (specifically related to the media your shop would sell) would be useful, adequate, and important (e.g. no ideas for events which would be plenty helpful if those ideas were provided). In addition to that, please keep a formal tone and method of speaking when applying for anything on the server, including shops; this is to ensure that you are taking what you are applying for seriously.​

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