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Change my username?


Level 25
When I first started School RP, I wanted to have a language application. And as such I made a fourms account. Pretty simple right? Well, I made this account on Feb 18, 2020. Almost a year ago. And as such I have obviously changed my name a few times. The name I started with was my first ever minecraft name, and I wasen't seriously into SRP. But as I got more and more into roleplay I changed my name. To things like 'FailRP' 'AOT_RP' and now 'Someguy_lol'. I admit the last one is a bit strange, but I change my name after major bans. it's my way of 'Leaving the past behind me' and trying to start anew. But now I face the issue of having my fourm account with the same name as almost a year ago. I have no idea if you can change your name. It might be really obvious and I'm just dumb, or maybe there is no way.

If anyone could help, I would be really thankfull!


Level 77
The option is limited for most people, the option only became recent for me. I don’t know why it only appears for some people. It’s just a bit of a waiting game, to be frank.


Level 25
Thread starter
The option is limited for most people, the option only became recent for me. I don’t know why it only appears for some people. It’s just a bit of a waiting game, to be frank.
Thank you. I'll just try and play the waiting game then!


Level 353
HS Sports Lead
The option is limited for most people
The answer above is correct, the option should appear in your forum settings under 'Change Username', you can only change this once every 30 days.

Alternatively, you can contact one of the owners via Discord Samra#2020 or Ducks#2020 and ask for them to change this for you.

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