Level 16
What's your Minecraft Username?: ethln
What's the title of your suggestion?: CHANGE THE "GAWD DAMN" AUTOCORRECT!
What's your suggestion?:
When I type "Gawd Damn" into chat it autocorrects to "God Damn"??? Why does it do that, what does it have to be autocorrected into "God Damn"???
How will this benefit the server and community?:
I don't even know man. It'll benefit the server by letting us express ourselves more???
What's the title of your suggestion?: CHANGE THE "GAWD DAMN" AUTOCORRECT!
What's your suggestion?:
When I type "Gawd Damn" into chat it autocorrects to "God Damn"??? Why does it do that, what does it have to be autocorrected into "God Damn"???
How will this benefit the server and community?:
I don't even know man. It'll benefit the server by letting us express ourselves more???