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Level 113
is this the third eichi blackburn biography that exists? perhaps. am i still going to post it? yes.

only take info ICly if you KNOW IT ICly.

names: Eichi Jonasgender: male
surname: Blackburnage: 22
perferred name: Eichiheight: 190.5cm (6'3")
god of mischief (for his antics in the council, he's named himself the next god of mischief. ****y, I know.)
blackburn (a more official name, given to him by 'Mookie' Aldridge.)
ei (a long unused nickname, likely to never unsurface again.)
the winter soldier (a funny nickname, given to him by friends when he lost his left arm like bucky barnes.)
weight: 83kg (183lbs)

date of birth: February 16th, 2001sexual orientation: aroace (aromantic, asexual)
place of birth: Munich, Germanyreligious beliefs: atheism
nationality & race: German, Japanese, Chinesepolitical beliefs: none


Eichi has an atheletic build maintained through playing vigorous sports, such as basketball, football, volleyball, and swimming. Apart from that, Eichi's experience within the council has allowed him to easily run from one side of the school building to another. I guess chasing all of those masked delinquents helped.
Eichi is quite simple minded when it comes to outfits. He has his all-black fit with gold accents, his casual outfit, or his letterman jacket, from when he was formerly on the basketball team.Eichi is an asshole. In mere months, he was labelled the 'corrupt councillor' from within the council itself. How he was never removed from the council? Still no clue. Blackburn seeks out enemies and makes sure that they suffer, either that, or he makes sure that their life is miserable.
eye colorskin colorhair color
Eichi's eyes were brown, unlike his brother Aldric, who had blue eyes, but similar to his sister Eda, who also had brown eyes.His skin color appears to be a blend of brown and pale. Similar to his brother, Aldric's, but also similar to his sister, Eda. The blend comes from his german and japanese heritage.
His hair was a shiny golden blonde. Again, it appeared as a mix of both his brother and sister. However, his hair usually appears messy, unbrushed. Not too messy, but definitely visible enough to see.

undiagnosed adhdmissing armanger issues
Though he has not been tested for it, it is clear that Eichi shows many repeated signs of having ADHD. Blackburn's missing limb was the cause of pissing someone off, clearly something he does very casually... and easily. After his prosthetic left arm was installed, he occasionally referred to himself as The Winter Soldier, a nod to James Buchanan Barnes, a Marvel character with a missing left arm, which was replaced with a metal bionic.It is very clear that Eichi Blackburn possesses anger issues. Even one example of it could be when he threw a shot glass at a college student in front of his (council) superior. This is likely something he can't control, but if he can, it's clear that he's doing it on purpose.
occupationcouncil (college)journalism clubbasketball (college)tailoring
serviceEichi resided on the college council for about two years, shifting in and out of the council.Eichi joined the journalism club as a club leader, being passed from former club leader, Felix MacLeod. He was the club leader for a little under one year before passing it on further.Eichi spent a few months in Karakura College's basketball team, residing as one of their defensive players (#5). Eichi has experience in tailoring, but it's rare to see him make clothing.
highlightsOh... this one is going to need a long list.
  • Throwing a shot glass at a college student.
  • Slapping said college student
  • Getting detention (like four times).
  • Disobeying higher-ups.
  • Being scolded by SLT for his actions.
  • Assisting in team rivalry activity.
  • Bias towards the Spartans, and then the Bobcats, and then the Spartans again.
  • Swirlied a student.
  • Fighting.
  • Creating mayhem within the College Basketball Team.
  • Stepping on and pinning a student to the floor.
  • Torturing students using pressure points.
  • Overexerting a student in detention.
  • So... so much more...
(disclaimer: this has been sized down so it doesn't take up too much space.)
  • Writing a report on himself getting arrested.
  • Creating the Karakura Chronicle.
  • Akiya Kusanagi's rubber ducky.
  • A gossip report on the High School Volleyball Team (which may have involved breaking and entering...)
  • SUMMONED A GHOST. (ft. Mee-young Jaibatsume and others)
  • He resided as one of the best defense players on the team before leaving.
  • After leaving, he set a rivalry with one of their members, which leads to his antics as a councillor.
  • He tailored the High School Male Volleyball Team jacket and uniform.
  • He tailored the High School Female Football Team jacket and uniform.
  • He tailored the High School Male Basketball Team jacket and uniform.
  • He tailored the College Male Basketball Team jacket.
(some of these are outdated.)

Eichi enjoys seeing other people suffer. Don't be fooled by the fact that he was formerly a councillor; he was a bad councillor. He tortured kids in afterschool detention for fun, shat on people who were not as skilled as him at sports, even laughing at Deputy Principal Akiya Kusanagi for owning a rubber ducky! Eichi has a hard time admitting his fault. He will never blame himself for something, rather use a scapegoat.Blackmail. He will blackmail anyone to get his way. As surprising as it is, Eichi Blackburn would've made a good criminal. Sure, he's a convicted felon, by accident. Whateverrrr!!!

Aldric BlackburnK. 'Mookie' Aldridge
Eda BlackburnMee Jaibatsume
Rachael BlackburnDen Celestiasume

act 1:

[ shoutout to @houndrats for inspiration for the template :DDDDD]
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Level 10
I like how majority of those 'highlights' and the said 'college student' was my character and I remember all of them


Level 66
I've had opportunity to met him ICly. Unfortunately...

Living legend of Karakura Highschool ngl.

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