players online

Accepted chayiaa | Miyage-Hin Mato


Level 11

Miyage-Hin Mato

chayiaa // pledguilty

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord?:

What is your time zone?:
ACT- Australian Central Time

Describe your activity on the server:
I have been apart of the SchoolRP community for quite some time now and am proud to say that I am on daily. My activity on the server ranges depending on the days. I am a student, meaning I have school on the weekdays though I manage to still play SRP regularly after school hours. Though, on weekends I'm quite literally never busy and am able to get online whenever! I'm fairly active on weekends, and am able to enlarge my activity for this position.

Not only am I active on the SRP server, I am also frequently spending my time on the creative server especially as I take build commissions and most of them are requested to be built on the creative server.

I also have an alt account, the one I am using to apply for this position. I am regularly active on this account, though you'll find me regularly on my main account, chayiaa as my character on that account has a lot more drama I must attend to rather than my alt. If I do get this position, I will be sure to keep both accounts active & keeping my average month opening quotas.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
No, I have never been banned and am hopefully keeping it that way.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I completely acknowledge this.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

Korean Application - Accepted
French Application - Accepted
Korean Application - Denied

Build Team - Denied
Chemistry Teacher - Accepted
Apartment Issues - Accepted
Age Request - Accepted

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
Main account (the account I am applying with): [Grade-12] Freya Kjaer
Alt account: [Grade-11] Taiyo Nyumjin

Shop Information

What shop are you applying for?:
Miyage-Hin Mato. I am applying to take over ownership as I have found on the roster nobody owns it.

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
For a while now, I have been looking for a new role play experience. Overtime I have always wanted to become a shopkeeper as it seems fun. Although you have an entire store to look after, I enjoy the responsibility, weirdly? I have been through a range of role play experiences including faculty, sport teams, joining clubs & working at stores though I've never achieved owning one. Personally, I think a Shopkeeper would be the best one for me as like I stated earlier, I would love the responsibility of having my own store and I have the right motivation for it. I have many friends willing to help out to get the store up-and-running once again! From others I hear owning a shop is a great experience, in fact I am friends with a shop-owner currently. From what I've heard she enjoys it a lot, so I thought I might as well apply! Why not? Right? It also looks fun, taking on the responsibility to role-play a person who owns a shop is quite unique and I have never got to experience that before, so I am hoping I'd get the chance! Currently, my main character works in a shop, Joyoung, and I have also been really loving the experience being a cashier. Re-opening the store would give more players the opportunity to become a cashier therefore this shop would benefit others. In addition, working at Joyoung has massively impacted my social life, I have gained many friends both oocly & icly from this job and I hope by re-opening a store I get to help others experience that too, as stated above.

Also, becoming a shopkeeper would literally meet my childhood dreams. If you're thinking that I only just set out to own a shop .. nono- you're wrong. When I was little, I dreamed of having my own shop in a large city where I'd sell all these accessories and everybody would buy them! It was sort of stupid, but really .. I had my whole life planned out and trust me when I say I already knew everything about how to manage a store at a whopping age of 9 where my dream of owning a store set sail.

I don't previously know the old shopkeeper though I haven't seen this shop open quite a lot whilst it was owned. I can't say I have ever bought something from this store. I'd like to re-open the shop and attempt to make it one of the most active shops on the server. Possibly renovate it a tad to make it fresh & new, possibly attracting more customers. I already have an idea on how I'd like to renovate this store to turn it bright, new, fresh and sparkly!

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
As I really like the current design of the store, I'd preferably like to keep it. Though, as stated above, I think having something new and fresh would attract more customers and make it seem exciting to step foot into the store. I don't want to entirely re-vamp the entire store, just give it a somewhat new look & feel to it. Currently, it feels empty and not very spacious. Whilst walking around inside & taking notes of the store, I found that there isnt much room while you're browsing for items. Think of what it'd be like with 20 - 40 customers inside, trying to find their way to shelves and lining up. I don't think it'd look neat at all. Therefore I plan to expand the shop and have the back/storage area quite small and simple as there won't be many people going back and forth from there.
I think a modern look would seem pretty fitting as most of the shops in the shopping districts have been updated to have this modern look.

Currently, walking into the store there is no burst of color. When I walk in I sort of feel like I'm in a regular plain old store whereas in my opinion you need something that pops! Gaining the attraction from the viewers, and gaining their interest in your products.
I have previous experience with advertisement if you couldn't tell. I know how to catch people's attention out of the corner of their eye. This will definitely help the shop & make it grow larger to the city. More people will look forward to our store opening and the latest custom products that come out! They'll attempt to be one of the first buyers. The current managers and I are hoping to change this nonactive store into one of the most popular and active stores.
How will we do this you ask? Like I have previously mentioned a few hundred times, I plan on renovating the store so people have a new store to come and check out. Our first opening will surely be big, as the store will have a new look with a bright burst of color. They'll enjoy their shopping experience and me and the workers will be sure of that.

This may be hard to recreate into minecraft, although I have somewhat an idea of how it could look. The way the store currently looks is similar to what is in my mind just brighter colors and making it stand out more.



[!] All builds above were built by me, chayiaa. Though were heavily inspired by the current design of Miyage-Hin Mato. [!]

Upon adding my own flair to the shop, I'd also like to add a frequent customer system to make the store seem unique. This system will work by using a channel in the shop discord, named "Customer Discounts" each time a customer buys an item from the store they can write in that channel how many items they've bought including screenshot evidence. Depending on how many items they've purchased at the store over time, the higher their discount will be. This will hopefully have more people coming to the store regularly and may find shopping more exciting. I definitely know when I go shopping with my mother and she sees any chance at a discount she flips out and can't hold herself back from using it.

There will be a lot of advertisements especially if we eventually get some custom items. The Head-Manager and I (the announcements & advertisements manager) will be creating posters & magazines to be announced in the Miyage-Hin Mato store discord. They will be telling you all the new information about the store and perhaps convincing you to come on down and buy some of our latest items! They magazines will consist of the "hottest items" in stock and will let you know every tiny bit of detail you need to know about to visit our store and buy the hottest item at that moment!
These will be further detailed and have a tonne more writing on the cover. I would just like to show you a simple example so you get a feel of our shops magazines!

The employee's at Miyage-Hin Mato won't be needed to wear a uniform as the shop isn't as formal as others. It's more of a casual store where people come on down and just have a good time!

What do you plan to sell in your shop?:
I will not be changing any items that are being sold in the store! Though, once I get a team together we can discuss the custom item's and hopefully get a range of them on the shelves. We'll even ask the community what they'd like so they'd have a say in what they're purchasing! Although, sometimes we will have surprise & limited items where they either randomly appear in the shop, or they are in stock for a limited amount of time, as an example. Having a Christmas hat would be limited for winter only.

How many employees do you plan to have?:
I plan to have a total of just below 20. A whopping 17! Though, before becoming an actual cashier I'll have the employee's go through a trial-phase. Meaning we'll have more employee's. These employee's will be trained by myself & the current managers.

Even though the store is quite small, I'd like to have a locked and loaded roster full of employees.
Only 2 cashiers are needed per-shift though I'd still like to be prepared just in case.

Personally, I would like to have two managers as I don't feel like I need any more than two. Though if it is required I will boost it up to four and only have two managers work per shift. They'll be equally rotated that way they all get the same amount of shifts. Luckily, I have already found a person willing to step up and take the responsibilities of becoming a manager. She is willing to help out with anything that is needed which will get the business back up and running once again! Managers are hired to keep the business organised and clean! They help out the Shop-owner with anything possible and try to run the shop smoothly with the owner's guidance & approval.
There will be four manger slots with their own roles so they each have something individual and different to do.
Manager Slot #1 | Advertisements & Announcements [Head-Manager]
Manager Slot #2 | Openings [Vice-Head]
Manager Slot #3 | Application Viewer
Manager Slot #4 | Supplier/restock

CASHIERS: [0/10]
I think 8 - 10 cashiers is the perfect amount for a store like this. They'll be equally rotated just like the managers, working the same amount of shifts so they'll all earn the same pay. Although if somebody is willing to take the time out of their day to work an extra shift or two of course I will let them. I plan on having it fair to all the cashiers so it doesn't seem like some are doing more work than others. Though, if people wish to have more shifts they may dm me. Cashiers are there to serve and take peoples orders. Greeting them with a friendly smile as they walk up to the register, making them feel comforted and invited. We want customers to stay, not go!
Cashier Slot #1 | [Head-Cashier]
Cashier Slot #2 | [Vice-Head]
Cashier Slot #3 | [Employee]

These supervisors will stand near the exits and watch out for anybody that may look like they're up to mischievous stuff. Though! Luckily, I trust those of Karakura and hopefully they won't steal so I am making it so I'd probably have 3 supervisors just to make sure everybody is doing perfectly fine. The more the merrier! This title is pretty self explanatory, these guys supervise the store and make sure everything is running smoothly. If there is a problem, as an example, two people are fighting these supervisors will take care of it.

Trial employees are those who made it past the application process but still need to be supervised and get the right training. Every employee will go through this stage as it is mandatory to learn how to work in the store. The trial-employees have a quota amount of shifts they need to complete in 2 weeks. Though, inactivity logs will be required to fill out if you cannot do the full quota. In order to proceed and move on to a regular employee/cashier you'll need to complete this 2 week quota as well as the training.

What do the Head-Cashiers & Mangers do and how are they chosen? Great question! The Head-Cashiers & Managers are to determined when an employee is putting in a lot of effort & making a difference in our store. They stand out and help everybody no matter what. Taking over shifts and being a well-rounded person. This is to tell who would be a good fit for either the manager role, or to become one of the future owners. Once one of these spots open up, they will one of the first to be considered for this position.



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