Level 7
IGN: lesqian
DATE: 7/4/23
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Remodel the pom pom's, similar to the old ones.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I'd like to start by saying, I understand why the pom pom's were re-shaded: one, to fit the new shading style and two, the file size. However, the old model is preferred by both teams, from those I've spoken to.
- The colours were far more appropriate and matched our uniforms.
- The pom pom's themselves were far more visible to players watching the performances we do. When you look at the new, re-shaded pom pom's straight on, they don't look visible at all and in all honesty, receiving your pom pom's was one of the most exciting things about joining the team.
- Respectfully, they just look like plants but we appreciate the work you do.
This is hardly a vital suggestion but the old design are just easier on the eye. Some may argue that they don't look realistic but we are playing a minecraft server and things are expected to look blocky.
If they were to return/be remodelled, the only adjustment I'd say is to make them slightly smaller so they don't cover a cheerleaders screen when they're in-hand.
Thank youuu!
DATE: 7/4/23
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Remodel the pom pom's, similar to the old ones.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I'd like to start by saying, I understand why the pom pom's were re-shaded: one, to fit the new shading style and two, the file size. However, the old model is preferred by both teams, from those I've spoken to.
- The colours were far more appropriate and matched our uniforms.
- The pom pom's themselves were far more visible to players watching the performances we do. When you look at the new, re-shaded pom pom's straight on, they don't look visible at all and in all honesty, receiving your pom pom's was one of the most exciting things about joining the team.
- Respectfully, they just look like plants but we appreciate the work you do.
This is hardly a vital suggestion but the old design are just easier on the eye. Some may argue that they don't look realistic but we are playing a minecraft server and things are expected to look blocky.
If they were to return/be remodelled, the only adjustment I'd say is to make them slightly smaller so they don't cover a cheerleaders screen when they're in-hand.
Thank youuu!

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