Ryohei Kazuha
呂兵 数は
呂兵 数は

First Name: Kazuha
Surname: Ryohei
Alias(es): Sparkles, Ryo, Kazu, Zuha, Aussie, Cheshire
Sparkles (+ addition, Smickle and Twinkles!)
- The nickname he can somewhat tolerate, wasn’t something he liked but a so called friend had given it to him, he didn’t mind her. Wasn’t really a meaning to it.
Ryo (Ryohei)
- Shortened surname, he was never called this by anyone besides the two Xiang siblings. People who were genuinely close to him were able to call him Ryohei, Ryo. Anyone who didn’t, he gave them an odd stare.
Kazu, Zuha
- His name but just shortened, his Mother’s would call him that. He found it- nostalgic to hear. He hadn’t been in touch with the two so he wasn’t called this in a long time.
- Xiang siblings gave him this name, they teased him for his accent and found him silly when they first met.
- The Cheshire Cat he was, his personality and gaze upon others. The way he lurked and watched everyone with a laugh or a smile, he was alike as the Cheshire Cat.
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3
Weight: 120lbs
Nationality: Japanese-Australian
Date of Birth: January 17th
Place of Birth: Sydney, Australia
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Skin Color: Fair, pale
Hair Color: Peachy-Brown
Hair Style: He had soft peachy-brown hair, it would change styles a lot, mostly you'd see it slightly messy, parted somewhat on the side, his front bangs sweeping over his eyes.
Eye Color: Loving hazel-grey eyes, he had sharp eyes; monolids, sharp gaze.
Body type: He had an inverted triangle build; he was slim, his waist was rather small.
Abnormalities: He has a large scare across his back, looked rather recent. His whole body was rather bruised despite his good shape.
The male; he was a model back in Australia, he had a lovely body, small waist.. His eyes would catch other's attention, his perfect like face. His smile was sweet despite his personality behind it. He had light freckles that weren't as noticeable.
People considered him like a Cheshire Cat, observing, watching, appearing-disappearing. His lies, his manipulative mind, everything about him.. He wasn't one to be trusted. Kazuha; a quite selfish, self centered person. Had little to no care for anyone, he'd find everything something to laugh of. He enjoyed messing with people's lives, making friendships to hurt them in the end. Being rude, teasing others to where it went too far; he enjoyed their reactions. He was blunt and arrogant, he'd never seem to acknowledge other's personal feelings. Kazuha was an observer, watched everyones moves, listened to their conversations.. Times; he'd spread their secrets.. You’d rarely ever see him showing any genuine emotions towards someone- those people he were nice to were considered special.
Love Language
Quality Time, Acts of service
He wasn’t one to fall inlove, wasn’t one to desire a certain thing or someone. It was a rare feeling to him. Something that touched him was Physical Affection.
ㆍHe enjoys pictures; pictures of himself only. Anything that included him in the picture; he adored himself. He enjoyed pictures of things that took a big interest to him; his camera roll being full of scenes he had witnessed and its aftermath.
Drama, fights, scenes
ㆍAnything that had a crowd, some sort of intense, exciting scene to watch. Something for him to observe.
ㆍHe has thing for arguements, saying things to see their reactions.
ㆍAlthough his personality; he has a care for animals. They peek an interest to him.
ㆍHe enjoys the not so hot, not so cold weather. Spring had flowers and animals; something he had found a special liking to.
ㆍBrightened him, any compliment, made him feel good.
People who are too soft
ㆍAnyone who can’t seem to push themselves, someone who can’t risk, people who pity and worry too much.. People who can’t see things as fun. He finds them boring, pathetic.
ㆍThe feelings of falling inlove, it disgusted him. He didn’t want to ever be the person to be in love- it was too different of his personality.
These are things that RYOHEI KAZUHA has, (problems, addicitons, disorders, illnesses, disabilities, etc.):
ㆍBecoming Attatched
Never again, he refused any sort of genuine feeling, if he became inlove, attached, cared for someone- he’d drop them immidietly
ㆍThe male doesn’t have many fears, if he did; he’d overcome them. Falling inlove or caring for someone was the only thing he’s refuse to do.
More yet to be told and addedDiagnosed: Bipolar Disorder
Undiagnosed, may have: Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Ryohei Tatsumaki (Father) Dead
Aoi Haruhashi (Mother) DeadHe died when he was younger, never had many memories with him. He never really seemed to have reactions to it.
Wynter Azonia Haruhashi (Step-Mother)Was really close to his mother, they’d travel together when he was younger. Had left his mother in Australia when he found out she got married again. He moved to Japan alone.
His mother’s wife, never really cared of her she just existed. Once they got married he decided to leave.
> Kuraio Xiang (Close-Friend)
“What happened to us Kura?”
> Minghao Xiang (Close-Friend)
“You annoy me.”
> Eri Kyushu (Friend)
> Jericho Stark (?)
> Bohai Ichibangase (?)
> "Senko" (?)
“Now, who might you be?”
is a wip because @bheom is lazy!
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