Level 8
Chibbii’s Shop Application
IGN: Reib (Chibbii, Chibbii2)
Previous applications:
College Application - Accepted
Korean Language Application - Denied
Korean Language Application - Accepted
Spanish Language Application - Accepted
Office Assistance Application - Accepted
News Reporter Application was done over DMs, if you need proof, DM me.
News Reporter Application - Accepted
Forensics CSI Application was done over DMs, if you need proof, DM me.
Forensics CSI Application - Accepted
Police Application - Denied
Police Application - Denied
Police S.A.T Application - Accepted
College Application #2 was done over DMs, if you need proof, DM me.
College Application #2 - Accepted
Custom Script (Bipolar Disorder) - Accepted
Previous warns/kicks/bans:
I haven’t been previously warned/banned and I plan on keeping it this way. The only times I've been warned would be for things I didn’t really understand a year ago when I first started playing on SchoolRP. Then for kicks it’s for simple things such as role changes and getting kicked to the lobby for me being AFK.
Shop wanted:
I’d like the upcoming store, also known as the “Sports Store.”
Why do you want to own a shop?:
To start off, I’d like to own a shop purely because of the experience. I’ve had a lot of roles on the server including News Reporter, police officer, forensic CSI, ect. and I feel like Shop Owner is a role that is heavily involved with the community, which is something I’m very willing and eager to do.
Secondly, I want to make an impact on roleplay, the SchoolRP community, and possibly help people make friends through my shop as well. This can make roleplay better and more interactive, not only for the other players, but for me as well. Security may have to escort someone outside, people could begin speaking to each other randomly, someone could rob/vandalize the store, etc. And all of these situations make a major impact on roleplay. Not only that, but people could also get a job at my shop which can give them money, too. When your friends aren’t online or the school is closed, there isn’t much else to do. This is yet another simple solution to that problem.
Thirdly, I’m an extremely active and dedicated player, who is capable of keeping calm when a situation may be stressful, and being a leader of the College Female Volleyball-Team has given me a chance to get a feel of the “leader role”, which is something I greatly take pride in. I know that I can channel this into owning a shop.
On top of that, due to me working at shops ICly before, I have a very in depth understanding and experience of how owning a shop works. I was Co-Owner of Sakura Daiso, manager of Heartmart, and stock-manager of the Cafe near the Tunnel of the old map. Having said, I already know how to manage a shop.
While it may not be easy, I am 100% willing to step out of my comfort zone if necessary while having this role. In conclusion, I believe having the role of Shop Owner will be an extremely fun and satisfying task that I’m up to and that I can handle.
What do you plan to do with the shop?:
• At the store, I plan on selling a variety of different sports items including bats, surfboards, etc. Since that won’t be nearly enough items, many more custom items will be bought and implemented into the game if this is to be accepted.
• If the shop is pre-built, I will possibly change the interior and exterior if I decide to do so. However, if the shop is completely empty, I will decorate it myself to match the theme of a Sports Store.
• I also plan on changing the name to something unique if I am given permission to, seeing as the shop doesn’t have a proper name at the moment. The name of the shop would represent what is sold inside, athletic gear and items. The name of the shop would be privately discussed with the current Shop Faction Lead, Joe (CurlyHairedKing) in DMs if this gets accepted.
• Finally, the last thing is, of course, having interviews when employees are needed. The interviews will be Announced ICly through the /advert command, and all the people who are attending the interviews need to come to the shop. However, the format (as well as much other information about the shop) will be on the Discord Server. The employees should be active, have a good record, be patient and offer a variety of different time zones, so everyone in all different countries will be able to come to our shop. Not only that, but the customers should feel welcomed by the employees and unafraid to ask any questions. So having kind employees is something very important.
How will your shop be unique?:
• A sports store has never been used before, already making it very unique from the start. We’d be the only shop out there selling a variety of sports items and gear.
• Unfortunately there isn’t much else that can be done, however, I do plan on hosting events such as fundraisers, half-off days, maybe even sports events or sponsors, and more.
• Additionally, if the sports store does in fact get accepted, I plan on having approved notes from the shop which shows the customer can legally have possession of the bat, somewhat similar to hospital prescriptions, though the customer will need a valid reason to purchase the bat. However, this is also to be discussed with the faction leader and possibly the owner of the server and/or police faction lead before this has a chance to get implemented.
How many employees are you planning to have?:
I plan on having enough employees with different Time-Zones, so if some are unavailable during openings, there will be many others to take their place. The amount of employees I plan on having fluctuates from 10 employees minimum to 20 employees max. For example, as if I stay up late one night, there will be workers able to work at the shop. But of course, all 20 won’t be working at the same time, and I doubt there will be a time where all 20 spots are filled up either way.
The job options include:
1/1 Owner:
The owner (me) is in charge of all roles under it.
0/1 Co-Owner:
The Co-Owner works alongside the owner and assists them in their tasks.
0/2 Managers:
The manager helps the Co-Owner and Owner with their duties, such as coming up with ideas for events.
0/10 Cashiers:
Cashiers are in charge of working the cash register and providing customers with their needs. If someone comes up to the cash register asking questions, the cashier should be able to answer them. If the customer comes to the desk ready to check out, the cashier would help them check out. They must log all the items sold and their prices.
0/6 Security:
Security is in charge of keeping the people inside of the shop safe, and making sure nobody is getting hurt. If someone needs to be escorted out, Security will do so safely and quickly so the situation doesn’t get worse.
Employee Uniforms:
(F) Cashier Uniform:
(M) Cashier Uniform:
(As you can see, the Security has a red badge.)
(F) Security Uniform:
(M) Security Uniform:
Additional Information/Notes:
• As stated in the Shop Application rules, I must provide my roles which I have on my alt accounts.
On my Chibbii account, I am a Police-Officer.
On my Chibbii2 account, I am a College Volleyball Captain.
• My discord is Grace#5701 and I have a fully functional microphone.
• My AR check on all accounts together is over 80 days.
• I am in the time-zone EST (GMT-5) and from the USA.
• a heads up; in the questions “what do you plan to do with the shop” and “how will your shop be unique”, both of the answers may go hand in hand.