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Chinese Language suggestion

IGN: NoodleGoddess
DATE: 20th April 2020
This will be a long one,
As a person who has been accepted for receiving the Chinese language on SRP, I get a lot of confusion from people who tell me that knowing 'Chinese' is technically a generalisation, and I agree. Upon doing research, I learnt numerous facts about the 'Chinese' language and about the server's already adopted languages, and I am making a suggestion to modify the term 'Chinese' into two ways: to be called the modern term 'Mandarin' OR to call it 'Standardised Chinese' (which is the Beijing dialect of Mandarin).​

The term 'Chinese' in modern times refers to the Standardised Chinese language adopted by the Chinese Communist Government, which is Mandarin spoken in the specific dialect of Beijing. I use the term dialect, because the nation of China has over 100 specific dialects native to China, this being inclusive of China's outer Mainland territories (some topically controversial) of Hong Kong and Taiwan to name a few.

Under the forum characterisation document for character applications, you have already made acknowledgement of other dialects native to Chinese territories which are as listed from your own list:
  • Shanghainese (Shanghai)
  • Cantonese (Mainly outer territories)
  • Minnan (or Min, specific to Hainan and parts of Guangdong. It is also known as 'Hokkien')
  • Hunanese (Hunan)
  • Hakka (tribal Chinese language, the official language of Taiwan)
  • Zhuang (belonging to one of 56 recognised ethnicities in China)
  • Uyghur (Turkic minority language of Northern China)
Side Note: Upon researching these origins, I also noticed the absence of another dialect: Standard Tibetan, spoken by the people of Tibet (which is also a territory of China).

The acknowledge of these dialects, therefore, confuses many players who encounter me when I use the 'Chinese' language, as they are unsure what specific dialect I might be using. Is it Mandarin, or could I be speaking a dialect unclosed in your current list (for example, Tibetan) as all these 'lost dialects' are fitted into the umbrella of 'Chinese'? Therefore, if you follow either the two options I've suggested, it would help further clarify and help my use of language be more specific. Although some may not see a difference between 'Chinese' or 'Mandarin', it also allows the server to avoid any political conflict that may arise from members of the community who are from China and/or its outer territories, who might debate what is the 'true' Chinese etc.

If you need further clarification on anything I've discussed, feel free to talk to me on my discord! My discord is: NoodleGoddess#4426

Thank you for taking the time to read this!​

The following is a screenshot that summarises my point: (can be found on Google)


Level 90
十一 十二 十三 十四 十五 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十
二十一 二十二 二十三 二十四 二十五 二十六 二十七 二十八 二十九 三十



Level 137
十一 十二 十三 十四 十五 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十
二十一 二十二 二十三 二十四 二十五 二十六 二十七 二十八 二十九 三十

no one understands your mandarin

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