✩ Dae's Playlist
Basic Information
First Name: Daehun
Surname: Choi
Preferred Name: 'Dae'
Pronouns: He/It/They
Gender: questioning
Age: [18]
Height: 5'5 / 165 cm
Weight: 55 kg / 121 lbs
Build: Daehun would be shown to have an ectomorph equalized square-like build.
On the smaller side of the scale, he would be of average weight.
Skin Color: He would have a rose beige skin tone with warm yellow-golden undertones,
He tends to be in the sun most of the time.
Eye Color: His dim golden eyes would stare at you curiously, wanting to know more
about the person in front of him. They were instead a darker tone, it was hard to tell if
there were glints of emotion through the look of his eyes.
Dae was rather insecure about his eye color. He tends to keep his sunglasses on.
Hair Style: Daehun never styled his hair a certain way all the time,
He would keep it fluffy and messy as if he had just woken up,
or he'd run his hand thoroughly through his hair causing a hair split.
Hair Color: Dae would have an overly dyed ashy chiffon-pearl tone,
his hair was still healthy and fluffy rather than stale and rough. He took
very good care of his hair despite his messy looks.
Fashion:Pictures shown below
Abnormalities: Dae would have three dark and clear freckles on his left cheek,
one under his eye, one next to his nose, and one under his ear. He's quite self-aware of them as they're
known as an imperfection.
Date of Birth: 10 / 21
Place of Birth: Icheon, South Korea
Nationality: Korean
Race: Asian
Sexual Orientation: Unlabeled, male-leaning
General Appearance
Appearance:Pictures shown below
Personality: Dae is reserved and awkward around new people he meets,
He's not particularly fond of speaking much above a whisper in big crowds either,
He's polite when needed, but when you've known him after a few hours,
He'll open up and become rather hyper and loud. Dae loves to tease and joke around
once he's comfortable around certain people or groups.
Piercings/tattoos: Dae would have multiple piercings, a few on each ear, but focused on his face
with eyebrow piercings on his left side, a septum, and bridge piercings. He had canines he took out at school
but put back in after classes had ended. His belly button would be pierced as well, usually hidden unless at the beach
or if his shirt was off. He had two tattoos, one placed on his thigh of a distressed lamb amnesia style, and a spider next to his belly button.

Character Voice:
♥ click me ♥
Equipment: In his school bag, he kept accessories such as earrings, glasses, and cute hats he'd received.
He'd have notebooks placed in there for school as well.
Hobbies: Dae was more art-oriented and loves writing/drawing in his free time,
he wasn't good at sports, rather, he sucked.
Even though he wasn't as good, he enjoyed some simple swimming races and volleyball when he could.
Otherwise, he spent his time writing, maybe a coffee with friends sharing notes or art.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
PPD, Anxiety, alcoholism
[ mild ppd, [paranoid personality disorder] - long-term pattern of distrust without reasoning. ]
[ anxiety - nervousness, worry, dread from an outcome that's uncertain. ]
[ mild alcoholism - a serious form of drinking, causing harm to health. ]
Quirks: Dae speaks in a quiet and softspoken tone, he tends to huff unknowingly when stressed or excited,
he likes to stare at others when listening, acknowledging them in his way.
Once you hang out with him, he can be extremely unpredictable not knowing what he could do next.
Choi Iseul ┄ Mother (Deceased)aged: 82
Choi Hyeon ┄ Father (Deceased)aged: 79
"Dae", Choi Daehun was born in Incheon, South Korea, just outside of Seoul. He grew up as an orphan in Nam's Children's Home, until the age of nine. An old couple, his adopted parents, the Choi family, Choi Isuel and Choi Hyeon, were inherently reluctant to go with them, they were sweet and loving, something Dae had always wished for. They moved closer near Seoul edging the between of Icheon and Seoul. Moving from the orphanage wasn't hard, he had no friends. Everyone came and went as he stayed wishing for the day he'd be able to leave too. His parents were rather wealthy, he had finally gotten a room he had dreamt of. They sent Dae off to a popular private all-boys secondary school, and soon after headed off to high school. Throughout secondary school and his beginning high school years he took a liking to English and History, Spending most of his time alone, he managed to become an A student and likable around the staff. His fascination with art grew as time passed and made his parents happy with his art books and sketch pages he showed them, They always called him talented in that area which made him feel loved and wanted, wanting to pursue a career in the studies of Art History. His parents were now older and needed help from many people whilst Dae entered his second year of high school. Soon after, his parents fell ill with a virus they weren't strong enough to fight soon passing away in December during his Christmas break. He heard the news at the cram school he attended during breaks. The situation is very distressing and devastating for Daehun. The only people who wanted him and loved him, taking him in as his own were now gone. He was alone again. Their wealth transferred to him as they had no family near on each side of the family. He took the opportunity to leave South Korea as a whole, ignoring the pain and agony their deaths had caused him, heading off to Japan. Specifically Karakura, Japan.
His sole purpose is to make his parents proud and become successful in life.

✩ Dae's Playlist
Basic Information
First Name: Daehun
Surname: Choi
Preferred Name: 'Dae'
Pronouns: He/It/They
Gender: questioning
Age: [18]
Height: 5'5 / 165 cm
Weight: 55 kg / 121 lbs
Build: Daehun would be shown to have an ectomorph equalized square-like build.
On the smaller side of the scale, he would be of average weight.
Skin Color: He would have a rose beige skin tone with warm yellow-golden undertones,
He tends to be in the sun most of the time.
Eye Color: His dim golden eyes would stare at you curiously, wanting to know more
about the person in front of him. They were instead a darker tone, it was hard to tell if
there were glints of emotion through the look of his eyes.
Dae was rather insecure about his eye color. He tends to keep his sunglasses on.
Hair Style: Daehun never styled his hair a certain way all the time,
He would keep it fluffy and messy as if he had just woken up,
or he'd run his hand thoroughly through his hair causing a hair split.
Hair Color: Dae would have an overly dyed ashy chiffon-pearl tone,
his hair was still healthy and fluffy rather than stale and rough. He took
very good care of his hair despite his messy looks.

Abnormalities: Dae would have three dark and clear freckles on his left cheek,
one under his eye, one next to his nose, and one under his ear. He's quite self-aware of them as they're
known as an imperfection.
Date of Birth: 10 / 21
Place of Birth: Icheon, South Korea
Nationality: Korean
Race: Asian
Sexual Orientation: Unlabeled, male-leaning
General Appearance

Personality: Dae is reserved and awkward around new people he meets,
He's not particularly fond of speaking much above a whisper in big crowds either,
He's polite when needed, but when you've known him after a few hours,
He'll open up and become rather hyper and loud. Dae loves to tease and joke around
once he's comfortable around certain people or groups.
Piercings/tattoos: Dae would have multiple piercings, a few on each ear, but focused on his face
with eyebrow piercings on his left side, a septum, and bridge piercings. He had canines he took out at school
but put back in after classes had ended. His belly button would be pierced as well, usually hidden unless at the beach
or if his shirt was off. He had two tattoos, one placed on his thigh of a distressed lamb amnesia style, and a spider next to his belly button.

Character Voice:
♥ click me ♥
Equipment: In his school bag, he kept accessories such as earrings, glasses, and cute hats he'd received.
He'd have notebooks placed in there for school as well.
Hobbies: Dae was more art-oriented and loves writing/drawing in his free time,
he wasn't good at sports, rather, he sucked.
Even though he wasn't as good, he enjoyed some simple swimming races and volleyball when he could.
Otherwise, he spent his time writing, maybe a coffee with friends sharing notes or art.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
PPD, Anxiety, alcoholism
[ mild ppd, [paranoid personality disorder] - long-term pattern of distrust without reasoning. ]
[ anxiety - nervousness, worry, dread from an outcome that's uncertain. ]
[ mild alcoholism - a serious form of drinking, causing harm to health. ]
Quirks: Dae speaks in a quiet and softspoken tone, he tends to huff unknowingly when stressed or excited,
he likes to stare at others when listening, acknowledging them in his way.
Once you hang out with him, he can be extremely unpredictable not knowing what he could do next.
Choi Iseul ┄ Mother (Deceased)
Choi Hyeon ┄ Father (Deceased)
"Dae", Choi Daehun was born in Incheon, South Korea, just outside of Seoul. He grew up as an orphan in Nam's Children's Home, until the age of nine. An old couple, his adopted parents, the Choi family, Choi Isuel and Choi Hyeon, were inherently reluctant to go with them, they were sweet and loving, something Dae had always wished for. They moved closer near Seoul edging the between of Icheon and Seoul. Moving from the orphanage wasn't hard, he had no friends. Everyone came and went as he stayed wishing for the day he'd be able to leave too. His parents were rather wealthy, he had finally gotten a room he had dreamt of. They sent Dae off to a popular private all-boys secondary school, and soon after headed off to high school. Throughout secondary school and his beginning high school years he took a liking to English and History, Spending most of his time alone, he managed to become an A student and likable around the staff. His fascination with art grew as time passed and made his parents happy with his art books and sketch pages he showed them, They always called him talented in that area which made him feel loved and wanted, wanting to pursue a career in the studies of Art History. His parents were now older and needed help from many people whilst Dae entered his second year of high school. Soon after, his parents fell ill with a virus they weren't strong enough to fight soon passing away in December during his Christmas break. He heard the news at the cram school he attended during breaks. The situation is very distressing and devastating for Daehun. The only people who wanted him and loved him, taking him in as his own were now gone. He was alone again. Their wealth transferred to him as they had no family near on each side of the family. He took the opportunity to leave South Korea as a whole, ignoring the pain and agony their deaths had caused him, heading off to Japan. Specifically Karakura, Japan.
His sole purpose is to make his parents proud and become successful in life.

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