Level 8
Credits to Suneater for letting me use the format.
This will be updated within time goes.
All art you see here in this biography was given to me. I’m very thankful for that and thank you guys. It will all be credited to the respected artist.
Please ignore this if it looks bad, this is gonna be my first one I’ve actually put effort in.
Make Claire Emerson Fan Art Please and thank you <33
"Claire Emerson" - @Hope

"Claire Emerson" - @Misty
"Claire Emerson" - @Sponge

"Claire Emerson" @lushgloss

"Claire Emerson" @Yume_
Claire Emerson
Nickname / Aliases:
She simply likes to go by, Claire.
She's never really had a nickname, ever.
Date of Birth:
September 19th, 2001
Place of Birth:
Brooklyn, New York
Japanese, English
(Although she was born in America, she moved straight to England.)
She is Christian.
Physical Description:
Claire Emerson is a decently attractive female. Unlike most of the females in Karakura, Japan. Claire is an outstanding 5’8 for being a female. She has a normal weight as she is 125 pounds. She has more of an athletic body seeing as she mostly stays in the gym or you’ll see her out running. Claire has natural red cheeks, to compliment her freckles which is going around her nose. She also has very blonde hair, to compliment her green eyes. Nothing about Claire is really, “Ugly” she made sure of that. A lot would say Claire is blessed with the profection, although she has a couple scars. From a couple- surgeries to make herself more- perfect. Some don’t agree with how she has done so, yet it’s already happened oops. The Surgeries still make her look natural, she doesn’t look plastic in the slightest.
Character Voice:
Happy and Normal
Claire Emerson has a bit of a smart, yet dumb personality. She tends to be quite nice to people, that she believes deserves it. You might see Claire look someone up and down- Judgmental. Yes, ma’am. Claire judges mostly everyone. Yet she is smart about it, she will call someone ugly. Then go tell the person they look amazing. That’s just how she is! Only people she mostly will speak about people to is her most trusted.
Although with all that being said, Claire still has a bubbly personality. She tends to a lot of people, helping them as much as she can. She is a major supporting person, yet she mostly tries to act to cool. Way older than her age. She gets bothered quite a lot for acting this way. Yet she is too lazy to actually change it for the better.
- Claire has a ton load of scars. Yet, they’re not anywhere visible. Hence her well- ‘fixing herself.’ All the scars are in hidden places.
- Claire Also has Bipolar Disorder.
- She constantly has her phone on her. (Always calls people, obvious reason to have a phone)
- She constantly has bananas on her. (Has it just incase she gets hungry.)
Claire mostly is seen playing Volleyball hence her being a [College] [Volleyball-Captain]. She mostly stakes out finding someway to get into the school without being caught.
Claire also spends most of the time in church. Something gone wrong in her life? Oh she’ll be at church.
Claire Believe it or not, is a very holy girl. Which is a positive in her life.
Claire is scared of several things, which at the age of 19 really typically isn’t. Claire still hasn’t accepted the fact that death is a thing. She is super scared of dying, so she typically won’t be seen doing anything dangerous or anything that can put her in harm.
Claire is also scared of dying alone. She believes that people that die alone, never really lived in the first place. That they never really found someone they can act stupid with. Build sand castles with. Yet Claire won’t be seen casing the man of her dreams.
Claire is also scared of the dark.. If she doesn't know what's happening she gets scared that she’s going to die…
Finally Claire is scared of swimming deep in the ocean. If she doesn't know what's under her, she gets scared. Something could be underneath.
Claire is a normal teen which hates sand going in between her toes. God bless, like she thinks it’s so annoying. Why can’t the sand just leave her alone. Claire also hates drama, she believes it’s just unneeded. She believes drama just adds more anxiety in life that is unneeded. So she’ll mostly be seen apologizing. Yet she won’t be afraid to take up for herself. She won’t let someone just stand there be mean to her or if she sees someone else getting made fun of, she’ll step in the way.
She also dislikes rats, they literally look like little- I don’t even know how to describe it. She can’t stand the sight of them. Better yet, she can’t stand the owners of them. How stupid can someone be to even consider owning a rat. Completely absurd, obviously they’re either blind or- she just don’t know what. Looking at a rat, literally makes her gag. It’s just disgusting.
Mother - Holly Emerson [ALIVE]
Father - Robert Emerson [LEFT]
Sister - Emma Emerson [ALIVE]
Little Brother - Noah Emerson [ALIVE]
Other Relationships:
Kiara Pierce - Kiara is just- Kiara.
Abi Roswell - Again, just as Kiara. She’s her best friend. She’ll take Abi to appointments, several different things. Yet.. She won’t tell her all the secrets. Just most.
Brittany Roswell - Brittany Roswell is Claire's bestfriend. She is the sister she never really had, apart for Emma. But Claire really dislikes Emma. Brittany can in other words a sister, secret keeper, anything.
Jinhai Lin - Although Jinhai isn’t a female. She still is close with him. He has been part of the main friend group for a while.
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