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Accepted "Class is now in session." | xcqu's Computer Science Professor Application


Level 16


What is your Minecraft username?:

What is your time zone?:
BST (British Standard Time).

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Denied Applications
"When the dust settles" | xcqu's BMD Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
KPD application | xcqu | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - xcqu | Receptionist Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

Application awaiting response
"Keeping up with the times." | xcqu Reporter Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

Accepted Applications
Russian Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Albanian Language application | xcqu | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Third language authentication | xcqu | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Korean Application | xcqu | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

xcqu's Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
Free all day.
Free all day.
Free all day.
Free all day.
Free all day.
Free all day.
5pm till 10pm.
Family day.
Due to summer break and due to finishing college, my current timetable of activity looks free on all of the weekdays as well as the Saturday, Sunday is the only day where my activity is halted by me being involved with family for most of if not all of that day. I try and keep a constant schedule to make sure that I keep a presence on the server as well as reach demand of activity from many of the players I roleplay with. I consistently try and preserve this timetable, unless something serious comes up such as family related or emergency matters. I regularly play around 5 to 8 hours at a time, unless I have plans or if its eventful enough and this is near daily activity. This is the most up to dare log of my activity and concerns the current time of my activity as best as it could.

IN GAME Schedule

In roleplay, I usually socialise with people I've either never met and create new experiences with them to consistently make my time on SRP enjoyable for both me and others, I consistently maintain DetailRP with most of the players when interacting and create situations that create openings to storylines and develop lore. I consistently maintain these relationships and friendships and make sure to keep interactions fresh with new ideas. My day to day consists of going to either plaza or auction to view my items and others before having an interaction with somebody around the time I leave, though either F message or though seeing them OOCly and ICly. I would say I've preserved a reputation for being active with others and never leave anyone out no matter their standing or relation with me, everyone gets the same amount of time to RP with me. I'm not saying I'm popular, however I'd like to believe that I keep my head up high and do what I plan to do.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
My roleplay experience would be summed up in my playing of SchoolRP mostly. I have spent about 2 years playing SRP and building my character up as much as I could, experiencing all of the possible scenarios that come with roleplaying as a grade 12 tag. I have exhausted every possible interaction, situation and have been motivated to attempt to join factions that provide newer possibilities in roleplay as a whole. I wish to experience newer experiences that help with creating others experiences just as good as mine is with as much as I can provide. Besides SRP, I've taken the time to try other roleplay server, SeoulRP being my first delve into another server, I was able to apply as a teacher and get accepted over other applicants but didn't properly experience it because of the serves closed nature, eventually the server closing resulted in the removal of my teacher role. Another roleplay server that I delved into was MazeRunnerRP, not the one on SRP but the one that was hosted on a different server. That was one of the servers where I was able to gain the role of Runner and explore the maze while other non runners weren't allowed to. Sadly, the server was recreated and the changes that were made to it was enough to push me and my friend group at the time away from it. Following after MazeRunnerRP, I was able to play and experience DarkWinterRP, A server created to display the effects war could have on places and encourage realistic roleplay. After a few months of being a consistently active player, I was given the role as Media Team, helping to give event ideas to the owner as well as providing ideas for possible advertisements to get the server from a tight picked community to a more wider audience, Sadly a falling out with the owner caused me to leave DarkWinterRP and focus more on myself for the months that followed. After my long needed break, I was given a direct invite to RealityRP, an upcoming server that was planned to be a remake of the one that was present during 2018 or so. After being invited by a close friend of mine, I became a builder, helping with creating much of the buildings that can be seen on RealityRP such as the University and the Police station among a plethora of other things, I was appointed Head Builder of RealityRP after my long term contribution to assisting in the creation of the map as well as the assisting in providing event, lore and server ideas to benefit the expected growth of the server and its player base. Till this day, RealiyRP is in the process of being created with updates to come in the following months but I prioritise most of my time on SRP because its the server where I dedicated a large portion of my time in roleplaying. Now, I'm ambitious enough to try and apply for faction roles on SRP after having exhausted my role as Grade 12.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
[Grade 12].

What is the subject you want to teach?:
Computer science. This subject strikes me as one of my educated subjects, having devoted 3 OOC years to a college course devoted to Computer Science while also devoting even more of my time in High School, having picked Computer Science over my other subject options such as music. I also excelled in Art during high school, having taken Art as one of my other options along side Computer Science.


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
I've have taken the time to exhaust every possible roleplay scenario when it comes to roleplaying on SRP. I have found myself going from faction to faction to gain a chance at experiencing anything just to fill the void of my repetitive experiences on SRP, Another a couple applications towards other factions such as the crime and the emergency faction and having previously submitted an application towards the education faction under my receptionist application, I have once again attempted joining the education faction as one of the school's faculty. Professor stood out to me and after viewing the the possible classes I could hold, one in particular caught my eye. That being computer science. Having an interest in computers made me consider joining the faction as one of the computer science professors, giving insight on real life aspects of computer science from the personal 3 years college experience I have in education on the subject. This role from a personal standpoint works due to my own interest in computer science as a whole as well as my encouragement in trying out newer roles on the server.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

The idea of teaching the fundamentals of what makes up computer science as one of my first classes would engage the students to learn more about the subject as a whole and provide additional help to those who haven't delved into the subject both in roleplay and out of it. It would serve as a good introduction to the subject and give a sense of what there is to learn if students were to attend the class. It would allow students to ask direct questions on topics related to computer science that they might not fully understand or need additional help with getting into as well as giving providing questions for an interactive experience in my class.

2. An interactive lesson that gives a sense of both competition and a run down on the subject could include the outside tool Kahoot to give students a way of properly interacting in the class and allow students to answer questions based on the topic with Saito providing them with the link to it though the computers they are seated at. This would be a way of getting feedback on the students that need additional help while also awarding the students who show the most promising score on Kahoot, creating both a competitive and insightful experience for both me and the students in the class.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
After talking to the local news station, I could set up a field trip that sees me and the students going to the local news anchor to see how they use computer science in their operation as well as address the history of televising the news and the progression of radio and physical copies of newspapers to the modern day equivalent, providing information and insight on how computer science is used and affects our day to day life and linking it back to the lessons that were taught in my class as well as creating a learning environment inside of the news station for curious students around the subject of computer science.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
Saito, having taken his well needed walk during his lunch time found himself in the company of a few college jocks surrounding a helpless bobcat jock, assuming that there was a confrontation would shift his attention towards the group and observe their actions just so he can determine for sure that there wasn't anything going on that could harm any of the students. In the event that something were to happen he was vigilant and ready to approach the group further. A flurry of pushes press the bobcat jock to the wall, defenceless as he is surrounded by the group of college delinquents.

"OI!! I wouldn't do that if I were you. Do any of you even consider the fact that you are doing something that could harm another pupil." Saito said with authority, addressing the problem as it was seen directly from his eyes and pulling away the student who was starting the aggression towards the bobcat jock. "Disperse immediately or risk detention." following on from his previous statement. Disregarding the fact that it was just as team rivalry and treating the situation with serious intent to make sure that the bobcat jock was unharmed while stopping the altercation from following into a possible fight. In the event punches were thrown by either party, Saito would deal with it by the book and ensure that detention slips were handed to each participant in the fight while also dispersing any of the jocks that remained near the bobcat student, making sure that his safety was considered even if he was the one who threw the first punch before giving him a well needed lecture as well as a detention. "Despite you feeling you needed to do that, there are always better ways of dealing with those situations, see during detention and we may discuss this further."

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
The sound of pens to paper would be heard as Saito observed the classroom of different students in for very different things. Suddenly, The hand of one of the students he was tutoring the class before they got detention was raised to ask a question. Saito stood up straight and shifted his body towards the student with a hurried walk as to not disturb the other students. "Sir, I haven't done my detention task but can I go home?" Said the student in a sarcastic tone directed towards Saito while also disrupting the other students inside of the detention room.

Saito was unamused by his question, his eyes fixated on the student with intent to tell them off for asking for such a stupid request.
"Is that your idea of a joke, I don't find it very amusing now you with either sit here and wait till the very end of detention or will have to complete your task." following up with a stern look, "Don't ask me anymore stupid questions, you are not getting out until you do your task." Swiftly turning around to make his way back to the front of the room to oversee each student and watching the student who asked the question with more intent to involve further punishment if needed. "You know the rules, I don't need to spell it out for you."

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Saito would be in his element, conducting a lesson on the fundamentals of computer science to the many students in his class, "The easiest way of understanding this would be- " only to hear the disrupting music from a group of cheerleaders who decided to play music during his class while addressing other students without regards to the learning environment that he created. "This isn't a free period and my class isn't a chill zone." turning his body until he was facing his class and looking towards the source of the music. "I would advise you put that phone away and focus on the class, you might actually learn something beneficial." He said facing the group of cheerleaders and halting his class just to address the problem that arose due to the cheerleaders disregard to the classroom and its students.

"But Sir, This song is trending and me and the girls want to listen to it while its still hot." Saito once again had to halt his class for even longer due to incompetence of the students. "I will ask you again to put your phone away and pay attention to the lesson. I wont ask you again. You're deliberately disrupting my class and I cant have that here." His stern look forcing its way across the classroom to reach the group of cheerleaders, all of them facing him in silence as he finally turns himself around to continue the class without any further disruption, "As I was saying- ".

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Saito having already tried to break up the fight, instinctively reached for his handheld radio issued by the school faculty and pressing down on the red button to transmit his message towards all of the faculty present during the school hour. "I need some assistance, There are students fighting in the back of school reception desk." He would abruptly cut off the radio before attempting to intervene in the fight. "That's enough, break it up or its detention!!" Again being unsuccessful. Saito found himself attempting to further push away each student with his bodies force but being unsuccessful resulting in the fight to continue. "You're dead you hear me dead!" Saito once again having to raise his voice to address all of the students, "Hey, I said that's enough, break it up!".

Saito was outnumbered but willing to attempt one more time to stop the fight by holding down as much of the students as he could, only successful in grabbing one of them while the others continued to send flurries of punches towards each other, "That's quite enough, All of you stop!" Saito was finally assisted with stopping the fight from none other than Chancellor, Iwao Akihito assisting in putting a stop to the fighting as each students fears crossing him. Both Saito and the Chancellor restrain each student before any other faculty members were able to arrive, handing out detention slips to each of the students before Saito helped Iwao Akihito escort each of the students to his office.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Saito Yamaguchi born in a tight picked region off the coast of Spain, He was born to Spanish parents both of whom took care of him as their third son. His appearance would be strongly tied to his mothers and fathers genetics making him around 5'11 with facial features that match closely to his mothers. He is a sharp individual, impressing others with his knowledge and distinguished accent. Long strands of black hair would cover his marron eyes in pieces, some covering his glossy skin as others cover his cheeks and forehead. Despite seeming quite pushy, Saito maintains a strong demeaner to anything he doesn't like, repenting and assuring that his way was applied no matter what. His goals stretched far and wide, having dreamed of becoming an owner of his own computer repair company to his parents dismay. They wished him to be a car mechanic but Saito chose his heart over his parents wishes, ultimately disappointing them in the process thus making his outlook on life to become a successful owner of his own chain of computer repair shops. His outlook on the students and teachers is no different, He values both of them equally but will always address the authority figure as being the one in the right.


Despite this, He is always open to listening to both sides of the story to get the full picture and ensure that what is being said matches with the events to make a proper decision on anything. His two years working as a substitute allowed him to create an understanding where he was able to oversee and present a situation with complete detail towards his faculty group. He befriended one of the faculty members, before officially announcing that they were dating towards the whole class when they got a little too nosy and after a 2 years of dating, they both announced their marriage and invited all of the students and their family and friends to the wedding.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Saito lived a very stress free life until he entered college, resulting in piles of work that got in the way of his work in his families bakery. He was able to power though it with sheer will and determination eventually achieving the grade he wanted in his college course before moving onto another course in both cyber security and computer science for another 2 years of his life. His knowledge perceived him and allowed him to further his education into university and landing him a spot in a prestigious technology university in Spain. His love for achievement grew with his newest educational acceptance, having achieved his bachelors in Computer science and Computer Technology, thus ending his journey with mass achievement in the studies of Technology.

Eventually, Saito found himself working under a firm that dealt with Cyber Security, helping up and coming businesses by creating security measures to ensure their customers data. After a hardworking 2 years in his firm, He was offered to move towards a higher position but expecting more working hours to his newly wed wife's dismay. He was encouraged to refuse and this resulted in him swiftly being fired due to his over confident managers expectation. He eventually landed himself a job as a substitute teacher for Computer Science which lasted around 2 years of his life, allowing him to get a feel of the expectations of the job and assist in managing and teaching the class about the fundamentals of Computer Science. Unfortuantely due to the school experiencing a cut in staff, Saito was later asked to leave. His eventual move to Karakura saw him attempting to find work elsewhere while his wife stayed back at home to oversee her on work, eventually landing both of them in a long distance marriage until he was able to make a stable income and return back home when his finances were up to code.


*This section would be written in neat handwriting in a black ballpoint pen.*


Full Name:

Saito Yamaguchi.

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:


Gender & pronouns:
Male, He/Him.

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:
Married for 6 years.


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan.

*The paper would be flipped to reveal the next section of the application form.*

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

2 years of teaching experience in computer technology as a substitute for a school in Spain.

Working Experience (# of years):
8 years work experience, 4 years working in a family run bakery, 2 years working as cyber security, 2 years as a substitute teacher.

Academic Degree:
A Batchelors Degree in Computer technology and Computer Science.

Year of Graduation:
Graduated in 2015.

Major in Cyber Security.

Minors in Communication.

Native Languages:

Other Languages:
Japanese, Korean, English.

Preferred Teaching Subject:
Computer Science.

Additional notes about your application (if any):
Thank you for taking the time to read though my application.
Last edited:


Level 91
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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