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ClownRP's KPD Application!


Level 15


Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Previous bans:
I have been banned once. It was for GoreRP, I have appealed, and it did get accepted. My ban was about a year ago and I’m very sorry for my actions along with whoever watched it happen.

Describe your activity on the server:
I am extremely active on the server. If I was to rate my activity from a 1-10 I would most likely say an 8. The only reason why I wouldn’t put it higher is because of the fact that I do sports. During the school year I try to be more active but with me going into highschool and having more work than ever. I’d probably rate it a 6/10 on the weekends most likely a 7. Going with this my parents are pretty strict and if there’s something I have to do I have to do it immediately. If I was to get accepted into being KPD I would be 100% active ICly. Obviously, I would take time off and go off duty from time to time but for the most part I will be completely active.

Which timezone are you in?
My time zone is EST.

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
ClownRP's Receptionist Application!! | SchoolRP
(I have other various posting but they're all languages. Along with that I made a college application when they were a thing to apply on the forums.)

What is your motivation for applying?:
I have a couple of motivations for applying for KPD, number 1 is I want to switch up what I do in game. I have been doing GangRP ever since I joined the server and I’ve joined a lot of various gangs all of which were all great experiences, but it’s gotten quite repetitive. I’ve gotten a lot of experience from gangrping and it was really fun RPing against KPD, I was always quite interested in PoliceRP and just KPD in general. I had an application written out before I left SRP for a couple of months, and I was planning on applying but I never sent it since they hadn’t opened. Sitting in the interrogation room or being chased by different cops was an amazing adrenaline rush and was always fun whether it be getting caught or lying. When I finally got back to SRP and saw that Yonio was commissioner it had sparked my interest again considering that being against yonio as a gangrper was a good experience and his tactics as a cop were amazing. I would’ve applied sooner but I wanted to get back and have a feel for SRP again before going straight to KPD, not that the applications had finally opened. I wanted to try and apply getting a feel on CopRP and see how different it was and be able to feel the adrenaline rush from going against different GangRPers.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
There is a lot of knowledge that comes in with Police work, I do not know everything about it such as the different coms. I will tell you what I do know and that I am willing to learn everything that I need to.

Ranking structure and Divisions:
There are 2 different main divisions in the KPD, firstly you have the main division. The main division is the division that's made up of most of the KPD, their job mostly being to catch criminals or GangRPers. Along with this they also answer calls, questions, bail people out, or anything that people need help with. The different roles that are in the main division are as follows: Police Cadet, Patrol Officer, Police Corporal, Police Sergeant, Police Lieutenant, Police Captain, and lastly the Commissioner. Separating from the main division we have the detective division, they’re a higher ranking then the main division (Apart from the Commissioner and I think the police captain though I am unsure). They have another job within the KPD, they can conduct investigations along with that they can interrogate suspects to find whether they are guilty or innocent. In order to be a part of the detective division you have to go through extensive and hard training. The roles for the detective division are as follows: Police Detective Constable, Police Detective Inspector, Police Detective Chief Inspector, and lastly the Police Detective Superintendent. Along with those ranks there are separate roles as in Physical Trainer, Head Physical Trainer, and Informational Trainer, Head Informational Trainer. Each role trains what their role describes. The physical trainer trains the members physically, whether it be through respective situations or gun/taser training and handling. The informational trainers will train members on their knowledge of different things, whether it be their knowledge on police coms or what they’d do in different situations. There is also a separate minor division of KPD officers that are in the "Sewer Division '', the sewer division is a division of officers that are specialized in the sewer. I do not know the full or all of the details regarding what they do or if there’s a ranking system though I do know that their goal is to keep criminals or “sewer rats” out of the sewers.

Items and Commands:
Moving away from ranks and divisions let's talk about the various tools and weaponry the KPD have/use. Here's all of the utility that is held and not item RP’d

Police radio – In my opinion this could be regarded as the MOST important utility the KPD have. The radio is the thing that makes sure all KPD know whats happening among each other, it is used to tell intel regarding what's happening, it's used to send help if being assaulted by just the push of a button. It's an extremely useful tool the KPD have.

Police Handcuffs – There's not much to these, they are extremely crucial to stopping criminals considering this is the violent actions of most people on the server there has to be something to detain them or keep them at bay. The handcuffs are perfect at what they do. Stainless steel cuffs that restrain people.

Police Baton – The Police Baton is the close quarters or melee weapon that KPD have. The baton is very useful, but it is not the best weapon that KPD have. It is quite hard to use a baton against something like a katana or spike bat. The baton should be used as something like a last resort or to be used on inmates that won't listen/ are fighting. It is still a great utility but not the greatest.

Police Badge – It's a simple item, a standard badge with the officer's name, badge number, their rank, what department they work for, and lastly 2 different gold covered symbols. The officer's ID is in there as well.

Breathalyzer – The breathalyzer is a small device to tell whether a person is drunk or to measure the amount of alcohol they’ve had. It's a simple process, you have the suspect blow into the pipe and from there they can tell how much alcohol they’ve had.

Pepper Spray – It's a non-lethal gas that's made from Oleoresin Capsicum, mixing the two elements causes a mixture that when it comes in contact with the eyes it causes extreme pain and temporary blindness.

Crowbar – The crowbar is a curled steel bar that is mainly used by KPD to break into or force open apartments for raids. There's not much to the crowbar other than it breaks down doors.

X26 Taser – The X26 taser is probably the 2nd most used utility, it is a compact ranged taser that can be shot from 9 blocks away. It shoots out 2 electrical darts that stay connected to both the target and the X26 Taser sending out a volt of electricity stunning the target for two minutes.

Glock 17 – The Glock 17 is another very highly used utility by KPD although it is only given to the very higher ups of KPD to ensure it isn't abused or given to untrained officers. The Glock 17 has a range of 31 blocks along with this it holds around 8 bullets per mag.

Riot Armor – Riot armor is an extremely useful thing that KPD have and is used quite frequently. Riot gear is a separate uniform that the police have, it covers their face and badge completely hiding their identity. Along with this if an officer has a Glock 17, they are supplied an extra magazine. Riot armor is usually worn in dangerous situations. It's mostly used if responding to something like an armed criminal or raiding an apartment, any sort of situation that could cause KPD to end up in serious danger.

Moving away from items and utility the various commands a KPD can use are:

/jail (IGN) (cell) (duration) – This command jails the person who you want to, putting them in a specific cell at the KPD.

/unjail (IGN) – This command unjails the specific person.

/unstun (IGN) – This command unstuns the current person who you’ve tased.

/requestsearch or (/rs) – This command gives a search request to the current person you’re looking at, accepting the request lets them look and take things from your inv.

Whenever going on patrol as an officer it is extremely suggested that you patrol with at least 1 other person. There are many factors that are put into account when patrolling, you have to think about the fact that there are GangRPers everywhere, so it is crucial to have a 2nd person for many reasons. 1 being that if people had KPS or any perms on you it would take 8 people instead of 4 so that its honor. Along with this when patting somebody down it is best handled with 2 people, if patting down a singular person you could have them face the wall officer A pats that down while officer B stands back-to-back with officer A to prevent a person coming from behind causing a problem. Another way of patting down a group of people you could have officer A go through and pat each one down singularly by swapping places with their back being on the wall to prevent honor, meanwhile officer B watches the rest to make sure nothing happens. When patrolling the officers are looking out for things such as fights, scams, illegal dealing, kidnap etc. Along with this they also are waiting for a call from a civilian reporting something in which they can go off to inspect what's happened/happening.

Being Accepted:
Finally, one last thing I want to speak of, and I know this was a lot. Now I’ll say from my knowledge what happens when you get accepted as a cadet: When being accepted into KPD from the application section you will be appointed to the basics of being an officer. You will go through extensive training, and you will not have as much freedom, your main goal when being a cadet is training and studying to pass the cadet test to become a patrol officer. While waiting for the cadet test or in between studying/training there are a couple of things you can do around the KPD. You mainly would sit at the front desk of the KPD, answering questions, responding to 110 calls, bailing people out, or if something gets too wild at the cells, they could help out there. Along with this they should be allowed to check the CCTV, this helps the patrol officers or the detectives when looking for information on different matters.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are extremely crucial to Karakura and SchoolRP, they are the main foundation for protection that somebody could have in the town. Without the KPD the entire server and town would be completely run over and controlled by GangRPers. KPD or CopRP is the barrier between the normal players who enjoy their time by either being on a team or shop owner, teacher etc, and the GangRPers. I know that GangRPers can be somewhat annoying as I have been one almost my whole time playing, but I’ve also seen how proficient KPD is at stopping what GangRPers do and how good they are at their job. They do mess up occasionally which people give them a bad rep for it, but they do more good than bad on the server. KPD are more than just crime stoppers, they act almost as staff members ICly taking in criminals for what they do and making sure that Karakura is a safe place for all people alike, whether it be GangRPers, KPD, or normal players.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I acknowledge this.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, I acknowledge this, I will be 100% dedicated to the role of KPD.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I acknowledge this as well, I will come to any training as long as I am free OOCly.

In-Character (IC) Section


Character's Full Name:

Hiroshi Hayashida

Character's age (if accepted):

Character's gender & pronouns:
Male, his pronouns are He/Him

Character's Academic Background


What languages are you proficient in besides Japanese?
Hiroshi Hayashida fluently speaks Latin as well as French.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Hiroshi Hayashida is a japanese male that would stand at a decent height of 5,10 weighing in around 163lb’s, he’d have dark brown hair in a somewhat messy style accompanied by emerald green eyes. He’d talk in a deeper tone of voice with a usually blank facial expression showing. He’d have the word ‘CLOWN’ tattooed on his upper right arm. What makes Hiroshi unique from other person would most likely be his personality and the way he acts. He’s a quite quieter person yet is always open to get to know people, he doesn’t usually speak unless actually necessary. Whenever he does speak he speaks with confidence and with logical reasoning in response to what’s being asked. He’s a little more laid back but is always serious during a professional situation.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Hiroshi Hayashida is quite a calm and planned out individual, he doesn’t usually freak out during a situation rather he keeps his cool and figures out how to solve it most efficiently with the least or no casualties. In a professional situation he will act accordingly to how he should act; he won’t do anything stupid or recklass nor mess around too much when working. He’s a quite levelheaded person and will get whatever job that needs to be done, done. In a more casual or laid-back situation Hiroshi tends to mess around more, he will have fun and hang out with people still showing some professionalism considering he would be representing the police force. If something were to ever happen in a casual situation, he would try his best to step in and stop the situation to the best of his capability.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Hiroshi has a good outlook on teamwork and his co-workers, he will almost always put his co-worker's life before his own making sure that everyone else is safe before himself. Hiroshi loves the thought of teamwork for various reasons, reason 1 is that fact that teamwork can help get things done way more efficiently and with way less casualties than working alone. Reason 2 being that it can bring people together and build relationships between him and his co-workers. Teamwork is probably one of the most valuable things that KPD have because of the factor that there are so many gangrpers compared to KPD.

Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower? Why?
I would consider myself to be a leader because of the fact that I prefer taking action and making a plan of what to do. I don't necessarily like ordering people around or telling them what to do, more like making a plan of action and getting everyone’s opinions on it, seeing things that can be changed for the better. It's not very effective with only 1 person’s opinion when instead you could have like 5 people's opinions or ideas. The question confused quite a bit since I didn’t have a direct answer to give, but I’d probably consider myself more as a leader then a follower in the end.

BACKSTORY (100+ words)
Early life: August 3rd, 1993, Tokyo Japan
Hiroshi Hayashida was born August 3rd around 2:37 pm. Hiroshi was born into a decently standard family not poor and not too wealthy either. His mother at the time was working as a receptionist at his school with his father working as a police officer (Not in Karakura). Hiroshi would’ve grown up with amazing parents attending school that his mother worked at from kindergarten all the way up to 4th grade. He would’ve skipped classes and school quite frequently due to bullying based on how he looked and how he was the worst student academic wise. He had never told his parents about it even when they questioned why he had been skipping class, he was always afraid that his parents would judge him for it or tell the principal, making the entire situation worse. It didn’t help that his father was around much and was mostly working, he felt very separated from him and had a pretty tough time dealing with it. During the middle of the 4th grade year Hiroshi had finally snapped, he outlashed the other students after years of taking their crap he finally had enough. He started a massive fight between him and 4-5 other offenders, all it took was 1 punch... 1 punch for him to finally realize that was what he needed to do the whole time, or at least that's what he thought. That one punch had knocked the kid out. He didn't expect such a violent outlash, after that he looked up at the other kids trembling in fear as he just stood there, one after another Hiroshi had knocked them out. 2 of the kids had a broken nose, the others had black eyes and some bad bruising, even though it was his first offense he was expelled due to the severity of the situation and their injuries. The aftermath of the fight was brutal on Hiroshi, because his father was in the police force, he was almost amazed that his son would do something like that even after learning why he had done it. His mother had quit her job due to an outlash from the parents saying they should've raised her kid right and not raised a “Monster”. His mother having some teaching knowledge due to her working there and having to sub classes at times decided that she would homeschool him, she didn’t want something like that to happen again. His father had also taken some time off of work to help him recover from what happened, he really loved his father's company and grew a great liking to him. He asked him questions upon questions about his job since he was quite curious about it. They sat there for hours talking about it and that's when it clicked, Hiroshi wanted to be an officer just as his father. A few years later he decided to move off and away; he and his mother both moved to Karakura. Where he’d have spent years 7-12 for school.

June 2nd, 2011: Karakura Japan
Finally, the time has come, Hiroshi had finally finished highschool, upon finishing highschool and getting to know most of the teachers and some of the professors (mostly the criminology professors). Upon finishing highschool he spent his entire summer studying for the college exam praying that he would have learned enough and know enough to pass. He had reviewed all of his final tests for each grade going over them with his mother and occasionally talking to his father about criminology. After summer Hiroshi took the exam, it was quite a difficult and long exam, but he felt very confident. Weeks later the results had finally come out searching for his name he was really stumped since he couldn't find it.. Until his friend pointed out that he had just barely made it into college, his name being one of the last people on the list, Hiroshi was really excited being 1 more step closer to his dream job.

May 25th, 2014: Karakura Japan
After spending 4 years in college having his bachelor's degree and about to take his final exam for a master's degree, he studied way harder than he did for every other test he's taken, this was the test that separates him from his dream. The test took a few hours for him to finish. He was extremely confident when turning it in, a few weeks later he looked at the list triple checking it but he wasn't up there. Stumped he went home and called his father, they talked for hours on the phone asking questions and his dad quizzing him. They did that once a week to help him study for the final next year. . . A year later the exam came and after taking it and waiting he saw that he had passed. Not only did he pass but he passed with a decently high score.

June 30th, 2022: Karakura Japan
Hiroshi Hayashida had finally built up the courage, after working 8 years in a shop he had finally taken his criminology master's degree to use. He had asked a KPD member about where he could apply and if applications were open in which they responded saying that they were open and are reviewed around July 3rd so he should get writing soon. Hiroshi’s face lit up with joy as he rushed home searching for the application after finding it, he spent the entire day filling it out. After completely exhausting himself he sent in the application anxiously waiting for a response from the commissioner whether he got accepted or denied.


Can you legally own a pocketknife in Karakura?
Absolutely not, nobody in Karakura is able or allowed to own a pocketknife legally. The reason why is due to the fact that it is a weapon that could be used to harm other people. A pocketknife is not a major weapon like a katana or a nagi but it is still dangerous and widely used as it's decently cheap to buy. If you are caught with a pocketknife via, search or seen out in public it will result in your immediate arrest for possession of minor illegal weaponry. Along with this the weapon will be incinerated inside of KPD.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
  • Paracetamol - It is a pain medication that doesn't require a prescription. They are typically used for some mild pain or to bring down a high fever. A person can only buy 5 at a time.​
  • Birth Control - It’s a pill that is taken in order to prevent pregnancy when sexually active, along with regulating a female's menstrual cycle. A person can only buy 5 at a time.​
  • Cough Syrup - It's a sweet thick syrup to treat dry and sore throats along with coughing. A person can only buy 2 at a time.​
  • Eyepatch - It’s used to act as a bandage for an eye if damaged. A person can only buy 2 at a time.​
  • Cane - It’s used to help support a person who has troubles walking around. A person can only buy 5 at a time.​

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
If I was to see my co-worker physically abusing an inmate, I would immediately step in to stop them and prevent any further harm. Nobody is above the law and should be able to just slip by it and its rules. My first plan of action would be to turn on my body cam if it's off so that I can collect any information I would need in case things got way out of hand. After turning it on I’d immediately rush over and separate the two individuals If the inmate is out of his or her cell, I would escort them away into the cell. If they’re already in their cell I would escort the officer out. From there I would make sure that the same thing doesn't happen again, and I would send the body cam video to a higher up and report the officer for abusing the inmate.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
If I was to see my fellow co-worker being assaulted with a weapon or not, I would immediately step in. My first reaction would be to turn on my body cam if it's not already on, this would help so that I could catch their face or what they’re wearing, other officers could also know what's happening if they went and looked at the video. Afterwards my next action would depend on how severe it is, if the person had a weapon I would immediately tase/shoot them. Doing that should get them to completely stop what they were doing and let my co-worker have enough time to get up and somewhat away from the person. Afterwards I would go up to them searching for what they have (Take anything illegal on them), in which I would then arrest them for assault on a government figure. If they did not have a weapon, I would yell at them to get off giving them 1 warning if they do not proceed to get off, I would have to do the same as the other. Would most likely tase them (assuming I have one) then search and arrest them for assault on a government figure. If I did not have a taser or anything for either situation I would tackle the person off of my co-worker letting them recover as I handled them, from there the same would play out, they’d be searched and arrested.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
If my co-worker was corrupt and helping out a criminal organization whether it be giving them information or helping keep them protected from KPD, I would immediately tell a higher up about it. My first reaction would not be to confront them personally, this would only increase the risk of the situation since they would know that they were caught and would most likely try to escalate the situation. I would gather as much information as possible proving that they are rogue, I would do this discreetly and not obviously. Once enough information was gathered, I would present it to a higher up in the chain of commands. From there I would try as much to help capture them or not stay involved if asked to.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
If a criminal or an inmate was to attempt to bribe me, I would firstly immediately decline their officer giving them a warning. If they decided to play with fate and ask again, I would of course have no choice but to fine them for attempted bribery. I would never accept their offer as that would be completely irresponsible of me.

Additional notes:
I have a microphone that I can use in VCs, but I quite rarely talk, or I just prefer not to talk in VC’s. I'm unsure if that will affect my application in any way but I think it’d be better that you’re told and known about it before giving my application a final assessment. Also, by the time applications are reviewed I’ll be at my grandpa’s house for 4th of July probably won't be back until July 5th.

If you have any questions about the matter DM me and ill provide you with an answer.

Last edited:


Level 328
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