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Club Leader Application


Level 0
IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name): ZombieRibbon

RPName of Club Leader: Alvin Lockhart

Discord Tag (Discord#0000#): Zombie#3763

Club name of the club you are apply for the leadership position: The Science Club

Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?
I wield the abilities to provide motivation to other young scientists who wish to advance their skills and finding new ways to evolve such things are humans, nature, science it self, robotics, technology and etc. I have a strong attraction to this topic and am willing to give in my all to better myself AND my fellow school mates.


What is your motivation for becoming the new leader of this club:
(150 Words) My motivation for becoming the new leader of the club is to give science a name in this school. I've gone around and asked if students and even teachers were aware of a science club, And they all said no sadly. And it breaks my heart to see such a subject that I love dearly has been forgotten to time. I wish to became the new leader to give the stepping stool science club needs and finally give motion to the progress. We will find ways evolve not only humanity, but other things such as technology, animals, robotics, alchemic science, and others.

What activities will the club do?:
(Work out one club members only activity & one school club event) One activity as of right now can be of the science club having a talk of the advancement of science including with introducing ourselves on the first day the science club reopens. Then as a event, We can create a small competition of science experiments. Then I will think of more ideas as we speak.

How will the club benefit the School?: This will benefit the school by encouraging their students who have their own interests in science, Ones who feel left out in not being like other students. Ones who truly have the passion for it or simply wish to learn more in school, Or ones who just wish to figure out their passion and what they wish to do in their life after school. And I will be there to give that push to them as I will push myself.

What will be the requirements for future members, if any?:
No suspensions.
No drugs or alcohol consumed.
Must be 15 Or older.
Must give one idea of a science club activity.


Level 172
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Even though the application is lacking in detail I will be giving you a chance to run the science club as I know you are motived in bringing the club back. Please make sure to host activities and events for the club members to prevent inactivity. Ping Tippie#6666 in the karakura academics discord to receive your club leader role and make sure to read the pinned messages for everything you need to know.

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