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CodeineSmasher's more jobs suggestion | 8/1/2021


Level 24
I suggest adding more jobs to SchoolRP
This will benefit the community by making more players have a wide view of all the job opportunities, this could be Delivery man, Garbage-man etc.
i see that this would make people think its CityRP but c'mon adding Lawyers, Judges and Governers is also really CityRP. I suggest adding these for more RP scenarios and more people wanting to RP other than just run around, also i could like be the best delivery man ever.​


Level 50
Adding more unneeded jobs is just completely unnecessary. The main reason jobs of the law had been added since it’s literally the LAW. Jobs like garbage men etc would be completely useless. Reminder; this is a school roleplay server, the server is already reaching far enough by adding the current new jobs, but they are realistic and understandable. Adding unneeded jobs can just end in chaos, you might think more roleplay, but realistically it will just be more crazy and hard for staff/factions to handle. Another thing to remind you, every job usually has to be held under a faction, and to have a faction you need a lead, and there is limited staff and I doubt there would be enough room to fit more factions in the server. It simply is unneeded and if you need to find roleplay, just do it within school or outside school. I’d personally say SRP has enough roles as it as. I don’t think jobs like a delivery man would benefit the server in any way at all. It just causes more havoc due to more roles opening to the server. I say keep it how it is, for now. If the server gets bigger than it is, than this suggestion may be useful. At this rate, I doubt the server needs more roles. Overall, I do like the suggestion, but it simply doesn’t suit the server at this time in my opinion. If this was added, I personally say it should be more a “whitelist” type of thing, not something you can just apply for. For example, Imagine a new job had been added, A Garbage Man, and then you’ll have 100 people applying for a job that really only needs one or two people. I know this suggestion isn’t revolving around a Garbage man, that’s just what i’m using in this scenario.


Level 231
what are they going to deliver?
... oh how to be a new player

basically back in 2017-2019 there was a delivery faction that instead of staff, delivered shopkeepers their items. It was great and still to this day is better then the current solution, it meant that instead of it taking days or even a week for a delivery to be done, it was done in 30 minutes to a few hours because the player was offered the entire restock amount to do it. It basically sped up restocks and put money back into the economy

obviously theres a bit more downsides, players aren't as trusted as they were back then so you'd need players to be as trusted as the BMD faction (as they were basically the same thing)

oh and you'd need to place a hell of a ton of signs for all of the custom items being added, etc.


Level 110
... oh how to be a new player

basically back in 2017-2019 there was a delivery faction that instead of staff, delivered shopkeepers their items. It was great and still to this day is better then the current solution, it meant that instead of it taking days or even a week for a delivery to be done, it was done in 30 minutes to a few hours because the player was offered the entire restock amount to do it. It basically sped up restocks and put money back into the economy

obviously theres a bit more downsides, players aren't as trusted as they were back then so you'd need players to be as trusted as the BMD faction (as they were basically the same thing)

oh and you'd need to place a hell of a ton of signs for all of the custom items being added, etc.
the delivery men made more money than the actual shop owners


Level 231
the delivery men made more money than the actual shop owners
they wouldn't now, they'd make 12% the amount of a shop owner (restock price is 12% of intended retail price) shop owners make... so so so much more then they used to

plus today we'd have harsh taxes so, it'd be a lot lower for delivery men


Level 45
... oh how to be a new player

basically back in 2017-2019 there was a delivery faction that instead of staff, delivered shopkeepers their items. It was great and still to this day is better then the current solution, it meant that instead of it taking days or even a week for a delivery to be done, it was done in 30 minutes to a few hours because the player was offered the entire restock amount to do it. It basically sped up restocks and put money back into the economy

obviously theres a bit more downsides, players aren't as trusted as they were back then so you'd need players to be as trusted as the BMD faction (as they were basically the same thing)

oh and you'd need to place a hell of a ton of signs for all of the custom items being added, etc.

yes i did yes i did somebody please tll them who the eff i is


Level 41
I suggest adding more jobs to SchoolRP
This will benefit the community by making more players have a wide view of all the job opportunities, this could be Delivery man, Garbage-man etc.
i see that this would make people think its CityRP but c'mon adding Lawyers, Judges and Governers is also really CityRP. I suggest adding these for more RP scenarios and more people wanting to RP other than just run around, also i could like be the best delivery man ever.
I'm going to be honest with you, from previous staff experience, we tried this out already back in like 2018-2019. It seriously doesn't benefit roleplay whatsoever. Not only does it cause stress for staff members because now they have to manage more people but the role itself is entirely useless. There's a difference between a reporter and a garbage man. One can be beneficial to the server, adding drama, making players famous, and adding true crime to the server. While the other logs on to clean up the city maybe what? Once a week when the staff have to make the town dirty. It just doesn't seem like the current city roles are on par with the ones that are being discussed about is all. If the roles were game-changing, maybe I could see it happening, but they just aren't at all. That's all! It's all about what is truly beneficial to the server and what adds nothing.

There is actually no need for there to be more jobs added onto SchoolRP. With all the shops that exist and also the things outside of roleplay such as tailoring skins for players alongside art commissions, that alone should be more than enough jobs for students and even adults alike; Students working at their local jobs, art majors making money off of their art, fashion students designing clothes for people or even teenagers and young adults selling clothes on online stores like Depop if you really want to get extra specific. Now, those jobs make sense for students. Then you have the EMS; That exists for when people get injured, and it doesn’t just have to be people who got GangRP’d. Injuries can correlate to school as well such as a sports player getting an injury during practice, a student who needs more serious psychiatric help, or someone maybe being in a silly goofy mood and accidentally fell down the stairs. The KPD is around to not only help with GangRP incidents as well, but to also help with petty crimes that quite literally anyone and their mama can commit like underaged drinking or driving, drinking AND driving, jaywalking, public disturbances, having illegal substances in school or in general, etc. And with these two specified jobs, it also opens up opportunities to students such as allowing them to go into training with them for temporary amounts of time. And we don’t need to get into teachers, professors, and the general school faculty for obvious reasons.

So, the point of what was stated above is that even though these jobs may make it seem like the roleplay experience is CityRP, they all actually have not only some shape or form correlation to students but also open up more roleplay opportunities for other players (majority of them being the alt account of a student, or their alt is the student, funny enough)

And as for the point you attempted to make when it came to the Government faction being more of a CityRP add-on in attempts to structure your recommendation of more jobs... that wasn’t really the best move. SchoolRP takes place in the made-up town in Japan called Karakura, and considering it, you know, takes place in a town, you wouldn’t expect anyone working with the law as well as there to be some kind of representatives of the place? Plus, anyone can easily agree- unless you’re actively part of the problem- that majority of GangRP is very corrupt in its own different ways to the point of it ruining a lot of roleplay for many players who are just trying to live their drama lived or carefree lives. So, with the Government Faction, it opens up opportunities to assist in the ridding of unnecessary GangRP aspects, enforce more rules (mostly in character, but perhaps even out of character if the majority come to an agreement upon something and it ends up being good for the player base), and change the ways of law in SRP to finally put more focus on the SchoolRP aspects of the server for those who have been so tight with GangRP despite being... literal teenagers and/or young adults. I get that young people get into gang troubles, but that’s something that happens in places like the United States, not Japan whose crime rate is FAR from as dreadful as how many players unfortunately portray it as.

Moral of the story; we don’t need anymore jobs, because the ones we have each play different roles in the server that not only open different kinds of rp opportunities, but also have vital roles in certain aspects. We also don’t need mister garbage man to pick up the notebooks or empty b bottles dropped at spawn that’s going to eventually despawn anyways.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead

The jobs you have suggested won't be useful to Karakura, when thinking about new role additions you need to think about; what currently works, how much they will be paid, where will this new role be stationed, etc. We recently re-introduced the government faction which has plenty of City-related roles for now; if you have suggestions for new government roles, feel free to make another feedback.

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