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College Application


Level 0

OOC Information

IGN: sqidender

Discord Tag: sqidender#3196

Current Grade: 12

Previous Applications: None

Any Bans/Kicks: kick for being afk.

What is your motivation for applying for College?: My friends and hard work. Through learning and revision.

How should a College Student behave during class?: Respectful and showing other students how to behave and helping others in a polite way.

How should a College Student speak to School Staff?: Kind and In a good manner.

You see another College Student being immature and possibly harming school property, What do you do?: I would either tell them to stop and if they dont ill get an teacher that is online.

Do you understand you can be kicked from College and placed back down to Grade-12 for acting immature and disruptive?: Yes and will try to never do that.

IC Information

Character Name: Ace .Y.

Characters Date of Birth: December 15

Gender: Male

Character Description: Male | 5.9 | Nice | Loves

Year of Graduation:
High-school Achievements: (Awards, Tokens Received. etc.) None

Age Graduated: 18

IC Information

Character Name: Ace .Y.

Characters Date of Birth: December 15

Gender: Male

Character Description: Male | 5.9 | Nice | Loves

Backstory: At first I had no friends. So some people named Zac, Kinh and Josh Came along and became my best friends so we always hang around so we came become best of friends. I am a very calm boy that is very energetic and also plays and concentrate on my learning from all my teachers in this game. I want to inspire others to become better people. Anyways a My hobbies at first was football but when I tried volleyball I LOVED it.

He Loved this school and want so help this community grow in like teachers and other stuff people to be kind to others and gets new friends So most people will get inspired from your work so I really want to get in college ( I don't have a phone yet but I have enough for one just waiting for a shop to be open). I'm also interested in joining the volleyball team. I really want to become an college student so I'm working hard to join college and He plays games mostly outside Has around 6 friends like Zac and Kinh and josh there just my best friends from the start then it was Ray he came along later so we talked about random things that was so funny so we can become very well and good behaved college students. Also ill help new college students.
Also I have an girlfriend and Zac dose as well so we're looking for a girlfriend for Josh and Kinh. we're excited to join the college community we really want to focus on our work and I think that we would do a very good job in our dorms so I think if I get into college It will help me get jobs to afford more stuff like apartments so bye.

(Address the letter to the 'Dean') (The letter must be 150 words) (The letter must be from the perspective of YOUR character) (Use a

Dear Dean,
Im writing this letter to let you know that I want to Join college In this school so I really want you to accept this form so I can help this school I worked hard to make this letter and form it took me a few hours to do it. So I will always listen to the commands for the college students so I tried my best to do make this form, I really want to become an college student so I can be proud of my self and see this as the work for me I've done the I tried so please accept this form I took my a very long time like other people. I hope you accept this form (this is nearly the end of this form) so Please I really want to join college in minecraft I want you to accept. But Good bye.



Level 143

Not enough detail. Application is over all too short. Your application is over all too informal so if you are to apply again you should focus on the grammar of your application

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