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College Code of Conduct!


Level 4
What's your Minecraft Username?: demiboo
What's the title of your suggestion?: College Code of Conduct!

What's your suggestion?:
I suggest some rules be set in place. It's come to my attention that class attendance should stop being mandatory as it interrupts roleplay. But what about the roleplay aspect on the professor's end? Only 4 or 5 students come (more if they know you OOCly), and we, as professors, put in a lot of effort to create classes and try to make them as interactive as possible.
Our whole role is based on providing information and presenting new roleplay opportunities. Most of our roleplay is school-based unless you're involved in familyRP, romanceRP, etc. The thought of "What's the point in trying" is common when low attendance happens.

The server is called SchoolRP for a reason..

Another thing is that college students act ridiculously. Most (if not all) act like they're in high school. I understand everyone's character isn't mature. But the only difference between the Spartans and Bobcats is the team colors. As someone who's in college, you rarely see anyone outright disrespecting professors, students on sports teams acting out, etc.
Also, sports members represent the school.. honestly, practice can be held during after-school hours.. they should be punished for skipping class as well.

I'm suggesting that a system be created to reward those who do attend class and punishments for those who don't.

(also no hate to how y'all rp but please! put yourselves in our shoes..)

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I believe this will make roleplaying as a professor much more enjoyable. As well as create more roleplaying opportunities for those in college.
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Level 199
As a two-time former teacher (which I understand is different from the perspective of a professor), I have seen multiple cases of college students acting like high schoolers and overall just ridiculous in general. And while it doesn't apply to all college students, I think some more regulations can be placed to make sure that college students are acting like actual college students even if personalities differ and some may not act as mature based on their character. I have also seen some professors' classes and seen a lack of students overall, and while it doesn't seem extremely necessary to force college students into joining more classes, I think it does help with the inactivity of some college students OOCly and how as a college student they are kind of meant to join more classes than I usually see them do.


Level 117
+1 to infinity. As someone who was professor before and is now professor before, the attendance overall used to be a lot better when there was a reason to join classes other than points to grading up. I understand that forcing this does obstruct RP at times, but some harsher or stronger enforcement or reason that college students should join classes is needed, because at the moment the attendance is really bad. I've only really gotten three students at most so far which is pretty bad. without college students in classes the work that professors put into activities really get little to no engagement. when there were more students in class, even the worst of lessons (yes I was guilty for bad lessons) still had engagement (at least with characters, if not the lesson).

about maturity, this is an issue but really we can't do much to enforce this other than encourage more realistic RP from collegerpers.

I think the priority though is attendance. please. help.


Level 27
Community Team
Content Team

I think there should be something along the lines of getting college students to attend classes again, it's disheartening to see that there are fewer pupils in professor classes and it happens a lot of the time. There is no motivation to teach as a professor without students attending.


Level 44

It feels awkward when you're the only college student trying to be active in class


Level 57
This will just make college courses afk gathering places again, and you will find desperately that people who don't want to take the class will still not be engaged in it, but it will make them more disgusted.


Level 13
+1 With some tweaks. I think they shouldn’t punish people who skip class. However the idea to reward those who attend is a good one. Maybe rewamp stickers a kind of school currency. Given maybe 50 per class and used to buy stuff in a shop run by receptionists. Still teachers could reward students with more stickers, if they do their work outstandingly.


Level 8
+1 for MOST of the suggestion. Let professors do their job! There are not enough college students to get a full class without making it mandatory.

-1 for practice outside of school ours. It is already hard enough to schedule, we can't always predict when practice will be held icly.


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
Okay, so COLLEGE CLASSES ARE REQUIRED if the college students are knowing be cause problems / have a lot of detentions / Want pass into Master. This was already set up and announced in the academics server, it was also addressed more with Tippie's explanation.

But, if we make it mandatory for COLLEGE students, we need to make it mandatory for HS students. We cant change on how a character is played or acts, if they want to act as a child whilst being 20, that is on them.

overall, -1


Level 117
Okay, so COLLEGE CLASSES ARE REQUIRED if the college students are knowing be cause problems / have a lot of detentions / Want pass into Master. This was already set up and announced in the academics server, it was also addressed more with Tippie's explanation.

But, if we make it mandatory for COLLEGE students, we need to make it mandatory for HS students. We cant change on how a character is played or acts, if they want to act as a child whilst being 20, that is on them.

overall, -1
I'll be honest this is a lot of "ifs" for if a character is required or not and no matter if these things stands it still seems like character don't go to college classes. I definitely get what you're saying but this seems like it has too many exceptions and leaves it so the majority of college students still won't attend classes


Level 4
Thread starter
Okay, so COLLEGE CLASSES ARE REQUIRED if the college students are knowing be cause problems / have a lot of detentions / Want pass into Master. This was already set up and announced in the academics server, it was also addressed more with Tippie's explanation.

But, if we make it mandatory for COLLEGE students, we need to make it mandatory for HS students. We cant change on how a character is played or acts, if they want to act as a child whilst being 20, that is on them.

overall, -1
In 2021 I taught HS English, the attendance was not the major problem. I’m not sure if its a problem now though. But as I teach college students currently thats all I’m speaking on.

But overall yes!! Everyone should attend classes!


Level 75
This has been suggested before, Players shouldn't be forced to halt their detailrp/character development for your class. We all are here to enjoy the server, forcing people to go to class limits the rest of the player bases roleplay especially when a school day lasts hours oocly.

Instead make a reason for people to attend classes, like a reward or something along those lines. Do not punish people for not wanting to join in on the roleplay lesson you set up for your class. Punishing people for not attending will not help your class attendance as the problem in general comes back to the college side being dead, along with people again not wanting to halt their character development/detailed roleplay to attend a class.

The argument of 'This sever is called school roleplay for a reason' being used in this situation is lame, for the server "SCHOOL" is a setting like in a story, there is different things happening in that story that will not involve a classroom. I understand the frustration but punishing players for not going is not the way to go.


Level 117
This has been suggested before, Players shouldn't be forced to halt their detailrp/character development for your class. We all are here to enjoy the server, forcing people to go to class limits the rest of the player bases roleplay especially when a school day lasts hours oocly.

Instead make a reason for people to attend classes, like a reward or something along those lines. Do not punish people for not wanting to join in on the roleplay lesson you set up for your class. Punishing people for not attending will not help your class attendance as the problem in general comes back to the college side being dead, along with people again not wanting to halt their character development/detailed roleplay to attend a class.

The argument of 'This sever is called school roleplay for a reason' being used in this situation is lame, for the server "SCHOOL" is a setting like in a story, there is different things happening in that story that will not involve a classroom. I understand the frustration but punishing players for not going is not the way to go.
i do agree that this shouldn't be forced entirely but if we're just doing a reward it needs to have way stronger benefits


Level 163
As someone who has the PhD tag, I don't find attending all college classes that necessary for me anymore due to me getting the highest degree on the server. I, however, will attend college classes that focuses on my characters major path at times. For those who want to get the Masters degree as some have mentioned above, college classes are required to move up in the college tier system. If college classes begin to get mandatory again three things can happen, one people will either log off from their college account and switch to a different character slot/account, two they will go afk once college classes get announced, or three they will join the class and go afk like others have mentioned. Yes, the server is called SchoolRP but its supposed to be fun and entertaining it doesn't just focus about students joining classes and such. If students want to join classes then they can but on their own will. There's no need to force/mandate students to join classes when they don't want too.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
I don’t think teachers, professors, and faculty know how much creative freedom they really have. You can encourage college students to come to classes not by simply hosting a class, rather hosting an experience. As others said forcing players to go to class will only make them avoid going or just log off until school is over.

basically, people play SRP primarily for an experience or to gain opportunity for themselves or their characters. I’ve seen a few teachers and professors demonstrate this concept of thinking outside the box to attract more playerbase to their classes. Some of the teachers/professors that have made impact off the top of my head are DarkEclipic, Kinyuun, Alimonino, and MinisterFudge (well done guys)

TLDR; forcing or bribing students with rewards to attend class won’t help you gain the playerbase you desire. Instead, work on making your classes more appealing and building relationships with people for a better experience.


Level 4
+1 a lot of the classes I've gone to recently have had 1-3 people in it and sometimes its just me there.


Level 75
I don’t think teachers, professors, and faculty know how much creative freedom they really have. You can encourage college students to come to classes not by simply hosting a class, rather hosting an experience. As others said forcing players to go to class will only make them avoid going or just log off until school is over.

basically, people play SRP primarily for an experience or to gain opportunity for themselves or their characters. I’ve seen a few teachers and professors demonstrate this concept of thinking outside the box to attract more playerbase to their classes. Some of the teachers/professors that have made impact off the top of my head are DarkEclipic, Kinyuun, Alimonino, and MinisterFudge (well done guys)

TLDR; forcing or bribing students with rewards to attend class won’t help you gain the playerbase you desire. Instead, work on making your classes more appealing and building relationships with people for a better experience.


Level 95

Whilst it is indeed SchoolRP... let's just remember that a large majority of the server is younger and has classes in real life... I feel that forcing someone to attend a class where they are forced to learn things within a minecraft server is not just pointless... but also boring...

I think the better focus would be exploring options to make class more fun... no one wants to sit through a copy and paste document on google (this is not accusing anyone in particular, but it has been done, and is still being done). Classes are simply not attractive enough to attend, and whilst I don't blame the professors or anything, as you might all deem it limited on what can be done, I do recommend talking to muffin if you want to see how to attract more students to your classes.

Classes being fun will simply lead to students wanting to partake, in the same way... if you are a fun professor... more students are likely to join.

Also, last I checked, you can ICly make students go to class, making it an OOC thing in my opinion is wack.


Level 117
I know Lewk and Infi both had the point that college students should be encouraged to join class by having the faction make classes more enjoyable. I definitely agree with this. If you don't have a fun class you aren't owed students, but I've still seen a handful of amazing classes with fun assignments will still get little to no attendance.
I think that raising the standard for classes and RP in classes would be a good way to get people to join them but I also think it shouldn't solely rely on professors to get students in their class and it shouldn't be one extreme or the other (forcing college students or putting it all on profs)

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