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College Council Application - gabrijelle


Level 7


What is your Minecraft Username?:


What is your timezone?:

Please provide your Discord tag:

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):

Faction Applications
Psychiatrist Application - ACCEPTED
Professor Application - ACCEPTED
Governor Application - PENDING

Describe your activity on the server:
I would like to say that I am quite active on the server. I am currently attending college, so I can’t be around 24/7, but I still find ways to balance my time evenly between school, my personal life, and SRP. I have two separate accounts that I regularly roleplay on. On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d say that my activity falls on a solid 7. Below is my current schedule:

5pm CST - 10pm CST​
1pm CST - 10pm CST​
1pm CST - 10pm CST​
All Day​
All Day​
1pm CST - 10pm CST​

List your accounts and roles on this server:

Main Account - cheesebrat

[College][M] Dorian Ikki Misono (Primary)
[Grade-12] Kiyohime Kagami (Alternate)

Alternate Account (APPLYING) - gabrijelle
[College][B] Rory Rhodes (Primary)
[Grade-7] Clara O’Shea (Alternate)

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:
Yes, I am aware.


What is the student council and what do they do?:
The student council is a group of students whose main objective is to act as leaders to their peers and school community. Councilors can often be seen patrolling the halls and sidewalks of the school campus, making sure that everyone is following the rules and expectations set. That’s all surface level, but behind the scenes, the student council is responsible for discussing current issues, creating solutions for said issues, taking criticism humbly, and planning and executing school related events and projects.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
My main motivation for applying to the student council is that I have been looking for something new to try on SRP. I was previously a part of the sports faction for a little over 2 years, however I am no longer taking part. That being said, I still have interest in playing a role in the community, and I thought it best to try something I’ve never done before. I still have so many ideas that I think would benefit the school atmosphere, and I am motivated to dedicate my time and creativity to the student council. I want to be able to be a part of something that will allow me to be creative and allow ideas to flow naturally, while also discussing these ideas with others to gain feedback and make revisions.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Yes, I am both aware and prepared.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

The president oversees the council as a whole and acts as a role model for not just the councilors, but the entirety of the student body. It is the president’s job to make sure that everyone is following the rules and meeting the expectation set, as well as delegating meaningful conversations and debates. The president is a leader who listens to people, whether it be the rest of the student council, faculty, or another student. It is their responsibility to accept feedback and criticism with humility, and to execute improvements or changes within the council.

Vice President
The vice president is second in command, just behind the president. They are there to work alongside not only the president, but also the council as a whole. The vice president shares responsibility with the president, taking on a leadership role with dignity and grace. It is the vice president’s job to take up the president’s responsibilities when they are not able to, but they also know not to overstep or take over when it is not needed.

Council Members
The council members are the sole individuals who make the student council what it is. Their main objectives are to encourage leadership among the student body and to provide assistance where it is needed, whether it be to another student or to a teacher or faculty member. Councilors lead by example and are not afraid to stop someone if they are acting out in a way that is unacceptable. They uphold the rules and expectations of the school and urge other students to do the same.


While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?
“I would swiftly and quietly make my way over to said student, tap their shoulder, and politely ask them to stop doing what they’re doing. I’m no doormat, so of course I’d ask with a stern tone, but refrain from using any sort of foul language or rude comments. If the student disregards me and chooses to continue causing a disruption, then I would threaten detention. If they STILL want to be difficult after that, I’d tell them to knock it off, or it’ll be more than just detention!”

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
“Well, chasing after them is just gonna make it look like you’ve stooped to their level, not to mention make all the surrounding students laugh at you. So! My way of solving this dilemma is to find the nearest faculty member and very politely ask them to intercom for the student to the front desk, or else there will be consequences. If the student doesn’t show up to the front desk, threaten detention in the next intercom. If they still don’t show even after being warned more than once, it’s detention! And possibly something a little bit consequential…”

A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?
“Clearly, threatening punishment could potentially make the situation worse. I think the best way to go about this is to approach the student calmly, and politely ask them to stop what they’re doing. Then, the teacher and I would bring the student to a private area to discuss possible motives or reasoning behind their behaviors. As a teacher and a councilor, it is both of our jobs to foster an environment where the student feels safe talking about any sort of issues they may have in their personal life. If the student is dealing with internal or external struggles, the best thing to do would be to provide support, and let the student know that there are people here who can and are willing to help. The final step would be to direct them to the school counselor, or possibly recommend seeing a psychiatrist.”

A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?
“Me personally, I’m all for peaceful protests. But! I would want to steer away from giving students permission to stage one without consulting a higher-up, such as the council president, vice president, or possibly a faculty member. That being said, if a group of students asks my permission to stage a protest on school grounds, I’d tell them to hold tight while I go find the council president. If the president isn’t around, then I would go to the vice president or the nearest faculty member. Depending on their answers, I would go back to the group of students and tell them if they can or cannot protest, as well as provide them with reasoning as to why. If the protest is allowed to go on, I would request for a little extra help with supervising the group of students from my fellow councilors or from faculty, just to ensure that the environment isn't disturbed or affected negatively.”

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
“I’d probably be confused for a hot minute… after collecting my thoughts, I’d politely ask them what I was doing wrong and take note of it so I know what to do next time. It’s part of a councilor’s job to take criticism with dignity, and to use it to build upon your abilities in order to go above the expectation in the future.”

Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):

Halloween SCARE-nival!

Every year, the school puts on some sort of Halloween event, whether it’s a dance, haunted house, or something else. Well, I’m here to propose something similar, but with a new twist. My main idea revolves around a Halloween-themed carnival, hence the name “Scare-nival”. This event would be complete with spooky games, classic carnival snacks, face-painting, and more:​
  • Haunted House: What Halloween event would be complete without a haunted house? I understand that this is not a new concept, but come on. A Halloween themed event without a haunted house is unheard of! It would be your classic haunted house experience, with staff/event team members acting as ghosts and other creepy capers. Although, something new I’ve come up with to add onto the haunted house is the graveyard tour. Not the actual Karakura graveyard, but the backyard of the haunted house could serve as a graveyard, complete with tombstones. The players would be guided by the keeper of the graveyard (like Dampé from the Zelda games), trudging the muddy, run-down graves… but watch out, a zombie might pop out! YIKES!​
  • Games: Inside the gym, there could be a multitude of games for any attendee to choose from. The main attraction would be the dunking station. We could get teacher/faculty volunteers to sit up on the dunking seat, right above a vat of SLIME! The player throws the ball at the button, then rolls out of 5. If they roll a 5 out of 5, then the teacher gets dunked (20% chance of rolling a 5 out of 5). Another game I thought of would be a pie fight. There would be a stand to buy the pies, and a designated area right behind it for two players to open fire on one another. With both players in the pie throwing area, they both roll out of 100, and whoever gets the higher role lands the pie. Whoever gets the most hits out of 3 wins the pie fight!​
  • Food & Concessions: Also inside the gym, there could be a stand where attendees could buy different spooky-themed snacks and souvenirs. Assorted plushies and toys could be sold, as well as little trinkets. For food, players can choose from a multitude of iconic carnival items such as curly fries, funnel cake, churros, candied apples, and of course, various candies. What halloween event would be complete without candy?​
  • Costume Contest: This one is tradition, but I have a few ideas to change it up a little bit. We could have separate contests for group and solo costumes. I’m also thinking we could add categories such as the scariest, cutest, most creative, most humorous, most realistic, best couples costume, best group costume, and so on and so forth.​
  • Music & Performances: Of course, there HAS to be a bumpin’ Halloween playlist going on in the background, maybe some scary music for the haunted house. Who wants to do all this fun stuff in silence? Yep, nobody. As for performances, There could be a Halloween-themed routine performed by one or both cheer teams, and I also think it would be different to have the swim teams do a synchronized swimming performance.​

Karakura’s Got Talent!
Come one, come all! Step right up and claim your fifteen minutes of fame! Will you become Karakura’s next big shot superstar? Only one way to find out… you can pick up a microphone and dazzle the crowd with a song, or maybe you wanna pick up a guitar and shred to your heart’s content. You could move the crowd with a sparkling dance, or send a chill down their spines and a scare in their face with a risky daredevil stunt. Or maybe create an enchanting scene with a mystical magic act! Whatever you’re into, come take a chance and get up on that stage!​
  • Logistics: Sign-ups will go out a week before the actual event takes place. Depending on the amount of people interested, there could be around 15-20 acts. There will be a limit to not exceed 5 minutes. The acts will take place on the school stage and will commence in no particular order. There will also be an announcer present who is responsible for announcing each act’s title and the names of the members participating.​
  • Voting & Awards: The crowd will vote for which act they enjoyed the best, and awards will be handed out accordingly. First place will be awarded (and maybe I’m overshooting) a custom item of their choice. Second place will earn a cash prize adding up to 100,000 yen. Finally, third place will be able to choose one item out of a variety of plushies, toys, souvenirs, and other miscellaneous goods.​

Personal Information
(in character)


“My name is Rory Rhodes. It’s short for Lorelei, but I prefer Rory.”


“I am 20 years of age.”

Phone number:
“Ew, I’m not into you like that… kidding! It’s 030-481-7300.”

How would you describe your personality?:
“Sassy. And confident. I don’t take any nonsense from anybody. I’d like to say I’m pretty headstrong, and I don’t typically bend to other people’s desires. Unless, of course, they’re someone in command, like a teacher or something. I’m pretty responsible too. I keep good track of everything I need to do and when I need to do it, who needs me at what time, and so on. Oh ya! I’m also not afraid to tell someone off if they’re not holding up to the expectation. Respectfully, of course… Either follow the rules, or face the consequences!”

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):
“Fit Cheeeeeckkk!! My top is from Nordstrom, super cute. My jeans are from–don’t tell anyone–Shein, and so is my belt. My boots are fromm…. Er.. Macy’s…!! Yeah. And finally, my newsboy hat I thrifted from this little local place. It was like, two dollars, and had a MASSIVE stain on the bill, but I managed to scrub it out with some dish soap. And that’s the whole fit! Oh, and my bag is Kate Spade.”

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

“I think the main thing that sets me apart from other applicants is my willingness and desire to revive the once prominent sense of school spirit and student morale. Sure, we have a pep rally every now and then, but that’s only twice a year. Tell me the last time we actually had a school event other than the pep rally or sport tournament. That’s right, NEVER! Let me tell you, I got more than just a couple ideas for some fun, inclusive events for everyone to participate in. And I’m not thinking basic ideas, I’m talking unique, something this school hasn’t seen before. If we give the people something shiny and new, then they’ll for sure be raving about it for MONTHS!”

Why do you want this position?:
“Similar to what I stated before, I want this position because I believe that there is a dire need to raise school spirit and encourage active participation from not just my fellow college students, but everyone. This place is always in need of leaders, and I want to fulfill that role more than anything. I want to serve as a role model and set that bar HIGH!”

What interests you the most about student council?:
“What interests me most? Well, I’d say getting to work with other people who share similar values and objectives like my own. I’m interested in sharing my ideas with the council, and really showing everyone just what I can bring to the table. Trust me, you won’t regret it!”

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
“Safe AND fun? Say no more. A councilor’s role is to make the school a better place by being a role model and a leader, and that’s about just as much as one could ask for when making the school safer. As for fun, I got some killer events cookin’ up, and I would LOVE to discuss them with the council to get that morale up. I promise you, I won’t disappoint!”
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