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[COLLEGE] Council Application


Level 70

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What is your Minecraft Username?: The account I'll be using is rikayo, which is also my main account. I have two other accounts, however I am usually only ever active on them if I am doing something regarding Event-Team or if a specific character is needed.

Past warns/kicks/bans?: I’ve only had one warning within my time on the server which was for Cosmetic Abuse; this was overall a mistake. I’m not sure about the exact date/month of this incident, although I’ve completely moved past this and will not repeat any further rulebreaks; this was a singular mishap over the past few years that can hopefully be looked over.

What is your timezone?: My timezone is CDT.

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?: Yes, my tag is rika#6551

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending):
“Helper” Application [DISCORD APP]
Nurse Application [DISCORD APP]

Describe your activity on the server?: Most of my activity balances out between two of my accounts, rikayo, and another alt; on the daily average I spend about 6 or more hours online rikayo, then extra depending on whether or not I’m busy. Due to things such as COVID it’s overall more likely I can put up to 10+ hours occasionally; It’s very unlikely I will miss a day of not being online for at least 3+ hours. I do spend a portion of time on the forums too, usually, every other day just scrolling through recents. However, at any point in time, I can apply more time daily or depending on what's needed of me.

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?: Yes, I’m 100% aware; throughout my ranks I’ve experienced on the server, I’ve never had an issue with inactivity and I’ve always kept this in mind.


What is the student council?: The student council is a selected group of individuals chosen to help represent the school; often going to help enforce school policy to aid alongside the school staff, as well as brainstorm/execute events to represent the school such as the most frequent events like the Egg Festival, Candy Grams, etc. that help gather the student body together.

Who or what brought you to apply for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc): The main interest that brought me to apply for the council would be the activities and duties themselves; although I don’t know many people closely, I believe with a small period of time I could adjust accordingly to everything. Moreover to put it simply, my main motivations for applying would be the possibilities when being in the council and the opportunities I could be a part of.

What does the school council of Karakura do?: As briefly mentioned in the first section above, a few of the responsibilities of the council is overlooking the school body and helping out with planning events to represent the school; all of their duties, as well as outlooks, are to help better the school in one way or another or improve it for those who attend. In regards to their obligations over the student body, most commonly their requirements are to diminish troubles that may be happening within school grounds. A fair example of this would be minor rule breaks such as dress code, a student dispute, etc. when someone else such as faculty hasn’t aided themselves or cannot. Overall, the main point of these interactions is to intervene with any sufficient issues happening around the school; The other section that I’m aware of would be the somewhat frequent arising events being held by the council. From what I can gather these events go to help aid the school, commonly involving a fundraiser or a larger occasion such as a dance; I would assume as a councilor it is within your position to help brainstorm future ideas for this, as well as take whatever part apparent in executing the event itself.
In all, this is my current knowledge of the council that I am aware of; with time if accepted, I’m 100% sure I can pick up on whatever knowledge I may be missing.

How would you describe your work ethic?: Throughout testing what works for me, I always tend to steer a specific schedule or set value of how I should do things; of course, I still manage to assuredly do what is asked of me with or without this factor. If something is a larger task, I take on the easier aspects to help frame me through the larger areas, which if possible I may split up in order to focus on everything I can and properly form my thoughts or effort into whatever is in front of me. I try my hardest to place my utmost effort whenever I can, however, if I have the possibility to make whatever I am focused on satisfactory enough I will continue onto the next thing that is asked of me when possible.

What interests you the most about the student council?: Hopefully to not be too repetitive of other answers I have done, I do have a range of interests in everything regarding the council though put simply it would be the duties you are put into once becoming a member; helping out with events, having a responsibility during school hours and your tasks doing it, things such as that caught my eye. Of course, the chance to get to know the other members and become a part of another community is another factor that sparked this enthusiasm.

Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)?: I believe I do have a large range of roleplaying experience overall; I’ve been on the server since early 2015-2016, so with this I’ve partaken in a large range of situations, roles, etc. The ones I did dedicate myself to for a long period of time would be roles of sports teams, as well as my placement of a shop owner from 2019-2020. However, I do tend to lean towards roleplaying as a student and with other students. My most frequent area of roleplay would be simply communicating around with others, as well as with members of my club. I haven’t ever had too much experience out of SRP regarding roleplay other than the small attempts on games when I was younger, however, I do think my time on SRP has given me more than enough. With time, I believe I've learned to do things such as develop characters and reflect character personality through roleplay through the help of the server.

You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?: If a member were to submit an idea I disliked, I would initially take the idea apart and find what factors, if any that are what bothers me within the idea. I’d make sure to have all of my points, or reasonings prepared before I go to speak on my opinion-- if possible, having another set of ideas prepared that could incorporate similar factors to the individual that had proposed the idea. then hearing the other members' ideas and thoughts of it.

In a situation where you propose an idea, and everyone else dislikes it. How would you go about this?: If they haven’t already, the first thing I would do is see what is ruining the appeal of the idea; using whatever feedback I can gather from the other members, I would try my best to reform my idea or make a new one based on their opinions. Of course, if this tends to not work out, I can easily accept the fact that the idea may just not be the best, and use whatever information gathered to keep in mind for my future proposals.

There is a split decision on an idea. The councilors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?: As soon as possible, I would step in to possibly dissolve the situation; proposing to take a break for a few moments to let everyone resolve their thoughts as it’s common knowledge, that isn’t a placement we should be stood in although mistakes and incidents are bound to happen. After whoever may need to step out or take a moment to themselves, we could possibly list all of the pros and cons of the situations; fully divulging into a simple debate on everything, seeing if anyone would like to switch their opinions to something we could agree to, making minor adjustments to it if needed and agreed for the better. If this still doesn’t help the choice, we could possibly gather insight from faculty on their opinions and take that into consideration as well.

A councilor is stirring up problems and bullying students on school grounds! What would you do?: The first thing I would do is confront them about this as the situation is ongoing, if this is the first incident of this happening. Reminding them of the purpose the council serves as well as the conduct we should be proceeding with; however, I would still bring this topic up to the Council President or anyone with the authority of the council. If this is a repeated incident, I’d gather evidence of the happening and report it immediately, along with a notice this has been a repeated behavior shown by this specific member.

The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?: Well, for starters, I don’t think I would put into factor their position within the council when it comes to speaking on these sorts of matters; I’d take up the topic just the same as I would with any other fellow member. Taking a very similar approach to the 1st question from this section, I would vocalize my issues with the topic however share the thoughts I was interested in keeping.

There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councilors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?: I’d first pull them both aside to speak to them individually; they could have been doing this without noting so, so the first thing I would do is call them out on the topic and figure out the main root of the issue. I’m not going to insert myself largely in the situation, however, give them options to solve the situation or advice-- of course no councilors should have any bad blood between them, but I would remind them not to allow it to affect their work ethic. If it continues, I would bring it up to a higher-up along with telling them about my previous conversation with them and then continuing despite that.

There’s a school faculty member abusing their power on school grounds! What do you do?: The very first thing I would do is gather any possible evidence of this happening as it’s going on, and if possible, interfering with this immediately. Once gathering what’s needed and knowing the entirety of what this faculty member was doing, I would report this to SLT immediately. As a member of staff at the school, in no way should you be doing such to your own students, and it was likely that they knew they shouldn’t have been. Unlike other interactions I wouldn’t simply communicate with them, this would be reported the moment I possibly could get to it.

Your friend has been given detention and has asked you to get them out of trouble. What do you do?: I’d simply deny it, and remind them that friendship wouldn’t go to interact with my duties as a member of council; helping them and bending rules would easily break any sort of conduct I would have placed in my role, and obviously if they fail to note that they are not considering anything regarding our friendship either, as that’s just an act of selfishness by them. I’d speak to whoever had conducted their detention to get the proper reasoning, then go to propose this back to my “friend” and remind them that their actions had resulted in their current position.

Character Name: Lukka Nekomura

Character Gender: Female

Character Age: Nineteen

Character phone-number: 356-271-584

Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality: Lukka is an eccentric, young female who carries herself with an immense amount of energy. Her compelling, serene aura tends to help glide through interactions or whatever situation heads her way; although rather quiet at first glance, once you speak on one of her passions and/or interests she could talk your ear off. It seems to be her temper would only arise in a playful manner at most, usually in retaliation to her competitive behavior. Once she picks up a steady ounce of determination for something she feels passionate about, that may be one of the only things to catch a rise of strong emotion from her. Although, Lukka has a way of being oblivious by certain sayings/topics when first heard, usually giving off a wrong impression of her knowledge; you could say she is heavily determined in her studies, yet lacks in other areas. She’s frequently cracking jokes but it’s almost as if every other one told towards herself flies right over her head. . usually taking things quite literally.

Character appearance/attire: Lukka Nekomura is a 5’0 japanese female, carrying herself at the weight of 120lbs. Her Light Brown tinted locks would often be placed into a low-style to the left of her waist, pulled together using a large clip in the decor of a butterfly, another inclusion of a white rose clip on the back of her head. The pale, flushed female tended to have a scent similar to a bakery following her trail.
Her style tends to be rather narrowed down into a specific area; of course, this is something she tends to experiment with from time to time. You can always see the familiar hair accessories, however, along with usually a paired skirt. Her favorite choices of clothing include ankle skirts, along with any unique patterns such as multi-colored areas or flowers.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?: “Well, WELL! Let me tell you, althoughhh I’m new here n’ all that jazz. . I can promise that my motivation can drive me to be placed at one of the best here, you’ll see it for yourself! I don’t want to give you the generic rant in the hard-working department, though I can promise I’ll put my all into it if the chance arises. A thing that could be notable about me though is really I’m just searching to help out the school more in any possible way I can-- I already have a sense of leadership that I’ve taken advantage of with my current club, I believe can place this into the position of a Councillor and become a perfect visual as to what people in that placement should be.”

Why do you want this position?: “Through my last. . handful of weeks I have attended this establishment, I’ve noticed the responsibility and management of the existing members of the council-- almost every factor regarding duties of the council has taken a huge section of my interest. Being a member of the council will give me the chance to place my newfound motivation into those areas, and give me the chance to become an active member.”

What interests you the most about student council?: “As I’ve kinda mentioned previously, as a whole it’s the duties and responsibilities that you take on when becoming a councilor that has caught a large section of my interest. Handling whatever I can with the student body, being someone that those could come to in regards to help is something that I want to always carry along to continue if I get this experience. I’ve also always had a passion for school activities, festivities, that sorta’ stuff that comes along with this. . I guess the other part is the impact you can leave and be a part of. Improving the school in any possible way, being the barrier between resolving a perfect common ground and hearing the thoughts of both the student body and the faculty to what we can do to make the school as ideal as we can do.”

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:Wellll. . . I have a few things to say for this if it’s not too much. I’d first like to start off with the fact that I’m kinda good at handling situations, and ordeals in the most patient way possible when dealing with somewhat aggravating behaviors and responses. It’s easy to find my way to simply, and quickly resolve what comes in my way. Another thing would be I’m pretty good when it comes to helping out with activities and such that could be held at the school. . I already have a more minor experience of this, which I can carry into any future reference. Being open is. . something I could say I was known for. If a student or faculty comes to me with an opinion or idea, I will make sure to let it be shared to some degree and considered.”


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Level 143
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- Congratulations you have been accepted. Your application was reviewed by myself and the Council Presidents and it was agreed upon to accept you. All you need to do join the Academics Discord and @ WiffyBanter inside of the #help channel. You'll recieve your Discord Role. Later you may either request your IN-GAME role through /help, Role Request or request it from me in the Council Chat when I am online.​

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