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Level 18

What is your Minecraft Username?:

What is your timezone?: CEST (Scandinavian timezone)

Please provide your Discord tag: WistiER

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):
I have had a lot of applications so i will just mention a few of them

Professor application [DENIED]
Lawyer application [DENIED]
Police application [DENIED]
Chef application [DENIED]
Council application [DENIED]
Describe your activity on the server

Well due to having had a lot of breaks I now have a year where I'm free from anything I will be active every day from 11 am to 2-4 am for the rest of the year
[Due to me being at a festival between the 15th to 19th august ]

List your accounts and roles on this server:
WistiRP - Eichi Holland Graves [College B]
WistiRP - Bob [Bear]

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:

I know that any inactivity or breaks of server rules will get me removed from the student council.


What is the student council and what do they do?:

Student council is a different concept depending on the country you are from most schools have them in America or the UK states as a way to help the various types of faction workers in Karakura they are mostly used to help in detentions and keep an eye out for any trouble makers, it's work that is done by VOLUNTERING that helps to make the school a better climate and a safer place to be. It has a whole lot of responsibilities so let's give it a short list, shall we?

Obedience to the school rules: The councilors make sure the students follow the rules or at least try to do so, but of course, the "Trouble makers" don't want to change to follow them nobody can force them to do so.

Putting out an Example: One of the other important factors of being a counselor is to set a good example to new players or even players with a lot of experience good behavior is extremely crucial in this part showing a bad one will in this case cause people to make more trouble of course.

Being a counselor also has a lot of privileges which I won't go into depth about but my favorite part is 100%.

Having a good community: Well in my time in SRP since 2019, in this case, I have always looked up to the councilors well since I at least started to become interested in this subject I know a lot of the CURRENT Councilors and it is great to know that all of them are extremely welcoming and loves to help if you need so, being able to talk with the Councilors which I know and have gotten to know has been a deep pleasure where I can fully say that I have felt welcome in it even though I'm not a councilor.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
Well, I can say when I joined the server I wasn't planning on joining the Council but after one of my good friends joined the Council after making me join baseball I thought, why not? So I got to learn some of the council before applying and I can completely say I got hooked on it after I stopped playing [JOCKRP] the people I got to learn are great and I loved RPING and voice chatting with the people I got to know, the community is one of the bigger factors why I am joining. But the council has caught my eye they really have and it just seems like a blast which is why I would like to join.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Of course, I am I love a good teamwork sesh I will be honest to say that my creativity normally isn't the best but whilst writing this I have gotten so many ideas in my head that I just can't get out. And I would love to test my skills with a bigger factor than playing sports.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

The presidents are the ones who are types of managers for the student council both High School and the College council. The two people in charge have been for a bit and they have a lot of experience, they are fully responsible for all of the Council, they approve everything that happens as events and they come up with their ideas to make their events as well, their roles are the hardest of them all but they do it like it's nothing I have deep respect for them due to them making it look so easy.

Vice-President: The ones next to the presidents let's say their left or right hand [Depends on their strong one] they have almost as big a responsibility as the Presidents do they are the president's support but of course, it's not only the way's of being their sides of the Presidents, they are there if something happens to the presidents to take over and take the rough responsibility the presidents are currently holding, this is as much as a important role as the President is.

Councilor: The Councilor the big start of all of the roles over us it's a form of training to test your limits to see if you can take one of the roles over us. They are the majority of the council all of them have a lot of ideas there are 10 Councilors in each role of the High School Council and the College Council they are the ones you will most likely have the biggest possibility to meet strolling around the school and they all have their own strong hands so it makes a great team to have 20 councilors in it all [24 taking the Presidents and Vice-Presidents to count] But of course, it makes the council stronger having a lot of experienced and even unexperienced councilors to grow on and make friendships with.


While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?

I know a lot of people in the school and the whole city due to my sports career, i would start with a joking approach which normally works the best due to me being known for my humor, calling them out like "Hey, [Student name] shh some people are trying to learn." Or just doing the most casual thing like my dad's humor would do is "Hey, save the stand-up routine till after school yeah?" If that doesn't work I will keep myself professional and go talk with them to keep it down.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
I would call for help from my co-workers and give in chase keeping my fellow councilors on the date to where he is if I lose him or they don't want to stop I will contact a Faculty member or an SLT if it goes further.
A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?
Eichi doesn't take threats lighthearted due to it being a school and it needs to be a safe climate to be in, he'd take a chat with the teacher and offer the council room or I would ask if there's a possibility that we can borrow another classroom from another teacher if the student follows and the misbehaving student keeps going I will take a talk with the student if the student keeps going I will warn with a detention slip if the student doesn't stop he'll see me in home time in the detention room. The teachers go through a lot and the least they need is a student being rude or in this case giving Concerning behavior.
A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?
Eichi doesn't see anything bad in a protest but he would talk with the leader of the protest and see if we could get it scheduled for the school's safety and the other students. And we would have more councilors on duty to help if anything goes wrong just for the safety of the protestors and the other students and faculty members. He'd also talk about the reasoning of the protest.
A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
The important part here is professionalism I would ask what I was going against in my training if they couldn't answer I wouldn't mind it if the receptionist or teacher in this case I would contact the President or the Vice-President of the College Council.
Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):

October fun!

Of course, we need more events. It builds a community between everybody, even the Faculty members!

OOC PLANNING: This is not a one-day event that will take place over multiple days during October.

October first: October is known in Germany for having a so-called OKTOBERFEST! why not bring it to Karakura for a blast? this could be held at the Pier due to the rich taste of the real OKTOBERFEST, which is held to enjoy the community where you can as a start Ride some rides and enjoy delicious German food like Bratwurst and Curry Wurst here you can be yourself and have some funny looking clothes on! You can play a lot of different Carnival games during this, it is extremely popular to go into Haunted houses as well, and as a part of the tradition you also take photoshoots with your friends to keep the memories.

October 19th: One of the most known Japanese festivals, the Kawagoe Festival can be held in the school during the dark there can be portable shrines during the day or the night when it becomes fully night it’s one of the shrine's favorite events to hold so let’s imagine this right? “It’s becoming night The people of the school are waiting for the gong to say it’s go time over 200 students holding their lanterns outside [GONG] you see festival lanterns flying in the air it’s perfect for selfies and the day will be a great blast the real festival starts now you can go into the Gym to get some food listen to the great music that our DJ has to show an all-time favorite turns on to start the party the Karakura’s famous Cha cha slide” it will impossible to not have blast doing this.

October 31st: Of course our famous Halloween festival I couldn't make this list without putting it on there, it’s time to go through our haunted house with the cheerleaders you all have your costumes on it’s time to have a blast with the faculty even as a student it’s your time to see who the real party faculty members are have fun!

Personal Information
(in character)


Names Eichi Holland Graves What's yours?
I'm 20 years old!
Phone number:
How would you describe your personality?:
Ey man, I would say I'm pretty calm I got humor eh, I can be serious when I have to Oh... Right! I'm like 6,6 wait... Personality Eichi.. not my height ahem sorry about that! I like a good challenge which I've proved during my baseball and football days my friends say I'm a leader of sorts no idea what that means tho.. But eh we should get to learn from each other your turn now!
Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

Well duhh my humor... Only kidding I'm a hard worker and a big people pleaser I love to help people I am extremely welcoming and I know how to take up a challenge i adapt fast so getting to know my position wouldn't take long. But ideal I don't want to answer too much on a question like this i don't know who else is applying they might be even greater than me but I'm excited if I get accepted to meet my fellow councilors.
Why do you want this position?:
I love working with people! I know this will be a challenge but it will all be worth it in the end, I feel like my missing puzzle piece is being a councilor and getting to work with some great people and get to know them and make a lot of friends! It would be a lot better than that, wouldn't it? This won't be the same as a team and I know it won't i know this will be fun and I could see myself being here for a long time. The events as well I want to be a part of the community and get my best friends!
What interests you the most about student council?:
Of course, meeting my fellow councilors and doing the casual tasks I see as a big opportunity for me hosting events also sounds like a blast which I can't wait for, i can't wait to become closer with the Presidents and the vice presidents to see their plans for the Councils future which I hope to be apart of.
What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
I will contribute anything I can give for the council i hope some day when people see a councilor they will look up to us more than they already do. I hope to see a school where the troublemakers want to think that we aren't that bad, seeing a safe and fun environment and knowing I have helped even just a little bit will be a memory for my life and will forever give me a smile on my face.

Liked the application? I hope so, have a nice day yall
Eichi Holland Graves [COLLEGE B]
Bob [Bear]
Discord: @WistiER
"Life can be tough but it all get's better."
Last edited:


Level 226
Council Lead

Thank you for applying to the Council Faction. Unfortunately, after the higher-ups have reviewed your application; We've decided to deny your application. Your application was denied due to the following reason(s) below:

Recent Player History:
Although infractions and server reputation are not detrimental factors to the initial application, we prefer players who have had a recent clean history and were more active within the integration of the server.

You have not been active for a significant amount of time. Please raise your current activity and feel free to reapply again to the faction.

Please make sure to follow the provided format for the application process.

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