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college suggestions

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Level 90
Hello I'm back again. Sorofrat defender. The place sucked but it was great for roleplay here to pick something apart.

Half of us were not included or allowed to be involved in things because of the way the house was separated.
This is something that definitely would need to be improved on if the sorofrat were to come back. I had briefly joined the sorofrat before its destruction earlier this year though, and when it came to events and whatnot I didn't see a problem with people not being included. Event-wise at least everyone /was/ given that chance to get involved if they truly wanted to. Though I wasn't in it long, so there might've been more of an issue that I didn't see.
A lot with people being or not being included comes down to the person though. If they want to get involved they need to step up and roleplay. And the same goes otherwise, allow people to join in on your roleplay as long as they aren't being disruptive. Give everyone a chance.
When it comes to people not interacting with someone they don't like OOCly, you really can't stop them. I don't want to roleplay with people I do not like for various reasons, it's just how things go. If they're weird and/or have done bad stuff you shouldn't be forced to interact with them.

but became a huge area for gangrp (having bodies dropped at the door etc) which risked the characters who lived there
Make a rule against doing this without IC motive (there might be one? Not sure I don't pay attention to combat related rules). Though it's not like this has stopped with the sorofrat being gone. Just a month or so ago there was a situation with an entire gang breaking into the college football house holding weapons to us (They had the IC reasoning).

there was always drama, both IC and OOC
If there's IC drama let it be. IC drama brings more roleplay, and with more roleplay it gives you more of a chance to have fun, develop your character, etc. The only time that should be stopped is when it's going to far and/or breaking the servers rules. Just use common sense and know when not to go too far.
If there's OOC drama deal with it via talking to & removing the people causing drama if necessary. Literally just remove the problem & if stuff like that keeps happening, address it. Don't just leave it be until its overwhelming.

Previously mentioned, this area DID cause groups to be created, despite the lack of agreement that it did.
Groups are going to exist both with, and without the sorofrat. They existed before, and they exist to this day. It's not something that relies wholly on a singular building on the map. If you make friends with people, you're going to want to hang out with them. If the sorofrat were to come back there'd just have to be people who aren't from those groups in charge at first. Bring in everyone, a mix of people who do or do not know eachother. Don't just have it ran by one group of friends at the start, it'll lead to only their friends joining unless they allow others.

They can't monitor everything that happens, it shouldn't be brought back.
You could say staff can't monitor everything that goes on on SRP at all times, so the server should shut down. Have people who have the time to pay attention & run the place in charge. And if you find out there's an issue, address it immediately. Remove issues where you can. You shouldn't stop something from existing solely because it can't be watched 24/7, because practically nothing can be monitored completely all the time.

Overall a lot of the issues brought up are things that exist without the sorofrat. They're nothing that the existence of the sorofrat changed. Sure it might've highlighted it more with how much the place was in the spotlight, but with it being gone the issues are still there. To this day.

Also sorry to only go over your message Sak, yours is just the only one that I hadn't responded to going over the vast majority of things (and I didn't realize there were more pages at the time of writing this)


Level 3
college isnt fun anymore and because apps are gone theres barely any new spartans bc exams are scheduled every few MONTHS. i was in the sorofrat so i guess im biased but i keep seeing that the same people who claimed it was "excluding" in rp were always people who ALSO only rped within their own friend group anyways. i loved rping back with anyone bobcat/spartan but when some of you weren't "popular" (which is stupid there really is not a popularity ladder for minecraft roleplay just put yourself out there) it really meant that you would afk during situations or just not put in similar effort and it would push people away from rping with you. you have to be assertive to gain some level of respect, too. no one wants to rp with people who put in the bare minimum because it makes them feel like they are wasting time and effort.

tldr give spartans literally ANYTHING fun and in a good location to make up for the loss of the sorofrat hotspot


Level 75

Sophia and rini already mentioned we had a list of stuff we wanted and all the other important things, the place was cool it was convenient cause you didn't have to go to the butt fuck of nowhere on the map to search for some kinda roleplay and sitting in the neighborhood houses isn't good to find roleplay either but thats what everyone ends up doing. SOROFRAT SUCKED it was so stressful to try and run and the group that ran it AT THE TIME WAS SO TOXIC a lot or some of the group involved has made amends (like rini? i think?) but holy crap the group was awful and people got bullied for simply breathing different or disagreeing and none of that group myself included can defend themselves on that, I think the people wanting the sorofrat back are just wanting what little power on the server they had back.

MORAL OF THE STORY? I think spartans need a better hotspot like the bobcats
what are some ideas you guys can give on that? a diner? a skating ring???? they should 100% have something that in a way mirrors what the bowling alley provides to bobcats!

Also no hate to the old group I was toxic back then too but you guys need to let things in the past go and move on


Level 90
I think the people wanting the sorofrat back are just wanting what little power on the server they had back.
Yeah I want the power that I didn't have. I want to be the most powerful person on the server, the one to rival Josh.


Level 155
I'm not really sure what more to add to this conversation other than does anyone else remember the like- Spartan Den? I think the fb team used it at one point. I know swim team had it, then it was passed over to myself and the col baseball team before it was removed, but it was a fun place to hangout. I fought to try to have it relocated somewhere in the map so others could enjoy it, but yeah idk.


Level 211
The only place that is on my mind atm is the second floor of the club luxe (that is way too big, HUGE.) but what if we grab a big chunk of it to be a smaller club and the rest of it as a hangout area? with a gym, movie room, game room... NOT BEDROOMS

Sorofrat is most likely not coming back for all reasons stated before. We can work on finding a better place for them.

Also, it's good to point out that the reason bobcats is alive right now barely has anything to do with the bowling alley, so insisting on a sorofrat doesn't make much sense.


Level 101
Sorofrat is most likely not coming back for all reasons stated before. We can work on finding a better place for them.

Also, it's good to point out that the reason bobcats is alive right now barely has anything to do with the bowling alley, so insisting on a sorofrat doesn't make much sense.

your right. it has to do with me bc I'm so cool maria


Level 129
Sorofrat is most likely not coming back for all reasons stated before. We can work on finding a better place for them.

Also, it's good to point out that the reason bobcats is alive right now barely has anything to do with the bowling alley, so insisting on a sorofrat doesn't make much sense.

The reason bobcats are alive are because the captians and SLT (common rinis WWWW) are going out of their way to actually make events and stuff happen. Spartan captians just need to try to do the same thing tbh.


Level 11
Thread starter

The reason bobcats are alive are because the captians and SLT (common rinis WWWW) are going out of their way to actually make events and stuff happen. Spartan captians just need to try to do the same thing tbh.
you shouldn't discredit the spartan captains

it's not their fault idk i feel like many people here have explained the reason for colleges inactivity n dying community


Level 15

The reason bobcats are alive are because the captians and SLT (common rinis WWWW) are going out of their way to actually make events and stuff happen. Spartan captians just need to try to do the same thing tbh.
we've tried; we just don't get the necessary support from SLT, it's been like that for a while. don't put the blame on us lol
and it's not just that either. college is dying out plus the community is fairly inactive aside from the newest ones rolling in from the exams


Level 129
you shouldn't discredit the spartan captains

it's not their fault idk i feel like many people here have explained the reason for colleges inactivity n dying community
Compare the Bobcat and Spartan discords right now, they vary very greatly in activity. The bobcats are hosting events a lot, like the recent sleep over for example. I don't mean to bash on the captians, if it came out that way I apologize. My point is that the Spartans as a whole just need to host more events and stuff. While yes, a new hangout (not the sorofrat) would be awesome and having an SLT would help a lot too, we don't necesarily need em to do fun stuff on our own or mess with the bobcats. We just gotta like organize and do it imo.


Level 38
Spartan captians just need to try to do the same thing tbh.
Not only spartan captains, it can also be literally anyone who has any kind of interest on reviving the college faction. It can be anything fun and inclusive, something that will give everyone a chance to prove their RP is good enough.
As Mike said, sororities and fraternities are not something Japanese schools do, so I feel that bringing back the sorofrat — taking into consideration what's been said, is not what college needs anymore. It is true that we need more activity, though... What are we, college students doing to change that? I'd suggest making some kind of server/group in discord where everyone can join and give away their very own ideas! Of course, without excluding. That's what we need.


Level 11
Thread starter
Compare the Bobcat and Spartan discords right now, they vary very greatly in activity. The bobcats are hosting events a lot, like the recent sleep over for example. I don't mean to bash on the captians, if it came out that way I apologize. My point is that the Spartans as a whole just need to host more events and stuff. While yes, a new hangout (not the sorofrat) would be awesome and having an SLT would help a lot too, we don't necesarily need em to do fun stuff on our own or mess with the bobcats. We just gotta like organize and do it imo.
I hosted a party a couple days ago while there was around 150 Spartans online, nobody showed up except for like three people. Spartans did a camping event recently too, nobody showed up either. It's not wise to shift the blame, and ultimately rude when you realize the captains are suffering through this too. Have you been to a spartan tryout? Nobody shows up. None of this is the fault of the captains.

I don't want there to be any drama in this thread so that it's not closed early, my suggestion is not supposed to be about the spartan inactivity. It's suggestions unrelated to make it better. Not for a debate to ensue about whos to blame


Level 38
None of this is the fault of the captains.
And again, what are we doing to change that? It's not the Captain's fault for sure, but the lack of activity from literally everyone in college.
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