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"Coming Home" | Alan Jackson


Level 84
Coming Home
Subject: Alan Jackson

Disclaimer: This Post is made using materials gathered both within and outside of SRP mainly for Lore Reasons.

Karakura Town, Japan.
17:43 PM

Karakura has been a Rollercoaster Ride for Alan Jackson, He’s taken a look into the good and the bad of this town, while most people would think of this place as a cesspit filled with Organized Crime and Psychopaths, but rarely to some, It’s an escape from a worse period of their lives, While Karakura has not treated Alan perfectly, A Home he has made out of Karakura, settled down, married and now a father, He spends his days doing… well… his things, including Organized Crime, but following the disbandment of the once renowned Forelli Crime Family, Alan Jackson seemingly disappeared… sort of…

A Sound Recording Plays, Playing a sound from a Conversation over the phone from the caller’s side in Karakura.

Volante: “Heyyy! How’s it going? Mexico’s been treating you so well that you forgot about your home, eh?” Volante cleared his throat a little. “When are you gonna be back in town?”

Jackson: “Yeah…” A Deep Breath from Jackson’s side. “I ain’t sure when I’ll be back, most likely soon… and Yeah, Mexico has been a nice Vacation-” Jackson moved away from the phone to talk to someone in the background, a distant voice of Jackson can be heard. “Yeah, I’ll catch up, Just need to wrap this call up alright?.. Alright.” Jackson went back to the phone to continue the conversation. “Yeah sorry about that.”

Volante: “It’s all good, who was it anyway?”

Jackson: “One of the Festival People, Another Invitation and what-not.”

Volante: “Oh?” Volante leaned back on the chair causing a slight squeaking sound as he relaxes himself to conversate further. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ man, You been making a name for yourself over there aren’t you?”

Jackson: “Yes and no, It’s a regular occurrence that Festival Racers are invited whenever a Big Race is hosted, shit… It’s not like It’s easy, Those Superstar drivers person practically dominated all the races over, but hey, everyone once in awhile they hosts races for the less Seasoned racers.”

Volante: “Ha, I see, sounds boring… Don’t you miss racing on public streets? The fuckin’ Adrenaline maaaan, It is muuuuch more rewarding than organized racing.”

Jackson: “I mean… they have those here, Guanajuato’s a great spot for night runs.”

Volante: “Yeah but It’s still under the Festival’s na-” Volante paused for a second and looked away as he’s checking on something.
“Aw shit… Man, I gotta go, Got an Appointment with someone, I’ll call you up later alright?”

Jackson: “Yeah, sure.”

Volante: “But yeah remember man, Come back here soon, as much as you’re living your dream life there, This place is your home, anyway gotta go-” The Phone call ended.

Feeling Homesick now, Jackson pondered on about whether or not he wants to stay or go home, the thought of his family at home without him, reminds him of his father, who were always there during his childhood, eventually made up his mind, to follow his father’s step, and be there for his family even more than he was, and now… All he needs to do is manage a few things before he prepares to Come Home.

4 Days Later...
Cabo San Lucas,
Baja California, Mexico.
16:12 PM

Festival Worker: “Mr. Jackson, that would be everything, all your belongings are packed and inside the car, However.. Haley wishes to speak to you.” The Person said before walking away from Alan.

“Hmn… Alright then..” Alan said before looking around, taking in the view of the house and the beach one last time.

“Hello there!” She approached Alan, holding a clipboard in her left hand. “It’s a shame that you are leaving, Mr. Jackson.”

Alan: “Heh..” Alan chuckled before turning around to face Haley, looking slightly towards his cars. “Yeah… It is… But my father would be pissed off at me If he sees me here, instead of being with my family.”

Haley: “I understand, Alej and Rami have a similar situation.” She said, looking at Alan’s cars slightly as well. “Well then… as you have been one of our top drivers for Horizon Apex, The Festival wants you… to bring two cars back home, as a Parting Gift.. soooo… Your Job is to choose which you’re taking home with you.”

Alan: “Any car?” Alan asked raising an eyebrow at Haley, and then met with a nod from Haley. “Alright… First Pick…. It’s my first car here in Horizon, The ‘65 GTO.”

Alan looked over to the car he had mentioned, smiling at the sight of it.

Pontiac GTO

Class - A
Classic Muscle Car

Haley: “Nice Choice… I heard you did amazing in that car during the Horizon Australia days, Glad to see it still up and running.” She said walking over to the car, placing a hand on the car’s bonnet, checking the car out. “And your second Pick?”

Alan: “Well…” He said and then turning around towards a particular car parked in the very back of his house’s Driveway.

Koenigsegg One:1

Class - X
Megacar Masterpiece

Haley: “Oooh, Nice Choice, the car that carried you to 2nd in The Colossus, Alejandra would absolutely approve of this.” She said walking over to the car, opening the door of the car and inspecting it. “This one will take awhile though, We need to sort out regulations, legality problems and paperworks.”

Alan: “That’s fine.. I can wait.” He said smiling softly while looking down at the car, admiring the work he put to get it.

“Well then… We are so grateful to have you here Alan, now what will you be up to once you get home? Especially with these new toys, courtesy of the Festival of course.” Haley said looking over to Alan with a slight smirk.

“Well… Be a better father for my kids, and… Doing what I do best.” He said taking out a photo from his Jacket’s Pocket.

Horizon Apex: Class S2 Finals

Alan Jackson finished in 1st Place, In his Signature Viper ACR, One of the few Racers that managed to beat One of the Horizon Superstars.

Haley: “Ah, Horizon Apex Finals, That was the Colossus we did in 2022, I’m still shocked that you beat one of our Superstar Racer…” Haley said peeking over to the Photo Alan is holding.

“Yeah… The Journey I’ve Made here… taught me many things… Say my Thanks to Chloe for inviting me here, alright?” He said looking over to Haley now with a soft smile.

“Of Course, but I can’t promise that she won’t try to race you to the Airport.” Haley said before giggling at the thought of one last race.

“Heh, We’ll see…” He takes a look around and at the Sunset. “I think I’m gonna… cruise around, one last time.”

Haley: “Go for it Champ, Don’t forget, the Plane’s leaving tomorrow at 3 PM.” She said before walking backwards slightly and then turning around and walked away from Alan towards her workers.

Alan watches as Haley leaves, looking around one more time, before taking out a Car Key and hopped inside the Koenigsegg, starting it up to take One Last Drive before his departure.

Highway to Horizon
Baja California

Enjoying the Sunset in Mexico while Cruising freely without speed limit.

Horizon Mexico
Where it Began

A Drive to the Main Festival, Where Alan’s Horizon Mexico Journey started.

Horizon Apex
A Racer’s Paradise

Jackson took one last drive through the Horizon Apex Festival site.

Horizon Drag Strip
One Last Race

Horizon Apex hosted one last race to the Airport.


While this marks the end of Jackson’s Horizon Journey, It’s a start of something new, a Start of his own Journey at home.

The End?

Writer’s Note:

Sorry if this is corny or cringe as hell, I’m just bored while making this, besides, my temporary absence on SRP to play other games have a decent lore potential, and so I used it to develop my character’s regarding his IC Interest, also graphics downgrade going from non-SRP photo to SRP Photos lmfao​
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