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CommunismRP's Police Application.

IGN: CommunismRP

Previous bans:
I was banned 4 times I believe.
  • YandereRP/Powergaming
  • Cosmetic Abuse
  • Plotting [False and revoked.]
  • Account got hacked.
I have learned from my mistakes. I regret the choices I made back then and I am constantly learning from them. Nowadays, I always refer back to the rules or ask a staff member for assistance to be sure that I do not repeat my mistakes.

Describe your activity on the server:
I am going to start getting back on SchoolRP. After taking a break and recollecting myself, I’m ready to come back better than ever. I will be on everyday from the time 5:00 PM EST to 9:00 PM EST on weekdays unless something pops up. If anything changes, I will inform my higher ups in advanced.

Do you have Discord?
Yes, My discord is EyelessBri#4016, and you can reach me there anytime you need me.

Do you have a microphone?
Yes, I do.

List your current and past applications:

Police Application [1] [Never Got a Response, Adym had left the staff team]
Police Application [2] [Never Got a Response]
College Application [1] [Never Got a Response, Lee had left the staff team]
College Application [2] [Accepted through Private Message with Im6]
Shop Application [Accepted through the forums]
Black Market Application [Denied through Private Message with Im6]
Language Application [1] [Denied through the forums]
Language Application [2] [Accepted through the forums]
Mental Illness Application [Accepted through the forums]
Police Application [3] [Accepted through Private Message with Infold]

What is your motivation for applying?
I miss being an officer. I didn’t realize it until a few days after I quit. I was basing my actions off of temporary emotions. Ultimately, I believe I needed that break and now I’m back, ready to enforce laws and be the best I can be. I enjoyed catching criminals with my friends by my side, assisting injured people and overall helping people when they really needed it. That’s the job of an officer after all. In general, I’ve always loved the idea of law enforcement and decided to look into it as a career in the real world. PoliceRP gave me that rush of adrenaline that no other role play could give me. I have the experience already and it helps me get a better understanding of people in the long run. I’m coming back stronger and more dedicated as ever. I put my heart and soul into everything I do. I miss being able to help the citizens of Karakura. Walking into the station and seeing someone using the skin I made for my Lewis character relighted the flame that was lost. The fire in me came back and it’s burning as bright as ever.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I do understand the basics of laws and conduct. I am willing to learn more about it.

What are the Police ranks?

Commissioner holds legal rules and is in charge over the police department.
Captain most likely in charge of the precinct, second in command to the Commissioner.
Head Lieutenant the third highest, keeping rule and watching over the lower ranks, reporting anything disruptive with the lower ranks to the captain and commissioner while also taking matters into their own hands.
Vice Head Lieutenant second in command to the head lieutenant and assisting them with the lower ranks, overseeing.
Lieutenant the front line commander, also like a second command to the Head Lieutenant, taking orders from HLT and VHLT while giving orders to SGT and below.
Sergeant a supervisor, in charge of overseeing training. Sometimes supervising police and civilian help teams.
Corporal in lead of ranks lower than itself, watching over patrol officers and cadets.
Patrol Officer have passed their cadet test and now can patrol without a higher up, assigned an area to patrol, they are assigned to either regulate traffic, arrest lawbreakers and control crowds.
Cadet is a trainee police officer, they usually have a higher ranked with them while on patrols.

S.A.T Commander commands S.A.T recruits and Operators, training them to the best of their ability.
S.A.T Operator passed their S.A.T training and is called in for major situations, usually when K.O.S is ordered.
S.A.T Recruit a trainee that has to undergo a series of tests including speed and ability in order to become an operator.

Head Investigator leads the investigators, oversees the ability of investigators.
Investigator passed their test and is no longer a trainee, assisting in solving cases and investigating further.
Trainee Investigator a trainee that had to go through training to become an investigator.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Police must stay on task when on duty and abide by laws that are enforced to all. To break it down in detail, police officers can not break laws, commit murders, or arrest without true justification and evidence as it is a violation of human rights, innocent until proven guilty! The force is to not joke around when it comes to situations such as the riots that took place a few months ago.Police enforce laws, respond to emergencies and provide support to injured citizens while trying to bring justice. Upon certain circumstances, police officers will not hesitate to shoot a criminal, whether its a taser or a glock. Once an officer is on duty, they question if this will be their last day. Due to the nature of their job, they are to put themselves on the line to protect others. Police officers gather witness statements so they can file it. When enforcing laws and patting citizens down, officers are to proceed with extreme caution. Officers must be aware of their surroundings because someone may have a weapon, coming up from behind and stabbing the officer in the neck.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are vital to SchoolRP. Without police officers patrolling and keeping their eyes on the citizens, crime rates would drastically increase. Police add new vision to role players by implementing a rush of adrenaline and fear throughout their bodies when they commit a crime or are suspected of such acts against the law. Police affect the way gangrp and crimes are presented to the citizens of the town, Karakura. Police officers are used to imprint that slight taste of reality to the players of SchoolRP. The idea of police officers add the fear and safety feelings to all players. Fear, if you commit an act that is against the law, you will be hunted down. You will feel that rush of adrenaline through your body as you hide from cops and hope to never be caught. The criminal has a chance to listen, disobey, or retaliate. If the criminal listens, they will have a somewhat soft sentencing depending on what they did. If the criminal disobeys, they will have a heavier sentencing but will be able to have their life. If the criminal retaliates, they have a high chance of being shot and killed although that isn’t the intention of officers, it still happens.Safety, if something occurs that is out of line, police can be there to protect you. Police act as your healing hand when you need one. For the most part, Police are around and active. They may not always be there because they are people too and they have lives outside of SchoolRP but that’s beside the point. Police assist with closing cases with a criminal behind bars and decrease crime rates in our lovely city. Police protect the citizens of their city with their lives and will protect them as much as they can. Ask yourself, What is a city without protection? It would be a free for all as some would respond. A free killing range for the psychopaths of the country. There would be no balance, no safety, and no guidance into a humane state.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I do and will have no issues with that.

IC Section

Tell us about your character, how she looks, what makes her unique?
Sora Oshiro. A woman in her late 30s. Sora has brown hair, tied back in a bun. She stands at 5’4, weighing 135lbs. She is tan and has red contacts. Her physical abilities and attitude make her unique, she is patient and serious when it comes to her work.

What she’s like on and off the job?
When on the job, Sora is serious. She dislikes taking breaks and enjoys being in the station. She is calm and collecting, making sure not to slip up. When off the job, Sora is a caring aunt to one lovely little girl. She has a playful attitude and enjoys adventuring.

Outlook on her co-workers? Plans for the future?
She enjoys the company of others. Sora is caring when it comes to other people and is gentle in nature. She loves working with people. Her plans for the future is saving enough money for her niece to go to college and have a stable life. After she is satisfied, she may settle down and find a husband.


Sora Oshiro was born on September 1st, 1982 in Tokyo, Japan. Her mother and father were both very wealthy and experienced people when it came to their jobs and their children. Sora was the youngest out of four kids. She has one sister who was thirteen and two brothers the ages of 19 who were twins. When Sora was just a little girl, her parents had pressured her into choosing a medical career when she grew up. They always told her that she should follow in the footsteps of her siblings but Sora wanted something different. She didn’t want to be like everyone else in her family. She wanted to stand out and be something no one in her family has seen. At the age of eight, she had already decided that she didn’t want to be involved in the medical fields like her parents and her siblings. During school in the third grade, they had brought in people who were in all sorts of fields. The class saw doctors, lawyers, teachers, farmers, firefighters but none of those careers ever appealed to Sora until the last person walked into the room. There he was, a man standing at 5’9” and seemed to be a bit muscular. His bright blue eyes and shiny teeth were quite the attraction, however what he was wearing shook Sora the most. He was wearing all blue, a cap, vest, and a shiny golden badge on his chest. Sora saw him and a light bulb went off in her head. This.. This is what she wanted to be. An officer, defender of her city, town, people. She wanted to be a like a superhero. That day she went home and told her parents about the man she saw. She told them that he was a police officer by the name of “Officer Daniel Anderson.” They looked at Sora with a bit of disappointment in their eyes. They didn’t want their daughter to be a police officer and waste her life away but Sora thought differently. Sora saw this as an opportunity to be a hero to those who were troubled. Throughout the years, Sora tried to convince her parents that this would be great and they didn’t have to worry about her. She soon graduated from elementary school and moved onto middle school.

During middle school, her parents often tried to convince her to change her mind. Sora wasn’t easily persuaded though. They tried all they could but could never crack her. Sora tried to make her parents happy, getting great grades and being top of her class but that was not enough. For a while, Sora doubted the career she chose and wanted to make her parents happy. One day, her parents got her a little present. Sora returned home from school to see a box sitting on her bed. She walked up to it and read the tag, “From: Mom and Dad.” She opened it and it was a book. The book was about law enforcement and the career in full details. Sora walked to her parents' room and opened the door. She ran up to her mom and hugged her tightly. This was a new path for Sora. She never thought her parents would open up and accept the career she chose but they finally did. They had something else for her. They gave Sora, a letter saying that she would be visiting her sister in New York City and staying there for highschool so she could continue learning for her career in law enforcement. She was overjoyed, Sora was getting ready for the day she would finally move to NYC with her sister. The days counted down slowly and Sora started shutting her friends out, afraid she wouldn’t want to leave if she got attached to them. Finally, the last year of middle school rolled around and Sora had stayed focus on her one true task, getting better grades and being able to be top of her class. She ended up as valedictorian for graduation. She crossed that stage and graduated, finally the day she was waiting for. Sora went home with her parents that day and started packing her bags with all she would need. She had one suitcase and a backpack on her back with her book. Her parents’ drove her to the airport and watched her get into the gate, at last, leaving them. Sora got onto the plane and looked out the window. This is it, she’s finally on her way to be something better. She fell asleep on the plane ride and woke up when they got there. She was greeted by her sister and her sister’s boyfriend. She hugged them both tight and smiled the widest smile. This was a new start for Sora. She didn’t know much english when she got there but her sister had spent the summer teaching Sora the basics of english and soon getting a little more complex. Sora got the hang of it pretty fast and soon was getting more and more fluent.

Sora started highschool at the end of the summer, there she was, the new kid. She didn’t let the weird glares and whispers bother her. Everyday the class went outside to train on the field. The first day, Sora was voted to go first. She looked at the course, terrified but started. She sprinted towards the first obstacle, tires. She moved her feet as fast as she could, soon moving to the ladder. She climbed the ladder and walked the planks,losing her balance and falling but getting back up and retrying. She made it across and started to climb the wall. She got to the wall and climbed to the top. Sora grabbed onto the rope at the top and used to go down. Once on the ground, she had lost all energy and dropped out of exhaustion. The other kids in her class laughed as the teacher had to carry her to the Nurse’s office. An hour past and Sora’s sister was there. She sighed and got word of what happened.The school was going to deal with the laughing and bullying but suggested that Sora head home for the day. The dean told her that her work would be excused and she would face no penalties. Sora went home, feeling sore. She went to bed that day, the flame in her heart still burning. The next day was the weekend and Sora was going to train. She went to the store with her sister’s boyfriend went to the store to buy supplies. They bought a bar for pullups, weights, and protein shakes. From that day on, they both trained together, sometimes Sora’s older sister would join in. A few months later, Sora has to do the course again. The whistle blew and Sora sped off. One after the other, placing her feet through the tires. She climbed up the ladder and walked the plank without fail this time. She slid down making it to the wall. Sora climbed the wall, slipping a bit. She grabbed the rope, using it to get down. Once down, she regained her balanced and ran towards the crawling. She crawled under each wire. Once down, climbing upwards on the final rope and hitting the bell. Sora slid back down and proud of herself. Her teacher smiled and the students were amazed. Sora stood back as she watched most of the kids fail. She smiled at her success knowing she was going to get so much better. The years went by and soon it was her senior year. Sora was chosen for valedictorian once more, she walked the stage proudly looking at her sister in the crowd. Sora was going to college now, she went to a college close to where her sister lived and moved on in life from there.

After college, Sora moved back with her parents in Tokyo, so she can show them all her accomplishments. They recommended she move to a town that they believed was not too far from them, Karakura. Sora was hesitant at first but she agreed. Soon enough she moved to Karakura, almost bringing us to the present day. Sora worked for the KPD for a few months switching out with a man named Lewis Anderson sometimes. One day, Sora got terrible news. Her parents were slowly succumbing to old age and were sick. Sora had to quit her job and move back to Tokyo so she could care for them until her sister got there. Four months came by and her sister gave Sora the clear to go on. Sora then moved back to Karakura and thought about rejoining the Police Force. She gave it another few months and soon thought it was time. One day, a knock appeared at her doorstep. She opened the door but saw no one. She looked down there was a baby on the floor. She picked up the child and brought it inside. Sora decided to push back her wants for a few more months. She took the child to the doctor and found out it was someone in her family who parented the child but no one knew who. Soon Sora’s sister passed away from a rare cancer in her neck that quickly spread to her body. Sora was sent a copy of the will and there were all the answers she needed. “If you are reading this then I guess my time has come. I left my child with Sora, Baby Kyoko, take care of her please. We weren’t financially stable enough to care for her. I’m leaving you with the rest of the money I had and the toys I had when I was younger. Make her happier than I could’ve. Signed, Sakura Oshiro.” Sora made this her new goal. This child was now driving Sora more than ever. Sora soon reapplied for the KPD, which leads us to present day.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name
Oshiro Sora; Sora Oshiro [US Styled]

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss)

Ms. Oshiro

Given Name(s)
None besides Sora.

Preferred Name
Sora Oshiro

37 years old


Religious Denomination


Marital Status

Not in a relationship.


Current Location
Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training
3 years of training, 2 years of probation.

Working Experience
4 year of police work

Academic Degree
Bachelor degree in Police Science

Year of Graduation

P.E, Health, French, Criminology

Art, Public Speaking

Native Languages

Other Languages

Other Notes
If I get denied, please tell me what I can do to improve. I will be online every day and help out as much as you need it! I’m glad to be able to have the opportunity to come back. As you may already know, I got a new computer and it's pretty bad. I can't the texture pack sometimes, I know it's going to be a huge road block but I'm working on getting it fixed. I left on such a negative note and I'm back to fix it.
Last edited:


Level 185
News Lead
-Your application has enough detail, showing the effort you put into it
-After a vote with the other Officers, the majority has said yes to you joining

Welcome back cadet!

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