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Community Housing Concept


Level 1
IGN: Yeetus__

DATE: May 1st 2020

WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: My suggestion for this server would be a “community housing” block. It would be for green tags only (grade 7-9) and would offer free / very low-cost rooms for a few OOC days. The idea of this place is to offer new players a temporary place to stay, in order to accumulate enough money for a real house. There would be tiny units, pre-furnished with a bed, shelf, chest, and chair. There could also be one free daily meal that provides more saturation than a peach treat, reminiscent of the lunch trays in PrisonRP with a cooldown time of some sort for each player. In addition, people could apply to volunteer/work to manage the community, essentially helping newer players get started as well as IC tasks such as managing the housing unit, making sure that no conflicts break out, helping with cleaning and food distribution, and more. It would be viewed as kind of a “side job” apart from school or college for students and possibly seem like a charity.

Where: Since the map is already filled, I would suggest an external part dedicated to the community housing in the same sort of way the new paid housing units are being made. It would be accessible by the subway system or the new buses that the server has been adding.

Cost: In terms of the payment system and layout, we should look towards making prices under 10,000 yen (because of the amount new players receive at the beginning of the game) for perhaps a 2 week / month-long stay in the small rooms, or look into making free, ICly day-long stays with a system such as the old /claimdoor. To avoid older players taking advantage of the cheapness to escape GangRP or just to laze around when they’re at a point in the game where they can easily afford an apartment or other paid residence, we could also create a cap only allowing green tags the ability to have access to the community housing.

I find that many of the green tags just gather around the school gates, or sit around the spawn area when there are no activities such as school. I along with many other players, see them in the OOC asking for money or houses/apartments, and complaining about homelessness often. In addition, they are often met with harsh responses from the OOC chat for not knowing everything at first. Because of this, new players might feel discouraged to play on the server, if all they do is sit around the streets and struggle to feed themselves. From personal experience, when I first joined the server, I myself quit for 2 months because there really wasn’t anything going for me. I think a community housing block would be a great way to encourage green tags, and better integrate them into the community.

Thank you for your consideration!


Level 3
I'm surprised this hasn't been thought of before! It's an easy way to get the green-tags out of the street and potentially make money!
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Level 35
This is a pretty cool idea. The one thing that concerns me is overpopulation, but the cap idea about ranking up is really smart to help deal with that!


Level 90
Or instead of making them pay, as they are newer players + there's a chance they'll buy it and never come back on leaving that house claimed for a few days before another player could get it, just bring back the /cd command and have an area of houses where all it is is /cd. . . even if there isn't a cap it would give a small area for people to roleplay out houses if they can't afford one or are new. .


Level 183

- We already have a housing system in development, providing near enough infinite housing for affordable pricing. All will be solved in due time.​

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