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Compensation for commands broken


Level 26
What's your Minecraft Username?: DioSamaa
What's the title of your suggestion?: Compensation for commands broken

What's your suggestion?:
after the plugins get fixed, I believe the players who played during this time should get recompensation somehow, as allowances haven’t been working, or the daily reward man. we’ve been sent into the Great Depression! thanks - Dio

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Helps out the economy for the playtime we had but didn’t get our benefits for.


Level 26
Thread starter
-1, Deal with it. Plugins being broken doesn’t stop you from doing anything
it does..? G-12s who don’t have a job, basically got their main source of income removed. now you have to beg for money, if you want to buy smn currently and used your money. Not very fun.


Level 45
There are still plenty of ways to make money, learn to tailor, write for people, join a faction, fish. The devs are actively trying as hard as they physically can to fix these bugs but it takes time, patience is necessary


Level 26
Thread starter
There are still plenty of ways to make money, learn to tailor, write for people, join a faction, fish. The devs are actively trying as hard as they physically can to fix these bugs but it takes time, patience is necessary
Again. I said for g-12s who don’t have a job. Also, fishings currently broken, another plugin. I’m not asking for to be fixed faster, I’m just asking after it’s fixed, it would be nice for compensation for missed opportunities.


Level 45
Why comment if you don’t have any positive things to say..? Just because you have enough time to play this game and get jobs, doesn’t mean others do. Have some decency..
I apologize, I was not trying to be rude however I just don’t think it is a good idea


Level 14

I don't think the server economy would appreciate everyone suddenly having hundreds of thousands in their pocket.

We aren't entitled to anything, would it be nice? Yes. But is it necessary? Absolutely not. These issues will get fixed soon, staff are working on it but it takes time. You just need to wait.


Level 39

Listen to me people who say „It’s not good for economy” „Get a job” „Deal with it” „Broken plugin doesn’t stop you from making money” are you guys aware that for some players, allowance is the ONLY way to pay rent for their apartments…? If plugin was broken, WE should get compensation. We deserve it, as economy will not be affected since we didn’t get allowance at all. If you go to work and you do not get paid for each month, would you ignore that as well? And i’m saying that as Builder (and beginner auction tailor) who actually makes money and i was AFFECTED by plugin issue (and now we don’t even have /rewards)

We deserve some compensation.


Level 39
Why comment if you don’t have any positive things to say..? Just because you have enough time to play this game and get jobs, doesn’t mean others do. Have some decency..
Having no positive things doesn’t mean you can’t give your opinion. While i don’t agree with @SkiXD they have still full right to comment, even if it’s not positive; as long as it’s constructive.

However dear SkiXD, It wasn’t constructive. You’re just saying get a job :shrug: which is not SOLUTION. Some players pay for their apartment only from given allowance. Developers are working on it, yes. No one says we want it fixed NOW, suggestion is about compensation for missed opportunity to gain money. Also, not everyone can tailor. Not everyone can build or make arts. Fishing plugin is also broken. Do i need to say more? We understand that plugin was bugged, it’s fine and i don’t rush anyone to fix it, but we need compensation. It’s not devs fault, bugs will have place everywhere and everytime.
Last edited:


Level 17
Developers are working very hard to bring the plugins back up to speed, making comments such as the ones stated in the thread is not necessary and can seriously demotivate the hard workers. Keep in mind this is a friendly community and people are to remain respectful within suggestion posts. We ask for patience and respect while it is being repaired.

There are many alternative ways to gain money through IC means other than relying on fishing and allowance and those are applying for IC shops which you can check the town discord for, auction flipping/selling items or applying for a job! ^-^

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