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Convenience Store Shop Application


Level 2
IGN: _doglover_

Previous applications: I have no other applications applying for a shop, but, I do have a college application I sent, it got denied due to the questions not being bold, but I will be sending in another next Friday.

Previous warns/kicks/bans: I was banned permanently once for getting in a car and logging off which resulted in breaking the car or almost breaking it, that was resolved and I was allowed back into the server. I was warned once for Meta and I think I was warned one other time for not using looc, but that was when I first joined, still, no excuse. I've been kicked twice now, but only for being afk for too long.

Shop wanted: I would like to own the convenience store near the apartments.

Why do you want to own a shop?: I've noticed on the server the shops aren't open as long as people want them to be. I'm online so often I could almost have it open all day, or at least as long as my workers could work for. I also would like to re-open the shop, I know people need or want jobs and I would like to offer them a chance at getting one.

What do you plan to do with the shop?: If I'm allowed, I would love to add new items to the shop, maybe even items you don't find normally. Not rare items, but just ones you usually don't find at your local 11/7.

How will your shop be unique?: My shop will be unique by staying open longer than other shops may stay open, having more employees, and most importantly, I intend for my staff to be extra helpful and nice.

How many employees are you planning to have?: I intend to have at least two employees at a time watching over the shop and helping customers, so, around ten employees, which makes five pairs of two.


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