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Cooking Club Application


Level 50
GN of Club Leader (In-Game Name): Florida_RP

RPName of Club Leader: Laura N. Dietrich

Discord Tag (Discord#0000#): Raikkonen#1891

Permanent Discord invite to the club discord:
Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?
I think I would be a good applicant to be picked because I think this is the new cooking club in the school and my character in Roleplay is a chef of the Karakura high school too. I think the joy of a cooking club might be good for a roleplay because the experience that students and other college students might have maybe might push them to be a better role-player in all, In the I think it would be nice for some people to learn how to cook, Clean and make some food in a Roleplay type of way.

What is the official title of the Club
: The Cooking Club

Your current members RPName & IGN:
(minimum of 5)
Shiro B. Saito | Crimson_Heart
Asahi A. Dietrich | F1F4
Akio "Ko" Tsuki | Deathw1shes
Tori Dietrich | oLuuh
Naoji 'Nao' Osushi | DontBeAMenace
Angel M. Bethelehem | AngelSoot
Ryuu akuma | Ryuuseka
Izanagi Rei-Rose | tatou100
Ellie Hallin | Elknut_
Takibi Igarashi | Pipito27

The club supervisor's RPName & IGN:
Elizabeth Zennix | DarkEclipic
Aoi T. Quinn | _BritishAdhd_

What is your motivation for creating this club:
(150 Words)
The Motivation for creating this club is for others to understand the way of the Roleplay and how it works and the other reason is because i have always loved to do something like this and i would love to make it happen like this and i have a thing for DetailRP and just i love cooking and this sounds like a good reason to become something in the Roleplay community too. This could also be a good experience for students at Karakura probably not having something like this might shock them into joining and trying a new thing out, I also think that a Cooking club could bring maybe faculty and students closer and it because in the cooking club you may cook something new every week it would be nice to come and maybe for some students that have not joined they may watch from a window and see if they would love to do it or not if they would not like it. I would love this to happen too because the joy and love to this Club would be big and because I would only accept members that would love to do it nothing like if they just want to be in the club for a laugh too. I will take care into the resources in that what we have and do good with them too.

What activities could your club do?:
(Work out one club members only activity & one school club event)
#1 (School Event)
I would love it to be something like a bake off in the school and that would take place in the school gym and everyone can take place in the school including the faculty too, they would have to have a time to make something that the Club leaders or other higher member of the cooking club to pick an dish to do. After the time is up the people would come to the Club lead or a Higher Member of the club and they would tell them what the dish is and what they used to make it, after that the Club lead or the higher member of the club will taste or hear what the dish have been made from and then after everyone has been done the hole school may watch to see who wins the Karakura Bake off. The winner will have a reward of a letter saying that they have won the Karakura Bake off and they are a master Chef in the Karakura school.

The Club member activity would be that members will have to make something that the club would be making that week and then they would detailRP or action making the food or them doing something, There would be over roles in the Club being that while some people are making food others will be in a other working space working on the dishes and washing the other knifes and forks that would of been used. After that the Head Chef and the teacher that would be their supervising the club would listen/taste what the member of the club had cooked and on the Cleaning the Head Chef and the teacher Supervising would see for the most DetailedRP or the most greatest Actions using the real knowledge on how to clean and wash other things and this would be the same for the cooking too. Then after that the Head Chef and the Teacher supervising would bring up two members of the club and reward them with a Reward token

How could your club benefit the School?:
I think this club would benefit the school because the Events could bring the Roleplay Community together and happier too, this could help the students in Roleplay get better at cooking building a work force for being a chef maybe in the future or just maybe this club might make other students find a calming or a thing that they would love to do. And maybe some people would love the joy in waiting every week or 3-4 days for another club meeting / session to come around.
How would your club use the club room the club will be assigned?
There would be one stove per working space and members would be working in pairs too, this would make the commutation higher making the students have a better time in working together. there would also be one sink per working space and there would be also be a cutting / preparing table for the members to put the dishes down on a table like surface so they may do something else and that would be called multitasking and that would make the students become a better person in the Roleplay too.
What will be the requirements for future members, if any?:
The Requirements would be that if a student would want to join they would have to fill out a forum that i would of made and then after that i would look over it and check for any mistakes or spelling problems and if i dont think it is good to be in the club i would decline the application​
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Level 50
Thread starter
Hey British!,
I have put you in the application for supervisor so if you may join the discord for me i would love that!


Level 211

Thank you for taking the time to apply! I've chosen to place this application as pending since as much I see a good potential in it, I'd like for the events to be more developed and organized on your application, so I'll give you more time to organize your ideas and edit your application.
If you wish to remove your application at any time, please change the title to [REMOVE]

If any questions show in the way, don't hesitate to DM me - mariav#66666​


Level 148
School Clubs Lead
Content Team

Your application has been accepted, Welcome to the club's scene!

You seem to have some nice ideas as well as a fairly unique concept for your club, I look forward to seeing where this goes and how you can make it the best you possibly can and more.​

Ping Customable#1590 in the academics discord in #help to receive your roles!

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